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* html .tiddler {height:1%;}

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/* the 'a' is required for IE, otherwise it renders the whole tiddler in bold */
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.missing .subtitle {display:none;}
.subtitle {font-size:1.1em;}

.tiddler .button {padding:0.2em 0.4em;}

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.annotation {padding:0.5em; margin:0.5em;}

* html .viewer pre {width:99%; padding:0 0 1em 0;}
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table.listView {font-size:0.85em; margin:0.8em 1.0em;}
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.sparktick {outline:0;}

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.zoomer div {padding:1em;}

* html #backstage {width:99%;}
* html #backstageArea {width:99%;}
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#backstageToolbar {position:relative;}
#backstageArea a {font-weight:bold; margin-left:0.5em; padding:0.3em 0.5em;}
#backstageButton {display:none; position:absolute; z-index:175; top:0; right:0;}
#backstageButton a {padding:0.1em 0.4em; margin:0.1em;}
#backstage {position:relative; width:100%; z-index:50;}
#backstagePanel {display:none; z-index:100; position:absolute; width:90%; margin-left:3em; padding:1em;}
.backstagePanelFooter {padding-top:0.2em; float:right;}
.backstagePanelFooter a {padding:0.2em 0.4em;}
#backstageCloak {display:none; z-index:20; position:absolute; width:100%; height:100px;}

.whenBackstage {display:none;}
.backstageVisible .whenBackstage {display:block;}
StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
body {font-size:0.8em;}
#sidebarOptions {font-size:1.05em;}
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<div class='header' macro='gradient vert [[ColorPalette::PrimaryLight]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]'>
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<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::ViewToolbar]]'></div>
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<div class='subtitle'><span macro='view modifier link'></span>, <span macro='view modified date'></span> (<span macro='message views.wikified.createdPrompt'></span> <span macro='view created date'></span>)</div>
<div class='tagging' macro='tagging'></div>
<div class='tagged' macro='tags'></div>
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>
<div class='tagClear'></div>
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::EditToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit title'></div>
<div macro='annotations'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser excludeLists'></span></div>
To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
Name: (1988) No. 3
Brand: Macanudo Vintage
Size: 5.56x43
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Natural
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09

Name: (1988) Vintage Cameroon
Brand: H. Upmann
Size: 6.62x42 Lonsdale
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Cameroon
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09

Name: (1989) Breva Fina
Brand: Henry Clay
Size: 6.5x48
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 7
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09
Very Mild, almost no flavor while smoking, but bitter aftertaste - tight draw

Name: (1997) Special Seleccion
Brand: H. Upmann
Size: 5x50 Rothschild
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09
Super Smooth, very clear finish, even burn. Draw was a little hard in the beginning, but opened up after about 1"
Name: (1998) Lonsdale
Brand: H. Upmann
Size: 6.62x42 
Strength: ?
Wrapper: English
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09
Tight draw throughout, but  good finish with even burn
Name: (1998) No. 2 Pyramide
Brand: Punch Grand Cru
Size: 6.12x54
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Natural
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09

Name: (1998) No. 2 Pyramide
Brand: Punch Grand Cru
Size: 6.12x54
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09

Name: (1998) Royale (Green Label)
Brand: Partagas Ltd. Reserve
Size: 6.75x43
Strength: ?
Wrapper: English
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09

Name: (1999) Buena Forte
Brand: Montecristo
Size: 5x47
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09

Name: (1999) Condessa Figurado
Brand: Hoyo de Monterrey
Size: 6.5x50
Strength: ?
Wrapper: English
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09
One of the best Hoyo's to date, but still not one of my favorites, great shape and burn, so/so flavor

Name: (1999) No. 7
Brand: Flor de A. Allones
Size: 5x50
Strength: ?
Wrapper: English
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09
Very smooth and mild, clear finish, good flavor
Name: (2000) Gran Corona
Brand: Ramon Allones
Size: 7x49
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Natural
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 7.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09
Very mild, poor finish
Name: (2000) Monterrey
Brand: La Escepcion
Size: 6.88x48
Strength: ?
Wrapper: English
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09
Good construction, burn & draw, just not my favorite finish
Name: (2000) No. 1
Brand: Montecristo
Size: 6.62x44
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Natural
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09

Name: (2001) Selection No. 1
Brand: Excalibur 1066
Size: 5.25x50
Strength: ?
Wrapper: English
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
JR 15 Vintage Cigar Sampler 06.06.09
Very smooth, not as bitter as previous Hoyo's, nice even burn

Name: 1495 Series
Brand: Aurora
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 94
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: 1875 Reserva Real
Brand: Romeo y Julieta
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: 1875 Reserva Real
Brand: Romeo y Julieta
Size: Toro
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: 1964
Brand: Padron
Size: Principe (4.5x46)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 7.5
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: Louis
Purchased: Yes

Name: 2000
Brand: Padron
Size: (5x50)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 94
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Cask Strength II
Brand: 5 Vegas
Size: 6x52
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Corojo
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 11/09
Knocked me on my ass, very strong, good flavor

Name: Limitada '08
Brand: 5 Vegas
Size: 	Belicoso (6.2" x 52) 
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Dominican Corojo Oscuro 
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 89
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 02/09

Once per year, a tiny production run of a special 5 Vegas blend is created. Each year yields a different blend, comprised of limited, rare tobaccos. These tobaccos are of the highest quality, and rolled into a beautiful belicoso shape by the Dominican’s finest, Grade-9 master rollers.

Limitada is the award-winning small-batch line from 5 Vegas. Chosen as the ‘Select Smoke’ by Robb Report, each annual release comes highly anticipated and always delivers an exceedingly flavorful and flawlessly crafted cigar. Hailing from the esteemed La Aurora factory, 5 Vegas Limitada ‘08 has finally arrived, and only 75,000 cigars were produced.

The Limitada ‘08 is an enchanting cigar, to say the least. The dark Dominican-grown Corojo Oscuro wrapper is thick and oily, boasting a smooth, yet toothy texture and wonderful prelight flavor. Cultivated in 2002, this flavorful leaf will captivate you. Inside, a 6-year-old long-filler mixture of tobaccos awaits. Expertly blended to deliver the perfect balance of flavor and strength, this complex recipe includes Dominican Piloto Cubano, Dominican Corojo Ligero, Nicaraguan Ligero, and Brazilian tobaccos. The result is a medium to full-bodied experience with a deliciously rich and chewy core. Throughout the slow burn, a luxurious series of oak and spice coats the palate, complemented by rich, coffee-like nuances and a delightful natural sweetness from the dark wrapper. Thick clouds form overhead releasing a woody, charcoal-like aroma, as the cigar grows more complex and robust towards the finish.

Name: Limitada 2009
Brand: 5 Vegas
Size: Belicoso (6.25x52)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Dominican Corojo
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 12/09
Strong, good flavor, very uneven burn 

Name: Relic
Brand: 5 Vegas
Size: Perfecto (5.75x54)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Dominican Corojo
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 06/09
Good flavor, but had a difficult draw - and needed constant attention

Name: 601 Black 
Brand: Don Pepin Garcia
Size: Churchill
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: 601 Green
Brand: Don Pepin Garcia
Size: Tronco (5x52)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Habano Oscuro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 10/09

Name: A Fernandez
Brand: A Fernandez
Size: Robusto (5x50)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 07/09

Name: ADE (Blue Label)
Brand: Helix
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Connecticut
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

!Welcome to Mike P.'s Cigar Database
A list of cigars I have enjoyed, and cigars I plan to enjoy.

!!!Online Viewing
Use the menu on the left to navigate
Cigar Ratings = the Cigars I have Rated  & Smoked
Cigars Not Rated = Cigars I have acquired, but not rated
Recommended Cigars = Cigars I am looking for (recommended by others)

!!!Offline (Create your own)
New Cigar = Enter a new cigar in the database
~PersonalRank = Not Rated or a number (1-10)
~ProfessionalRank = N/A or a number (0-100)
~RecommendedBy = N/A or a name
Purchased = Yes or No (case sensitive)

to add a reminder use the toolbar button in the upper right of every tiddler (except this one)
* fill out the form and it will add the reminder to the bottom of the tiddler
* a handy way to keep track of cigars you want to season for a certain amount of time
* [[Reminders]] is a 45 day outlook
*+++^[All Reminders] <<showReminders>>=== Will show all Reminders

!!!Erasing my Information (for your own use)
First Download a copy (see Download link below)
Press button below to delete all <<tag Cigar>> tiddlers
{{button{<script label="Delete all Cigar tiddlers" title="Use with Caution">
if(window.version && window.version.title == 'TiddlyWiki'){
	var t = store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar")
	for(var i=0;
//	refreshDisplay();	
return false; // ELS: added

You also may want to
Change Basic Settings here: [[GettingStarted]]
Change Advanced Settings here: [[zConfig]] (Delete this tiddler or modify contents as desired)

For Heavy Editing and Adaptations please have a look at
CigarSections (The Javascript under the hood Tables, Tallies, ect.)
CigarTemplate (The template used for <<newTiddler label:'New Cigar' title:'New Cigar' text:{{store.getTiddlerText('CigarTemplate','')}} tag:'Cigar'>> & <<newTiddler label:'New Cigar of the Month' title:'New Cigar of the Month' text:{{store.getTiddlerText('CigarTemplate','')}} tag:'Cigar]] [[Cigar of the Month'>>)

!!![[Download (from www.strm.us)|http://www.strm.us/tw/examples_twgg/download.php?file=../cigars.html]]
<<tiddler HideTiddlerAll>>
Name: Blondie
Brand: Acid by Drew Estates
Size: Belicoso (5x54)
Strength: Mild Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut Shade
Country: Nicaragua
PersonalRank: 8.5
ProfessionalRank: N/A
RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Was VERY good with ginger tea (hot w/ honey)

Name: Maxx
Brand: Alec Bradley
Size: The Fix (5x58)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Maduro
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 11/09
Strong finish, mellows about 1/3 in, godd draw & burn

Name: Tempus
Brand: Alec Bradley
Size: Terra Nova (5x50)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Honduran Criollo '98
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Strong at the beginning, mellowing out about half way through - good flavor & finish

Name: America
Brand: CAO
Size: Torpedo
Strength: Full
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: CL^^3^^
Brand: Arganese
Size: Robusto (5x50)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Dominican Corojo
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 06/09

Name: Uno
Brand: Arganese
Size: Puro (6x60)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Dominican
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 03/10
"Influenced with a hint of top shelf cognac"

Name: Artesanos de Miami
Brand: La Gloria Cubana
Size: Gran Corona Especial (6x54)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Habano seed Nicaraguan
Country: US, FL
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: Cigar Aficionado
Purchased: Yes
Need to age for (3) months and try again
Tasted of ammonia about half way through, very mild, very disappointing for the price ($12 each)

I would like to try Elegante (6 7/8x49)

Name: Flor Fina 8-5-8
Brand: Arturo Fuente
Size: 6x47
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Cameroon
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 89
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: ESG
Brand: Ashton
Size: Double Corona #20
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Dominican
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: 80
~RecommendedBy: Hugo
Purchased: No

Name: Nativo
Brand: Augusto Reyes
Size: Toro (6x46)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Corojo '98
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 7
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 12/09

Name: Barlovento
Brand: Thompson
Size: ?
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Belmondo
Brand: Thompson
Size: ?
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Vintage Reserva

Name: Black Dragon
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 95
~RecommendedBy: Kim
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 03/09
04.20.09 Smaller ring gauge, no open foot, new label - still a 9

Name: Black Dragon
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Presidente
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9.5
~ProfessionalRank: 95
~RecommendedBy: Specs (Houston)
Purchased: Yes
Gurkha Legend style label (not the 2009 design)

Name: Black Pearl
Brand: La Perla
Size: ?
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: Kim
Purchased: Yes

Name: Brazilia
Brand: CAO
Size: ?
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Bella Vanilla
Brand: CAO
Size: Petite Corona (4x38)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Cameroon
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: ~CX2
Brand: CAO
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Cameroon
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 88
~RecommendedBy: Kara
Purchased: Yes

Name: Caramello Joe
Brand: CAO
Size: Petite Corona (4x38)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Cameroon
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: The Sopranos Edition
Brand: CAO
Size: Soldier (6x54)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Brazillian
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 01/10

Name: CAO
Brand: VR (Full Fathom Five)
Size: 5.5x55
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Arapiraca Maduro
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 7
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 09/09

good burn, tight draw, bad finish, salty taste on the cap
Name: Straight Ligero
Brand: Cain
Size: Toro 
Strength: Full
Wrapper: ?
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: Bry
Purchased: Yes
Good Flavor & Finish

Name: Connecticut Figurado
Brand: Camacho
Size: Figurado (6x54)
Strength: Mild / Medium
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Enjoyed the cigar with a bottle of Chimay (white label) very smooth, good burn & finish
Name: Corojo
Brand: Camacho
Size: Toro
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Corojo
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: Louis
Purchased: Yes

Name: Corojo
Brand: Camacho
Size: Machito (4x32)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: Kim
Purchased: Yes
Awesome little smoke ! Good flavor & punch :)

Name: Corojo
Brand: Camacho
Size: Monarca (5x50)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Corojo
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 10/09

Name: 1962 Pre Embargo (PE)
Brand: Camacho
Size: 6x48
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Jamastran Corojo
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 9.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Great cigar, well worth the wait and the price, not as strong as the corojo, but very smooth with a nice flavor profile
Uses filler that includes authentic 1962 pre-embargo Cuban tobacco.

Name: Select
Brand: Camacho
Size: Robusto (5x50)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Carinos
Brand: Famous Smoke
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 7
~ProfessionalRank: 75
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Casa Fuego
Brand: J. Fuego
Size: 6x52
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habano
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 05/09

Name: Casa Magna
Brand: Segovia Cigars (Nestor Plasencia)
Size: Robusto (5 1/2x52)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Colorado
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: Cigar Aficionado
Purchased: No
 #1 Cigar of the Year in 2008 by Cigar Aficionado

Name: Chateau Real
Brand: Drew Estates
Size: 5x50
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: San Andres Valley Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Drew Estate Event Freebie

Name: Chavon
Brand: Thompson
Size: ?
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

|Author|Eric Shulman - ELS Design Studios|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Description|Add checkboxes to your tiddler content|
This plugin extends the TiddlyWiki syntax to allow definition of checkboxes that can be embedded directly in tiddler content.  Checkbox states are preserved by:
* by setting/removing tags on specified tiddlers,
* or, by setting custom field values on specified tiddlers,
* or, by saving to a locally-stored cookie ID,
* or, automatically modifying the tiddler content (deprecated)
When an ID is assigned to the checkbox, it enables direct programmatic access to the checkbox DOM element, as well as creating an entry in TiddlyWiki's config.options[ID] internal data.  In addition to tracking the checkbox state, you can also specify custom javascript for programmatic initialization and onClick event handling for any checkbox, so you can provide specialized side-effects in response to state changes.
>see [[CheckboxPluginInfo]]
2008.01.08 [*.*.*] plugin size reduction: documentation moved to [[CheckboxPluginInfo]]
2008.01.05 [2.4.0] set global "window.place" to current checkbox element when processing checkbox clicks.  This allows init/beforeClick/afterClick handlers to reference RELATIVE elements, including using "story.findContainingTiddler(place)".  Also, wrap handlers in "function()" so "return" can be used within handler code.
|please see [[CheckboxPluginInfo]] for additional revision details|
2005.12.07 [0.9.0] initial BETA release
version.extensions.CheckboxPlugin = {major: 2, minor: 4, revision:0 , date: new Date(2008,1,5)};
config.checkbox = { refresh: { tagged:true, tagging:true, container:true } };
config.formatters.push( {
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	handler: function(w) {
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} );
config.macros.checkbox = {
	handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		if(!(tiddler instanceof Tiddler)) { // if no tiddler passed in try to find one
			var here=story.findContainingTiddler(place);
			if (here) tiddler=store.getTiddler(here.getAttribute("tiddler"))
		var srcpos=0; // "inline X" not applicable to macro syntax
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	create: function(place,tid,srctid,srcpos,defaultState,id,target,refresh,fn_init,fn_clickBefore,fn_clickAfter) {
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		c.tiddler=tid; // default target tiddler 
		c.refresh = {};
		c.refresh.container = refresh.container;
		c.refresh.tagged = refresh.tagged;
		c.refresh.tagging = refresh.tagging;
		// set default state
		// track state in config.options.ID
		if (id) {
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		// track state in (tiddlername|tagname) or (fieldname@tiddlername)
		if (target) {
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			if (pos!=-1) {
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				if (!c.tiddler || !c.tiddler.length) c.tiddler=tid; // if tiddler not specified, default == container
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				if (t && t.tags)
					c.checked=t.isTagged(c.tag); // set checkbox from saved state
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		c.init=true; c.onclick(); c.init=false; // compute initial state and save in tiddler/config/cookie
	onClickCheckbox: function(event) {
		if (this.init && this.fn_init) // custom function hook to set initial state (run only once)
			{ try { eval(this.fn_init); } catch(e) { displayMessage("Checkbox init error: "+e.toString()); } }
		if (!this.init && this.fn_clickBefore) // custom function hook to override changes in checkbox state
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			// save state in config AND cookie (only when ID starts with 'chk')
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			// save state in tiddler content only if not using cookie, tag or field tracking
			var t=store.getTiddler(this.srctid); // put X in original source tiddler (if any)
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				if (!story.isDirty(t.title)) story.refreshTiddler(t.title,null,true);
		if (this.field) {
			if (this.checked && !store.tiddlerExists(this.tiddler))
				store.saveTiddler(this.tiddler,this.tiddler,"",config.options.txtUserName,new Date());
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				store.saveTiddler(this.tiddler,this.tiddler,"",config.options.txtUserName,new Date());
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			if (this.checked!=tagged) {
				if (this.refresh.tagged) {
					if (!story.isDirty(this.tiddler)) // the TAGGED tiddler in view mode
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					if (!story.isDirty(this.tag)) story.refreshTiddler(this.tag,null,true); // the TAGGING tiddler
		if (!this.init && this.fn_clickAfter) // custom function hook to react to changes in checkbox state
			{ try { eval(this.fn_clickAfter) } catch(e) { displayMessage("Checkbox onClickAfter error: "+e.toString()); } }
		// refresh containing tiddler (but not during initial rendering, or we get an infinite loop!) (and not when editing container)
		if (!this.init && this.refresh.container && this.container!=this.tiddler)
			if (!story.isDirty(this.container)) story.refreshTiddler(this.container,null,true); // the tiddler CONTAINING the checkbox
		return true;
	refreshEditorTagField: function(title,tag,set) {
		var tagfield=story.getTiddlerField(title,"tags");
		if (!tagfield||tagfield.getAttribute("edit")!="tags") return; // if no tags field in editor (i.e., custom template)
		var tags=tagfield.value.readBracketedList();
		if (tags.contains(tag)==set) return; // if no change needed
		if (set) tags.push(tag); // add tag
		else tags.splice(tags.indexOf(tag),1); // remove tag
		for (var t=0;t<tags.length;t++) tags[t]=String.encodeTiddlyLink(tags[t]);
		tagfield.value=tags.join(" "); // reassemble tag string (with brackets as needed)

[[Cigars Rated 9 or Better|Section9]]
[[Cigars Rated less than 9|Section8]]
[[Cigars Rated less than 8|Section7]]
[[Cigars Rated less than 7|Section6]]
| Personal | Professional | Reference Information |h
| 10 | 95-100 | the rare classic, memorable cigars reserved for special occasions and events |
| 9 | 90-94 | exemplary, among the best |
| 8 | 85-89 | good-to-excellent, a respectable staple in any collection |
| 7 | 80-84 | just okay. Probably wouldn’t buy it again, but would happily smoke if gifted |
| 6 | 75-79 | may have merit, but also has serious issues. Humi-fodder that eventually gets tossed |
| 5 | <75 | should be banished to the composter before it contaminates something |
<<tiddler CigarSections##MonthCount>>
<<tiddler CigarSections##CigarMonth>>
<<tiddler CigarSections##NRCount>>
<<tiddler CigarSections##CigarNR>>
<<tiddler CigarSections##RecCount>>
<<tiddler CigarSections##CigarRec>>
!Cigar Tables
   var out=[];
   var fmt='| %0 | %1 | %2 | %3 | %4 | %5 | %6 | {{fine{[[%7|%7]]}}} |';
   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","modified").reverse();
//   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","+title");
   var hdr="|sortable|k\n| !Brand | !Name | !Size | !Wrapper | !Strength | !Personal Rank | !Professional Rank ||h"

   var out=[];
	if (!tids.length) out=["No Cigars found"];

   for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
	var val1=tids[i].title;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") < 9) continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") == "Not Rated") continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "Yes") continue;
	var val2=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Brand')
	var val3=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Name')
	var val4=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Size')
	var val5=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Wrapper')
	var val6=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Strength')
	var val7=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'PersonalRank')
	var val8=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'ProfessionalRank')
   return out.join('\n');
   var out=[];
   var fmt='| %0 | %1 | %2 | %3 | %4 | %5 | %6 | {{fine{[[%7|%7]]}}} |';
   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","modified").reverse();
//   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","+title");
   var hdr="|sortable|k\n| !Brand | !Name | !Size | !Wrapper | !Strength | !Personal Rank | !Professional Rank ||h"

   var out=[];
	if (!tids.length) out=["No Cigars found"];

   for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
	var val1=tids[i].title;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") >=9 ) continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") <8 ) continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") == "Not Rated") continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "Yes") continue;
	var val2=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Brand')
	var val3=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Name')
	var val4=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Size')
	var val5=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Wrapper')
	var val6=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Strength')
	var val7=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'PersonalRank')
	var val8=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'ProfessionalRank')
   return out.join('\n');
   var out=[];
   var fmt='| %0 | %1 | %2 | %3 | %4 | %5 | %6 | {{fine{[[%7|%7]]}}} |';
   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","modified").reverse();
//   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","+title");
   var hdr="|sortable|k\n| !Brand | !Name | !Size | !Wrapper | !Strength | !Personal Rank | !Professional Rank ||h"

   var out=[];
	if (!tids.length) out=["No Cigars found"];

   for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
	var val1=tids[i].title;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") >=8 ) continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") <7 ) continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") == "Not Rated") continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "Yes") continue;
	var val2=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Brand')
	var val3=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Name')
	var val4=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Size')
	var val5=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Wrapper')
	var val6=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Strength')
	var val7=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'PersonalRank')
	var val8=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'ProfessionalRank')
   return out.join('\n');
   var out=[];
   var fmt='| %0 | %1 | %2 | %3 | %4 | %5 | %6 | {{fine{[[%7|%7]]}}} |';
   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","modified").reverse();
//   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","+title");
   var hdr="|sortable|k\n| !Brand | !Name | !Size | !Wrapper | !Strength | !Personal Rank | !Professional Rank ||h"

   var out=[];
	if (!tids.length) out=["No Cigars found"];

   for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
	var val1=tids[i].title;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") >=7 ) continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") == "Not Rated") continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "Yes") continue;
	var val2=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Brand')
	var val3=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Name')
	var val4=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Size')
	var val5=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Wrapper')
	var val6=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Strength')
	var val7=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'PersonalRank')
	var val8=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'ProfessionalRank')
   return out.join('\n');
   var out=[];
   var fmt='| %0 | %1 | %2 | %3 | %4 | %5 | %6 | {{fine{[[%7|%7]]}}} |';
   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar of the Month && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","modified").reverse();
//   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","+title");
   var hdr="|sortable|k\n| !Brand | !Name | !Size | !Wrapper | !Strength | !Personal Rank | !Professional Rank ||h"

   var out=[];
	if (!tids.length) out=["No Cigars found"];

   for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
	var val1=tids[i].title;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") == "Not Rated") continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "Yes") continue;
	var val2=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Brand')
	var val3=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Name')
	var val4=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Size')
	var val5=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Wrapper')
	var val6=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Strength')
	var val7=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'PersonalRank')
	var val8=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'ProfessionalRank')
   return out.join('\n');
   var out=[];
   var fmt='| %0 | %1 | %2 | %3 | %4 | {{fine{[[%5|%5]]}}} |';
   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","created");
//   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","+title");
   var hdr="|sortable|k\n| !Brand | !Name | !Wrapper | !Recommended By | !Purchased ||h"

	if (!tids.length) out=["No Cigars found"];

   for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
	var val1=tids[i].title;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") != "Not Rated") continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "Yes") continue;
	var val2=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Brand')
	var val3=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Name')
	var val4=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Wrapper')
	var val5=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'RecommendedBy')
	var val6=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Purchased')
   return out.join('\n');
   var out=[];
   var fmt='| %0 | %1 | %2 | %3 | %4 | {{fine{[[%5|%5]]}}} |';
   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","created");
//   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","+title");
   var hdr="|sortable|k\n| !Brand | !Name | !Wrapper | !Recommended By | !Purchased ||h"

	if (!tids.length) out=["No Cigars found"];

   for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
	var val1=tids[i].title;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") != "Not Rated") continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "No") continue;
	var val2=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Brand')
	var val3=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Name')
	var val4=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Wrapper')
	var val5=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'RecommendedBy')
	var val6=store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,'Purchased')
   return out.join('\n');
!Cigar Counts
var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","modified").reverse();
var rr=tids.length
//check Raw Array
//document.write('<br>' + rr + ' raw array items' + '<br>')

var fmt='[[%0|%0]]';
var filter=[];
	for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
		var val1=tids[i].title;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") < 9) continue;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") == "Not Rated") continue;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "Yes") continue;
var ra=filter.length
//check filtered array
document.write('<br>' + ra + ' Cigars Found' + '<br>')
var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","modified").reverse();
var rr=tids.length
//check Raw Array
//document.write('<br>' + rr + ' raw array items' + '<br>')

var fmt='[[%0|%0]]';
var filter=[];
	for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
		var val1=tids[i].title;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") >=9 ) continue;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") <8 ) continue;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") == "Not Rated") continue;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "Yes") continue;
var ra=filter.length
//check filtered array
document.write('<br>' + ra + ' Cigars Found' + '<br>')
var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","modified").reverse();
var rr=tids.length
//check Raw Array
//document.write('<br>' + rr + ' raw array items' + '<br>')

var fmt='[[%0|%0]]';
var filter=[];
	for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
		var val1=tids[i].title;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") >=8 ) continue;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") <7 ) continue;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") == "Not Rated") continue;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "Yes") continue;
var ra=filter.length
//check filtered array
document.write('<br>' + ra + ' Cigars Found' + '<br>')
var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","modified").reverse();
var rr=tids.length
//check Raw Array
//document.write('<br>' + rr + ' raw array items' + '<br>')

var fmt='[[%0|%0]]';
var filter=[];
	for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
		var val1=tids[i].title;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") >=7 ) continue;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") == "Not Rated") continue;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "Yes") continue;
var ra=filter.length
//check filtered array
document.write('<br>' + ra + ' Cigars Found' + '<br>')
var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers(" Cigar of the Month && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","modified").reverse();
var rr=tids.length
//check Raw Array
//wikify('<br>' + rr + ' raw array items' + '<br>', place); /%check Raw Array%/

var fmt='[[%0|%0]]';
var filter=[];
	for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
		var val1=tids[i].title;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") == "Not Rated") continue;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "Yes") continue;
var ra=filter.length
//check filtered array
return('<br>' + ra + '/' + rr + ' Rated [[Cigars of the Month|Cigar of the Month]]' + '<br>')
var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","modified").reverse();
var rr=tids.length
//check Raw Array
//document.write('<br>' + rr + ' raw array items' + '<br>')

var fmt='[[%0|%0]]';
var filter=[];
	for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
		var val1=tids[i].title;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") != "Not Rated") continue;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "Yes") continue;
var ra=filter.length
//check filtered array
document.write('<br>' + ra + ' Cigars Found' + '<br>')
var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","modified").reverse();
var rr=tids.length
//check Raw Array
//document.write('<br>' + rr + ' raw array items' + '<br>')

var fmt='[[%0|%0]]';
var filter=[];
	for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
		var val1=tids[i].title;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") != "Not Rated") continue;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") == "Yes") continue;
var ra=filter.length
//check filtered array
document.write('<br>' + ra + ' Cigars Found' + '<br>')
   var out=[];
   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","created");
   var cigar=tids.length.toString();

   for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
	var val1=tids[i].title;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") != "Not Rated") continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "Yes") continue;
   var NR= out.length.toString();

return ("__" + cigar + " Cigar(s) found __" + "\n"+ NR + " Cigar(s) [[not Rated|CigarNR]]");
   var out=[];
   var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","created");

   for (var i=0; i<tids.length; i++) {
	var val1=tids[i].title;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") != "Not Rated") continue;
	if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased") != "No") continue;
   var RC= out.length.toString();

return (RC + " Cigar(s) [[Recommended |CigarRec]] ");
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: No

Name: Red Dot (Blend)
Brand: Cohiba
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 85
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Red Dot (Blend)
Brand: Cohiba
Size: Robusto Fino
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Puro Dominicana
Brand: Cohiba
Size: Churchill (7x49)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: 88
~RecommendedBy: Tinderbox
Purchased: Yes
Gift from Dad for 2009 Christmas x2 with (2) cigar travel humidor

Name: Siglo II
Brand: Cohiba
Size: Corona (5x42)
Strength: Medium/Full
Wrapper: Cuba
Country: Cuba
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
[[Solo Cigars]]
Original rating 8.0, sinus problems / sore throat - need to re-rate in a few months (05.21.10)
Name: White
Background: #000
Foreground: #ccc
PrimaryPale: #888
PrimaryLight: #eee
PrimaryMid: #fff
PrimaryDark: #ccc
SecondaryPale: #000
SecondaryLight: #777
SecondaryMid: #999
SecondaryDark: #fff
TertiaryPale: #000
TertiaryLight: #333
TertiaryMid: #555
TertiaryDark: #ddd
Name: Conuco
Brand: Famous Smoke
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 6.5
~ProfessionalRank: 79
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|a small collection of overrides to TW core functions|
This tiddler contains small changes to TW core functions that correct or enhance standard features or behaviors.
// calculate TW version number - used to determine which tweaks should be applied
var ver=version.major+version.minor/10+version.revision/100;

// // open tickets:
// // {{block{
!!!1151 adjust popup placement when root element is in scrolled DIV
// // {{groupbox small{
When a popup link is placed inside a DIV with style "overflow:scroll" or "overflow:auto" and that DIV is then scrolled, the position of the resulting popup appears further down the page that intended, because it is not adjusting for the relative scroll offset of the containing DIV.  This tweak patches the Popup.place() function to calculate and subtract the current scroll offset from the computed popup position, so that it appears in the correct location on the page.

Test case: //(scroll to the bottom of this DIV and click on "test popup")//
 <<tiddler ScrollBox with: CoreTweaks##1151test 12em>>}}}/%
<<tiddler About>>
<<tiddler ShowPopup with: About "test popup" About button auto sticky>>
window.findScrollOffsetX=function(obj) {
	var x=0;
	while(obj) {
		if (obj.scrollLeft && obj.nodeName!='HTML')
	return -x;

window.findScrollOffsetY=function(obj) {
	var y=0;
	while(obj) {
		if (obj.scrollTop && obj.nodeName!='HTML')
	return -y;

var fn=Popup.place.toString();
if (fn.indexOf('findScrollOffsetX')==-1) { // only once
	fn=fn.replace(/var\s*rootLeft\s*=/,'var rootLeft = window.findScrollOffsetX(root) +');
	fn=fn.replace(/var\s*rootTop\s*=/,'var rootTop = window.findScrollOffsetY(root) +');
// // }}}}}}// // {{block{
!!!1147 tiddler macro with params does not refresh
// // {{groupbox small{
when the {{{<<tiddler SomeTiddler>>}}} macro is handled, the resulting span has extra attributes: {{{refresh='content'}}} and {{{tiddler='SomeTiddler'}}}.  If SomeTiddler is changed, {{{store.notify('SomeTiddler')}}} triggers {{{refreshDisplay()}}}, which automatically re-renders transcluded content in any span that has these extra attributes.  However, when additional arguments are passed by using {{{<<tiddler SomeTiddler with: arg arg arg ...>>}}} then the resulting span does NOT get the extra attributes noted above and, as a consequence, the transcluded content is not being refreshed, even though the underlying tiddler has changed

To correct this, in {{{config.macros.tiddler.handler}}}:
*set the 'refresh' and 'tiddler' attributes even when arguments are present in the macro
*store the arguments themselves in an attribute (e.g, 'args'), using as a space-separated, bracketed list
Then, in {{{config.refreshers.content}}}:
*retrieve the stored arguments (if any) and the tiddler source
*substitute arguments into source and re-render the span with the updated content

config.refreshers.content=function(e,changeList) {
		var title = e.getAttribute("tiddler");
		var force = e.getAttribute("force");
		var args = e.getAttribute("args"); // ADDED
		if(force != null || changeList == null || changeList.indexOf(title) != -1) {
//			wikify(store.getTiddlerText(title,""),e,null,store.fetchTiddler(title)); // REMOVED
			config.macros.tiddler.transclude(e,title,args); // ADDED
			return true;
		} else
			return false;

config.macros.tiddler.handler=function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
	params = paramString.parseParams("name",null,true,false,true);
	var names = params[0]["name"];
	var tiddlerName = names[0];
	var className = names[1] || null;
	var args = params[0]["with"];
	var wrapper = createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,className);
//	if(!args) { // REMOVED
// 	} // REMOVED
	if(args!==undefined) wrapper.setAttribute("args",'[['+args.join(']] [[')+']]'); // ADDED
	this.transclude(wrapper,tiddlerName,args); // REFACTORED TO ...tiddler.transclude

// REFACTORED FROM ...tiddler.handler
config.macros.tiddler.transclude=function(wrapper,tiddlerName,args) {
	var text = store.getTiddlerText(tiddlerName); if (!text) return;
	var stack = config.macros.tiddler.tiddlerStack;
	if(stack.indexOf(tiddlerName) !== -1) return;
	try {
		if (typeof args == "string") args=args.readBracketedList(); // ADDED
		var n = args ? Math.min(args.length,9) : 0;
		for(var i=0; i<n; i++) {
			var placeholderRE = new RegExp("\\$" + (i + 1),"mg");
			text = text.replace(placeholderRE,args[i]);
		config.macros.tiddler.renderText(wrapper,text,tiddlerName,null); // REMOVED UNUSED 'params'
	} finally {
// // }}}}}}// // {{block{
!!!1134 allow leading whitespace in section headings / TBD handle shadow tiddler sections
// // {{groupbox small{
This tweak REPLACES and extends {{{store.getTiddlerText()}}} so it can return sections defined in shadow tiddlers as well as permitting use of leading whitespace in section headings.
TiddlyWiki.prototype.getTiddlerText = function(title,defaultText)
	if(!title) return defaultText;
	var parts = title.split(config.textPrimitives.sectionSeparator);
	var title = parts[0];
	var section = parts[1];
	var parts = title.split(config.textPrimitives.sliceSeparator);
	var title = parts[0];
	var slice = parts[1]?this.getTiddlerSlice(title,parts[1]):null;
	if(slice) return slice;
	var tiddler = this.fetchTiddler(title);
	var text = defaultText;
		text = this.getShadowTiddlerText(title);
		text = tiddler.text;
	if(!section) return text;
	var re = new RegExp("(^!{1,6}[ \t]*" + section.escapeRegExp() + "[ \t]*\n)","mg");
	re.lastIndex = 0;
	var match = re.exec(text);
	if(match) {
		var t = text.substr(match.index+match[1].length);
		var re2 = /^!/mg;
		re2.lastIndex = 0;
		match = re2.exec(t); //# search for the next heading
			t = t.substr(0,match.index-1);//# don't include final \n
		return t;
	return defaultText;
// // }}}}}}// // {{block{
!!!890 add conditional test to """<<tiddler>>""" macro
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/890 - OPEN
This tweak extends the {{{<<tiddler>>}}} macro syntax so you can include a javascript-based //test expression// to determine if the tiddler transclusion should be performed:
<<tiddler TiddlerName if:{{...}} with: param param etc.>>
If the test is ''true'', then the tiddler is transcluded as usual.  If the test is ''false'', then the transclusion is skipped and //no output is produced//.
config.macros.tiddler.if_handler = config.macros.tiddler.handler;
config.macros.tiddler.handler = function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler)
	params = paramString.parseParams('name',null,true,false,true);
	if (!getParam(params,'if',true)) return;
// // }}}}}}// // {{block{
!!!831 backslash-quoting for embedding newlines in 'line-mode' formats
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/831 - OPEN
This tweak pre-processes source content to convert 'double-backslash-newline' into {{{<br>}}} before wikify(), so that literal newlines can be embedded in line-mode wiki syntax (e.g., tables, bullets, etc.)
window.coreWikify = wikify;
window.wikify = function(source,output,highlightRegExp,tiddler)
	if (source) arguments[0]=source.replace(/\\\\\n/mg,'<br>');
// // }}}}}}// // {{block{
!!!824 ~WindowTitle - alternative to combined ~SiteTitle/~SiteSubtitle in window titlebar
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/824 - OPEN
This tweak allows definition of an optional [[WindowTitle]] tiddler that, when present, provides alternative text for display in the browser window's titlebar, instead of using the combined text content from [[SiteTitle]] and [[SiteSubtitle]] (which will still be displayed as usual in the TiddlyWiki document header area).

Note: this ticket replaces http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/401 (closed), which proposed using a custom [[PageTitle]] tiddler for this purpose.  ''If you were using the previous '401 ~PageTitle' tweak, you will need to rename [[PageTitle]] to [[WindowTitle]] to continue to use your custom window title text''
config.shadowTiddlers.WindowTitle='<<tiddler SiteTitle>> - <<tiddler SiteSubtitle>>';
window.getPageTitle=function() { return wikifyPlain('WindowTitle'); }
store.addNotification('WindowTitle',refreshPageTitle); // so title stays in sync with tiddler changes
// // }}}}}}// // {{block{
!!!683 FireFox3 Import bug: 'browse' button replacement
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/683 - OPEN
The web standard 'type=file' input control that has been used as a local path/file picker for TiddlyWiki no longer works as expected in FireFox3, which has, for security reasons, limited javascript access to this control so that *no* local filesystem path information can be revealed, even when it is intentional and necessary, as it is with TiddlyWiki.  This tweak provides alternative HTML source that patches the backstage import panel.  It replaces the 'type=file' input control with a text+button combination of controls that invokes a system-native secure 'file-chooser' dialog box to provide TiddlyWiki with access to a complete path+filename so that TW functions properly locate user-selected local files.
>Note: ''This tweak also requires http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/604 - cross-platform askForFilename()''
if (window.Components) {
	var fixhtml='<input name="txtBrowse" style="width:30em"><input type="button" value="..."'
		+' onClick="window.browseForFilename(this.previousSibling,true)">';
	var cmi=config.macros.importTiddlers;
	cmi.step1Html=cmi.step1Html.replace(/<input type='file' size=50 name='txtBrowse'>/,fixhtml);

merge(config.messages,{selectFile:'Please enter or select a file'}); // ready for I18N translation

window.browseForFilename=function(target,mustExist) { // note: both params are optional
	var msg=config.messages.selectFile;
	if (target && target.title) msg=target.title; // use target field tooltip (if any) as dialog prompt text
	// get local path for current document
	var path=getLocalPath(document.location.href);
	var p=path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (p==-1) p=path.lastIndexOf('\\'); // Unix or Windows
	if (p!=-1) path=path.substr(0,p+1); // remove filename, leave trailing slash
	var file=''
	var result=window.askForFilename(msg,path,file,mustExist); // requires #604
	if (target && result.length) // set target field and trigger handling
		{ target.value=result; target.onchange(); }
	return result; 
// // }}}}}}// // {{block{
!!!604 cross-platform askForFilename()
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/604 - OPEN
invokes a system-native secure 'file-chooser' dialog box to provide TiddlyWiki with access to a complete path+filename so that TW functions properly locate user-selected local files.
window.askForFilename=function(msg,path,file,mustExist) {
	var r = window.mozAskForFilename(msg,path,file,mustExist);
	if(r===null || r===false)
		r = window.ieAskForFilename(msg,path,file,mustExist);
	if(r===null || r===false)
		r = window.javaAskForFilename(msg,path,file,mustExist);
	if(r===null || r===false)
		r = prompt(msg,path+file);
	return r||'';

window.mozAskForFilename=function(msg,path,file,mustExist) {
	if(!window.Components) return false;
	try {
		var nsIFilePicker = window.Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
		var picker = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/filepicker;1'].createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
		picker.init(window, msg, mustExist?nsIFilePicker.modeOpen:nsIFilePicker.modeSave);
		var thispath = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
		if (picker.show()!=nsIFilePicker.returnCancel)
			var result=picker.file.persistentDescriptor;
	catch(ex) { displayMessage(ex.toString()); }
	return result;

window.ieAskForFilename=function(msg,path,file,mustExist) {
	if(!config.browser.isIE) return false;
	try {
		var s = new ActiveXObject('UserAccounts.CommonDialog');
		s.Filter='All files|*.*|Text files|*.txt|HTML files|*.htm;*.html|';
		s.FilterIndex=3; // default to HTML files;
		return s.showOpen()?s.FileName:'';
	catch(ex) { displayMessage(ex.toString()); }
	return result;

window.javaAskForFilename=function(msg,path,file,mustExist) {
	if(!document.applets['TiddlySaver']) return false;
	// TBD: implement java-based askFile(...) function
	try { return document.applets['TiddlySaver'].askFile(msg,path,file,mustExist); } 
	catch(ex) { displayMessage(ex.toString()); }
// // }}}}}}// // {{block{
!!!657 wrap tabs onto multiple lines
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/657 - OPEN
This tweak inserts an extra space element following each tab, allowing them to wrap onto multiple lines if needed.
config.macros.tabs.handler = function(place,macroName,params)
	var cookie = params[0];
	var numTabs = (params.length-1)/3;
	var wrapper = createTiddlyElement(null,'div',null,'tabsetWrapper ' + cookie);
	var tabset = createTiddlyElement(wrapper,'div',null,'tabset');
	var validTab = false;
	for(var t=0; t<numTabs; t++) {
		var label = params[t*3+1];
		var prompt = params[t*3+2];
		var content = params[t*3+3];
		var tab = createTiddlyButton(tabset,label,prompt,this.onClickTab,'tab tabUnselected');
		createTiddlyElement(tab,'span',null,null,' ',{style:'font-size:0pt;line-height:0px'}); // ELS
		tab.title = prompt;
		if(config.options[cookie] == label)
			validTab = true;
		config.options[cookie] = params[1];
// // }}}}}}// // {{block{
!!!628 hide 'no such macro' errors
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/628 - OPEN
When invoking a macro that is not defined, this tweak prevents the display of the 'error in macro... no such macro' message.  This is useful when rendering tiddler content or templates that reference macros that are defined by //optional// plugins that have not been installed in the current document.

<<option chkHideMissingMacros>> hide 'no such macro' error messages
if (config.options.chkHideMissingMacros===undefined)

window.coreTweaks_missingMacro_invokeMacro = window.invokeMacro;
window.invokeMacro = function(place,macro,params,wikifier,tiddler) {
	if (!config.macros[macro] || !config.macros[macro].handler)
		if (config.options.chkHideMissingMacros) return;
// // }}}}}}// // {{block{
!!!608/609/610 toolbars - toggles, separators and transclusion
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/608 - OPEN (more/less toggle)
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/609 - OPEN (separators)
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/610 - OPEN (wikify tiddler/slice/section content)

This combination tweak extends the """<<toolbar>>""" macro to add use of '<' to insert a 'less' menu command (the opposite of '>' == 'more'), as well as use of '*' to insert linebreaks and "!" to insert a vertical line separator between toolbar items.  In addition, this tweak add the ability to use references to tiddlernames, slices, or sections and render their content inline within the toolbar, allowing easy creation of new toolbar commands using TW content (such as macros, links, inline scripts, etc.)

To produce a one-line style, with "less" at the end, use
| ViewToolbar| foo bar baz > yabba dabba doo < |
or to use a two-line style with more/less toggle:
| ViewToolbar| foo bar baz > < * yabba dabba doo |
	moreLabel: 'more\u25BC',
	morePrompt: 'Show additional commands',
	lessLabel: '\u25C4less',
	lessPrompt: 'Hide additional commands',
	separator: '|'
config.macros.toolbar.onClickMore = function(ev) {
	var e = this.nextSibling;
	e.style.display = 'inline'; // show menu
	this.style.display = 'none'; // hide button
	return false;
config.macros.toolbar.onClickLess = function(ev) {
	var e = this.parentNode;
	var m = e.previousSibling;
	e.style.display = 'none'; // hide menu
	m.style.display = 'inline'; // show button
	return false;
config.macros.toolbar.handler = function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
	for(var t=0; t<params.length; t++) {
		var c = params[t];
		switch(c) {
			case '!':  // ELS - SEPARATOR (added)
			case '*':  // ELS - LINEBREAK (added)
			case '<': // ELS - LESS COMMAND (added)
				var btn = createTiddlyButton(place,
			case '>':
				var btn = createTiddlyButton(place,
				var e = createTiddlyElement(place,'span',null,'moreCommand');
				e.style.display = 'none';
				place = e;
				var theClass = '';
				switch(c.substr(0,1)) {
					case '+':
						theClass = 'defaultCommand';
						c = c.substr(1);
					case '-':
						theClass = 'cancelCommand';
						c = c.substr(1);
				if(c in config.commands)

				else { // ELS - WIKIFY TIDDLER/SLICE/SECTION (added)
					if (c.substr(0,1)=='~') c=c.substr(1); // ignore leading ~
					var txt=store.getTiddlerText(c);
					if (txt) {
						// trim any leading/trailing newlines
						// trim PRE format wrapper if any
						// render content into toolbar
				} // ELS - end WIKIFY CONTENT
// // }}}}}}// // {{block{
!!!529 IE fixup - case-sensitive element lookup of tiddler elements
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/529 - OPEN
This tweak hijacks the standard browser function, document.getElementById(), to work-around the case-INsensitivity error in Internet Explorer (all versions up to and including IE7) //''Note: This tweak is only applied when using IE, and only for lookups of rendered tiddler elements within the containing 'tiddlerDisplay' element.''//
if (config.browser.isIE) {
document.getElementById=function(id) {
	var e=document.coreTweaks_coreGetElementById(id);
	if (!e || !e.parentNode || e.parentNode.id!='tiddlerDisplay') return e;
	for (var i=0; i<e.parentNode.childNodes.length; i++)
		if (id==e.parentNode.childNodes[i].id) return e.parentNode.childNodes[i];
	return null;
// // }}}}}}// // {{block{
!!!471 'creator' field for new tiddlers
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/471 - OPEN
This tweak HIJACKS the core's saveTiddler() function to automatically add a 'creator' field to a tiddler when it is FIRST created. You can use """<<view creator>>""" (or """<<view creator wikified>>""" if you prefer) to show this value embedded directly within the tiddler content, or {{{<span macro="view creator"></span>}}} in the ViewTemplate and/or EditTemplate to display the creator value in each tiddler.  
// hijack saveTiddler()
	var existing=store.tiddlerExists(title);
	var tiddler=this.CoreTweaks_creatorSaveTiddler.apply(this,arguments);
	if (!existing) store.setValue(title,'creator',config.options.txtUserName);
	return tiddler;
// // }}}}}}
// // closed: won't fix //(leave as core tweaks)//
// // {{block{
!!!637 TiddlyLink tooltip - custom formatting
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/637 - CLOSED: WON'T FIX
This tweak modifies the tooltip format that appears when you mouseover a link to a tiddler.  It adds an option to control the date format, as well as displaying the size of the tiddler (in bytes)

Tiddler link tooltip format:
{{stretch{<<option txtTiddlerLinkTootip>>}}}
^^where: %0=title, %1=username, %2=modification date, %3=size in bytes, %4=description slice^^
Tiddler link tooltip date format:
{{stretch{<<option txtTiddlerLinkTooltipDate>>}}}
config.messages.tiddlerLinkTooltip='%0 - %1, %2 (%3 bytes) - %4';
config.messages.tiddlerLinkTooltipDate='DDD, MMM DDth YYYY 0hh12:0mm AM';


Tiddler.prototype.getSubtitle = function() {
	var modifier = this.modifier;
	if(!modifier) modifier = config.messages.subtitleUnknown;
	var modified = this.modified;
	if(modified) modified = modified.formatString(config.options.txtTiddlerLinkTooltipDate);
	else modified = config.messages.subtitleUnknown;
	var descr=store.getTiddlerSlice(this.title,'Description')||'';
	return config.options.txtTiddlerLinkTootip.format([this.title,modifier,modified,this.text.length,descr]);
// // }}}}}}// // {{block{
!!!607 add HREF link on permaview command
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/607 - CLOSED: WON'T FIX
This tweak automatically sets the HREF for the 'permaview' sidebar command link so you can use the 'right click' context menu for faster, easier bookmarking.  Note that this does ''not'' automatically set the permaview in the browser's current location URL... it just sets the HREF on the command link.  You still have to click the link to apply the permaview.
config.macros.permaview.handler = function(place)
	var btn=createTiddlyButton(place,this.label,this.prompt,this.onClick);
config.macros.permaview.setHREF = function(event){
	var links = [];
	story.forEachTiddler(function(title,element) {
	var newURL=document.location.href;
	var hashPos=newURL.indexOf('#');
	if (hashPos!=-1) newURL=newURL.substr(0,hashPos);
	this.href=newURL+'#'+encodeURIComponent(links.join(' '));
// // }}}}}}// // {{block{
!!!458 add permalink-like HREFs on internal TiddlyLinks
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/458 - CLOSED: WON'T FIX
This tweak assigns a permalink-like HREF to internal Tiddler links (which normally do not have any HREF defined).  This permits the link's context menu (right-click) to include 'open link in another window/tab' command.  Based on a request from Dustin Spicuzza.
	// create the core button, then add the HREF (to internal links only)
	var link=window.coreTweaks_createTiddlyLink.apply(this,arguments);
	if (!isStatic)
	return link;
// // }}}}}}
// // fixed in ~TW2.4.3
// // {{block{
!!!444 'tiddler' and 'place' - global variables for use in computed macro parameters
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/444 - CLOSED:FIXED - TW2.4.3 - http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/changeset/8367
When invoking a macro, this tweak makes the current containing tiddler object and DOM rendering location available as global variables (window.tiddler and window.place, respectively).  These globals can then be used within //computed macro parameters// to retrieve tiddler-relative and/or DOM-relative values or perform tiddler-specific side-effect functionality.
if (ver<2.43) {
window.coreTweaks_invokeMacro = window.invokeMacro;
window.invokeMacro = function(place,macro,params,wikifier,tiddler) {
	var here=story.findContainingTiddler(place);
// // }}}}}}
// // fixed in ~TW2.4.2:
// // {{block{
!!!823 apply option values via paramifiers (e.g. #chk...and #txt...)
// // {{groupbox small{
http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/ticket/823 - CLOSED:FIXED - TW2.4.2 http://trac.tiddlywiki.org/changeset/7988
This tweak extends and ''//replaces//'' the core {{{invokeParamifier()}}} function to support use of ''option paramifiers'' that set TiddlyWiki option values on-the-fly, directly from a document URL.

If a paramifier begins with 'chk' (checkbox) or 'txt' (text field), it's value will be automatically stored in {{{config.options.*}}}, adding to or overriding any existing 'chk' or 'txt' option values that may have already been loaded from browser cookies and/or assigned by the TW core or plugin initialization functions using hard-coded default values.  Note: option values that have been overriden by paramifiers are only applied during the current document session, and are not //automatically// retained.  However, if you edit an overridden option value during that session, then the modified value is, of course, saved in a browser cookie, as usual.
if (ver<2.42) {
function invokeParamifier(params,handler)
	if(!params || params.length == undefined || params.length <= 1)
	for(var t=1; t<params.length; t++) {
		var p = config.paramifiers[params[t].name];
		if(p && p[handler] instanceof Function)
		else { // not a paramifier with handler()... check for an 'option' prefix
			var h=config.optionHandlers[params[t].name.substr(0,3)];
			if (h && h.set instanceof Function)
// // }}}}}}
// // <<foldHeadings>>
Name: Cruz Real
Brand: Famous Smoke
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Maduro
Brand: ~Cu-Avana
Size: Churchill (7x50)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Connecticut broadleaf maduro
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 12/09

Name: Magnum
Brand: Cuba Libre
Size: Magnum (5.5x55)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Corojo
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 7.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 01/10

Possible a 8, inconsistent across multiple cigars in strength & finish
Name: Cusano 18 Paired Maduro
Brand: Cusano
Size: Churchill
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Double Connecticut
Brand: Cusano 18
Size: Robusto (5x50)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Connecticut
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 08/09

Name: LXI Sun Grown
Brand: Cusano
Size: Preferido Grande (5.75x58)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Habano
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 03/09

Name:  Diamond Crown
Brand:  Diamond Crown
Size: Robusto #7 Pyramid (5.5x54)
Strength: Mild / Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut Fermented Wrapper
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: Hugo
Purchased: Yes
Gift from Hugo 2009
Smooth, good burn, not very impressed with the flavor

Name: Devil's Weed
Brand: Molina Cigar Co.
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 86
~RecommendedBy: Louis
Purchased: Yes

Name: Devil's Weed
Brand: Molina Cigar Co.
Size: 515 (5.6x43)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 86
~RecommendedBy: Louis
Purchased: Yes
Almost as good as the robusto, smaller = a little harsher, good flavor & enjoyable cigar

Name: Diablo
Brand: Diablo
Size: Caliente (5x50)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sumatra
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Peppery finish (Black Pepper)

Name: Diamond Crown
Brand: Diamond Crown
Size: Robusto #3 (6.5x54)
Strength: Mild / Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut Fermented Wrapper
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 92
~RecommendedBy: Hugo
Purchased: Yes
Good out of the box, after 3 months aging no bitterness to the nub

Name: Diamond Crown
Brand: Diamond Crown
Size: Robusto #4 (5.5x54)
Strength: Mild / Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut Fermented Wrapper
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 92
~RecommendedBy: Hugo
Purchased: Yes
My First Cigar
Good out of the box, after 3 months aging no bitterness to the nub

Name: Diamond Crown
Brand: Diamond Crown
Size: Robusto #4 (5.5x54)
Strength: Mild / Medium
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Dominican Republic	
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: Hugo
Purchased: Yes

Name: Dominique
Brand: Famous Smoke
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 6.5
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: 4 Country Limited Blend
Brand: Don Carlos
Size: Torpedo
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Sumatra
Country: US, TX
~PersonalRank: 9.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Hand rolled in Texas see: [[Don Carlos Cigars]]
Limited batch of 300 (Sold 280 in 2 days)

Name: Don Carlos
Brand: Don Carlos
Size: Robusto (5x50)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Natural
Country: US, TX
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Hand rolled in Texas see: [[Don Carlos Cigars]]

Name: Don Carlos
Brand: Don Carlos
Size: Super Corona (6x50)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: US, TX
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Hand rolled in Texas see: [[Don Carlos Cigars]]

Name: Don Carlos
Brand: Don Carlos
Size: Super Corona (6x50)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Sumatra
Country: US, TX
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Hand rolled in Texas see: [[Don Carlos Cigars]]

Name: Don Carlos
Brand: Don Carlos
Size: Super Corona (6x50)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Natural
Country: US, TX
~PersonalRank: 9.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Hand rolled in Texas see: [[Don Carlos Cigars]]

Name: Africa
Brand: Don Lino
Size: Tembo (7.5x50)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habana
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 10/09
Good flavor, would like to try again in a smaller size (5x50?)

Name: Cameroon
Brand: Don Thomas
Size: 5 1/2x52
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Cameroon
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Special Edition
Brand: Don Thomas
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Connecticut
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Dorado 652
Brand: Butera
Size: ?
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 7
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Doña Ines
Brand: Thompson
Size: ?
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Eileen's Dream (Flavored)
Brand: CAO
Size: 4x38
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Emerald
Brand: El Mejor
Size: Robusto (5x50)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Honduran Corojo
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 02/10
Good flavor, finish, and burn.

Name: Excalibur
Brand: Hoyo de Monterey
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Felipe Gregorio
Brand: Thompson Exclusive
Size: ?
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 7.5
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Power
Brand: Felipe Gregorio
Size: Triple R (5.5x50)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Pelo de Oro
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 92
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 08/09

Name: Serie 'F'
Brand: Fonseca
Size: Robusto (5x52)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut Shade
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 05/10

Good burn and flavor, nothing outstanding or remarkable
Name: Vintage
Brand: Fonseca
Size: Robusto
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 85
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 02/09

Fonseca Vintage cigars use Dominican long-filler tobaccos that are aged five years in Tercio bales.  Tercio aging is an old-fashion process of packing tobacco in palm bark bales instead of the usual burlap bale.  Tercio aging is very time consuming and expensive, but this aging process allows the tobacco to retain more of its natural flavor and aroma during the aging process. 

Name: Fresco
Brand: Perdomo
Size: Robusto
Strength: Mild / Medium
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: Louis & Kim
Purchased: Yes
Gift from Kim 03.12.10

Name: G.A.R.
Brand: Gran Habano
Size: Robusto (5x50)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Corojo
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 05/10

Name: G3
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Toro
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 88
~RecommendedBy: Kim
Purchased: Yes

Name: G5 Avenger
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Toro
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 84
~RecommendedBy: Kim
Purchased: Yes

Name: Gold
Brand: CAO
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Gran Reserva
Brand: Arturo Fuente
Size: Lonsdales (6.5x46)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Claro
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 86
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Gran Reserve
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Gran Reserve
Brand: Gurkha 
Size: Torpedo
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Grand Cru
Brand: Punch
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Natural
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 87
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Professional (Blue Label)
Brand: Graycliff
Size: PG (5 1/4x50)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Natural
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Good flavor, very consistent - very high price point ($12 ea)

Name: Ancient Warrior
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Robusto
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Ancient Warrior
Brand: Gurkha
Size: El Duke (4.75x60 torpedo)
Strength: Medium/Full
Wrapper: Brazillian
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Avenger G5
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Torpedo (6x52)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 11/09

Name: Cuban Legacy
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Robusto 6x50
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Mexican San Andres Maduro
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
A little peppery in the beginning, Full Strength but very smooth

Name: Empire IV
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Robusto (5.5x52)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Brazilian Arapirca maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 04/10

Good flavor profile, even burn, nice finish - very subtle 
Name: Grand Age
Brand: Gurkha
Size: 7.5x54
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Cameroon
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
50 Cigars in a huge chest - Released in 2008

Name: Symphony
Brand: Gurkha
Size: torpedo (6.5x53)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut shade
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: Specs (Houston)
Purchased: Yes
Specs only edition (size/ shape)
Gurkha Legend Symphony Signature series Silver Edition

Name: Micro Batch Liga C-10
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Churchill (7x48)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut 02
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 08/09

Name: Park Avenue
Brand: Gurkha
Size: 	Torpedo (6.2x52) 
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 84
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Master Select
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Perfecto (6x60)
Strength: Medium/Full
Wrapper: Habana 2000
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8.0
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Gurkha Perfecto Sampler Item: R86047 [[Thompson Cigar]]
Possibly needed more aging

Name: Master Select
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Perfecto (6x60)
Strength: Medium/Full
Wrapper: Connecticut
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Gurkha Perfecto Sampler Item: R86047 [[Thompson Cigar]]

Good burn, had to touch up a few times, good finish, great shape - really enjoyed this perfecto
Name: Masterblender
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Perfecto (6x60)
Strength: Medium/Full
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Gurkha Perfecto Sampler Item: R86047 [[Thompson Cigar]]

Name: Masterblender
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Perfecto (6x60)
Strength: Medium/Full
Wrapper: Connecticut
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Gurkha Perfecto Sampler Item: R86047 [[Thompson Cigar]]
Excellent cigar, good burn, great finish, easy draw

Name: Vulcan
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Perfecto (6x60)
Strength: Medium/Full
Wrapper: Dark Connecticut Seed
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Gurkha Perfecto Sampler Item: R86047 [[Thompson Cigar]]

Name: Vulcan
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Perfecto (6x60)
Strength: Medium/Full
Wrapper: Connecticut
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Gurkha Perfecto Sampler Item: R86047 [[Thompson Cigar]]

Great burn and draw, a little bitter on the finish
Name: Shaggy
Brand: Gurkha
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Signature 1887
Brand: Gurkha
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Warlord
Brand: Gurkha
Size: 7x55
Strength: Medium/Full
Wrapper: Nicaraguan
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
100 Cigars in a huge chest - Released in 2007

Name: #100
Brand: H. Upmann
Size: Robusto
Strength: Mild / Medium
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 88
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Havana Sun Grown
Brand: Alec Bradley
Size: Toro
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 94
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Havana VI
Brand: Tatuaje
Size: 5x50
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Corojo
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 05/09

Name:  Hemingway Signature 
Brand: Arturo Fuente
Size: Grand Corona
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: African Cameroon
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Hemmingway
Brand: Arturo Fuente
Size:  Classic (Perfecto)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Cameroon
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Modified|Mike Praeuner|
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	var t=story.getTiddler(title); if (t) {
		var e=t.getElementsByTagName('*');
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			if (hasClass(e[i],'title')||hasClass(e[i],'subtitle')) e[i].style.display='none';
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			else if (hasClass(e[i],'miniTag')) e[i].style.display='none';
%/<<tiddler {{
	var src='HideTiddlerAll';
with: [[$1]]>>
Name: Hyde Park
Brand: Macanudo
Size: Robusto
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 7.5
~ProfessionalRank: 87
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Iguana
Brand: Thompson
Size: Robusto
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Candela
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 6
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

On Wednesday, June 02, 2010 1:04:53 PM, Mike P. imported 261 tiddlers from
#[[(1988) No. 3]] - replaces (1988) No. 3 - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1988) Vintage Cameroon]] - replaces (1988) Vintage Cameroon - 9/12/2009 15:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1989) Breva Fina]] - replaces (1989) Breva Fina - 3/12/2010 13:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1997) Special Seleccion]] - replaces (1997) Special Seleccion - 6/21/2009 08:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Lonsdale]] - replaces (1998) Lonsdale - 9/12/2009 15:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide - 8/18/2009 12:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide M]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide M - 8/28/2009 16:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Royale]] - replaces (1998) Royale - 8/13/2009 16:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Buena Forte]] - replaces (1999) Buena Forte - 8/4/2009 08:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Condessa Figurado]] - replaces (1999) Condessa Figurado - 1/20/2010 08:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Flor de A. Allones]] - replaces (1999) Flor de A. Allones - 7/19/2009 12:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Gran Corona]] - replaces (2000) Gran Corona - 10/9/2009 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Monterrey]] - replaces (2000) Monterrey - 8/16/2009 10:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) No. 1]] - replaces (2000) No. 1 - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2001) Excalibur 1066]] - replaces (2001) Excalibur 1066 - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[1495 Series]] - replaces 1495 Series - 2/17/2009 16:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real Toro]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real Toro - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1964 Principe]] - replaces 1964 Principe - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[2000]] - replaces 2000 - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - replaces 5 Vegas Cask Strength II - 3/11/2010 15:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada '08 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada 2009 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - replaces 5 Vegas Relic - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Black]] - replaces 601 Black - 2/27/2009 11:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Green]] - replaces 601 Green - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[A Fernandez]] - replaces A Fernandez - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[ADE (Blue Label)]] - replaces ADE (Blue Label) - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Acid Blondie]] - replaces Acid Blondie - 2/22/2010 19:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - replaces Alec Bradley Maxx - 4/25/2010 14:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Tempus]] - replaces Alec Bradley Tempus - 5/25/2009 07:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[America]] - replaces America - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese CL3]] - replaces Arganese CL3 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese Uno]] - replaces Arganese Uno - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Artesanos de Miami]] - replaces Artesanos de Miami - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arturo Fuente 8-5-8]] - replaces Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 - 4/20/2009 12:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Ashton ESG]] - replaces Ashton ESG - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - replaces Augusto Reyes Nativo - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Barlovento]] - replaces Barlovento - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Belmondo]] - replaces Belmondo - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon]] - replaces Black Dragon - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon Presidente]] - replaces Black Dragon Presidente - 9/12/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Pearl]] - replaces Black Pearl - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Brazilia]] - replaces Brazilia - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Bella Vanilla]] - replaces CAO Bella Vanilla - 1/28/2010 07:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO CX2]] - replaces CAO CX2 - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Caramello Joe]] - replaces CAO Caramello Joe - 1/28/2010 07:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - replaces CAO Sopranos Soldier - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO VR]] - replaces CAO VR - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cain Straight Ligero]] - replaces Cain Straight Ligero - 9/24/2009 16:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Connecticut Figurado]] - added
#[[Camacho Corojo]] - replaces Camacho Corojo - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Machito]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Machito - 2/12/2010 14:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Monarca - 4/8/2010 15:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho PE]] - replaces Camacho PE - 1/20/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Select]] - replaces Camacho Select - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Carinos]] - replaces Carinos - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Fuego]] - replaces Casa Fuego - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Magna Colorado]] - replaces Casa Magna Colorado - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chateau Real]] - replaces Chateau Real - 2/2/2010 08:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chavon]] - replaces Chavon - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba]] - replaces Cohiba - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba 2]] - replaces Cohiba 2 - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Puro Dominicana]] - replaces Cohiba Puro Dominicana - 2/2/2010 08:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Siglo II]] - replaces Cohiba Siglo II - 3/28/2010 18:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Conuco]] - replaces Conuco - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cruz Real]] - replaces Cruz Real - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - replaces Cu-Avana Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cuba Libre]] - replaces Cuba Libre - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18]] - replaces Cusano 18 - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - replaces Cusano 18 Double Connecticut - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - replaces Cusano LXI Sun Grown - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[DC Pyramid]] - replaces DC Pyramid - 1/20/2010 08:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed]] - replaces Devil's Weed - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed 515]] - replaces Devil's Weed 515 - 3/15/2010 15:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diablo]] - replaces Diablo - 5/26/2009 06:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #3]] - replaces Diamond Crown #3 - 3/1/2009 14:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 - 2/28/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4 M]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 M - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dominique]] - replaces Dominique - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos 4Blend]] - replaces Don Carlos 4Blend - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos Robusto]] - replaces Don Carlos Robusto - 4/13/2009 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Full]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Full - 4/14/2009 07:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Medium]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Medium - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Mild]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Mild - 6/21/2009 08:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - replaces Don Lino Africa - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Cameroon]] - replaces Don Thomas Cameroon - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Special Edition]] - replaces Don Thomas Special Edition - 2/28/2009 08:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dorado 652]] - replaces Dorado 652 - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Doña Ines]] - replaces Doña Ines - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Eileen's Dream]] - replaces Eileen's Dream - 6/6/2009 10:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[El Mejor Emerald]] - replaces El Mejor Emerald - 3/28/2010 17:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Excalibur]] - replaces Excalibur - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio Power - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fonseca Serie 'F']] - added
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - replaces Fonseca Vintage - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fresco Maduro]] - replaces Fresco Maduro - 3/28/2010 17:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[G.A.R. by Gran Habano]] - added
#[[G3]] - replaces G3 - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[G5 Avenger]] - replaces G5 Avenger - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gold]] - replaces Gold - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserva]] - replaces Gran Reserva - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve]] - replaces Gran Reserve - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve Torpedo]] - replaces Gran Reserve Torpedo - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Grand Cru]] - replaces Grand Cru - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Graycliff Blue]] - replaces Graycliff Blue - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior - 5/3/2009 22:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior El Duke]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior El Duke - 3/28/2010 19:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - replaces Gurkha Avenger G5 - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Cuban Legacy]] - replaces Gurkha Cuban Legacy - 1/27/2010 17:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Empire IV]] - replaces Gurkha Empire IV - 4/25/2010 19:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Grand Age]] - replaces Gurkha Grand Age - 3/28/2010 19:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Legend Symphony Signature series Silver Edition]] - added
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - replaces Gurkha Liga C-10 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Park Avenue]] - replaces Gurkha Park Avenue - 2/26/2009 08:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Master Select]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Master Select - 3/28/2010 18:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Master Select Connecticut]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Master Select Connecticut - 3/28/2010 18:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender - 3/28/2010 18:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender Connecticut]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender Connecticut - 3/28/2010 18:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan - 3/28/2010 18:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan Connecticut]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan Connecticut - 3/28/2010 18:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Shaggy]] - replaces Gurkha Shaggy - 6/19/2009 16:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Signature]] - replaces Gurkha Signature - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Warlord]] - replaces Gurkha Warlord - 3/28/2010 19:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[H Upmann #100]] - replaces H Upmann #100 - 2/28/2009 09:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana Sun Grown]] - replaces Havana Sun Grown - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana VI]] - replaces Havana VI - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemingway Signature]] - replaces Hemingway Signature - 3/14/2009 06:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemmingway]] - replaces Hemmingway - 3/16/2009 17:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hyde Park]] - replaces Hyde Park - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Iguana]] - replaces Iguana - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[J Fuego Delirium]] - replaces J Fuego Delirium - 8/12/2009 12:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[JFR Habano Maduro]] - replaces JFR Habano Maduro - 2/28/2010 15:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[JR Gurkha Legend Replacement]] - replaces JR Gurkha Legend Replacement - 4/27/2009 09:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRCOR]] - replaces JRCOR - 4/27/2009 09:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRLGW]] - replaces JRLGW - 4/27/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java]] - replaces Java - 4/13/2009 17:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java Claro The 58 Super Toro]] - replaces Java Claro The 58 Super Toro - 4/12/2010 17:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java Latte]] - replaces Java Latte - 3/28/2010 19:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java Latte Corona]] - replaces Java Latte Corona - 3/28/2010 19:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Domingues Signature Series]] - replaces Jose Domingues Signature Series - 4/25/2010 19:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Gener]] - replaces Jose Gener - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[José Girbés]] - replaces José Girbés - 3/6/2009 20:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano - 4/27/2010 10:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo - 4/27/2010 10:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul - 4/25/2010 14:22:00 by Mike P.
#[[King B]] - replaces King B - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Kuba Maduro]] - replaces Kuba Maduro - 2/12/2010 14:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba - 4/25/2010 19:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial - 4/13/2009 17:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B - 4/13/2009 17:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - replaces La Aurora 1495 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora Barrel Aged]] - added
#[[La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition]] - replaces La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition - 1/27/2010 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Campina]] - replaces La Campina - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Caya Limited Reserve]] - replaces La Caya Limited Reserve - 3/16/2009 16:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Cuna Habano Bin No.85]] - replaces La Cuna Habano Bin No.85 - 4/25/2010 19:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - replaces La Flor de Cano - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium]] - replaces La Floridita Premium - 9/24/2009 16:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition)]] - replaces La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition) - 3/16/2009 17:22:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Maduro]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Panetela]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Panetela - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Reserva]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Reserva - 3/10/2009 09:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Wavell]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Wavell - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - replaces La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Paloma]] - replaces La Paloma - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Perla Habana]] - replaces La Perla Habana - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Legend "Master Blend"]] - replaces Legend "Master Blend" - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - replaces Leon Jimenes - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes Cafe Dominicano]] - replaces Leon Jimenes Cafe Dominicano - 3/28/2010 19:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes No1]] - replaces Leon Jimenes No1 - 3/15/2010 15:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Limited Edition]] - replaces Limited Edition - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo]] - replaces Macanudo - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo 1968]] - replaces Macanudo 1968 - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Duke of Devon]] - replaces Macanudo Duke of Devon - 4/14/2009 07:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Gold]] - replaces Macanudo Gold - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War Ruination]] - replaces Man O' War Ruination - 4/12/2010 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War SE]] - replaces Man O' War SE - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Manolete]] - replaces Manolete - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Master Select]] - replaces Master Select - 3/16/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Miraflor]] - replaces Miraflor - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo #4]] - replaces Montecristo #4 - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo Cuba]] - replaces Montecristo Cuba - 12/8/2009 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Mother Earth]] - replaces Mother Earth - 8/18/2009 12:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural]] - replaces Natural - 8/18/2009 12:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Dirt]] - replaces Natural Dirt - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Root]] - replaces Natural Root - 2/12/2010 13:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nectar]] - replaces Nectar - 8/18/2009 12:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nica Libre]] - replaces Nica Libre - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 454 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 454 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 460 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 460 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464 Cameroon]] - replaces Nub 464 Cameroon - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464T Maduro]] - replaces Nub 464T Maduro - 2/2/2010 08:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O]] - replaces Olivia Serie O - 6/19/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - replaces Olivia Serie O Perfecto - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olor Maduro]] - replaces Olor Maduro - 4/12/2010 17:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Opus X Fuente Fuente]] - replaces Opus X Fuente Fuente - 4/27/2009 14:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - replaces Padilla Achilles - 3/28/2010 18:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Miami]] - replaces Padilla Miami - 3/28/2010 18:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Signature]] - replaces Padilla Signature - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926]] - replaces Padron 1926 - 9/13/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926 #6]] - replaces Padron 1926 #6 - 3/14/2009 06:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Delicias]] - replaces Padron Delicias - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Imperial]] - replaces Padron Imperial - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro]] - replaces Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro - 2/15/2010 15:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas 1845 Red]] - replaces Partagas 1845 Red - 3/1/2009 14:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas Black]] - replaces Partagas Black - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto]] - replaces Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Fresco]] - replaces Perdomo Fresco - 4/25/2010 19:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - replaces Perdomo Golf - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Habano]] - replaces Perdomo Habano - 4/25/2010 19:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Lot 23]] - replaces Perdomo Lot 23 - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Por Larranaga Panatela]] - replaces Por Larranaga Panatela - 1/20/2010 08:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Primo Del Rey]] - replaces Primo Del Rey - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Punch]] - replaces Punch - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rafael Gonzales]] - replaces Rafael Gonzales - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rey Miguel]] - replaces Rey Miguel - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Classic]] - replaces Reyes Classic - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - replaces Reyes Family Premier - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel 1961]] - added
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - replaces Rocky Patel Decade - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - replaces Rocky Patel I-Press - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - replaces Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Sun Grown]] - replaces Rocky Patel Sun Grown - 3/23/2010 19:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romantico]] - replaces Romantico - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Maduro]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Viejo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal]] - replaces San Cristobal - 2/15/2010 07:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - replaces San Cristobal Guajiro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sancho Panza]] - replaces Sancho Panza - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Silver Exodus 1959]] - replaces Silver Exodus 1959 - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet]] - replaces Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet - 3/14/2010 19:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Colada]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Colada - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Corona]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Corona - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Negra]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Negra - 2/25/2010 15:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce - 2/25/2010 16:08:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cherry]] - replaces Tatiana Cherry - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Chocolate]] - replaces Tatiana Chocolate - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cinnamon]] - replaces Tatiana Cinnamon - 2/24/2010 14:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Groovy Blue]] - replaces Tatiana Groovy Blue - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Honey]] - replaces Tatiana Honey - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha - 5/17/2009 16:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha Stabona - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Night Cap]] - replaces Tatiana Night Cap - 2/20/2010 12:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Rum]] - replaces Tatiana Rum - 2/12/2010 10:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Vanilla]] - replaces Tatiana Vanilla - 2/20/2010 12:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Waking Dream]] - replaces Tatiana Waking Dream - 2/12/2010 10:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tempus]] - replaces Tempus - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Torano Signature]] - replaces Torano Signature - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tusker]] - replaces Tusker - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[VSG]] - replaces VSG - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vann Reef]] - replaces Vann Reef - 8/18/2009 12:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - replaces Verdadero Organic - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vintage 1990]] - replaces Vintage 1990 - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - replaces XL Double Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Xikar HC Criollo]] - replaces Xikar HC Criollo - 4/25/2010 14:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[camacho select don julio eiroa]] - replaces camacho select don julio eiroa - 1/27/2010 17:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - replaces de Grisogono Geneva - 3/11/2010 15:22:00 by Mike P.

On Tuesday, April 27, 2010 12:59:55 PM, Mike P. imported 255 tiddlers from
#[[(1988) No. 3]] - replaces (1988) No. 3 - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1988) Vintage Cameroon]] - replaces (1988) Vintage Cameroon - 9/12/2009 15:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1989) Breva Fina]] - replaces (1989) Breva Fina - 3/12/2010 13:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1997) Special Seleccion]] - replaces (1997) Special Seleccion - 6/21/2009 08:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Lonsdale]] - replaces (1998) Lonsdale - 9/12/2009 15:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide - 8/18/2009 12:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide M]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide M - 8/28/2009 16:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Royale]] - replaces (1998) Royale - 8/13/2009 16:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Buena Forte]] - replaces (1999) Buena Forte - 8/4/2009 08:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Condessa Figurado]] - replaces (1999) Condessa Figurado - 1/20/2010 08:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Flor de A. Allones]] - replaces (1999) Flor de A. Allones - 7/19/2009 12:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Gran Corona]] - replaces (2000) Gran Corona - 10/9/2009 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Monterrey]] - replaces (2000) Monterrey - 8/16/2009 10:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) No. 1]] - replaces (2000) No. 1 - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2001) Excalibur 1066]] - replaces (2001) Excalibur 1066 - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[1495 Series]] - replaces 1495 Series - 2/17/2009 16:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real Toro]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real Toro - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1964 Principe]] - replaces 1964 Principe - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[2000]] - replaces 2000 - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - replaces 5 Vegas Cask Strength II - 3/11/2010 15:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada '08 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada 2009 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - replaces 5 Vegas Relic - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Black]] - replaces 601 Black - 2/27/2009 11:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Green]] - replaces 601 Green - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[A Fernandez]] - replaces A Fernandez - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[ADE (Blue Label)]] - replaces ADE (Blue Label) - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Acid Blondie]] - replaces Acid Blondie - 2/22/2010 19:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - replaces Alec Bradley Maxx - 4/25/2010 14:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Tempus]] - replaces Alec Bradley Tempus - 5/25/2009 07:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[America]] - replaces America - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese CL3]] - replaces Arganese CL3 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese Uno]] - replaces Arganese Uno - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Artesanos de Miami]] - replaces Artesanos de Miami - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arturo Fuente 8-5-8]] - replaces Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 - 4/20/2009 12:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Ashton ESG]] - replaces Ashton ESG - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - replaces Augusto Reyes Nativo - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Barlovento]] - replaces Barlovento - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Belmondo]] - replaces Belmondo - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon]] - replaces Black Dragon - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon Presidente]] - replaces Black Dragon Presidente - 9/12/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Pearl]] - replaces Black Pearl - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Brazilia]] - replaces Brazilia - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Bella Vanilla]] - replaces CAO Bella Vanilla - 1/28/2010 07:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO CX2]] - replaces CAO CX2 - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Caramello Joe]] - replaces CAO Caramello Joe - 1/28/2010 07:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - replaces CAO Sopranos Soldier - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO VR]] - replaces CAO VR - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cain Straight Ligero]] - replaces Cain Straight Ligero - 9/24/2009 16:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo]] - replaces Camacho Corojo - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Machito]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Machito - 2/12/2010 14:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Monarca - 4/8/2010 15:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho PE]] - replaces Camacho PE - 1/20/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Select]] - replaces Camacho Select - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Carinos]] - replaces Carinos - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Fuego]] - replaces Casa Fuego - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Magna Colorado]] - replaces Casa Magna Colorado - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chateau Real]] - replaces Chateau Real - 2/2/2010 08:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chavon]] - replaces Chavon - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba]] - replaces Cohiba - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba 2]] - replaces Cohiba 2 - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Puro Dominicana]] - replaces Cohiba Puro Dominicana - 2/2/2010 08:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Siglo II]] - replaces Cohiba Siglo II - 3/28/2010 18:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Conuco]] - replaces Conuco - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cruz Real]] - replaces Cruz Real - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - replaces Cu-Avana Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cuba Libre]] - replaces Cuba Libre - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18]] - replaces Cusano 18 - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - replaces Cusano 18 Double Connecticut - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - replaces Cusano LXI Sun Grown - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[DC Pyramid]] - replaces DC Pyramid - 1/20/2010 08:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed]] - replaces Devil's Weed - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed 515]] - replaces Devil's Weed 515 - 3/15/2010 15:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diablo]] - replaces Diablo - 5/26/2009 06:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #3]] - replaces Diamond Crown #3 - 3/1/2009 14:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 - 2/28/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4 M]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 M - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dominique]] - replaces Dominique - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos 4Blend]] - replaces Don Carlos 4Blend - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos Robusto]] - replaces Don Carlos Robusto - 4/13/2009 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Full]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Full - 4/14/2009 07:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Medium]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Medium - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Mild]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Mild - 6/21/2009 08:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - replaces Don Lino Africa - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Cameroon]] - replaces Don Thomas Cameroon - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Special Edition]] - replaces Don Thomas Special Edition - 2/28/2009 08:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dorado 652]] - replaces Dorado 652 - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Doña Ines]] - replaces Doña Ines - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Eileen's Dream]] - replaces Eileen's Dream - 6/6/2009 10:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[El Mejor Emerald]] - replaces El Mejor Emerald - 3/28/2010 17:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Excalibur]] - replaces Excalibur - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio Power - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - replaces Fonseca Vintage - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fresco Maduro]] - replaces Fresco Maduro - 3/28/2010 17:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[G3]] - replaces G3 - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[G5 Avenger]] - replaces G5 Avenger - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gold]] - replaces Gold - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserva]] - replaces Gran Reserva - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve]] - replaces Gran Reserve - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve Torpedo]] - replaces Gran Reserve Torpedo - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Grand Cru]] - replaces Grand Cru - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Graycliff Blue]] - replaces Graycliff Blue - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior - 5/3/2009 22:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior El Duke]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior El Duke - 3/28/2010 19:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - replaces Gurkha Avenger G5 - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Cuban Legacy]] - replaces Gurkha Cuban Legacy - 1/27/2010 17:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Empire IV]] - replaces Gurkha Empire IV - 4/25/2010 19:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Grand Age]] - replaces Gurkha Grand Age - 3/28/2010 19:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - replaces Gurkha Liga C-10 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Park Avenue]] - replaces Gurkha Park Avenue - 2/26/2009 08:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Master Select]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Master Select - 3/28/2010 18:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Master Select Connecticut]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Master Select Connecticut - 3/28/2010 18:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender - 3/28/2010 18:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender Connecticut]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender Connecticut - 3/28/2010 18:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan - 3/28/2010 18:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan Connecticut]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan Connecticut - 3/28/2010 18:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Shaggy]] - replaces Gurkha Shaggy - 6/19/2009 16:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Signature]] - replaces Gurkha Signature - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Warlord]] - replaces Gurkha Warlord - 3/28/2010 19:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[H Upmann #100]] - replaces H Upmann #100 - 2/28/2009 09:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana Sun Grown]] - replaces Havana Sun Grown - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana VI]] - replaces Havana VI - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemingway Signature]] - replaces Hemingway Signature - 3/14/2009 06:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemmingway]] - replaces Hemmingway - 3/16/2009 17:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hyde Park]] - replaces Hyde Park - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Iguana]] - replaces Iguana - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[J Fuego Delirium]] - replaces J Fuego Delirium - 8/12/2009 12:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[JFR Habano Maduro]] - replaces JFR Habano Maduro - 2/28/2010 15:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[JR Gurkha Legend Replacement]] - replaces JR Gurkha Legend Replacement - 4/27/2009 09:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRCOR]] - replaces JRCOR - 4/27/2009 09:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRLGW]] - replaces JRLGW - 4/27/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java]] - replaces Java - 4/13/2009 17:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java Claro The 58 Super Toro]] - replaces Java Claro The 58 Super Toro - 4/12/2010 17:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java Latte]] - replaces Java Latte - 3/28/2010 19:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java Latte Corona]] - replaces Java Latte Corona - 3/28/2010 19:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Domingues Signature Series]] - replaces Jose Domingues Signature Series - 4/25/2010 19:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Gener]] - replaces Jose Gener - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[José Girbés]] - replaces José Girbés - 3/6/2009 20:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano - 2/12/2010 14:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo - 2/12/2010 14:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul - 4/25/2010 14:22:00 by Mike P.
#[[King B]] - replaces King B - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Kuba Maduro]] - replaces Kuba Maduro - 2/12/2010 14:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba - 4/25/2010 19:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial - 4/13/2009 17:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B - 4/13/2009 17:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - replaces La Aurora 1495 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition]] - replaces La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition - 1/27/2010 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Campina]] - replaces La Campina - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Caya Limited Reserve]] - replaces La Caya Limited Reserve - 3/16/2009 16:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Cuna Habano Bin No.85]] - replaces La Cuna Habano Bin No.85 - 4/25/2010 19:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - replaces La Flor de Cano - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium]] - replaces La Floridita Premium - 9/24/2009 16:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition)]] - replaces La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition) - 3/16/2009 17:22:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Maduro]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Panetela]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Panetela - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Reserva]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Reserva - 3/10/2009 09:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Wavell]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Wavell - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - replaces La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Paloma]] - replaces La Paloma - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Perla Habana]] - replaces La Perla Habana - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Legend "Master Blend"]] - replaces Legend "Master Blend" - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - replaces Leon Jimenes - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes Cafe Dominicano]] - replaces Leon Jimenes Cafe Dominicano - 3/28/2010 19:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes No1]] - replaces Leon Jimenes No1 - 3/15/2010 15:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Limited Edition]] - replaces Limited Edition - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo]] - replaces Macanudo - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo 1968]] - replaces Macanudo 1968 - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Duke of Devon]] - replaces Macanudo Duke of Devon - 4/14/2009 07:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Gold]] - replaces Macanudo Gold - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War Ruination]] - replaces Man O' War Ruination - 4/12/2010 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War SE]] - replaces Man O' War SE - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Manolete]] - replaces Manolete - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Master Select]] - replaces Master Select - 3/16/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Miraflor]] - replaces Miraflor - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo #4]] - replaces Montecristo #4 - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo Cuba]] - replaces Montecristo Cuba - 12/8/2009 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Mother Earth]] - replaces Mother Earth - 8/18/2009 12:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural]] - replaces Natural - 8/18/2009 12:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Dirt]] - replaces Natural Dirt - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Root]] - replaces Natural Root - 2/12/2010 13:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nectar]] - replaces Nectar - 8/18/2009 12:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nica Libre]] - replaces Nica Libre - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 454 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 454 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 460 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 460 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464 Cameroon]] - replaces Nub 464 Cameroon - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464T Maduro]] - replaces Nub 464T Maduro - 2/2/2010 08:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O]] - replaces Olivia Serie O - 6/19/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - replaces Olivia Serie O Perfecto - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olor Maduro]] - replaces Olor Maduro - 4/12/2010 17:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Opus X Fuente Fuente]] - replaces Opus X Fuente Fuente - 4/27/2009 14:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - replaces Padilla Achilles - 3/28/2010 18:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Miami]] - replaces Padilla Miami - 3/28/2010 18:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Signature]] - replaces Padilla Signature - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926]] - replaces Padron 1926 - 9/13/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926 #6]] - replaces Padron 1926 #6 - 3/14/2009 06:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Delicias]] - replaces Padron Delicias - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Imperial]] - replaces Padron Imperial - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro]] - replaces Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro - 2/15/2010 15:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas 1845 Red]] - replaces Partagas 1845 Red - 3/1/2009 14:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas Black]] - replaces Partagas Black - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto]] - replaces Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Fresco]] - replaces Perdomo Fresco - 4/25/2010 19:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - replaces Perdomo Golf - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Habano]] - replaces Perdomo Habano - 4/25/2010 19:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Lot 23]] - replaces Perdomo Lot 23 - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Por Larranaga Panatela]] - replaces Por Larranaga Panatela - 1/20/2010 08:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Primo Del Rey]] - replaces Primo Del Rey - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Punch]] - replaces Punch - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rafael Gonzales]] - replaces Rafael Gonzales - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rey Miguel]] - replaces Rey Miguel - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Classic]] - replaces Reyes Classic - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - replaces Reyes Family Premier - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - replaces Rocky Patel Decade - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - replaces Rocky Patel I-Press - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - replaces Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Sun Grown]] - replaces Rocky Patel Sun Grown - 3/23/2010 19:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romantico]] - replaces Romantico - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Maduro]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Viejo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal]] - replaces San Cristobal - 2/15/2010 07:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - replaces San Cristobal Guajiro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sancho Panza]] - replaces Sancho Panza - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Silver Exodus 1959]] - replaces Silver Exodus 1959 - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet]] - replaces Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet - 3/14/2010 19:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Colada]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Colada - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Corona]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Corona - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Negra]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Negra - 2/25/2010 15:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce - 2/25/2010 16:08:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cherry]] - replaces Tatiana Cherry - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Chocolate]] - replaces Tatiana Chocolate - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cinnamon]] - replaces Tatiana Cinnamon - 2/24/2010 14:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Groovy Blue]] - replaces Tatiana Groovy Blue - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Honey]] - replaces Tatiana Honey - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha - 5/17/2009 16:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha Stabona - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Night Cap]] - replaces Tatiana Night Cap - 2/20/2010 12:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Rum]] - replaces Tatiana Rum - 2/12/2010 10:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Vanilla]] - replaces Tatiana Vanilla - 2/20/2010 12:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Waking Dream]] - replaces Tatiana Waking Dream - 2/12/2010 10:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tempus]] - replaces Tempus - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Torano Signature]] - replaces Torano Signature - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tusker]] - replaces Tusker - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[VSG]] - replaces VSG - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vann Reef]] - replaces Vann Reef - 8/18/2009 12:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - replaces Verdadero Organic - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vintage 1990]] - replaces Vintage 1990 - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - replaces XL Double Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Xikar HC Criollo]] - replaces Xikar HC Criollo - 4/25/2010 14:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[camacho select don julio eiroa]] - replaces camacho select don julio eiroa - 1/27/2010 17:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - replaces de Grisogono Geneva - 3/11/2010 15:22:00 by Mike P.

On Sunday, April 25, 2010 7:46:17 PM, Mike P. imported 255 tiddlers from
#[[(1988) No. 3]] - replaces (1988) No. 3 - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1988) Vintage Cameroon]] - replaces (1988) Vintage Cameroon - 9/12/2009 15:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1989) Breva Fina]] - replaces (1989) Breva Fina - 3/12/2010 13:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1997) Special Seleccion]] - replaces (1997) Special Seleccion - 6/21/2009 08:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Lonsdale]] - replaces (1998) Lonsdale - 9/12/2009 15:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide - 8/18/2009 12:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide M]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide M - 8/28/2009 16:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Royale]] - replaces (1998) Royale - 8/13/2009 16:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Buena Forte]] - replaces (1999) Buena Forte - 8/4/2009 08:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Condessa Figurado]] - replaces (1999) Condessa Figurado - 1/20/2010 08:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Flor de A. Allones]] - replaces (1999) Flor de A. Allones - 7/19/2009 12:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Gran Corona]] - replaces (2000) Gran Corona - 10/9/2009 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Monterrey]] - replaces (2000) Monterrey - 8/16/2009 10:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) No. 1]] - replaces (2000) No. 1 - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2001) Excalibur 1066]] - replaces (2001) Excalibur 1066 - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[1495 Series]] - replaces 1495 Series - 2/17/2009 16:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real Toro]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real Toro - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1964 Principe]] - replaces 1964 Principe - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[2000]] - replaces 2000 - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - replaces 5 Vegas Cask Strength II - 3/11/2010 15:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada '08 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada 2009 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - replaces 5 Vegas Relic - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Black]] - replaces 601 Black - 2/27/2009 11:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Green]] - replaces 601 Green - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[A Fernandez]] - replaces A Fernandez - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[ADE (Blue Label)]] - replaces ADE (Blue Label) - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Acid Blondie]] - replaces Acid Blondie - 2/22/2010 19:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - replaces Alec Bradley Maxx - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Tempus]] - replaces Alec Bradley Tempus - 5/25/2009 07:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[America]] - replaces America - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese CL3]] - replaces Arganese CL3 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese Uno]] - replaces Arganese Uno - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Artesanos de Miami]] - replaces Artesanos de Miami - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arturo Fuente 8-5-8]] - replaces Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 - 4/20/2009 12:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Ashton ESG]] - replaces Ashton ESG - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - replaces Augusto Reyes Nativo - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Barlovento]] - replaces Barlovento - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Belmondo]] - replaces Belmondo - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon]] - replaces Black Dragon - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon Presidente]] - replaces Black Dragon Presidente - 9/12/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Pearl]] - replaces Black Pearl - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Brazilia]] - replaces Brazilia - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Bella Vanilla]] - replaces CAO Bella Vanilla - 1/28/2010 07:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO CX2]] - replaces CAO CX2 - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Caramello Joe]] - replaces CAO Caramello Joe - 1/28/2010 07:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - replaces CAO Sopranos Soldier - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO VR]] - replaces CAO VR - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cain Straight Ligero]] - replaces Cain Straight Ligero - 9/24/2009 16:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo]] - replaces Camacho Corojo - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Machito]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Machito - 2/12/2010 14:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Monarca - 4/8/2010 15:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho PE]] - replaces Camacho PE - 1/20/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Select]] - replaces Camacho Select - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Carinos]] - replaces Carinos - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Fuego]] - replaces Casa Fuego - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Magna Colorado]] - replaces Casa Magna Colorado - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chateau Real]] - replaces Chateau Real - 2/2/2010 08:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chavon]] - replaces Chavon - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba]] - replaces Cohiba - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba 2]] - replaces Cohiba 2 - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Puro Dominicana]] - replaces Cohiba Puro Dominicana - 2/2/2010 08:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Siglo II]] - replaces Cohiba Siglo II - 3/28/2010 18:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Conuco]] - replaces Conuco - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cruz Real]] - replaces Cruz Real - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - replaces Cu-Avana Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cuba Libre]] - replaces Cuba Libre - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18]] - replaces Cusano 18 - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - replaces Cusano 18 Double Connecticut - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - replaces Cusano LXI Sun Grown - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[DC Pyramid]] - replaces DC Pyramid - 1/20/2010 08:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed]] - replaces Devil's Weed - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed 515]] - replaces Devil's Weed 515 - 3/15/2010 15:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diablo]] - replaces Diablo - 5/26/2009 06:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #3]] - replaces Diamond Crown #3 - 3/1/2009 14:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 - 2/28/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4 M]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 M - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dominique]] - replaces Dominique - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos 4Blend]] - replaces Don Carlos 4Blend - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos Robusto]] - replaces Don Carlos Robusto - 4/13/2009 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Full]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Full - 4/14/2009 07:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Medium]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Medium - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Mild]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Mild - 6/21/2009 08:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - replaces Don Lino Africa - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Cameroon]] - replaces Don Thomas Cameroon - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Special Edition]] - replaces Don Thomas Special Edition - 2/28/2009 08:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dorado 652]] - replaces Dorado 652 - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Doña Ines]] - replaces Doña Ines - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Eileen's Dream]] - replaces Eileen's Dream - 6/6/2009 10:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[El Mejor Emerald]] - replaces El Mejor Emerald - 3/28/2010 17:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Excalibur]] - replaces Excalibur - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio Power - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - replaces Fonseca Vintage - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fresco Maduro]] - replaces Fresco Maduro - 3/28/2010 17:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[G3]] - replaces G3 - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[G5 Avenger]] - replaces G5 Avenger - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gold]] - replaces Gold - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserva]] - replaces Gran Reserva - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve]] - replaces Gran Reserve - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve Torpedo]] - replaces Gran Reserve Torpedo - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Grand Cru]] - replaces Grand Cru - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Graycliff Blue]] - replaces Graycliff Blue - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior - 5/3/2009 22:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior El Duke]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior El Duke - 3/28/2010 19:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - replaces Gurkha Avenger G5 - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Cuban Legacy]] - replaces Gurkha Cuban Legacy - 1/27/2010 17:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Empire IV]] - added
#[[Gurkha Grand Age]] - replaces Gurkha Grand Age - 3/28/2010 19:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - replaces Gurkha Liga C-10 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Park Avenue]] - replaces Gurkha Park Avenue - 2/26/2009 08:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Master Select]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Master Select - 3/28/2010 18:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Master Select Connecticut]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Master Select Connecticut - 3/28/2010 18:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender - 3/28/2010 18:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender Connecticut]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender Connecticut - 3/28/2010 18:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan - 3/28/2010 18:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan Connecticut]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan Connecticut - 3/28/2010 18:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Shaggy]] - replaces Gurkha Shaggy - 6/19/2009 16:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Signature]] - replaces Gurkha Signature - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Warlord]] - replaces Gurkha Warlord - 3/28/2010 19:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[H Upmann #100]] - replaces H Upmann #100 - 2/28/2009 09:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana Sun Grown]] - replaces Havana Sun Grown - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana VI]] - replaces Havana VI - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemingway Signature]] - replaces Hemingway Signature - 3/14/2009 06:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemmingway]] - replaces Hemmingway - 3/16/2009 17:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hyde Park]] - replaces Hyde Park - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Iguana]] - replaces Iguana - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[J Fuego Delirium]] - replaces J Fuego Delirium - 8/12/2009 12:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[JFR Habano Maduro]] - replaces JFR Habano Maduro - 2/28/2010 15:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[JR Gurkha Legend Replacement]] - replaces JR Gurkha Legend Replacement - 4/27/2009 09:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRCOR]] - replaces JRCOR - 4/27/2009 09:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRLGW]] - replaces JRLGW - 4/27/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java]] - replaces Java - 4/13/2009 17:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java Claro The 58 Super Toro]] - replaces Java Claro The 58 Super Toro - 4/12/2010 17:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java Latte]] - replaces Java Latte - 3/28/2010 19:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java Latte Corona]] - replaces Java Latte Corona - 3/28/2010 19:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Domingues Signature Series]] - replaces Jose Domingues Signature Series - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Gener]] - replaces Jose Gener - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[José Girbés]] - replaces José Girbés - 3/6/2009 20:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano - 2/12/2010 14:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo - 2/12/2010 14:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[King B]] - replaces King B - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Kuba Maduro]] - replaces Kuba Maduro - 2/12/2010 14:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial - 4/13/2009 17:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B - 4/13/2009 17:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - replaces La Aurora 1495 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition]] - replaces La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition - 1/27/2010 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Campina]] - replaces La Campina - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Caya Limited Reserve]] - replaces La Caya Limited Reserve - 3/16/2009 16:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Cuna Habano Bin No.85]] - added
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - replaces La Flor de Cano - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium]] - replaces La Floridita Premium - 9/24/2009 16:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition)]] - replaces La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition) - 3/16/2009 17:22:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Maduro]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Panetela]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Panetela - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Reserva]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Reserva - 3/10/2009 09:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Wavell]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Wavell - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - replaces La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Paloma]] - replaces La Paloma - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Perla Habana]] - replaces La Perla Habana - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Legend "Master Blend"]] - replaces Legend "Master Blend" - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - replaces Leon Jimenes - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes Cafe Dominicano]] - replaces Leon Jimenes Cafe Dominicano - 3/28/2010 19:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes No1]] - replaces Leon Jimenes No1 - 3/15/2010 15:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Limited Edition]] - replaces Limited Edition - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo]] - replaces Macanudo - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo 1968]] - replaces Macanudo 1968 - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Duke of Devon]] - replaces Macanudo Duke of Devon - 4/14/2009 07:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Gold]] - replaces Macanudo Gold - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War Ruination]] - replaces Man O' War Ruination - 4/12/2010 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War SE]] - replaces Man O' War SE - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Manolete]] - replaces Manolete - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Master Select]] - replaces Master Select - 3/16/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Miraflor]] - replaces Miraflor - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo #4]] - replaces Montecristo #4 - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo Cuba]] - replaces Montecristo Cuba - 12/8/2009 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Mother Earth]] - replaces Mother Earth - 8/18/2009 12:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural]] - replaces Natural - 8/18/2009 12:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Dirt]] - replaces Natural Dirt - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Root]] - replaces Natural Root - 2/12/2010 13:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nectar]] - replaces Nectar - 8/18/2009 12:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nica Libre]] - replaces Nica Libre - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 454 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 454 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 460 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 460 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464 Cameroon]] - replaces Nub 464 Cameroon - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464T Maduro]] - replaces Nub 464T Maduro - 2/2/2010 08:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O]] - replaces Olivia Serie O - 6/19/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - replaces Olivia Serie O Perfecto - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olor Maduro]] - replaces Olor Maduro - 4/12/2010 17:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Opus X Fuente Fuente]] - replaces Opus X Fuente Fuente - 4/27/2009 14:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - replaces Padilla Achilles - 3/28/2010 18:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Miami]] - replaces Padilla Miami - 3/28/2010 18:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Signature]] - replaces Padilla Signature - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926]] - replaces Padron 1926 - 9/13/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926 #6]] - replaces Padron 1926 #6 - 3/14/2009 06:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Delicias]] - replaces Padron Delicias - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Imperial]] - replaces Padron Imperial - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro]] - replaces Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro - 2/15/2010 15:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas 1845 Red]] - replaces Partagas 1845 Red - 3/1/2009 14:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas Black]] - replaces Partagas Black - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto]] - replaces Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Fresco]] - replaces Perdomo Fresco - 3/28/2010 17:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - replaces Perdomo Golf - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Habano]] - added
#[[Perdomo Lot 23]] - replaces Perdomo Lot 23 - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Por Larranaga Panatela]] - replaces Por Larranaga Panatela - 1/20/2010 08:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Primo Del Rey]] - replaces Primo Del Rey - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Punch]] - replaces Punch - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rafael Gonzales]] - replaces Rafael Gonzales - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rey Miguel]] - replaces Rey Miguel - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Classic]] - replaces Reyes Classic - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - replaces Reyes Family Premier - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - replaces Rocky Patel Decade - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - replaces Rocky Patel I-Press - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - replaces Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Sun Grown]] - replaces Rocky Patel Sun Grown - 3/23/2010 19:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romantico]] - replaces Romantico - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Maduro]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Viejo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal]] - replaces San Cristobal - 2/15/2010 07:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - replaces San Cristobal Guajiro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sancho Panza]] - replaces Sancho Panza - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Silver Exodus 1959]] - replaces Silver Exodus 1959 - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet]] - replaces Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet - 3/14/2010 19:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Colada]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Colada - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Corona]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Corona - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Negra]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Negra - 2/25/2010 15:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce - 2/25/2010 16:08:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cherry]] - replaces Tatiana Cherry - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Chocolate]] - replaces Tatiana Chocolate - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cinnamon]] - replaces Tatiana Cinnamon - 2/24/2010 14:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Groovy Blue]] - replaces Tatiana Groovy Blue - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Honey]] - replaces Tatiana Honey - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha - 5/17/2009 16:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha Stabona - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Night Cap]] - replaces Tatiana Night Cap - 2/20/2010 12:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Rum]] - replaces Tatiana Rum - 2/12/2010 10:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Vanilla]] - replaces Tatiana Vanilla - 2/20/2010 12:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Waking Dream]] - replaces Tatiana Waking Dream - 2/12/2010 10:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tempus]] - replaces Tempus - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Torano Signature]] - replaces Torano Signature - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tusker]] - replaces Tusker - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[VSG]] - replaces VSG - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vann Reef]] - replaces Vann Reef - 8/18/2009 12:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - replaces Verdadero Organic - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vintage 1990]] - replaces Vintage 1990 - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - replaces XL Double Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Xikar HC Criollo]] - replaces Xikar HC Criollo - 3/28/2010 19:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[camacho select don julio eiroa]] - replaces camacho select don julio eiroa - 1/27/2010 17:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - replaces de Grisogono Geneva - 3/11/2010 15:22:00 by Mike P.

On Monday, April 12, 2010 5:08:41 PM, Mike P. imported 252 tiddlers from
#[[(1988) No. 3]] - replaces (1988) No. 3 - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1988) Vintage Cameroon]] - replaces (1988) Vintage Cameroon - 9/12/2009 15:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1989) Breva Fina]] - replaces (1989) Breva Fina - 3/12/2010 13:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1997) Special Seleccion]] - replaces (1997) Special Seleccion - 6/21/2009 08:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Lonsdale]] - replaces (1998) Lonsdale - 9/12/2009 15:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide - 8/18/2009 12:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide M]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide M - 8/28/2009 16:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Royale]] - replaces (1998) Royale - 8/13/2009 16:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Buena Forte]] - replaces (1999) Buena Forte - 8/4/2009 08:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Condessa Figurado]] - replaces (1999) Condessa Figurado - 1/20/2010 08:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Flor de A. Allones]] - replaces (1999) Flor de A. Allones - 7/19/2009 12:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Gran Corona]] - replaces (2000) Gran Corona - 10/9/2009 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Monterrey]] - replaces (2000) Monterrey - 8/16/2009 10:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) No. 1]] - replaces (2000) No. 1 - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2001) Excalibur 1066]] - replaces (2001) Excalibur 1066 - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[1495 Series]] - replaces 1495 Series - 2/17/2009 16:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real Toro]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real Toro - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1964 Principe]] - replaces 1964 Principe - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[2000]] - replaces 2000 - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - replaces 5 Vegas Cask Strength II - 3/11/2010 15:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada '08 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada 2009 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - replaces 5 Vegas Relic - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Black]] - replaces 601 Black - 2/27/2009 11:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Green]] - replaces 601 Green - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[A Fernandez]] - replaces A Fernandez - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[ADE (Blue Label)]] - replaces ADE (Blue Label) - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Acid Blondie]] - replaces Acid Blondie - 2/22/2010 19:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - replaces Alec Bradley Maxx - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Tempus]] - replaces Alec Bradley Tempus - 5/25/2009 07:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[America]] - replaces America - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese CL3]] - replaces Arganese CL3 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese Uno]] - replaces Arganese Uno - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Artesanos de Miami]] - replaces Artesanos de Miami - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arturo Fuente 8-5-8]] - replaces Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 - 4/20/2009 12:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Ashton ESG]] - replaces Ashton ESG - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - replaces Augusto Reyes Nativo - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Barlovento]] - replaces Barlovento - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Belmondo]] - replaces Belmondo - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon]] - replaces Black Dragon - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon Presidente]] - replaces Black Dragon Presidente - 9/12/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Pearl]] - replaces Black Pearl - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Brazilia]] - replaces Brazilia - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Bella Vanilla]] - replaces CAO Bella Vanilla - 1/28/2010 07:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO CX2]] - replaces CAO CX2 - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Caramello Joe]] - replaces CAO Caramello Joe - 1/28/2010 07:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - replaces CAO Sopranos Soldier - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO VR]] - replaces CAO VR - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cain Straight Ligero]] - replaces Cain Straight Ligero - 9/24/2009 16:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo]] - replaces Camacho Corojo - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Machito]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Machito - 2/12/2010 14:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Monarca - 4/8/2010 15:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho PE]] - replaces Camacho PE - 1/20/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Select]] - replaces Camacho Select - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Carinos]] - replaces Carinos - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Fuego]] - replaces Casa Fuego - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Magna Colorado]] - replaces Casa Magna Colorado - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chateau Real]] - replaces Chateau Real - 2/2/2010 08:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chavon]] - replaces Chavon - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba]] - replaces Cohiba - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba 2]] - replaces Cohiba 2 - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Puro Dominicana]] - replaces Cohiba Puro Dominicana - 2/2/2010 08:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Siglo II]] - replaces Cohiba Siglo II - 3/28/2010 18:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Conuco]] - replaces Conuco - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cruz Real]] - replaces Cruz Real - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - replaces Cu-Avana Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cuba Libre]] - replaces Cuba Libre - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18]] - replaces Cusano 18 - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - replaces Cusano 18 Double Connecticut - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - replaces Cusano LXI Sun Grown - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[DC Pyramid]] - replaces DC Pyramid - 1/20/2010 08:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed]] - replaces Devil's Weed - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed 515]] - replaces Devil's Weed 515 - 3/15/2010 15:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diablo]] - replaces Diablo - 5/26/2009 06:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #3]] - replaces Diamond Crown #3 - 3/1/2009 14:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 - 2/28/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4 M]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 M - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dominique]] - replaces Dominique - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos 4Blend]] - replaces Don Carlos 4Blend - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos Robusto]] - replaces Don Carlos Robusto - 4/13/2009 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Full]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Full - 4/14/2009 07:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Medium]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Medium - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Mild]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Mild - 6/21/2009 08:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - replaces Don Lino Africa - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Cameroon]] - replaces Don Thomas Cameroon - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Special Edition]] - replaces Don Thomas Special Edition - 2/28/2009 08:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dorado 652]] - replaces Dorado 652 - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Doña Ines]] - replaces Doña Ines - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Eileen's Dream]] - replaces Eileen's Dream - 6/6/2009 10:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[El Mejor Emerald]] - replaces El Mejor Emerald - 3/28/2010 17:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Excalibur]] - replaces Excalibur - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio Power - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - replaces Fonseca Vintage - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fresco Maduro]] - replaces Fresco Maduro - 3/28/2010 17:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[G3]] - replaces G3 - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[G5 Avenger]] - replaces G5 Avenger - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gold]] - replaces Gold - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserva]] - replaces Gran Reserva - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve]] - replaces Gran Reserve - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve Torpedo]] - replaces Gran Reserve Torpedo - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Grand Cru]] - replaces Grand Cru - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Graycliff Blue]] - replaces Graycliff Blue - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior - 5/3/2009 22:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior El Duke]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior El Duke - 3/28/2010 19:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - replaces Gurkha Avenger G5 - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Cuban Legacy]] - replaces Gurkha Cuban Legacy - 1/27/2010 17:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Grand Age]] - replaces Gurkha Grand Age - 3/28/2010 19:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - replaces Gurkha Liga C-10 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Park Avenue]] - replaces Gurkha Park Avenue - 2/26/2009 08:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Master Select]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Master Select - 3/28/2010 18:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Master Select Connecticut]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Master Select Connecticut - 3/28/2010 18:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender - 3/28/2010 18:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender Connecticut]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender Connecticut - 3/28/2010 18:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan - 3/28/2010 18:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan Connecticut]] - replaces Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan Connecticut - 3/28/2010 18:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Shaggy]] - replaces Gurkha Shaggy - 6/19/2009 16:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Signature]] - replaces Gurkha Signature - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Warlord]] - replaces Gurkha Warlord - 3/28/2010 19:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[H Upmann #100]] - replaces H Upmann #100 - 2/28/2009 09:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana Sun Grown]] - replaces Havana Sun Grown - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana VI]] - replaces Havana VI - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemingway Signature]] - replaces Hemingway Signature - 3/14/2009 06:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemmingway]] - replaces Hemmingway - 3/16/2009 17:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hyde Park]] - replaces Hyde Park - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Iguana]] - replaces Iguana - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[J Fuego Delirium]] - replaces J Fuego Delirium - 8/12/2009 12:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[JFR Habano Maduro]] - replaces JFR Habano Maduro - 2/28/2010 15:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[JR Gurkha Legend Replacement]] - replaces JR Gurkha Legend Replacement - 4/27/2009 09:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRCOR]] - replaces JRCOR - 4/27/2009 09:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRLGW]] - replaces JRLGW - 4/27/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java]] - replaces Java - 4/13/2009 17:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java Claro The 58 Super Toro]] - replaces Java Claro The 58 Super Toro - 3/28/2010 19:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java Latte]] - replaces Java Latte - 3/28/2010 19:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java Latte Corona]] - replaces Java Latte Corona - 3/28/2010 19:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Domingues Signature Series]] - replaces Jose Domingues Signature Series - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Gener]] - replaces Jose Gener - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[José Girbés]] - replaces José Girbés - 3/6/2009 20:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano - 2/12/2010 14:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo - 2/12/2010 14:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[King B]] - replaces King B - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Kuba Maduro]] - replaces Kuba Maduro - 2/12/2010 14:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial - 4/13/2009 17:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B - 4/13/2009 17:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - replaces La Aurora 1495 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition]] - replaces La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition - 1/27/2010 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Campina]] - replaces La Campina - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Caya Limited Reserve]] - replaces La Caya Limited Reserve - 3/16/2009 16:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - replaces La Flor de Cano - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium]] - replaces La Floridita Premium - 9/24/2009 16:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition)]] - replaces La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition) - 3/16/2009 17:22:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Maduro]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Panetela]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Panetela - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Reserva]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Reserva - 3/10/2009 09:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Wavell]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Wavell - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - replaces La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Paloma]] - replaces La Paloma - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Perla Habana]] - replaces La Perla Habana - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Legend "Master Blend"]] - replaces Legend "Master Blend" - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - replaces Leon Jimenes - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes Cafe Dominicano]] - replaces Leon Jimenes Cafe Dominicano - 3/28/2010 19:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes No1]] - replaces Leon Jimenes No1 - 3/15/2010 15:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Limited Edition]] - replaces Limited Edition - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo]] - replaces Macanudo - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo 1968]] - replaces Macanudo 1968 - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Duke of Devon]] - replaces Macanudo Duke of Devon - 4/14/2009 07:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Gold]] - replaces Macanudo Gold - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War Ruination]] - replaces Man O' War Ruination - 3/14/2010 19:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War SE]] - replaces Man O' War SE - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Manolete]] - replaces Manolete - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Master Select]] - replaces Master Select - 3/16/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Miraflor]] - replaces Miraflor - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo #4]] - replaces Montecristo #4 - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo Cuba]] - replaces Montecristo Cuba - 12/8/2009 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Mother Earth]] - replaces Mother Earth - 8/18/2009 12:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural]] - replaces Natural - 8/18/2009 12:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Dirt]] - replaces Natural Dirt - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Root]] - replaces Natural Root - 2/12/2010 13:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nectar]] - replaces Nectar - 8/18/2009 12:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nica Libre]] - replaces Nica Libre - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 454 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 454 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 460 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 460 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464 Cameroon]] - replaces Nub 464 Cameroon - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464T Maduro]] - replaces Nub 464T Maduro - 2/2/2010 08:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O]] - replaces Olivia Serie O - 6/19/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - replaces Olivia Serie O Perfecto - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olor Maduro]] - added
#[[Opus X Fuente Fuente]] - replaces Opus X Fuente Fuente - 4/27/2009 14:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - replaces Padilla Achilles - 3/28/2010 18:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Miami]] - replaces Padilla Miami - 3/28/2010 18:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Signature]] - replaces Padilla Signature - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926]] - replaces Padron 1926 - 9/13/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926 #6]] - replaces Padron 1926 #6 - 3/14/2009 06:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Delicias]] - replaces Padron Delicias - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Imperial]] - replaces Padron Imperial - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro]] - replaces Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro - 2/15/2010 15:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas 1845 Red]] - replaces Partagas 1845 Red - 3/1/2009 14:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas Black]] - replaces Partagas Black - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto]] - replaces Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Fresco]] - replaces Perdomo Fresco - 3/28/2010 17:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - replaces Perdomo Golf - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Lot 23]] - replaces Perdomo Lot 23 - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Por Larranaga Panatela]] - replaces Por Larranaga Panatela - 1/20/2010 08:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Primo Del Rey]] - replaces Primo Del Rey - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Punch]] - replaces Punch - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rafael Gonzales]] - replaces Rafael Gonzales - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rey Miguel]] - replaces Rey Miguel - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Classic]] - replaces Reyes Classic - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - replaces Reyes Family Premier - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - replaces Rocky Patel Decade - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - replaces Rocky Patel I-Press - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - replaces Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Sun Grown]] - replaces Rocky Patel Sun Grown - 3/23/2010 19:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romantico]] - replaces Romantico - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Maduro]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Viejo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal]] - replaces San Cristobal - 2/15/2010 07:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - replaces San Cristobal Guajiro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sancho Panza]] - replaces Sancho Panza - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Silver Exodus 1959]] - replaces Silver Exodus 1959 - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet]] - replaces Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet - 3/14/2010 19:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Colada]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Colada - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Corona]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Corona - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Negra]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Negra - 2/25/2010 15:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce - 2/25/2010 16:08:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cherry]] - replaces Tatiana Cherry - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Chocolate]] - replaces Tatiana Chocolate - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cinnamon]] - replaces Tatiana Cinnamon - 2/24/2010 14:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Groovy Blue]] - replaces Tatiana Groovy Blue - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Honey]] - replaces Tatiana Honey - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha - 5/17/2009 16:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha Stabona - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Night Cap]] - replaces Tatiana Night Cap - 2/20/2010 12:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Rum]] - replaces Tatiana Rum - 2/12/2010 10:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Vanilla]] - replaces Tatiana Vanilla - 2/20/2010 12:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Waking Dream]] - replaces Tatiana Waking Dream - 2/12/2010 10:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tempus]] - replaces Tempus - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Torano Signature]] - replaces Torano Signature - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tusker]] - replaces Tusker - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[VSG]] - replaces VSG - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vann Reef]] - replaces Vann Reef - 8/18/2009 12:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - replaces Verdadero Organic - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vintage 1990]] - replaces Vintage 1990 - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - replaces XL Double Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Xikar HC Criollo]] - replaces Xikar HC Criollo - 3/28/2010 19:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[camacho select don julio eiroa]] - replaces camacho select don julio eiroa - 1/27/2010 17:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - replaces de Grisogono Geneva - 3/11/2010 15:22:00 by Mike P.

On Friday, April 09, 2010 5:23:20 PM, Mike P. imported 18 tiddlers from
#[[QuickEditPackage]] - replaces QuickEditPackage - 4/8/2010 14:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[QuickEditPlugin]] - added
#[[QuickEditToolbar]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_align]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_color]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_convert]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_custom]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_customList]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_font]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_fontList]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_format]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_image]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_insert]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_link]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_macro]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_replace]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_sort]] - added
#[[QuickEdit_split]] - added
#[[StyleSheetShortcuts]] - skipped after asking

On Thursday, April 08, 2010 3:14:45 PM, Mike P. imported 56 tiddlers from
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - replaces 5 Vegas Cask Strength II - 3/11/2010 15:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada '08 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada 2009 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - replaces 5 Vegas Relic - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Green]] - replaces 601 Green - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[A Fernandez]] - replaces A Fernandez - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - replaces Alec Bradley Maxx - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese CL3]] - replaces Arganese CL3 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese Uno]] - replaces Arganese Uno - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - replaces Augusto Reyes Nativo - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon]] - replaces Black Dragon - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - replaces CAO Sopranos Soldier - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO VR]] - replaces CAO VR - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Monarca - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Fuego]] - replaces Casa Fuego - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - replaces Cu-Avana Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cuba Libre]] - replaces Cuba Libre - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - replaces Cusano 18 Double Connecticut - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - replaces Cusano LXI Sun Grown - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - replaces Don Lino Africa - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[El Mejor Emerald]] - replaces El Mejor Emerald - 3/28/2010 17:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio Power - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - replaces Fonseca Vintage - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - replaces Gurkha Avenger G5 - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - replaces Gurkha Liga C-10 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana VI]] - replaces Havana VI - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Domingues Signature Series]] - replaces Jose Domingues Signature Series - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - replaces La Aurora 1495 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - replaces La Flor de Cano - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - replaces La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - replaces Leon Jimenes - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Limited Edition]] - replaces Limited Edition - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War Ruination]] - replaces Man O' War Ruination - 3/14/2010 19:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War SE]] - replaces Man O' War SE - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nica Libre]] - replaces Nica Libre - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - replaces Olivia Serie O Perfecto - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - replaces Padilla Achilles - 3/28/2010 18:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Miami]] - replaces Padilla Miami - 3/28/2010 18:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Signature]] - replaces Padilla Signature - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas Black]] - replaces Partagas Black - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - replaces Perdomo Golf - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - replaces Reyes Family Premier - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - replaces Rocky Patel Decade - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - replaces Rocky Patel I-Press - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - replaces Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Sun Grown]] - replaces Rocky Patel Sun Grown - 3/23/2010 19:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Viejo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - replaces San Cristobal Guajiro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet]] - replaces Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet - 3/14/2010 19:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha Stabona - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tempus]] - replaces Tempus - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Torano Signature]] - replaces Torano Signature - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - replaces Verdadero Organic - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - replaces XL Double Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - replaces de Grisogono Geneva - 3/11/2010 15:22:00 by Mike P.

On Thursday, April 08, 2010 3:13:52 PM, Mike P. imported 56 tiddlers from
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - replaces 5 Vegas Cask Strength II - 3/11/2010 15:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada '08 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada 2009 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - replaces 5 Vegas Relic - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Green]] - replaces 601 Green - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[A Fernandez]] - replaces A Fernandez - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - replaces Alec Bradley Maxx - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese CL3]] - replaces Arganese CL3 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese Uno]] - replaces Arganese Uno - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - replaces Augusto Reyes Nativo - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon]] - replaces Black Dragon - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - replaces CAO Sopranos Soldier - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO VR]] - replaces CAO VR - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Monarca - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Fuego]] - replaces Casa Fuego - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - replaces Cu-Avana Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cuba Libre]] - replaces Cuba Libre - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - replaces Cusano 18 Double Connecticut - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - replaces Cusano LXI Sun Grown - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - replaces Don Lino Africa - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[El Mejor Emerald]] - replaces El Mejor Emerald - 3/28/2010 17:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio Power - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - replaces Fonseca Vintage - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - replaces Gurkha Avenger G5 - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - replaces Gurkha Liga C-10 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana VI]] - replaces Havana VI - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Domingues Signature Series]] - replaces Jose Domingues Signature Series - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - replaces La Aurora 1495 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - replaces La Flor de Cano - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - replaces La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - replaces Leon Jimenes - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Limited Edition]] - replaces Limited Edition - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War Ruination]] - replaces Man O' War Ruination - 3/14/2010 19:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War SE]] - replaces Man O' War SE - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nica Libre]] - replaces Nica Libre - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - replaces Olivia Serie O Perfecto - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - replaces Padilla Achilles - 3/28/2010 18:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Miami]] - replaces Padilla Miami - 3/28/2010 18:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Signature]] - replaces Padilla Signature - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas Black]] - replaces Partagas Black - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - replaces Perdomo Golf - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - replaces Reyes Family Premier - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - replaces Rocky Patel Decade - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - replaces Rocky Patel I-Press - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - replaces Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Sun Grown]] - replaces Rocky Patel Sun Grown - 3/23/2010 19:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Viejo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - replaces San Cristobal Guajiro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet]] - replaces Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet - 3/14/2010 19:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha Stabona - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tempus]] - replaces Tempus - 3/28/2010 18:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Torano Signature]] - replaces Torano Signature - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - replaces Verdadero Organic - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - replaces XL Double Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - replaces de Grisogono Geneva - 3/11/2010 15:22:00 by Mike P.

On Thursday, April 08, 2010 3:05:28 PM, Mike P. imported 251 tiddlers from
#[[(1988) No. 3]] - added
#[[(1988) Vintage Cameroon]] - added
#[[(1989) Breva Fina]] - added
#[[(1997) Special Seleccion]] - added
#[[(1998) Lonsdale]] - added
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide]] - added
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide M]] - added
#[[(1998) Royale]] - added
#[[(1999) Buena Forte]] - added
#[[(1999) Condessa Figurado]] - added
#[[(1999) Flor de A. Allones]] - added
#[[(2000) Gran Corona]] - added
#[[(2000) Monterrey]] - added
#[[(2000) No. 1]] - added
#[[(2001) Excalibur 1066]] - added
#[[1495 Series]] - added
#[[1875 Reserva Real]] - added
#[[1875 Reserva Real Toro]] - added
#[[1964 Principe]] - added
#[[2000]] - added
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - added
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - added
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - added
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - added
#[[601 Black]] - added
#[[601 Green]] - added
#[[A Fernandez]] - added
#[[ADE (Blue Label)]] - added
#[[Acid Blondie]] - added
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - added
#[[Alec Bradley Tempus]] - added
#[[America]] - added
#[[Arganese CL3]] - added
#[[Arganese Uno]] - added
#[[Artesanos de Miami]] - added
#[[Arturo Fuente 8-5-8]] - added
#[[Ashton ESG]] - added
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - added
#[[Barlovento]] - added
#[[Belmondo]] - added
#[[Black Dragon]] - added
#[[Black Dragon Presidente]] - added
#[[Black Pearl]] - added
#[[Brazilia]] - added
#[[CAO Bella Vanilla]] - added
#[[CAO CX2]] - added
#[[CAO Caramello Joe]] - added
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - added
#[[CAO VR]] - added
#[[Cain Straight Ligero]] - added
#[[Camacho Corojo]] - added
#[[Camacho Corojo Machito]] - added
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - added
#[[Camacho PE]] - added
#[[Camacho Select]] - added
#[[Carinos]] - added
#[[Casa Fuego]] - added
#[[Casa Magna Colorado]] - added
#[[Chateau Real]] - added
#[[Chavon]] - added
#[[Cohiba]] - added
#[[Cohiba 2]] - added
#[[Cohiba Puro Dominicana]] - added
#[[Cohiba Siglo II]] - added
#[[Conuco]] - added
#[[Cruz Real]] - added
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - added
#[[Cuba Libre]] - added
#[[Cusano 18]] - added
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - added
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - added
#[[DC Pyramid]] - added
#[[Devil's Weed]] - added
#[[Devil's Weed 515]] - added
#[[Diablo]] - added
#[[Diamond Crown #3]] - added
#[[Diamond Crown #4]] - added
#[[Diamond Crown #4 M]] - added
#[[Dominique]] - added
#[[Don Carlos 4Blend]] - added
#[[Don Carlos Robusto]] - added
#[[Don Carlos SC Full]] - added
#[[Don Carlos SC Medium]] - added
#[[Don Carlos SC Mild]] - added
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - added
#[[Don Thomas Cameroon]] - added
#[[Don Thomas Special Edition]] - added
#[[Dorado 652]] - added
#[[Doña Ines]] - added
#[[Eileen's Dream]] - added
#[[El Mejor Emerald]] - added
#[[Excalibur]] - added
#[[Felipe Gregorio]] - added
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - added
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - added
#[[Fresco Maduro]] - added
#[[G3]] - added
#[[G5 Avenger]] - added
#[[Gold]] - added
#[[Gran Reserva]] - added
#[[Gran Reserve]] - added
#[[Gran Reserve Torpedo]] - added
#[[Grand Cru]] - added
#[[Graycliff Blue]] - added
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior]] - added
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior El Duke]] - added
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - added
#[[Gurkha Cuban Legacy]] - added
#[[Gurkha Grand Age]] - added
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - added
#[[Gurkha Park Avenue]] - added
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Master Select]] - added
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Master Select Connecticut]] - added
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender]] - added
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender Connecticut]] - added
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan]] - added
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan Connecticut]] - added
#[[Gurkha Shaggy]] - added
#[[Gurkha Signature]] - added
#[[Gurkha Warlord]] - added
#[[H Upmann #100]] - added
#[[Havana Sun Grown]] - added
#[[Havana VI]] - added
#[[Hemingway Signature]] - added
#[[Hemmingway]] - added
#[[Hyde Park]] - added
#[[Iguana]] - added
#[[J Fuego Delirium]] - added
#[[JFR Habano Maduro]] - added
#[[JR Gurkha Legend Replacement]] - added
#[[JRCOR]] - added
#[[JRLGW]] - added
#[[Java]] - added
#[[Java Claro The 58 Super Toro]] - added
#[[Java Latte]] - added
#[[Java Latte Corona]] - added
#[[Jose Domingues Signature Series]] - added
#[[Jose Gener]] - added
#[[José Girbés]] - added
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano]] - added
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo]] - added
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico]] - added
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - added
#[[King B]] - added
#[[Kuba Maduro]] - added
#[[La Aroma de Cuba]] - added
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial]] - added
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B]] - added
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - added
#[[La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition]] - added
#[[La Campina]] - added
#[[La Caya Limited Reserve]] - added
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - added
#[[La Floridita Premium]] - added
#[[La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition)]] - added
#[[La Gloria Cubana Maduro]] - added
#[[La Gloria Cubana Panetela]] - added
#[[La Gloria Cubana Reserva]] - added
#[[La Gloria Cubana Wavell]] - added
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - added
#[[La Paloma]] - added
#[[La Perla Habana]] - added
#[[Legend "Master Blend"]] - added
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - added
#[[Leon Jimenes Cafe Dominicano]] - added
#[[Leon Jimenes No1]] - added
#[[Limited Edition]] - added
#[[Macanudo]] - added
#[[Macanudo 1968]] - added
#[[Macanudo Duke of Devon]] - added
#[[Macanudo Gold]] - added
#[[Man O' War Ruination]] - added
#[[Man O' War SE]] - added
#[[Manolete]] - added
#[[Master Select]] - added
#[[Miraflor]] - added
#[[Montecristo #4]] - added
#[[Montecristo Cuba]] - added
#[[Mother Earth]] - added
#[[Natural]] - added
#[[Natural Dirt]] - added
#[[Natural Root]] - added
#[[Nectar]] - added
#[[Nica Libre]] - added
#[[Nub 454 Connecticut]] - added
#[[Nub 460 Connecticut]] - added
#[[Nub 464 Cameroon]] - added
#[[Nub 464T Maduro]] - added
#[[Olivia Serie O]] - added
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - added
#[[Opus X Fuente Fuente]] - added
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - added
#[[Padilla Miami]] - added
#[[Padilla Signature]] - added
#[[Padron 1926]] - added
#[[Padron 1926 #6]] - added
#[[Padron Delicias]] - added
#[[Padron Imperial]] - added
#[[Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro]] - added
#[[Partagas 1845 Red]] - added
#[[Partagas Black]] - added
#[[Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto]] - added
#[[Perdomo Fresco]] - added
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - added
#[[Perdomo Lot 23]] - added
#[[Por Larranaga Panatela]] - added
#[[Primo Del Rey]] - added
#[[Punch]] - added
#[[Rafael Gonzales]] - added
#[[Rey Miguel]] - added
#[[Reyes Classic]] - added
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - added
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - added
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - added
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - added
#[[Rocky Patel Sun Grown]] - added
#[[Romantico]] - added
#[[Romeo y Julieta Maduro]] - added
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - added
#[[San Cristobal]] - added
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - added
#[[Sancho Panza]] - added
#[[Silver Exodus 1959]] - added
#[[Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet]] - added
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce]] - added
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Colada]] - added
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Corona]] - added
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Negra]] - added
#[[Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce]] - added
#[[Tatiana Cherry]] - added
#[[Tatiana Chocolate]] - added
#[[Tatiana Cinnamon]] - added
#[[Tatiana Groovy Blue]] - added
#[[Tatiana Honey]] - added
#[[Tatiana Mocha]] - added
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - added
#[[Tatiana Night Cap]] - added
#[[Tatiana Rum]] - added
#[[Tatiana Vanilla]] - added
#[[Tatiana Waking Dream]] - added
#[[Tempus]] - added
#[[Torano Signature]] - added
#[[Tusker]] - added
#[[VSG]] - added
#[[Vann Reef]] - added
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - added
#[[Vintage 1990]] - added
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - added
#[[Xikar HC Criollo]] - added
#[[camacho select don julio eiroa]] - added
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - added

On Sunday, March 28, 2010 7:36:26 PM, Mike P. imported 251 tiddlers from
#[[(1988) No. 3]] - replaces (1988) No. 3 - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1988) Vintage Cameroon]] - replaces (1988) Vintage Cameroon - 9/12/2009 15:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1989) Breva Fina]] - replaces (1989) Breva Fina - 3/12/2010 13:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1997) Special Seleccion]] - replaces (1997) Special Seleccion - 6/21/2009 08:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Lonsdale]] - replaces (1998) Lonsdale - 9/12/2009 15:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide - 8/18/2009 12:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide M]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide M - 8/28/2009 16:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Royale]] - replaces (1998) Royale - 8/13/2009 16:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Buena Forte]] - replaces (1999) Buena Forte - 8/4/2009 08:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Condessa Figurado]] - replaces (1999) Condessa Figurado - 1/20/2010 08:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Flor de A. Allones]] - replaces (1999) Flor de A. Allones - 7/19/2009 12:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Gran Corona]] - replaces (2000) Gran Corona - 10/9/2009 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Monterrey]] - replaces (2000) Monterrey - 8/16/2009 10:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) No. 1]] - replaces (2000) No. 1 - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2001) Excalibur 1066]] - replaces (2001) Excalibur 1066 - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[1495 Series]] - replaces 1495 Series - 2/17/2009 16:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real Toro]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real Toro - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1964 Principe]] - replaces 1964 Principe - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[2000]] - replaces 2000 - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - replaces 5 Vegas Cask Strength II - 3/11/2010 15:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada '08 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada 2009 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - replaces 5 Vegas Relic - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Black]] - replaces 601 Black - 2/27/2009 11:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Green]] - replaces 601 Green - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[A Fernandez]] - replaces A Fernandez - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[ADE (Blue Label)]] - replaces ADE (Blue Label) - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Acid Blondie]] - replaces Acid Blondie - 2/22/2010 19:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - replaces Alec Bradley Maxx - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Tempus]] - replaces Alec Bradley Tempus - 5/25/2009 07:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[America]] - replaces America - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese CL3]] - replaces Arganese CL3 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese Uno]] - added
#[[Artesanos de Miami]] - replaces Artesanos de Miami - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arturo Fuente 8-5-8]] - replaces Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 - 4/20/2009 12:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Ashton ESG]] - replaces Ashton ESG - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - replaces Augusto Reyes Nativo - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Barlovento]] - replaces Barlovento - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Belmondo]] - replaces Belmondo - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon]] - replaces Black Dragon - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon Presidente]] - replaces Black Dragon Presidente - 9/12/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Pearl]] - replaces Black Pearl - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Brazilia]] - replaces Brazilia - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Bella Vanilla]] - replaces CAO Bella Vanilla - 1/28/2010 07:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO CX2]] - replaces CAO CX2 - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Caramello Joe]] - replaces CAO Caramello Joe - 1/28/2010 07:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - replaces CAO Sopranos Soldier - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO VR]] - replaces CAO VR - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cain Straight Ligero]] - replaces Cain Straight Ligero - 9/24/2009 16:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo]] - replaces Camacho Corojo - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Machito]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Machito - 2/12/2010 14:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Monarca - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho PE]] - replaces Camacho PE - 1/20/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Select]] - replaces Camacho Select - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Carinos]] - replaces Carinos - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Fuego]] - replaces Casa Fuego - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Magna Colorado]] - replaces Casa Magna Colorado - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chateau Real]] - replaces Chateau Real - 2/2/2010 08:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chavon]] - replaces Chavon - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba]] - replaces Cohiba - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba 2]] - replaces Cohiba 2 - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Puro Dominicana]] - replaces Cohiba Puro Dominicana - 2/2/2010 08:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Siglo II]] - added
#[[Conuco]] - replaces Conuco - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cruz Real]] - replaces Cruz Real - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - replaces Cu-Avana Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cuba Libre]] - replaces Cuba Libre - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18]] - replaces Cusano 18 - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - replaces Cusano 18 Double Connecticut - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - replaces Cusano LXI Sun Grown - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[DC Pyramid]] - replaces DC Pyramid - 1/20/2010 08:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed]] - replaces Devil's Weed - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed 515]] - replaces Devil's Weed 515 - 3/15/2010 15:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diablo]] - replaces Diablo - 5/26/2009 06:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #3]] - replaces Diamond Crown #3 - 3/1/2009 14:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 - 2/28/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4 M]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 M - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dominique]] - replaces Dominique - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos 4Blend]] - replaces Don Carlos 4Blend - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos Robusto]] - replaces Don Carlos Robusto - 4/13/2009 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Full]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Full - 4/14/2009 07:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Medium]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Medium - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Mild]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Mild - 6/21/2009 08:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - replaces Don Lino Africa - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Cameroon]] - replaces Don Thomas Cameroon - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Special Edition]] - replaces Don Thomas Special Edition - 2/28/2009 08:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dorado 652]] - replaces Dorado 652 - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Doña Ines]] - replaces Doña Ines - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Eileen's Dream]] - replaces Eileen's Dream - 6/6/2009 10:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[El Mejor Emerald]] - replaces El Mejor Emerald - 3/14/2010 19:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Excalibur]] - replaces Excalibur - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio Power - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - replaces Fonseca Vintage - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fresco Maduro]] - added
#[[G3]] - replaces G3 - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[G5 Avenger]] - replaces G5 Avenger - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gold]] - replaces Gold - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserva]] - replaces Gran Reserva - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve]] - replaces Gran Reserve - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve Torpedo]] - replaces Gran Reserve Torpedo - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Grand Cru]] - replaces Grand Cru - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Graycliff Blue]] - replaces Graycliff Blue - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior - 5/3/2009 22:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior El Duke]] - added
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - replaces Gurkha Avenger G5 - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Cuban Legacy]] - replaces Gurkha Cuban Legacy - 1/27/2010 17:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Grand Age]] - added
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - replaces Gurkha Liga C-10 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Park Avenue]] - replaces Gurkha Park Avenue - 2/26/2009 08:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Master Select]] - added
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Master Select Connecticut]] - added
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender]] - added
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Masterblender Connecticut]] - added
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan]] - added
#[[Gurkha Perfecto Vulcan Connecticut]] - added
#[[Gurkha Shaggy]] - replaces Gurkha Shaggy - 6/19/2009 16:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Signature]] - replaces Gurkha Signature - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Warlord]] - added
#[[H Upmann #100]] - replaces H Upmann #100 - 2/28/2009 09:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana Sun Grown]] - replaces Havana Sun Grown - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana VI]] - replaces Havana VI - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemingway Signature]] - replaces Hemingway Signature - 3/14/2009 06:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemmingway]] - replaces Hemmingway - 3/16/2009 17:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hyde Park]] - replaces Hyde Park - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Iguana]] - replaces Iguana - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[J Fuego Delirium]] - replaces J Fuego Delirium - 8/12/2009 12:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[JFR Habano Maduro]] - replaces JFR Habano Maduro - 2/28/2010 15:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[JR Gurkha Legend Replacement]] - replaces JR Gurkha Legend Replacement - 4/27/2009 09:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRCOR]] - replaces JRCOR - 4/27/2009 09:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRLGW]] - replaces JRLGW - 4/27/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java]] - replaces Java - 4/13/2009 17:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java Claro The 58 Super Toro]] - added
#[[Java Latte]] - added
#[[Java Latte Corona]] - added
#[[Jose Domingues Signature Series]] - added
#[[Jose Gener]] - replaces Jose Gener - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[José Girbés]] - replaces José Girbés - 3/6/2009 20:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano - 2/12/2010 14:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo - 2/12/2010 14:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[King B]] - replaces King B - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Kuba Maduro]] - replaces Kuba Maduro - 2/12/2010 14:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial - 4/13/2009 17:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B - 4/13/2009 17:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - replaces La Aurora 1495 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition]] - replaces La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition - 1/27/2010 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Campina]] - replaces La Campina - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Caya Limited Reserve]] - replaces La Caya Limited Reserve - 3/16/2009 16:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - replaces La Flor de Cano - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium]] - replaces La Floridita Premium - 9/24/2009 16:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition)]] - replaces La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition) - 3/16/2009 17:22:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Maduro]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Panetela]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Panetela - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Reserva]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Reserva - 3/10/2009 09:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Wavell]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Wavell - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - replaces La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Paloma]] - replaces La Paloma - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Perla Habana]] - replaces La Perla Habana - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Legend "Master Blend"]] - replaces Legend "Master Blend" - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - replaces Leon Jimenes - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes Cafe Dominicano]] - added
#[[Leon Jimenes No1]] - replaces Leon Jimenes No1 - 3/15/2010 15:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Limited Edition]] - replaces Limited Edition - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo]] - replaces Macanudo - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo 1968]] - replaces Macanudo 1968 - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Duke of Devon]] - replaces Macanudo Duke of Devon - 4/14/2009 07:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Gold]] - replaces Macanudo Gold - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War Ruination]] - replaces Man O' War Ruination - 3/14/2010 19:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War SE]] - replaces Man O' War SE - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Manolete]] - replaces Manolete - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Master Select]] - replaces Master Select - 3/16/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Miraflor]] - replaces Miraflor - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo #4]] - replaces Montecristo #4 - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo Cuba]] - replaces Montecristo Cuba - 12/8/2009 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Mother Earth]] - replaces Mother Earth - 8/18/2009 12:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural]] - replaces Natural - 8/18/2009 12:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Dirt]] - replaces Natural Dirt - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Root]] - replaces Natural Root - 2/12/2010 13:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nectar]] - replaces Nectar - 8/18/2009 12:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nica Libre]] - replaces Nica Libre - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 454 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 454 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 460 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 460 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464 Cameroon]] - replaces Nub 464 Cameroon - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464T Maduro]] - replaces Nub 464T Maduro - 2/2/2010 08:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O]] - replaces Olivia Serie O - 6/19/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - replaces Olivia Serie O Perfecto - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Opus X Fuente Fuente]] - replaces Opus X Fuente Fuente - 4/27/2009 14:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - replaces Padilla Achilles - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Miami]] - added
#[[Padilla Signature]] - replaces Padilla Signature - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926]] - replaces Padron 1926 - 9/13/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926 #6]] - replaces Padron 1926 #6 - 3/14/2009 06:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Delicias]] - replaces Padron Delicias - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Imperial]] - replaces Padron Imperial - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro]] - replaces Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro - 2/15/2010 15:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas 1845 Red]] - replaces Partagas 1845 Red - 3/1/2009 14:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas Black]] - replaces Partagas Black - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto]] - replaces Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Fresco]] - replaces Perdomo Fresco - 3/15/2010 13:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - replaces Perdomo Golf - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Lot 23]] - replaces Perdomo Lot 23 - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Por Larranaga Panatela]] - replaces Por Larranaga Panatela - 1/20/2010 08:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Primo Del Rey]] - replaces Primo Del Rey - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Punch]] - replaces Punch - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rafael Gonzales]] - replaces Rafael Gonzales - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rey Miguel]] - replaces Rey Miguel - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Classic]] - replaces Reyes Classic - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - replaces Reyes Family Premier - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - replaces Rocky Patel Decade - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - replaces Rocky Patel I-Press - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - replaces Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Sun Grown]] - replaces Rocky Patel Sun Grown - 3/23/2010 19:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romantico]] - replaces Romantico - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Maduro]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Viejo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal]] - replaces San Cristobal - 2/15/2010 07:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - replaces San Cristobal Guajiro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sancho Panza]] - replaces Sancho Panza - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Silver Exodus 1959]] - replaces Silver Exodus 1959 - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet]] - replaces Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet - 3/14/2010 19:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Colada]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Colada - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Corona]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Corona - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Negra]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Negra - 2/25/2010 15:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce - 2/25/2010 16:08:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cherry]] - replaces Tatiana Cherry - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Chocolate]] - replaces Tatiana Chocolate - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cinnamon]] - replaces Tatiana Cinnamon - 2/24/2010 14:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Groovy Blue]] - replaces Tatiana Groovy Blue - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Honey]] - replaces Tatiana Honey - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha - 5/17/2009 16:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha Stabona - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Night Cap]] - replaces Tatiana Night Cap - 2/20/2010 12:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Rum]] - replaces Tatiana Rum - 2/12/2010 10:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Vanilla]] - replaces Tatiana Vanilla - 2/20/2010 12:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Waking Dream]] - replaces Tatiana Waking Dream - 2/12/2010 10:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tempus]] - added
#[[Torano Signature]] - replaces Torano Signature - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tusker]] - replaces Tusker - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[VSG]] - replaces VSG - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vann Reef]] - replaces Vann Reef - 8/18/2009 12:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - replaces Verdadero Organic - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vintage 1990]] - replaces Vintage 1990 - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - replaces XL Double Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Xikar HC Criollo]] - added
#[[camacho select don julio eiroa]] - replaces camacho select don julio eiroa - 1/27/2010 17:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - replaces de Grisogono Geneva - 3/11/2010 15:22:00 by Mike P.

On Tuesday, March 23, 2010 8:06:16 PM, Mike P. imported 231 tiddlers from
#[[(1988) No. 3]] - replaces (1988) No. 3 - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1988) Vintage Cameroon]] - replaces (1988) Vintage Cameroon - 9/12/2009 15:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1989) Breva Fina]] - replaces (1989) Breva Fina - 3/12/2010 13:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1997) Special Seleccion]] - replaces (1997) Special Seleccion - 6/21/2009 08:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Lonsdale]] - replaces (1998) Lonsdale - 9/12/2009 15:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide - 8/18/2009 12:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide M]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide M - 8/28/2009 16:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Royale]] - replaces (1998) Royale - 8/13/2009 16:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Buena Forte]] - replaces (1999) Buena Forte - 8/4/2009 08:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Condessa Figurado]] - replaces (1999) Condessa Figurado - 1/20/2010 08:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Flor de A. Allones]] - replaces (1999) Flor de A. Allones - 7/19/2009 12:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Gran Corona]] - replaces (2000) Gran Corona - 10/9/2009 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Monterrey]] - replaces (2000) Monterrey - 8/16/2009 10:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) No. 1]] - replaces (2000) No. 1 - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2001) Excalibur 1066]] - replaces (2001) Excalibur 1066 - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[1495 Series]] - replaces 1495 Series - 2/17/2009 16:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real Toro]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real Toro - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1964 Principe]] - replaces 1964 Principe - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[2000]] - replaces 2000 - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - replaces 5 Vegas Cask Strength II - 3/11/2010 15:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada '08 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada 2009 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - replaces 5 Vegas Relic - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Black]] - replaces 601 Black - 2/27/2009 11:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Green]] - replaces 601 Green - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[A Fernandez]] - replaces A Fernandez - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[ADE (Blue Label)]] - replaces ADE (Blue Label) - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Acid Blondie]] - replaces Acid Blondie - 2/22/2010 19:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - replaces Alec Bradley Maxx - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Tempus]] - replaces Alec Bradley Tempus - 5/25/2009 07:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[America]] - replaces America - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese CL3]] - replaces Arganese CL3 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Artesanos de Miami]] - replaces Artesanos de Miami - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arturo Fuente 8-5-8]] - replaces Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 - 4/20/2009 12:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Ashton ESG]] - replaces Ashton ESG - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - replaces Augusto Reyes Nativo - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Barlovento]] - replaces Barlovento - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Belmondo]] - replaces Belmondo - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon]] - replaces Black Dragon - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon Presidente]] - replaces Black Dragon Presidente - 9/12/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Pearl]] - replaces Black Pearl - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Brazilia]] - replaces Brazilia - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Bella Vanilla]] - replaces CAO Bella Vanilla - 1/28/2010 07:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO CX2]] - replaces CAO CX2 - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Caramello Joe]] - replaces CAO Caramello Joe - 1/28/2010 07:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - replaces CAO Sopranos Soldier - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO VR]] - replaces CAO VR - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cain Straight Ligero]] - replaces Cain Straight Ligero - 9/24/2009 16:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo]] - replaces Camacho Corojo - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Machito]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Machito - 2/12/2010 14:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Monarca - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho PE]] - replaces Camacho PE - 1/20/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Select]] - replaces Camacho Select - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Carinos]] - replaces Carinos - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Fuego]] - replaces Casa Fuego - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Magna Colorado]] - replaces Casa Magna Colorado - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chateau Real]] - replaces Chateau Real - 2/2/2010 08:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chavon]] - replaces Chavon - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba]] - replaces Cohiba - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba 2]] - replaces Cohiba 2 - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Puro Dominicana]] - replaces Cohiba Puro Dominicana - 2/2/2010 08:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[Conuco]] - replaces Conuco - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cruz Real]] - replaces Cruz Real - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - replaces Cu-Avana Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cuba Libre]] - replaces Cuba Libre - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18]] - replaces Cusano 18 - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - replaces Cusano 18 Double Connecticut - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - replaces Cusano LXI Sun Grown - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[DC Pyramid]] - replaces DC Pyramid - 1/20/2010 08:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed]] - replaces Devil's Weed - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed 515]] - replaces Devil's Weed 515 - 3/1/2010 16:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diablo]] - replaces Diablo - 5/26/2009 06:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #3]] - replaces Diamond Crown #3 - 3/1/2009 14:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 - 2/28/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4 M]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 M - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dominique]] - replaces Dominique - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos 4Blend]] - replaces Don Carlos 4Blend - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos Robusto]] - replaces Don Carlos Robusto - 4/13/2009 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Full]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Full - 4/14/2009 07:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Medium]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Medium - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Mild]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Mild - 6/21/2009 08:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - replaces Don Lino Africa - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Cameroon]] - replaces Don Thomas Cameroon - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Special Edition]] - replaces Don Thomas Special Edition - 2/28/2009 08:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dorado 652]] - replaces Dorado 652 - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Doña Ines]] - replaces Doña Ines - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Eileen's Dream]] - replaces Eileen's Dream - 6/6/2009 10:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[El Mejor Emerald]] - replaces El Mejor Emerald - 3/14/2010 19:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Excalibur]] - replaces Excalibur - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio Power - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - replaces Fonseca Vintage - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[G3]] - replaces G3 - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[G5 Avenger]] - replaces G5 Avenger - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gold]] - replaces Gold - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserva]] - replaces Gran Reserva - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve]] - replaces Gran Reserve - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve Torpedo]] - replaces Gran Reserve Torpedo - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Grand Cru]] - replaces Grand Cru - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Graycliff Blue]] - replaces Graycliff Blue - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior - 5/3/2009 22:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - replaces Gurkha Avenger G5 - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Cuban Legacy]] - replaces Gurkha Cuban Legacy - 1/27/2010 17:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - replaces Gurkha Liga C-10 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Park Avenue]] - replaces Gurkha Park Avenue - 2/26/2009 08:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Shaggy]] - replaces Gurkha Shaggy - 6/19/2009 16:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Signature]] - replaces Gurkha Signature - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[H Upmann #100]] - replaces H Upmann #100 - 2/28/2009 09:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana Sun Grown]] - replaces Havana Sun Grown - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana VI]] - replaces Havana VI - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemingway Signature]] - replaces Hemingway Signature - 3/14/2009 06:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemmingway]] - replaces Hemmingway - 3/16/2009 17:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hyde Park]] - replaces Hyde Park - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Iguana]] - replaces Iguana - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[J Fuego Delirium]] - replaces J Fuego Delirium - 8/12/2009 12:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[JFR Habano Maduro]] - replaces JFR Habano Maduro - 2/28/2010 15:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[JR Gurkha Legend Replacement]] - replaces JR Gurkha Legend Replacement - 4/27/2009 09:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRCOR]] - replaces JRCOR - 4/27/2009 09:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRLGW]] - replaces JRLGW - 4/27/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java]] - replaces Java - 4/13/2009 17:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Gener]] - replaces Jose Gener - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[José Girbés]] - replaces José Girbés - 3/6/2009 20:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano - 2/12/2010 14:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo - 2/12/2010 14:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[King B]] - replaces King B - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Kuba Maduro]] - replaces Kuba Maduro - 2/12/2010 14:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial - 4/13/2009 17:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B - 4/13/2009 17:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - replaces La Aurora 1495 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition]] - replaces La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition - 1/27/2010 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Campina]] - replaces La Campina - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Caya Limited Reserve]] - replaces La Caya Limited Reserve - 3/16/2009 16:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - replaces La Flor de Cano - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium]] - replaces La Floridita Premium - 9/24/2009 16:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition)]] - replaces La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition) - 3/16/2009 17:22:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Maduro]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Panetela]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Panetela - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Reserva]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Reserva - 3/10/2009 09:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Wavell]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Wavell - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - replaces La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Paloma]] - replaces La Paloma - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Perla Habana]] - replaces La Perla Habana - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Legend "Master Blend"]] - replaces Legend "Master Blend" - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - replaces Leon Jimenes - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes No1]] - replaces Leon Jimenes No1 - 3/10/2010 15:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[Limited Edition]] - replaces Limited Edition - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo]] - replaces Macanudo - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo 1968]] - replaces Macanudo 1968 - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Duke of Devon]] - replaces Macanudo Duke of Devon - 4/14/2009 07:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Gold]] - replaces Macanudo Gold - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War Ruination]] - replaces Man O' War Ruination - 3/14/2010 19:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War SE]] - replaces Man O' War SE - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Manolete]] - replaces Manolete - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Master Select]] - replaces Master Select - 3/16/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Miraflor]] - replaces Miraflor - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo #4]] - replaces Montecristo #4 - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo Cuba]] - replaces Montecristo Cuba - 12/8/2009 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Mother Earth]] - replaces Mother Earth - 8/18/2009 12:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural]] - replaces Natural - 8/18/2009 12:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Dirt]] - replaces Natural Dirt - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Root]] - replaces Natural Root - 2/12/2010 13:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nectar]] - replaces Nectar - 8/18/2009 12:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nica Libre]] - replaces Nica Libre - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 454 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 454 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 460 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 460 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464 Cameroon]] - replaces Nub 464 Cameroon - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464T Maduro]] - replaces Nub 464T Maduro - 2/2/2010 08:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O]] - replaces Olivia Serie O - 6/19/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - replaces Olivia Serie O Perfecto - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Opus X Fuente Fuente]] - replaces Opus X Fuente Fuente - 4/27/2009 14:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - replaces Padilla Achilles - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Signature]] - replaces Padilla Signature - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926]] - replaces Padron 1926 - 9/13/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926 #6]] - replaces Padron 1926 #6 - 3/14/2009 06:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Delicias]] - replaces Padron Delicias - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Imperial]] - replaces Padron Imperial - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro]] - replaces Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro - 2/15/2010 15:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas 1845 Red]] - replaces Partagas 1845 Red - 3/1/2009 14:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas Black]] - replaces Partagas Black - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto]] - replaces Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Fresco]] - replaces Perdomo Fresco - 3/14/2010 20:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - replaces Perdomo Golf - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Lot 23]] - replaces Perdomo Lot 23 - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Por Larranaga Panatela]] - replaces Por Larranaga Panatela - 1/20/2010 08:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Primo Del Rey]] - replaces Primo Del Rey - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Punch]] - replaces Punch - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rafael Gonzales]] - replaces Rafael Gonzales - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rey Miguel]] - replaces Rey Miguel - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Classic]] - replaces Reyes Classic - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - replaces Reyes Family Premier - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - replaces Rocky Patel Decade - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - replaces Rocky Patel I-Press - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - replaces Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Sun Grown]] - replaces Rocky Patel Sun Grown - 3/14/2010 19:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romantico]] - replaces Romantico - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Maduro]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Viejo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal]] - replaces San Cristobal - 2/15/2010 07:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - replaces San Cristobal Guajiro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sancho Panza]] - replaces Sancho Panza - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Silver Exodus 1959]] - replaces Silver Exodus 1959 - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet]] - replaces Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet - 3/14/2010 19:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Colada]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Colada - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Corona]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Corona - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Negra]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Negra - 2/25/2010 15:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce - 2/25/2010 16:08:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cherry]] - replaces Tatiana Cherry - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Chocolate]] - replaces Tatiana Chocolate - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cinnamon]] - replaces Tatiana Cinnamon - 2/24/2010 14:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Groovy Blue]] - replaces Tatiana Groovy Blue - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Honey]] - replaces Tatiana Honey - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha - 5/17/2009 16:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha Stabona - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Night Cap]] - replaces Tatiana Night Cap - 2/20/2010 12:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Rum]] - replaces Tatiana Rum - 2/12/2010 10:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Vanilla]] - replaces Tatiana Vanilla - 2/20/2010 12:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Waking Dream]] - replaces Tatiana Waking Dream - 2/12/2010 10:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[Torano Signature]] - replaces Torano Signature - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tusker]] - replaces Tusker - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[VSG]] - replaces VSG - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vann Reef]] - replaces Vann Reef - 8/18/2009 12:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - replaces Verdadero Organic - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vintage 1990]] - replaces Vintage 1990 - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - replaces XL Double Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[camacho select don julio eiroa]] - replaces camacho select don julio eiroa - 1/27/2010 17:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - replaces de Grisogono Geneva - 3/11/2010 15:22:00 by Mike P.

On Sunday, March 14, 2010 8:20:45 PM, Mike P. imported 231 tiddlers from
#[[(1988) No. 3]] - replaces (1988) No. 3 - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1988) Vintage Cameroon]] - replaces (1988) Vintage Cameroon - 9/12/2009 15:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1989) Breva Fina]] - replaces (1989) Breva Fina - 6/6/2009 10:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1997) Special Seleccion]] - replaces (1997) Special Seleccion - 6/21/2009 08:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Lonsdale]] - replaces (1998) Lonsdale - 9/12/2009 15:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide - 8/18/2009 12:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide M]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide M - 8/28/2009 16:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Royale]] - replaces (1998) Royale - 8/13/2009 16:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Buena Forte]] - replaces (1999) Buena Forte - 8/4/2009 08:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Condessa Figurado]] - replaces (1999) Condessa Figurado - 1/20/2010 08:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Flor de A. Allones]] - replaces (1999) Flor de A. Allones - 7/19/2009 12:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Gran Corona]] - replaces (2000) Gran Corona - 10/9/2009 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Monterrey]] - replaces (2000) Monterrey - 8/16/2009 10:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) No. 1]] - replaces (2000) No. 1 - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2001) Excalibur 1066]] - replaces (2001) Excalibur 1066 - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[1495 Series]] - replaces 1495 Series - 2/17/2009 16:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real Toro]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real Toro - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1964 Principe]] - replaces 1964 Principe - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[2000]] - replaces 2000 - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - replaces 5 Vegas Cask Strength II - 3/11/2010 15:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada '08 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada 2009 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - replaces 5 Vegas Relic - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Black]] - replaces 601 Black - 2/27/2009 11:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Green]] - replaces 601 Green - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[A Fernandez]] - replaces A Fernandez - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[ADE (Blue Label)]] - replaces ADE (Blue Label) - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Acid Blondie]] - replaces Acid Blondie - 2/22/2010 19:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - replaces Alec Bradley Maxx - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Tempus]] - replaces Alec Bradley Tempus - 5/25/2009 07:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[America]] - replaces America - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese CL3]] - replaces Arganese CL3 - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Artesanos de Miami]] - replaces Artesanos de Miami - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arturo Fuente 8-5-8]] - replaces Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 - 4/20/2009 12:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Ashton ESG]] - replaces Ashton ESG - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - replaces Augusto Reyes Nativo - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Barlovento]] - replaces Barlovento - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Belmondo]] - replaces Belmondo - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon]] - replaces Black Dragon - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon Presidente]] - replaces Black Dragon Presidente - 9/12/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Pearl]] - replaces Black Pearl - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Brazilia]] - replaces Brazilia - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Bella Vanilla]] - replaces CAO Bella Vanilla - 1/28/2010 07:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO CX2]] - replaces CAO CX2 - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Caramello Joe]] - replaces CAO Caramello Joe - 1/28/2010 07:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - replaces CAO Sopranos Soldier - 3/11/2010 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO VR]] - replaces CAO VR - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cain Straight Ligero]] - replaces Cain Straight Ligero - 9/24/2009 16:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo]] - replaces Camacho Corojo - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Machito]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Machito - 2/12/2010 14:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Monarca - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho PE]] - replaces Camacho PE - 1/20/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Select]] - replaces Camacho Select - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Carinos]] - replaces Carinos - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Fuego]] - replaces Casa Fuego - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Magna Colorado]] - replaces Casa Magna Colorado - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chateau Real]] - replaces Chateau Real - 2/2/2010 08:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chavon]] - replaces Chavon - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba]] - replaces Cohiba - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba 2]] - replaces Cohiba 2 - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Puro Dominicana]] - replaces Cohiba Puro Dominicana - 2/2/2010 08:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[Conuco]] - replaces Conuco - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cruz Real]] - replaces Cruz Real - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - replaces Cu-Avana Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cuba Libre]] - replaces Cuba Libre - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18]] - replaces Cusano 18 - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - replaces Cusano 18 Double Connecticut - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - replaces Cusano LXI Sun Grown - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[DC Pyramid]] - replaces DC Pyramid - 1/20/2010 08:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed]] - replaces Devil's Weed - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed 515]] - replaces Devil's Weed 515 - 3/1/2010 16:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diablo]] - replaces Diablo - 5/26/2009 06:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #3]] - replaces Diamond Crown #3 - 3/1/2009 14:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 - 2/28/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4 M]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 M - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dominique]] - replaces Dominique - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos 4Blend]] - replaces Don Carlos 4Blend - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos Robusto]] - replaces Don Carlos Robusto - 4/13/2009 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Full]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Full - 4/14/2009 07:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Medium]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Medium - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Mild]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Mild - 6/21/2009 08:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - replaces Don Lino Africa - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Cameroon]] - replaces Don Thomas Cameroon - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Special Edition]] - replaces Don Thomas Special Edition - 2/28/2009 08:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dorado 652]] - replaces Dorado 652 - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Doña Ines]] - replaces Doña Ines - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Eileen's Dream]] - replaces Eileen's Dream - 6/6/2009 10:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[El Mejor Emerald]] - added
#[[Excalibur]] - replaces Excalibur - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio Power - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - replaces Fonseca Vintage - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[G3]] - replaces G3 - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[G5 Avenger]] - replaces G5 Avenger - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gold]] - replaces Gold - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserva]] - replaces Gran Reserva - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve]] - replaces Gran Reserve - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve Torpedo]] - replaces Gran Reserve Torpedo - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Grand Cru]] - replaces Grand Cru - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Graycliff Blue]] - replaces Graycliff Blue - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior - 5/3/2009 22:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - replaces Gurkha Avenger G5 - 3/11/2010 15:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Cuban Legacy]] - replaces Gurkha Cuban Legacy - 1/27/2010 17:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - replaces Gurkha Liga C-10 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Park Avenue]] - replaces Gurkha Park Avenue - 2/26/2009 08:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Shaggy]] - replaces Gurkha Shaggy - 6/19/2009 16:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Signature]] - replaces Gurkha Signature - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[H Upmann #100]] - replaces H Upmann #100 - 2/28/2009 09:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana Sun Grown]] - replaces Havana Sun Grown - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana VI]] - replaces Havana VI - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemingway Signature]] - replaces Hemingway Signature - 3/14/2009 06:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemmingway]] - replaces Hemmingway - 3/16/2009 17:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hyde Park]] - replaces Hyde Park - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Iguana]] - replaces Iguana - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[J Fuego Delirium]] - replaces J Fuego Delirium - 8/12/2009 12:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[JFR Habano Maduro]] - replaces JFR Habano Maduro - 2/28/2010 15:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[JR Gurkha Legend Replacement]] - replaces JR Gurkha Legend Replacement - 4/27/2009 09:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRCOR]] - replaces JRCOR - 4/27/2009 09:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRLGW]] - replaces JRLGW - 4/27/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java]] - replaces Java - 4/13/2009 17:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Gener]] - replaces Jose Gener - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[José Girbés]] - replaces José Girbés - 3/6/2009 20:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano - 2/12/2010 14:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo - 2/12/2010 14:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[King B]] - replaces King B - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Kuba Maduro]] - replaces Kuba Maduro - 2/12/2010 14:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial - 4/13/2009 17:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B - 4/13/2009 17:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - replaces La Aurora 1495 - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition]] - replaces La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition - 1/27/2010 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Campina]] - replaces La Campina - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Caya Limited Reserve]] - replaces La Caya Limited Reserve - 3/16/2009 16:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - replaces La Flor de Cano - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium]] - replaces La Floridita Premium - 9/24/2009 16:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition)]] - replaces La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition) - 3/16/2009 17:22:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Maduro]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Panetela]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Panetela - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Reserva]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Reserva - 3/10/2009 09:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Wavell]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Wavell - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - replaces La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Paloma]] - replaces La Paloma - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Perla Habana]] - replaces La Perla Habana - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Legend "Master Blend"]] - replaces Legend "Master Blend" - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - replaces Leon Jimenes - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes No1]] - replaces Leon Jimenes No1 - 3/10/2010 15:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[Limited Edition]] - replaces Limited Edition - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo]] - replaces Macanudo - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo 1968]] - replaces Macanudo 1968 - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Duke of Devon]] - replaces Macanudo Duke of Devon - 4/14/2009 07:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Gold]] - replaces Macanudo Gold - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War Ruination]] - added
#[[Man O' War SE]] - replaces Man O' War SE - 3/11/2010 15:25:00 by Mike P.
#[[Manolete]] - replaces Manolete - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Master Select]] - replaces Master Select - 3/16/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Miraflor]] - replaces Miraflor - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo #4]] - replaces Montecristo #4 - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo Cuba]] - replaces Montecristo Cuba - 12/8/2009 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Mother Earth]] - replaces Mother Earth - 8/18/2009 12:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural]] - replaces Natural - 8/18/2009 12:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Dirt]] - replaces Natural Dirt - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Root]] - replaces Natural Root - 2/12/2010 13:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nectar]] - replaces Nectar - 8/18/2009 12:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nica Libre]] - replaces Nica Libre - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 454 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 454 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 460 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 460 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464 Cameroon]] - replaces Nub 464 Cameroon - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464T Maduro]] - replaces Nub 464T Maduro - 2/2/2010 08:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O]] - replaces Olivia Serie O - 6/19/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - replaces Olivia Serie O Perfecto - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Opus X Fuente Fuente]] - replaces Opus X Fuente Fuente - 4/27/2009 14:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - replaces Padilla Achilles - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Signature]] - replaces Padilla Signature - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926]] - replaces Padron 1926 - 9/13/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926 #6]] - replaces Padron 1926 #6 - 3/14/2009 06:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Delicias]] - replaces Padron Delicias - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Imperial]] - replaces Padron Imperial - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro]] - replaces Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro - 2/15/2010 15:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas 1845 Red]] - replaces Partagas 1845 Red - 3/1/2009 14:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas Black]] - replaces Partagas Black - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto]] - replaces Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Fresco]] - added
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - replaces Perdomo Golf - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Lot 23]] - replaces Perdomo Lot 23 - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Por Larranaga Panatela]] - replaces Por Larranaga Panatela - 1/20/2010 08:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Primo Del Rey]] - replaces Primo Del Rey - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Punch]] - replaces Punch - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rafael Gonzales]] - replaces Rafael Gonzales - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rey Miguel]] - replaces Rey Miguel - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Classic]] - replaces Reyes Classic - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - replaces Reyes Family Premier - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - replaces Rocky Patel Decade - 3/11/2010 15:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - replaces Rocky Patel I-Press - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - replaces Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Sun Grown]] - added
#[[Romantico]] - replaces Romantico - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Maduro]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Viejo - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal]] - replaces San Cristobal - 2/15/2010 07:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - replaces San Cristobal Guajiro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sancho Panza]] - replaces Sancho Panza - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Silver Exodus 1959]] - replaces Silver Exodus 1959 - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet]] - added
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Colada]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Colada - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Corona]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Corona - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Negra]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Negra - 2/25/2010 15:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce - 2/25/2010 16:08:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cherry]] - replaces Tatiana Cherry - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Chocolate]] - replaces Tatiana Chocolate - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cinnamon]] - replaces Tatiana Cinnamon - 2/24/2010 14:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Groovy Blue]] - replaces Tatiana Groovy Blue - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Honey]] - replaces Tatiana Honey - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha - 5/17/2009 16:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha Stabona - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Night Cap]] - replaces Tatiana Night Cap - 2/20/2010 12:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Rum]] - replaces Tatiana Rum - 2/12/2010 10:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Vanilla]] - replaces Tatiana Vanilla - 2/20/2010 12:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Waking Dream]] - replaces Tatiana Waking Dream - 2/12/2010 10:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[Torano Signature]] - replaces Torano Signature - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tusker]] - replaces Tusker - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[VSG]] - replaces VSG - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vann Reef]] - replaces Vann Reef - 8/18/2009 12:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - replaces Verdadero Organic - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vintage 1990]] - replaces Vintage 1990 - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - replaces XL Double Maduro - 3/11/2010 15:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[camacho select don julio eiroa]] - replaces camacho select don julio eiroa - 1/27/2010 17:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - replaces de Grisogono Geneva - 3/11/2010 15:22:00 by Mike P.

On Thursday, March 11, 2010 3:33:55 PM, Mike P. imported 226 tiddlers from
#[[(1988) No. 3]] - replaces (1988) No. 3 - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1988) Vintage Cameroon]] - replaces (1988) Vintage Cameroon - 9/12/2009 15:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1989) Breva Fina]] - replaces (1989) Breva Fina - 6/6/2009 10:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1997) Special Seleccion]] - replaces (1997) Special Seleccion - 6/21/2009 08:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Lonsdale]] - replaces (1998) Lonsdale - 9/12/2009 15:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide - 8/18/2009 12:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide M]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide M - 8/28/2009 16:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Royale]] - replaces (1998) Royale - 8/13/2009 16:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Buena Forte]] - replaces (1999) Buena Forte - 8/4/2009 08:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Condessa Figurado]] - replaces (1999) Condessa Figurado - 1/20/2010 08:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Flor de A. Allones]] - replaces (1999) Flor de A. Allones - 7/19/2009 12:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Gran Corona]] - replaces (2000) Gran Corona - 10/9/2009 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Monterrey]] - replaces (2000) Monterrey - 8/16/2009 10:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) No. 1]] - replaces (2000) No. 1 - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2001) Excalibur 1066]] - replaces (2001) Excalibur 1066 - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[1495 Series]] - replaces 1495 Series - 2/17/2009 16:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real Toro]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real Toro - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1964 Principe]] - replaces 1964 Principe - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[2000]] - replaces 2000 - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - replaces 5 Vegas Cask Strength II - 2/15/2010 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada '08 - 3/22/2009 12:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada 2009 - 3/2/2010 14:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - replaces 5 Vegas Relic - 7/16/2009 16:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Black]] - replaces 601 Black - 2/27/2009 11:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Green]] - replaces 601 Green - 11/21/2009 14:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[A Fernandez]] - replaces A Fernandez - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[ADE (Blue Label)]] - replaces ADE (Blue Label) - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Acid Blondie]] - replaces Acid Blondie - 2/22/2010 19:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - replaces Alec Bradley Maxx - 11/21/2009 14:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Tempus]] - replaces Alec Bradley Tempus - 5/25/2009 07:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[America]] - replaces America - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese CL3]] - replaces Arganese CL3 - 8/3/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Artesanos de Miami]] - replaces Artesanos de Miami - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arturo Fuente 8-5-8]] - replaces Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 - 4/20/2009 12:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Ashton ESG]] - replaces Ashton ESG - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - replaces Augusto Reyes Nativo - 2/28/2010 15:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[Barlovento]] - replaces Barlovento - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Belmondo]] - replaces Belmondo - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon]] - replaces Black Dragon - 4/20/2009 12:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon Presidente]] - replaces Black Dragon Presidente - 9/12/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Pearl]] - replaces Black Pearl - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Brazilia]] - replaces Brazilia - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Bella Vanilla]] - replaces CAO Bella Vanilla - 1/28/2010 07:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO CX2]] - replaces CAO CX2 - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Caramello Joe]] - replaces CAO Caramello Joe - 1/28/2010 07:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - replaces CAO Sopranos Soldier - 2/22/2010 13:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO VR]] - replaces CAO VR - 11/21/2009 13:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cain Straight Ligero]] - replaces Cain Straight Ligero - 9/24/2009 16:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo]] - replaces Camacho Corojo - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Machito]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Machito - 2/12/2010 14:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Monarca - 12/8/2009 13:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho PE]] - replaces Camacho PE - 1/20/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Select]] - replaces Camacho Select - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Carinos]] - replaces Carinos - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Fuego]] - replaces Casa Fuego - 7/16/2009 16:32:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Magna Colorado]] - replaces Casa Magna Colorado - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chateau Real]] - replaces Chateau Real - 2/2/2010 08:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chavon]] - replaces Chavon - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba]] - replaces Cohiba - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba 2]] - replaces Cohiba 2 - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Puro Dominicana]] - replaces Cohiba Puro Dominicana - 2/2/2010 08:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[Conuco]] - replaces Conuco - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cruz Real]] - replaces Cruz Real - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - replaces Cu-Avana Maduro - 1/28/2010 07:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cuba Libre]] - replaces Cuba Libre - 1/28/2010 07:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18]] - replaces Cusano 18 - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - replaces Cusano 18 Double Connecticut - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - replaces Cusano LXI Sun Grown - 5/2/2009 15:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[DC Pyramid]] - replaces DC Pyramid - 1/20/2010 08:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed]] - replaces Devil's Weed - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed 515]] - replaces Devil's Weed 515 - 3/1/2010 16:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diablo]] - replaces Diablo - 5/26/2009 06:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #3]] - replaces Diamond Crown #3 - 3/1/2009 14:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 - 2/28/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4 M]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 M - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dominique]] - replaces Dominique - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos 4Blend]] - replaces Don Carlos 4Blend - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos Robusto]] - replaces Don Carlos Robusto - 4/13/2009 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Full]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Full - 4/14/2009 07:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Medium]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Medium - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Mild]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Mild - 6/21/2009 08:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - replaces Don Lino Africa - 11/21/2009 14:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Cameroon]] - replaces Don Thomas Cameroon - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Special Edition]] - replaces Don Thomas Special Edition - 2/28/2009 08:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dorado 652]] - replaces Dorado 652 - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Doña Ines]] - replaces Doña Ines - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Eileen's Dream]] - replaces Eileen's Dream - 6/6/2009 10:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Excalibur]] - replaces Excalibur - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio Power - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - replaces Fonseca Vintage - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[G3]] - replaces G3 - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[G5 Avenger]] - replaces G5 Avenger - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gold]] - replaces Gold - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserva]] - replaces Gran Reserva - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve]] - replaces Gran Reserve - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve Torpedo]] - replaces Gran Reserve Torpedo - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Grand Cru]] - replaces Grand Cru - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Graycliff Blue]] - replaces Graycliff Blue - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior - 5/3/2009 22:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - replaces Gurkha Avenger G5 - 2/24/2010 14:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Cuban Legacy]] - replaces Gurkha Cuban Legacy - 1/27/2010 17:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - replaces Gurkha Liga C-10 - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Park Avenue]] - replaces Gurkha Park Avenue - 2/26/2009 08:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Shaggy]] - replaces Gurkha Shaggy - 6/19/2009 16:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Signature]] - replaces Gurkha Signature - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[H Upmann #100]] - replaces H Upmann #100 - 2/28/2009 09:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana Sun Grown]] - replaces Havana Sun Grown - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana VI]] - replaces Havana VI - 7/16/2009 16:32:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemingway Signature]] - replaces Hemingway Signature - 3/14/2009 06:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemmingway]] - replaces Hemmingway - 3/16/2009 17:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hyde Park]] - replaces Hyde Park - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Iguana]] - replaces Iguana - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[J Fuego Delirium]] - replaces J Fuego Delirium - 8/12/2009 12:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[JFR Habano Maduro]] - replaces JFR Habano Maduro - 2/28/2010 15:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[JR Gurkha Legend Replacement]] - replaces JR Gurkha Legend Replacement - 4/27/2009 09:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRCOR]] - replaces JRCOR - 4/27/2009 09:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRLGW]] - replaces JRLGW - 4/27/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java]] - replaces Java - 4/13/2009 17:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Gener]] - replaces Jose Gener - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[José Girbés]] - replaces José Girbés - 3/6/2009 20:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano - 2/12/2010 14:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo - 2/12/2010 14:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[King B]] - replaces King B - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Kuba Maduro]] - replaces Kuba Maduro - 2/12/2010 14:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial - 4/13/2009 17:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B - 4/13/2009 17:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - replaces La Aurora 1495 - 2/28/2010 14:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition]] - replaces La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition - 1/27/2010 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Campina]] - replaces La Campina - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Caya Limited Reserve]] - replaces La Caya Limited Reserve - 3/16/2009 16:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - replaces La Flor de Cano - 11/27/2009 12:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium]] - replaces La Floridita Premium - 9/24/2009 16:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition)]] - replaces La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition) - 3/16/2009 17:22:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Maduro]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Panetela]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Panetela - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Reserva]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Reserva - 3/10/2009 09:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Wavell]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Wavell - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - replaces La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte - 1/28/2010 07:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Paloma]] - replaces La Paloma - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Perla Habana]] - replaces La Perla Habana - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Legend "Master Blend"]] - replaces Legend "Master Blend" - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - replaces Leon Jimenes - 6/19/2009 16:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes No1]] - replaces Leon Jimenes No1 - 3/10/2010 15:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[Limited Edition]] - replaces Limited Edition - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo]] - replaces Macanudo - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo 1968]] - replaces Macanudo 1968 - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Duke of Devon]] - replaces Macanudo Duke of Devon - 4/14/2009 07:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Gold]] - replaces Macanudo Gold - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War SE]] - replaces Man O' War SE - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Manolete]] - replaces Manolete - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Master Select]] - replaces Master Select - 3/16/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Miraflor]] - replaces Miraflor - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo #4]] - replaces Montecristo #4 - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo Cuba]] - replaces Montecristo Cuba - 12/8/2009 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Mother Earth]] - replaces Mother Earth - 8/18/2009 12:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural]] - replaces Natural - 8/18/2009 12:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Dirt]] - replaces Natural Dirt - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Root]] - replaces Natural Root - 2/12/2010 13:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nectar]] - replaces Nectar - 8/18/2009 12:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nica Libre]] - replaces Nica Libre - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 454 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 454 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 460 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 460 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464 Cameroon]] - replaces Nub 464 Cameroon - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464T Maduro]] - replaces Nub 464T Maduro - 2/2/2010 08:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O]] - replaces Olivia Serie O - 6/19/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - replaces Olivia Serie O Perfecto - 4/20/2009 12:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Opus X Fuente Fuente]] - replaces Opus X Fuente Fuente - 4/27/2009 14:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - replaces Padilla Achilles - 11/21/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Signature]] - replaces Padilla Signature - 6/17/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926]] - replaces Padron 1926 - 9/13/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926 #6]] - replaces Padron 1926 #6 - 3/14/2009 06:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Delicias]] - replaces Padron Delicias - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Imperial]] - replaces Padron Imperial - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro]] - replaces Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro - 2/15/2010 15:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas 1845 Red]] - replaces Partagas 1845 Red - 3/1/2009 14:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas Black]] - replaces Partagas Black - 8/3/2009 16:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto]] - replaces Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - replaces Perdomo Golf - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Lot 23]] - replaces Perdomo Lot 23 - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Por Larranaga Panatela]] - replaces Por Larranaga Panatela - 1/20/2010 08:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Primo Del Rey]] - replaces Primo Del Rey - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Punch]] - replaces Punch - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rafael Gonzales]] - replaces Rafael Gonzales - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rey Miguel]] - replaces Rey Miguel - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Classic]] - replaces Reyes Classic - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - replaces Reyes Family Premier - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - replaces Rocky Patel Decade - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - replaces Rocky Patel I-Press - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - replaces Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo - 11/21/2009 14:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romantico]] - replaces Romantico - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Maduro]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Viejo - 3/20/2009 21:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal]] - replaces San Cristobal - 2/15/2010 07:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - replaces San Cristobal Guajiro - 2/15/2010 07:10:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sancho Panza]] - replaces Sancho Panza - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Silver Exodus 1959]] - replaces Silver Exodus 1959 - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Colada]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Colada - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Corona]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Corona - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Negra]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Negra - 2/25/2010 15:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce - 2/25/2010 16:08:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cherry]] - replaces Tatiana Cherry - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Chocolate]] - replaces Tatiana Chocolate - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cinnamon]] - replaces Tatiana Cinnamon - 2/24/2010 14:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Groovy Blue]] - replaces Tatiana Groovy Blue - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Honey]] - replaces Tatiana Honey - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha - 5/17/2009 16:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha Stabona - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Night Cap]] - replaces Tatiana Night Cap - 2/20/2010 12:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Rum]] - replaces Tatiana Rum - 2/12/2010 10:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Vanilla]] - replaces Tatiana Vanilla - 2/20/2010 12:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Waking Dream]] - replaces Tatiana Waking Dream - 2/12/2010 10:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[Torano Signature]] - replaces Torano Signature - 8/18/2009 12:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tusker]] - replaces Tusker - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[VSG]] - replaces VSG - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vann Reef]] - replaces Vann Reef - 8/18/2009 12:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - replaces Verdadero Organic - 6/17/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vintage 1990]] - replaces Vintage 1990 - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - replaces XL Double Maduro - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[camacho select don julio eiroa]] - replaces camacho select don julio eiroa - 1/27/2010 17:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - replaces de Grisogono Geneva - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.

On Thursday, March 11, 2010 3:31:53 PM, Mike P. imported 226 tiddlers from
#[[(1988) No. 3]] - added
#[[(1988) Vintage Cameroon]] - added
#[[(1989) Breva Fina]] - added
#[[(1997) Special Seleccion]] - added
#[[(1998) Lonsdale]] - added
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide]] - added
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide M]] - added
#[[(1998) Royale]] - added
#[[(1999) Buena Forte]] - added
#[[(1999) Condessa Figurado]] - added
#[[(1999) Flor de A. Allones]] - added
#[[(2000) Gran Corona]] - added
#[[(2000) Monterrey]] - added
#[[(2000) No. 1]] - added
#[[(2001) Excalibur 1066]] - added
#[[1495 Series]] - added
#[[1875 Reserva Real]] - added
#[[1875 Reserva Real Toro]] - added
#[[1964 Principe]] - added
#[[2000]] - added
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - added
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - added
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - added
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - added
#[[601 Black]] - added
#[[601 Green]] - added
#[[A Fernandez]] - added
#[[ADE (Blue Label)]] - added
#[[Acid Blondie]] - added
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - added
#[[Alec Bradley Tempus]] - added
#[[America]] - added
#[[Arganese CL3]] - added
#[[Artesanos de Miami]] - added
#[[Arturo Fuente 8-5-8]] - added
#[[Ashton ESG]] - added
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - added
#[[Barlovento]] - added
#[[Belmondo]] - added
#[[Black Dragon]] - added
#[[Black Dragon Presidente]] - added
#[[Black Pearl]] - added
#[[Brazilia]] - added
#[[CAO Bella Vanilla]] - added
#[[CAO CX2]] - added
#[[CAO Caramello Joe]] - added
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - added
#[[CAO VR]] - added
#[[Cain Straight Ligero]] - added
#[[Camacho Corojo]] - added
#[[Camacho Corojo Machito]] - added
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - added
#[[Camacho PE]] - added
#[[Camacho Select]] - added
#[[Carinos]] - added
#[[Casa Fuego]] - added
#[[Casa Magna Colorado]] - added
#[[Chateau Real]] - added
#[[Chavon]] - added
#[[Cohiba]] - added
#[[Cohiba 2]] - added
#[[Cohiba Puro Dominicana]] - added
#[[Conuco]] - added
#[[Cruz Real]] - added
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - added
#[[Cuba Libre]] - added
#[[Cusano 18]] - added
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - added
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - added
#[[DC Pyramid]] - added
#[[Devil's Weed]] - added
#[[Devil's Weed 515]] - added
#[[Diablo]] - added
#[[Diamond Crown #3]] - added
#[[Diamond Crown #4]] - added
#[[Diamond Crown #4 M]] - added
#[[Dominique]] - added
#[[Don Carlos 4Blend]] - added
#[[Don Carlos Robusto]] - added
#[[Don Carlos SC Full]] - added
#[[Don Carlos SC Medium]] - added
#[[Don Carlos SC Mild]] - added
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - added
#[[Don Thomas Cameroon]] - added
#[[Don Thomas Special Edition]] - added
#[[Dorado 652]] - added
#[[Doña Ines]] - added
#[[Eileen's Dream]] - added
#[[Excalibur]] - added
#[[Felipe Gregorio]] - added
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - added
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - added
#[[G3]] - added
#[[G5 Avenger]] - added
#[[Gold]] - added
#[[Gran Reserva]] - added
#[[Gran Reserve]] - added
#[[Gran Reserve Torpedo]] - added
#[[Grand Cru]] - added
#[[Graycliff Blue]] - added
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior]] - added
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - added
#[[Gurkha Cuban Legacy]] - added
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - added
#[[Gurkha Park Avenue]] - added
#[[Gurkha Shaggy]] - added
#[[Gurkha Signature]] - added
#[[H Upmann #100]] - added
#[[Havana Sun Grown]] - added
#[[Havana VI]] - added
#[[Hemingway Signature]] - added
#[[Hemmingway]] - added
#[[Hyde Park]] - added
#[[Iguana]] - added
#[[J Fuego Delirium]] - added
#[[JFR Habano Maduro]] - added
#[[JR Gurkha Legend Replacement]] - added
#[[JRCOR]] - added
#[[JRLGW]] - added
#[[Java]] - added
#[[Jose Gener]] - added
#[[José Girbés]] - added
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano]] - added
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo]] - added
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico]] - added
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - added
#[[King B]] - added
#[[Kuba Maduro]] - added
#[[La Aroma de Cuba]] - added
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial]] - added
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B]] - added
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - added
#[[La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition]] - added
#[[La Campina]] - added
#[[La Caya Limited Reserve]] - added
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - added
#[[La Floridita Premium]] - added
#[[La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition)]] - added
#[[La Gloria Cubana Maduro]] - added
#[[La Gloria Cubana Panetela]] - added
#[[La Gloria Cubana Reserva]] - added
#[[La Gloria Cubana Wavell]] - added
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - added
#[[La Paloma]] - added
#[[La Perla Habana]] - added
#[[Legend "Master Blend"]] - added
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - added
#[[Leon Jimenes No1]] - added
#[[Limited Edition]] - added
#[[Macanudo]] - added
#[[Macanudo 1968]] - added
#[[Macanudo Duke of Devon]] - added
#[[Macanudo Gold]] - added
#[[Man O' War SE]] - added
#[[Manolete]] - added
#[[Master Select]] - added
#[[Miraflor]] - added
#[[Montecristo #4]] - added
#[[Montecristo Cuba]] - added
#[[Mother Earth]] - added
#[[Natural]] - added
#[[Natural Dirt]] - added
#[[Natural Root]] - added
#[[Nectar]] - added
#[[Nica Libre]] - added
#[[Nub 454 Connecticut]] - added
#[[Nub 460 Connecticut]] - added
#[[Nub 464 Cameroon]] - added
#[[Nub 464T Maduro]] - added
#[[Olivia Serie O]] - added
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - added
#[[Opus X Fuente Fuente]] - added
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - added
#[[Padilla Signature]] - added
#[[Padron 1926]] - added
#[[Padron 1926 #6]] - added
#[[Padron Delicias]] - added
#[[Padron Imperial]] - added
#[[Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro]] - added
#[[Partagas 1845 Red]] - added
#[[Partagas Black]] - added
#[[Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto]] - added
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - added
#[[Perdomo Lot 23]] - added
#[[Por Larranaga Panatela]] - added
#[[Primo Del Rey]] - added
#[[Punch]] - added
#[[Rafael Gonzales]] - added
#[[Rey Miguel]] - added
#[[Reyes Classic]] - added
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - added
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - added
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - added
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - added
#[[Romantico]] - added
#[[Romeo y Julieta Maduro]] - added
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - added
#[[San Cristobal]] - added
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - added
#[[Sancho Panza]] - added
#[[Silver Exodus 1959]] - added
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce]] - added
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Colada]] - added
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Corona]] - added
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Negra]] - added
#[[Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce]] - added
#[[Tatiana Cherry]] - added
#[[Tatiana Chocolate]] - added
#[[Tatiana Cinnamon]] - added
#[[Tatiana Groovy Blue]] - added
#[[Tatiana Honey]] - added
#[[Tatiana Mocha]] - added
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - added
#[[Tatiana Night Cap]] - added
#[[Tatiana Rum]] - added
#[[Tatiana Vanilla]] - added
#[[Tatiana Waking Dream]] - added
#[[Torano Signature]] - added
#[[Tusker]] - added
#[[VSG]] - added
#[[Vann Reef]] - added
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - added
#[[Vintage 1990]] - added
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - added
#[[camacho select don julio eiroa]] - added
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - added

On Thursday, March 11, 2010 3:30:18 PM, Mike P. imported 226 tiddlers from
#[[(1988) No. 3]] - replaces (1988) No. 3 - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1988) Vintage Cameroon]] - replaces (1988) Vintage Cameroon - 9/12/2009 15:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1989) Breva Fina]] - replaces (1989) Breva Fina - 6/6/2009 10:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1997) Special Seleccion]] - replaces (1997) Special Seleccion - 6/21/2009 08:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Lonsdale]] - replaces (1998) Lonsdale - 9/12/2009 15:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide - 8/18/2009 12:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide M]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide M - 8/28/2009 16:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Royale]] - replaces (1998) Royale - 8/13/2009 16:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Buena Forte]] - replaces (1999) Buena Forte - 8/4/2009 08:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Condessa Figurado]] - replaces (1999) Condessa Figurado - 1/20/2010 08:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Flor de A. Allones]] - replaces (1999) Flor de A. Allones - 7/19/2009 12:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Gran Corona]] - replaces (2000) Gran Corona - 10/9/2009 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Monterrey]] - replaces (2000) Monterrey - 8/16/2009 10:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) No. 1]] - replaces (2000) No. 1 - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2001) Excalibur 1066]] - replaces (2001) Excalibur 1066 - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[1495 Series]] - replaces 1495 Series - 2/17/2009 16:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real Toro]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real Toro - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1964 Principe]] - replaces 1964 Principe - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[2000]] - replaces 2000 - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - replaces 5 Vegas Cask Strength II - 2/15/2010 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada '08 - 3/22/2009 12:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada 2009 - 3/2/2010 14:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - replaces 5 Vegas Relic - 7/16/2009 16:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Black]] - replaces 601 Black - 2/27/2009 11:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Green]] - replaces 601 Green - 11/21/2009 14:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[A Fernandez]] - replaces A Fernandez - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[ADE (Blue Label)]] - replaces ADE (Blue Label) - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Acid Blondie]] - replaces Acid Blondie - 2/22/2010 19:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - replaces Alec Bradley Maxx - 11/21/2009 14:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Tempus]] - replaces Alec Bradley Tempus - 5/25/2009 07:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[America]] - replaces America - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese CL3]] - replaces Arganese CL3 - 8/3/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Artesanos de Miami]] - replaces Artesanos de Miami - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arturo Fuente 8-5-8]] - replaces Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 - 4/20/2009 12:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Ashton ESG]] - replaces Ashton ESG - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - replaces Augusto Reyes Nativo - 2/28/2010 15:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[Barlovento]] - replaces Barlovento - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Belmondo]] - replaces Belmondo - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon]] - replaces Black Dragon - 4/20/2009 12:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon Presidente]] - replaces Black Dragon Presidente - 9/12/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Pearl]] - replaces Black Pearl - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Brazilia]] - replaces Brazilia - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Bella Vanilla]] - replaces CAO Bella Vanilla - 1/28/2010 07:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO CX2]] - replaces CAO CX2 - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Caramello Joe]] - replaces CAO Caramello Joe - 1/28/2010 07:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - replaces CAO Sopranos Soldier - 2/22/2010 13:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO VR]] - replaces CAO VR - 11/21/2009 13:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cain Straight Ligero]] - replaces Cain Straight Ligero - 9/24/2009 16:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo]] - replaces Camacho Corojo - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Machito]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Machito - 2/12/2010 14:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Monarca - 12/8/2009 13:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho PE]] - replaces Camacho PE - 1/20/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Select]] - replaces Camacho Select - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Carinos]] - replaces Carinos - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Fuego]] - replaces Casa Fuego - 7/16/2009 16:32:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Magna Colorado]] - replaces Casa Magna Colorado - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chateau Real]] - replaces Chateau Real - 2/2/2010 08:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chavon]] - replaces Chavon - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba]] - replaces Cohiba - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba 2]] - replaces Cohiba 2 - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Puro Dominicana]] - replaces Cohiba Puro Dominicana - 2/2/2010 08:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[Conuco]] - replaces Conuco - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cruz Real]] - replaces Cruz Real - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - replaces Cu-Avana Maduro - 1/28/2010 07:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cuba Libre]] - replaces Cuba Libre - 1/28/2010 07:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18]] - replaces Cusano 18 - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - replaces Cusano 18 Double Connecticut - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - replaces Cusano LXI Sun Grown - 5/2/2009 15:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[DC Pyramid]] - replaces DC Pyramid - 1/20/2010 08:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed]] - replaces Devil's Weed - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed 515]] - replaces Devil's Weed 515 - 3/1/2010 16:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diablo]] - replaces Diablo - 5/26/2009 06:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #3]] - replaces Diamond Crown #3 - 3/1/2009 14:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 - 2/28/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4 M]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 M - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dominique]] - replaces Dominique - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos 4Blend]] - replaces Don Carlos 4Blend - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos Robusto]] - replaces Don Carlos Robusto - 4/13/2009 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Full]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Full - 4/14/2009 07:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Medium]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Medium - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Mild]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Mild - 6/21/2009 08:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - replaces Don Lino Africa - 11/21/2009 14:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Cameroon]] - replaces Don Thomas Cameroon - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Special Edition]] - replaces Don Thomas Special Edition - 2/28/2009 08:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dorado 652]] - replaces Dorado 652 - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Doña Ines]] - replaces Doña Ines - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Eileen's Dream]] - replaces Eileen's Dream - 6/6/2009 10:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Excalibur]] - replaces Excalibur - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio Power - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - replaces Fonseca Vintage - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[G3]] - replaces G3 - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[G5 Avenger]] - replaces G5 Avenger - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gold]] - replaces Gold - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserva]] - replaces Gran Reserva - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve]] - replaces Gran Reserve - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve Torpedo]] - replaces Gran Reserve Torpedo - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Grand Cru]] - replaces Grand Cru - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Graycliff Blue]] - replaces Graycliff Blue - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior - 5/3/2009 22:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - replaces Gurkha Avenger G5 - 2/24/2010 14:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Cuban Legacy]] - replaces Gurkha Cuban Legacy - 1/27/2010 17:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - replaces Gurkha Liga C-10 - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Park Avenue]] - replaces Gurkha Park Avenue - 2/26/2009 08:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Shaggy]] - replaces Gurkha Shaggy - 6/19/2009 16:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Signature]] - replaces Gurkha Signature - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[H Upmann #100]] - replaces H Upmann #100 - 2/28/2009 09:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana Sun Grown]] - replaces Havana Sun Grown - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana VI]] - replaces Havana VI - 7/16/2009 16:32:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemingway Signature]] - replaces Hemingway Signature - 3/14/2009 06:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemmingway]] - replaces Hemmingway - 3/16/2009 17:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hyde Park]] - replaces Hyde Park - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Iguana]] - replaces Iguana - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[J Fuego Delirium]] - replaces J Fuego Delirium - 8/12/2009 12:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[JFR Habano Maduro]] - replaces JFR Habano Maduro - 2/28/2010 15:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[JR Gurkha Legend Replacement]] - replaces JR Gurkha Legend Replacement - 4/27/2009 09:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRCOR]] - replaces JRCOR - 4/27/2009 09:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRLGW]] - replaces JRLGW - 4/27/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java]] - replaces Java - 4/13/2009 17:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Gener]] - replaces Jose Gener - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[José Girbés]] - replaces José Girbés - 3/6/2009 20:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano - 2/12/2010 14:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo - 2/12/2010 14:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[King B]] - replaces King B - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Kuba Maduro]] - replaces Kuba Maduro - 2/12/2010 14:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial - 4/13/2009 17:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B - 4/13/2009 17:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - replaces La Aurora 1495 - 2/28/2010 14:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition]] - replaces La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition - 1/27/2010 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Campina]] - replaces La Campina - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Caya Limited Reserve]] - replaces La Caya Limited Reserve - 3/16/2009 16:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - replaces La Flor de Cano - 11/27/2009 12:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium]] - replaces La Floridita Premium - 9/24/2009 16:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition)]] - replaces La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition) - 3/16/2009 17:22:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Maduro]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Panetela]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Panetela - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Reserva]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Reserva - 3/10/2009 09:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Wavell]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Wavell - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - replaces La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte - 1/28/2010 07:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Paloma]] - replaces La Paloma - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Perla Habana]] - replaces La Perla Habana - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Legend "Master Blend"]] - replaces Legend "Master Blend" - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - replaces Leon Jimenes - 6/19/2009 16:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes No1]] - replaces Leon Jimenes No1 - 3/10/2010 15:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[Limited Edition]] - replaces Limited Edition - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo]] - replaces Macanudo - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo 1968]] - replaces Macanudo 1968 - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Duke of Devon]] - replaces Macanudo Duke of Devon - 4/14/2009 07:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Gold]] - replaces Macanudo Gold - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War SE]] - replaces Man O' War SE - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Manolete]] - replaces Manolete - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Master Select]] - replaces Master Select - 3/16/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Miraflor]] - replaces Miraflor - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo #4]] - replaces Montecristo #4 - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo Cuba]] - replaces Montecristo Cuba - 12/8/2009 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Mother Earth]] - replaces Mother Earth - 8/18/2009 12:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural]] - replaces Natural - 8/18/2009 12:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Dirt]] - replaces Natural Dirt - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Root]] - replaces Natural Root - 2/12/2010 13:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nectar]] - replaces Nectar - 8/18/2009 12:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nica Libre]] - replaces Nica Libre - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 454 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 454 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 460 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 460 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464 Cameroon]] - replaces Nub 464 Cameroon - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464T Maduro]] - replaces Nub 464T Maduro - 2/2/2010 08:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O]] - replaces Olivia Serie O - 6/19/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - replaces Olivia Serie O Perfecto - 4/20/2009 12:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Opus X Fuente Fuente]] - replaces Opus X Fuente Fuente - 4/27/2009 14:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - replaces Padilla Achilles - 11/21/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Signature]] - replaces Padilla Signature - 6/17/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926]] - replaces Padron 1926 - 9/13/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926 #6]] - replaces Padron 1926 #6 - 3/14/2009 06:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Delicias]] - replaces Padron Delicias - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Imperial]] - replaces Padron Imperial - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro]] - replaces Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro - 2/15/2010 15:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas 1845 Red]] - replaces Partagas 1845 Red - 3/1/2009 14:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas Black]] - replaces Partagas Black - 8/3/2009 16:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto]] - replaces Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - replaces Perdomo Golf - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Lot 23]] - replaces Perdomo Lot 23 - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Por Larranaga Panatela]] - replaces Por Larranaga Panatela - 1/20/2010 08:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Primo Del Rey]] - replaces Primo Del Rey - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Punch]] - replaces Punch - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rafael Gonzales]] - replaces Rafael Gonzales - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rey Miguel]] - replaces Rey Miguel - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Classic]] - replaces Reyes Classic - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - replaces Reyes Family Premier - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - replaces Rocky Patel Decade - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - replaces Rocky Patel I-Press - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - replaces Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo - 11/21/2009 14:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romantico]] - replaces Romantico - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Maduro]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Viejo - 3/20/2009 21:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal]] - replaces San Cristobal - 2/15/2010 07:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - replaces San Cristobal Guajiro - 2/15/2010 07:10:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sancho Panza]] - replaces Sancho Panza - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Silver Exodus 1959]] - replaces Silver Exodus 1959 - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Colada]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Colada - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Corona]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Corona - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Negra]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Negra - 2/25/2010 15:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce - 2/25/2010 16:08:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cherry]] - replaces Tatiana Cherry - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Chocolate]] - replaces Tatiana Chocolate - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cinnamon]] - replaces Tatiana Cinnamon - 2/24/2010 14:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Groovy Blue]] - replaces Tatiana Groovy Blue - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Honey]] - replaces Tatiana Honey - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha - 5/17/2009 16:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha Stabona - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Night Cap]] - replaces Tatiana Night Cap - 2/20/2010 12:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Rum]] - replaces Tatiana Rum - 2/12/2010 10:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Vanilla]] - replaces Tatiana Vanilla - 2/20/2010 12:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Waking Dream]] - replaces Tatiana Waking Dream - 2/12/2010 10:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[Torano Signature]] - replaces Torano Signature - 8/18/2009 12:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tusker]] - replaces Tusker - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[VSG]] - replaces VSG - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vann Reef]] - replaces Vann Reef - 8/18/2009 12:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - replaces Verdadero Organic - 6/17/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vintage 1990]] - replaces Vintage 1990 - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - replaces XL Double Maduro - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[camacho select don julio eiroa]] - replaces camacho select don julio eiroa - 1/27/2010 17:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - replaces de Grisogono Geneva - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.

On Thursday, March 11, 2010 3:29:01 PM, Mike P. imported 226 tiddlers from
#[[(1988) No. 3]] - replaces (1988) No. 3 - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1988) Vintage Cameroon]] - replaces (1988) Vintage Cameroon - 9/12/2009 15:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1989) Breva Fina]] - replaces (1989) Breva Fina - 6/6/2009 10:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1997) Special Seleccion]] - replaces (1997) Special Seleccion - 6/21/2009 08:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Lonsdale]] - replaces (1998) Lonsdale - 9/12/2009 15:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide - 8/18/2009 12:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide M]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide M - 8/28/2009 16:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Royale]] - replaces (1998) Royale - 8/13/2009 16:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Buena Forte]] - replaces (1999) Buena Forte - 8/4/2009 08:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Condessa Figurado]] - replaces (1999) Condessa Figurado - 1/20/2010 08:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Flor de A. Allones]] - replaces (1999) Flor de A. Allones - 7/19/2009 12:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Gran Corona]] - replaces (2000) Gran Corona - 10/9/2009 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Monterrey]] - replaces (2000) Monterrey - 8/16/2009 10:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) No. 1]] - replaces (2000) No. 1 - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2001) Excalibur 1066]] - replaces (2001) Excalibur 1066 - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[1495 Series]] - replaces 1495 Series - 2/17/2009 16:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real Toro]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real Toro - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1964 Principe]] - replaces 1964 Principe - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[2000]] - replaces 2000 - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - replaces 5 Vegas Cask Strength II - 2/15/2010 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada '08 - 3/22/2009 12:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada 2009 - 3/2/2010 14:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - replaces 5 Vegas Relic - 7/16/2009 16:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Black]] - replaces 601 Black - 2/27/2009 11:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Green]] - replaces 601 Green - 11/21/2009 14:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[A Fernandez]] - replaces A Fernandez - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[ADE (Blue Label)]] - replaces ADE (Blue Label) - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Acid Blondie]] - replaces Acid Blondie - 2/22/2010 19:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - replaces Alec Bradley Maxx - 11/21/2009 14:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Tempus]] - replaces Alec Bradley Tempus - 5/25/2009 07:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[America]] - replaces America - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese CL3]] - replaces Arganese CL3 - 8/3/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Artesanos de Miami]] - replaces Artesanos de Miami - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arturo Fuente 8-5-8]] - replaces Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 - 4/20/2009 12:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Ashton ESG]] - replaces Ashton ESG - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - replaces Augusto Reyes Nativo - 2/28/2010 15:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[Barlovento]] - replaces Barlovento - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Belmondo]] - replaces Belmondo - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon]] - replaces Black Dragon - 4/20/2009 12:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon Presidente]] - replaces Black Dragon Presidente - 9/12/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Pearl]] - replaces Black Pearl - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Brazilia]] - replaces Brazilia - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Bella Vanilla]] - replaces CAO Bella Vanilla - 1/28/2010 07:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO CX2]] - replaces CAO CX2 - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Caramello Joe]] - replaces CAO Caramello Joe - 1/28/2010 07:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - replaces CAO Sopranos Soldier - 2/22/2010 13:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO VR]] - replaces CAO VR - 11/21/2009 13:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cain Straight Ligero]] - replaces Cain Straight Ligero - 9/24/2009 16:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo]] - replaces Camacho Corojo - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Machito]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Machito - 2/12/2010 14:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Monarca - 12/8/2009 13:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho PE]] - replaces Camacho PE - 1/20/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Select]] - replaces Camacho Select - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Carinos]] - replaces Carinos - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Fuego]] - replaces Casa Fuego - 7/16/2009 16:32:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Magna Colorado]] - replaces Casa Magna Colorado - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chateau Real]] - replaces Chateau Real - 2/2/2010 08:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chavon]] - replaces Chavon - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba]] - replaces Cohiba - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba 2]] - replaces Cohiba 2 - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Puro Dominicana]] - replaces Cohiba Puro Dominicana - 2/2/2010 08:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[Conuco]] - replaces Conuco - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cruz Real]] - replaces Cruz Real - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - replaces Cu-Avana Maduro - 1/28/2010 07:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cuba Libre]] - replaces Cuba Libre - 1/28/2010 07:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18]] - replaces Cusano 18 - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - replaces Cusano 18 Double Connecticut - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - replaces Cusano LXI Sun Grown - 5/2/2009 15:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[DC Pyramid]] - replaces DC Pyramid - 1/20/2010 08:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed]] - replaces Devil's Weed - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed 515]] - replaces Devil's Weed 515 - 3/1/2010 16:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diablo]] - replaces Diablo - 5/26/2009 06:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #3]] - replaces Diamond Crown #3 - 3/1/2009 14:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 - 2/28/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4 M]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 M - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dominique]] - replaces Dominique - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos 4Blend]] - replaces Don Carlos 4Blend - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos Robusto]] - replaces Don Carlos Robusto - 4/13/2009 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Full]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Full - 4/14/2009 07:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Medium]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Medium - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Mild]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Mild - 6/21/2009 08:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - replaces Don Lino Africa - 11/21/2009 14:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Cameroon]] - replaces Don Thomas Cameroon - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Special Edition]] - replaces Don Thomas Special Edition - 2/28/2009 08:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dorado 652]] - replaces Dorado 652 - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Doña Ines]] - replaces Doña Ines - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Eileen's Dream]] - replaces Eileen's Dream - 6/6/2009 10:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Excalibur]] - replaces Excalibur - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio Power - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - replaces Fonseca Vintage - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[G3]] - replaces G3 - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[G5 Avenger]] - replaces G5 Avenger - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gold]] - replaces Gold - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserva]] - replaces Gran Reserva - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve]] - replaces Gran Reserve - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve Torpedo]] - replaces Gran Reserve Torpedo - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Grand Cru]] - replaces Grand Cru - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Graycliff Blue]] - replaces Graycliff Blue - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior - 5/3/2009 22:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - replaces Gurkha Avenger G5 - 2/24/2010 14:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Cuban Legacy]] - replaces Gurkha Cuban Legacy - 1/27/2010 17:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - replaces Gurkha Liga C-10 - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Park Avenue]] - replaces Gurkha Park Avenue - 2/26/2009 08:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Shaggy]] - replaces Gurkha Shaggy - 6/19/2009 16:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Signature]] - replaces Gurkha Signature - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[H Upmann #100]] - replaces H Upmann #100 - 2/28/2009 09:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana Sun Grown]] - replaces Havana Sun Grown - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana VI]] - replaces Havana VI - 7/16/2009 16:32:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemingway Signature]] - replaces Hemingway Signature - 3/14/2009 06:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemmingway]] - replaces Hemmingway - 3/16/2009 17:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hyde Park]] - replaces Hyde Park - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Iguana]] - replaces Iguana - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[J Fuego Delirium]] - replaces J Fuego Delirium - 8/12/2009 12:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[JFR Habano Maduro]] - replaces JFR Habano Maduro - 2/28/2010 15:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[JR Gurkha Legend Replacement]] - replaces JR Gurkha Legend Replacement - 4/27/2009 09:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRCOR]] - replaces JRCOR - 4/27/2009 09:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRLGW]] - replaces JRLGW - 4/27/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java]] - replaces Java - 4/13/2009 17:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Gener]] - replaces Jose Gener - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[José Girbés]] - replaces José Girbés - 3/6/2009 20:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano - 2/12/2010 14:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo - 2/12/2010 14:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[King B]] - replaces King B - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Kuba Maduro]] - replaces Kuba Maduro - 2/12/2010 14:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial - 4/13/2009 17:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B - 4/13/2009 17:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - replaces La Aurora 1495 - 2/28/2010 14:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition]] - replaces La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition - 1/27/2010 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Campina]] - replaces La Campina - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Caya Limited Reserve]] - replaces La Caya Limited Reserve - 3/16/2009 16:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - replaces La Flor de Cano - 11/27/2009 12:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium]] - replaces La Floridita Premium - 9/24/2009 16:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition)]] - replaces La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition) - 3/16/2009 17:22:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Maduro]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Panetela]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Panetela - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Reserva]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Reserva - 3/10/2009 09:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Wavell]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Wavell - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - replaces La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte - 1/28/2010 07:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Paloma]] - replaces La Paloma - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Perla Habana]] - replaces La Perla Habana - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Legend "Master Blend"]] - replaces Legend "Master Blend" - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - replaces Leon Jimenes - 6/19/2009 16:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes No1]] - replaces Leon Jimenes No1 - 3/10/2010 15:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[Limited Edition]] - replaces Limited Edition - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo]] - replaces Macanudo - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo 1968]] - replaces Macanudo 1968 - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Duke of Devon]] - replaces Macanudo Duke of Devon - 4/14/2009 07:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Gold]] - replaces Macanudo Gold - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War SE]] - replaces Man O' War SE - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Manolete]] - replaces Manolete - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Master Select]] - replaces Master Select - 3/16/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Miraflor]] - replaces Miraflor - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo #4]] - replaces Montecristo #4 - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo Cuba]] - replaces Montecristo Cuba - 12/8/2009 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Mother Earth]] - replaces Mother Earth - 8/18/2009 12:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural]] - replaces Natural - 8/18/2009 12:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Dirt]] - replaces Natural Dirt - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Root]] - replaces Natural Root - 2/12/2010 13:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nectar]] - replaces Nectar - 8/18/2009 12:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nica Libre]] - replaces Nica Libre - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 454 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 454 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 460 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 460 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464 Cameroon]] - replaces Nub 464 Cameroon - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464T Maduro]] - replaces Nub 464T Maduro - 2/2/2010 08:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O]] - replaces Olivia Serie O - 6/19/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - replaces Olivia Serie O Perfecto - 4/20/2009 12:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Opus X Fuente Fuente]] - replaces Opus X Fuente Fuente - 4/27/2009 14:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - replaces Padilla Achilles - 11/21/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Signature]] - replaces Padilla Signature - 6/17/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926]] - replaces Padron 1926 - 9/13/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926 #6]] - replaces Padron 1926 #6 - 3/14/2009 06:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Delicias]] - replaces Padron Delicias - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Imperial]] - replaces Padron Imperial - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro]] - replaces Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro - 2/15/2010 15:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas 1845 Red]] - replaces Partagas 1845 Red - 3/1/2009 14:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas Black]] - replaces Partagas Black - 8/3/2009 16:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto]] - replaces Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - replaces Perdomo Golf - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Lot 23]] - replaces Perdomo Lot 23 - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Por Larranaga Panatela]] - replaces Por Larranaga Panatela - 1/20/2010 08:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Primo Del Rey]] - replaces Primo Del Rey - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Punch]] - replaces Punch - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rafael Gonzales]] - replaces Rafael Gonzales - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rey Miguel]] - replaces Rey Miguel - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Classic]] - replaces Reyes Classic - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - replaces Reyes Family Premier - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - replaces Rocky Patel Decade - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - replaces Rocky Patel I-Press - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - replaces Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo - 11/21/2009 14:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romantico]] - replaces Romantico - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Maduro]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Viejo - 3/20/2009 21:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal]] - replaces San Cristobal - 2/15/2010 07:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - replaces San Cristobal Guajiro - 2/15/2010 07:10:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sancho Panza]] - replaces Sancho Panza - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Silver Exodus 1959]] - replaces Silver Exodus 1959 - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Colada]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Colada - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Corona]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Corona - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Negra]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Negra - 2/25/2010 15:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce - 2/25/2010 16:08:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cherry]] - replaces Tatiana Cherry - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Chocolate]] - replaces Tatiana Chocolate - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cinnamon]] - replaces Tatiana Cinnamon - 2/24/2010 14:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Groovy Blue]] - replaces Tatiana Groovy Blue - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Honey]] - replaces Tatiana Honey - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha - 5/17/2009 16:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha Stabona - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Night Cap]] - replaces Tatiana Night Cap - 2/20/2010 12:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Rum]] - replaces Tatiana Rum - 2/12/2010 10:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Vanilla]] - replaces Tatiana Vanilla - 2/20/2010 12:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Waking Dream]] - replaces Tatiana Waking Dream - 2/12/2010 10:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[Torano Signature]] - replaces Torano Signature - 8/18/2009 12:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tusker]] - replaces Tusker - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[VSG]] - replaces VSG - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vann Reef]] - replaces Vann Reef - 8/18/2009 12:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - replaces Verdadero Organic - 6/17/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vintage 1990]] - replaces Vintage 1990 - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - replaces XL Double Maduro - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[camacho select don julio eiroa]] - replaces camacho select don julio eiroa - 1/27/2010 17:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - replaces de Grisogono Geneva - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.

On Wednesday, March 10, 2010 4:51:02 PM, Mike P. imported 226 tiddlers from
#[[(1988) No. 3]] - replaces (1988) No. 3 - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1988) Vintage Cameroon]] - replaces (1988) Vintage Cameroon - 9/12/2009 15:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1989) Breva Fina]] - replaces (1989) Breva Fina - 6/6/2009 10:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1997) Special Seleccion]] - replaces (1997) Special Seleccion - 6/21/2009 08:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Lonsdale]] - replaces (1998) Lonsdale - 9/12/2009 15:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide - 8/18/2009 12:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) No. 2 Pyramide M]] - replaces (1998) No. 2 Pyramide M - 8/28/2009 16:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1998) Royale]] - replaces (1998) Royale - 8/13/2009 16:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Buena Forte]] - replaces (1999) Buena Forte - 8/4/2009 08:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Condessa Figurado]] - replaces (1999) Condessa Figurado - 1/20/2010 08:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[(1999) Flor de A. Allones]] - replaces (1999) Flor de A. Allones - 7/19/2009 12:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Gran Corona]] - replaces (2000) Gran Corona - 10/9/2009 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) Monterrey]] - replaces (2000) Monterrey - 8/16/2009 10:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2000) No. 1]] - replaces (2000) No. 1 - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[(2001) Excalibur 1066]] - replaces (2001) Excalibur 1066 - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[1495 Series]] - replaces 1495 Series - 2/17/2009 16:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1875 Reserva Real Toro]] - replaces 1875 Reserva Real Toro - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[1964 Principe]] - replaces 1964 Principe - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[2000]] - replaces 2000 - 2/17/2009 16:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Cask Strength II]] - replaces 5 Vegas Cask Strength II - 2/15/2010 07:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada '08]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada '08 - 3/22/2009 12:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Limitada 2009]] - replaces 5 Vegas Limitada 2009 - 1/27/2010 17:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[5 Vegas Relic]] - replaces 5 Vegas Relic - 7/16/2009 16:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Black]] - replaces 601 Black - 2/27/2009 11:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[601 Green]] - replaces 601 Green - 11/21/2009 14:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[A Fernandez]] - replaces A Fernandez - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[ADE (Blue Label)]] - replaces ADE (Blue Label) - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Acid Blondie]] - replaces Acid Blondie - 2/22/2010 19:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Maxx]] - replaces Alec Bradley Maxx - 11/21/2009 14:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Alec Bradley Tempus]] - replaces Alec Bradley Tempus - 5/25/2009 07:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[America]] - replaces America - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arganese CL3]] - replaces Arganese CL3 - 8/3/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Artesanos de Miami]] - replaces Artesanos de Miami - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Arturo Fuente 8-5-8]] - replaces Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 - 4/20/2009 12:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Ashton ESG]] - replaces Ashton ESG - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Augusto Reyes Nativo]] - replaces Augusto Reyes Nativo - 1/28/2010 06:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Barlovento]] - replaces Barlovento - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Belmondo]] - replaces Belmondo - 2/17/2009 16:46:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon]] - replaces Black Dragon - 4/20/2009 12:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Dragon Presidente]] - replaces Black Dragon Presidente - 9/12/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Black Pearl]] - replaces Black Pearl - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Brazilia]] - replaces Brazilia - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Bella Vanilla]] - replaces CAO Bella Vanilla - 1/28/2010 07:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO CX2]] - replaces CAO CX2 - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Caramello Joe]] - replaces CAO Caramello Joe - 1/28/2010 07:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO Sopranos Soldier]] - replaces CAO Sopranos Soldier - 2/22/2010 13:30:00 by Mike P.
#[[CAO VR]] - replaces CAO VR - 11/21/2009 13:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cain Straight Ligero]] - replaces Cain Straight Ligero - 9/24/2009 16:19:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo]] - replaces Camacho Corojo - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Machito]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Machito - 2/12/2010 14:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Corojo Monarca]] - replaces Camacho Corojo Monarca - 12/8/2009 13:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho PE]] - replaces Camacho PE - 1/20/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Camacho Select]] - replaces Camacho Select - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Carinos]] - replaces Carinos - 2/17/2009 16:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Fuego]] - replaces Casa Fuego - 7/16/2009 16:32:00 by Mike P.
#[[Casa Magna Colorado]] - replaces Casa Magna Colorado - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chateau Real]] - replaces Chateau Real - 2/2/2010 08:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Chavon]] - replaces Chavon - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba]] - replaces Cohiba - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba 2]] - replaces Cohiba 2 - 1/29/2010 08:06:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cohiba Puro Dominicana]] - replaces Cohiba Puro Dominicana - 2/2/2010 08:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[Conuco]] - replaces Conuco - 2/17/2009 16:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cruz Real]] - replaces Cruz Real - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cu-Avana Maduro]] - replaces Cu-Avana Maduro - 1/28/2010 07:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cuba Libre]] - replaces Cuba Libre - 1/28/2010 07:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18]] - replaces Cusano 18 - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano 18 Double Connecticut]] - replaces Cusano 18 Double Connecticut - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Cusano LXI Sun Grown]] - replaces Cusano LXI Sun Grown - 5/2/2009 15:45:00 by Mike P.
#[[DC Pyramid]] - replaces DC Pyramid - 1/20/2010 08:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed]] - replaces Devil's Weed - 2/17/2009 16:49:00 by Mike P.
#[[Devil's Weed 515]] - added
#[[Diablo]] - replaces Diablo - 5/26/2009 06:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #3]] - replaces Diamond Crown #3 - 3/1/2009 14:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 - 2/28/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Diamond Crown #4 M]] - replaces Diamond Crown #4 M - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dominique]] - replaces Dominique - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos 4Blend]] - replaces Don Carlos 4Blend - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos Robusto]] - replaces Don Carlos Robusto - 4/13/2009 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Full]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Full - 4/14/2009 07:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Medium]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Medium - 4/14/2009 07:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Carlos SC Mild]] - replaces Don Carlos SC Mild - 6/21/2009 08:05:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Lino Africa]] - replaces Don Lino Africa - 11/21/2009 14:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Cameroon]] - replaces Don Thomas Cameroon - 6/8/2009 13:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Don Thomas Special Edition]] - replaces Don Thomas Special Edition - 2/28/2009 08:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[Dorado 652]] - replaces Dorado 652 - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Doña Ines]] - replaces Doña Ines - 2/17/2009 16:50:00 by Mike P.
#[[Eileen's Dream]] - replaces Eileen's Dream - 6/6/2009 10:48:00 by Mike P.
#[[Excalibur]] - replaces Excalibur - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Felipe Gregorio Power]] - replaces Felipe Gregorio Power - 11/10/2009 12:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Fonseca Vintage]] - replaces Fonseca Vintage - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[G3]] - replaces G3 - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[G5 Avenger]] - replaces G5 Avenger - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gold]] - replaces Gold - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserva]] - replaces Gran Reserva - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve]] - replaces Gran Reserve - 2/17/2009 16:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gran Reserve Torpedo]] - replaces Gran Reserve Torpedo - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Grand Cru]] - replaces Grand Cru - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Graycliff Blue]] - replaces Graycliff Blue - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Ancient Warrior]] - replaces Gurkha Ancient Warrior - 5/3/2009 22:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Avenger G5]] - replaces Gurkha Avenger G5 - 2/24/2010 14:43:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Cuban Legacy]] - replaces Gurkha Cuban Legacy - 1/27/2010 17:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Liga C-10]] - replaces Gurkha Liga C-10 - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Park Avenue]] - replaces Gurkha Park Avenue - 2/26/2009 08:07:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Shaggy]] - replaces Gurkha Shaggy - 6/19/2009 16:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Gurkha Signature]] - replaces Gurkha Signature - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[H Upmann #100]] - replaces H Upmann #100 - 2/28/2009 09:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana Sun Grown]] - replaces Havana Sun Grown - 2/17/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Havana VI]] - replaces Havana VI - 7/16/2009 16:32:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemingway Signature]] - replaces Hemingway Signature - 3/14/2009 06:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hemmingway]] - replaces Hemmingway - 3/16/2009 17:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Hyde Park]] - replaces Hyde Park - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Iguana]] - replaces Iguana - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[J Fuego Delirium]] - replaces J Fuego Delirium - 8/12/2009 12:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[JFR Habano Maduro]] - replaces JFR Habano Maduro - 2/12/2010 14:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[JR Gurkha Legend Replacement]] - replaces JR Gurkha Legend Replacement - 4/27/2009 09:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRCOR]] - replaces JRCOR - 4/27/2009 09:38:00 by Mike P.
#[[JRLGW]] - replaces JRLGW - 4/27/2009 09:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Java]] - replaces Java - 4/13/2009 17:26:00 by Mike P.
#[[Jose Gener]] - replaces Jose Gener - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[José Girbés]] - replaces José Girbés - 3/6/2009 20:40:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano - 2/12/2010 14:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo - 2/12/2010 14:21:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul]] - replaces Joya De Nicaragua Classico Consul - 2/12/2010 14:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[King B]] - replaces King B - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Kuba Maduro]] - replaces Kuba Maduro - 2/12/2010 14:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba - 2/17/2009 16:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial - 4/13/2009 17:18:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B]] - replaces La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial B - 4/13/2009 17:17:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora 1495]] - replaces La Aurora 1495 - 1/28/2010 06:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition]] - replaces La Aurora Preferidos 1903 Edition - 1/27/2010 17:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Campina]] - replaces La Campina - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Caya Limited Reserve]] - replaces La Caya Limited Reserve - 3/16/2009 16:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Flor de Cano]] - replaces La Flor de Cano - 11/27/2009 12:28:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium]] - replaces La Floridita Premium - 9/24/2009 16:24:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition)]] - replaces La Floridita Premium (Limited Edition) - 3/16/2009 17:22:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Maduro]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Panetela]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Panetela - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Reserva]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Reserva - 3/10/2009 09:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Gloria Cubana Wavell]] - replaces La Gloria Cubana Wavell - 2/17/2009 16:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte]] - replaces La Herencia Cubana Oscuro Fuerte - 1/28/2010 07:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Paloma]] - replaces La Paloma - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[La Perla Habana]] - replaces La Perla Habana - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Legend "Master Blend"]] - replaces Legend "Master Blend" - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes]] - replaces Leon Jimenes - 6/19/2009 16:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Leon Jimenes No1]] - added
#[[Limited Edition]] - replaces Limited Edition - 8/3/2009 16:01:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo]] - replaces Macanudo - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo 1968]] - replaces Macanudo 1968 - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Duke of Devon]] - replaces Macanudo Duke of Devon - 4/14/2009 07:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Macanudo Gold]] - replaces Macanudo Gold - 2/17/2009 16:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Man O' War SE]] - replaces Man O' War SE - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Manolete]] - replaces Manolete - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Master Select]] - replaces Master Select - 3/16/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Miraflor]] - replaces Miraflor - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo #4]] - replaces Montecristo #4 - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Montecristo Cuba]] - replaces Montecristo Cuba - 12/8/2009 15:27:00 by Mike P.
#[[Mother Earth]] - replaces Mother Earth - 8/18/2009 12:34:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural]] - replaces Natural - 8/18/2009 12:37:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Dirt]] - replaces Natural Dirt - 2/17/2009 16:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Natural Root]] - replaces Natural Root - 2/12/2010 13:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nectar]] - replaces Nectar - 8/18/2009 12:33:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nica Libre]] - replaces Nica Libre - 2/15/2010 07:12:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 454 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 454 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 460 Connecticut]] - replaces Nub 460 Connecticut - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464 Cameroon]] - replaces Nub 464 Cameroon - 2/2/2010 08:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[Nub 464T Maduro]] - replaces Nub 464T Maduro - 2/2/2010 08:35:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O]] - replaces Olivia Serie O - 6/19/2009 16:03:00 by Mike P.
#[[Olivia Serie O Perfecto]] - replaces Olivia Serie O Perfecto - 4/20/2009 12:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Opus X Fuente Fuente]] - replaces Opus X Fuente Fuente - 4/27/2009 14:55:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Achilles]] - replaces Padilla Achilles - 11/21/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padilla Signature]] - replaces Padilla Signature - 6/17/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926]] - replaces Padron 1926 - 9/13/2009 16:52:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron 1926 #6]] - replaces Padron 1926 #6 - 3/14/2009 06:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Delicias]] - replaces Padron Delicias - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padron Imperial]] - replaces Padron Imperial - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro]] - replaces Padrón Family Reserve No. 45 Maduro - 2/15/2010 15:11:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas 1845 Red]] - replaces Partagas 1845 Red - 3/1/2009 14:56:00 by Mike P.
#[[Partagas Black]] - replaces Partagas Black - 8/3/2009 16:00:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto]] - replaces Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Robusto - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Golf]] - replaces Perdomo Golf - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Perdomo Lot 23]] - replaces Perdomo Lot 23 - 3/10/2009 09:15:00 by Mike P.
#[[Por Larranaga Panatela]] - replaces Por Larranaga Panatela - 1/20/2010 08:13:00 by Mike P.
#[[Primo Del Rey]] - replaces Primo Del Rey - 4/13/2009 17:14:00 by Mike P.
#[[Punch]] - replaces Punch - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rafael Gonzales]] - replaces Rafael Gonzales - 2/17/2009 16:57:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rey Miguel]] - replaces Rey Miguel - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Classic]] - replaces Reyes Classic - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Reyes Family Premier]] - replaces Reyes Family Premier - 5/25/2009 07:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Decade]] - replaces Rocky Patel Decade - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel I-Press]] - replaces Rocky Patel I-Press - 6/1/2009 12:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo]] - replaces Rocky Patel Olde World Corojo - 11/21/2009 14:47:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romantico]] - replaces Romantico - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Maduro]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Maduro - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Romeo y Julieta Viejo]] - replaces Romeo y Julieta Viejo - 3/20/2009 21:36:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal]] - replaces San Cristobal - 2/15/2010 07:09:00 by Mike P.
#[[San Cristobal Guajiro]] - replaces San Cristobal Guajiro - 2/15/2010 07:10:00 by Mike P.
#[[Sancho Panza]] - replaces Sancho Panza - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Silver Exodus 1959]] - replaces Silver Exodus 1959 - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Colada]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Colada - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Corona]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Corona - 12/8/2009 14:23:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Dolce Negra]] - replaces Tabak Especial Dolce Negra - 2/25/2010 15:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce]] - replaces Tabak Especial Short Shot Dulce - 2/25/2010 15:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cherry]] - replaces Tatiana Cherry - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Chocolate]] - replaces Tatiana Chocolate - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Cinnamon]] - replaces Tatiana Cinnamon - 2/24/2010 14:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Groovy Blue]] - replaces Tatiana Groovy Blue - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Honey]] - replaces Tatiana Honey - 2/12/2010 10:41:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha - 5/17/2009 16:29:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Mocha Stabona]] - replaces Tatiana Mocha Stabona - 2/12/2010 10:39:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Night Cap]] - replaces Tatiana Night Cap - 2/20/2010 12:54:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Rum]] - replaces Tatiana Rum - 2/12/2010 10:42:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Vanilla]] - replaces Tatiana Vanilla - 2/20/2010 12:53:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tatiana Waking Dream]] - replaces Tatiana Waking Dream - 2/12/2010 10:44:00 by Mike P.
#[[Torano Signature]] - replaces Torano Signature - 8/18/2009 12:51:00 by Mike P.
#[[Tusker]] - replaces Tusker - 2/17/2009 16:58:00 by Mike P.
#[[VSG]] - replaces VSG - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vann Reef]] - replaces Vann Reef - 8/18/2009 12:31:00 by Mike P.
#[[Verdadero Organic]] - replaces Verdadero Organic - 6/17/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
#[[Vintage 1990]] - replaces Vintage 1990 - 2/17/2009 16:59:00 by Mike P.
#[[XL Double Maduro]] - replaces XL Double Maduro - 11/10/2009 12:20:00 by Mike P.
#[[camacho select don julio eiroa]] - replaces camacho select don julio eiroa - 1/27/2010 17:16:00 by Mike P.
#[[de Grisogono Geneva]] - replaces de Grisogono Geneva - 8/3/2009 16:02:00 by Mike P.
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Description|Insert Javascript executable code directly into your tiddler content.|
''Call directly into TW core utility routines, define new functions, calculate values, add dynamically-generated TiddlyWiki-formatted output'' into tiddler content, or perform any other programmatic actions each time the tiddler is rendered.
>see [[InlineJavascriptPluginInfo]]
2009.04.11 [1.9.5] pass current tiddler object into wrapper code so it can be referenced from within 'onclick' scripts
2009.02.26 [1.9.4] in $(), handle leading '#' on ID for compatibility with JQuery syntax
|please see [[InlineJavascriptPluginInfo]] for additional revision details|
2005.11.08 [1.0.0] initial release
version.extensions.InlineJavascriptPlugin= {major: 1, minor: 9, revision: 5, date: new Date(2009,4,11)};

config.formatters.push( {
	name: "inlineJavascript",
	match: "\\<script",
	lookahead: "\\<script(?: src=\\\"((?:.|\\n)*?)\\\")?(?: label=\\\"((?:.|\\n)*?)\\\")?(?: title=\\\"((?:.|\\n)*?)\\\")?(?: key=\\\"((?:.|\\n)*?)\\\")?( show)?\\>((?:.|\\n)*?)\\</script\\>",

	handler: function(w) {
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					var fixup=code.replace(/document.write\s*\(/gi,'place.bufferedHTML+=(');
					link.code="function _out(place,tiddler){"+fixup+"\n};_out(this,this.tiddler);"
						try{ var r=eval(this.code);
							if(this.bufferedHTML.length || (typeof(r)==="string")&&r.length)
								var s=this.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement("span"),this.nextSibling);
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						} catch(e){alert(e.description||e.toString());return false;}
					var URIcode='javascript:void(eval(decodeURIComponent(%22(function(){try{';
					URIcode+=encodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(code.replace(/\n/g,' ')));
					if (key) link.accessKey=key.substr(0,1); // single character only
				else { // run script immediately
					var fixup=code.replace(/document.write\s*\(/gi,'place.innerHTML+=(');
					var c="function _out(place,tiddler){"+fixup+"\n};_out(w.output,w.tiddler);";
					try	 { var out=eval(c); }
					catch(e) { out=e.description?e.description:e.toString(); }
					if (out && out.length) wikify(out,w.output,w.highlightRegExp,w.tiddler);
			w.nextMatch = lookaheadMatch.index + lookaheadMatch[0].length;
} )

// // Backward-compatibility for TW2.1.x and earlier
if (typeof(wikifyPlainText)=="undefined") window.wikifyPlainText=function(text,limit,tiddler) {
	if(limit > 0) text = text.substr(0,limit);
	var wikifier = new Wikifier(text,formatter,null,tiddler);
	return wikifier.wikifyPlain();

// // GLOBAL FUNCTION: $(...) -- 'shorthand' convenience syntax for document.getElementById()
if (typeof($)=='undefined') { function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id.replace(/^#/,'')); } }
Name: Delirium
Brand: J Fuego
Size: Belicoso (5.5x52)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Brazilian Maduro
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: Bry
Purchased: Yes
Gift from Bry 07.15.09

Name: Habano Maduro
Brand: JFR
Size: Robusto (5.5x52)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Habano maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: Bry
Purchased: Yes
cigar has a pigtail cap and an unfinished foot - very strong at the beginning, mellows out about mid way

Brand: JR Cigars
Size: Churchill (7.5x50)
Strength: Mild / Medium
Wrapper: ?
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Smoked 04.22.09 with no aging and rated 9 - natural wrapper, very smooth a little stronger towards the end

Brand: JR Cigars
Size: Robusto
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: English
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
First Rating 8.5 Need to age an additional month then rate again 03.24.09

Brand: JR Cigars
Size: Robusto
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: English
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Frontmark La Gloria Cubana Wavell (JR CUBAN ALTERNATIVES)
First Rating 8.5 Need to age an additional month then rate again 03.20.09
After additional aging updated rank 8.0 04.20.09
Name: Java
Brand: Drew Estate
Size: Robusto
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 79
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Original Rating 7.5 smoked a well Aged cigar & changed Rating 04.13.09

Name: Java Latte
Brand: Drew Estates
Size: 58 Super Toro (5x58)
Strength: Mild/Medium
Wrapper: Mixed
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Java is an exceptionally unique handmade from two of today’s hardest working cigar makers: Jonathan Drew of Drew Estate and Rocky Patel.
Wrapper - Connecticut Ecuador (foot) Connecticut Broadleaf (cap)

Best Java ever ! Flavor profile changes at the wrapper change, great draw, even burn

Name: Java Latte
Brand: Drew Estates
Size: Robusto (5.5x52)
Strength: Mild/Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut Ecuador
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Java is an exceptionally unique handmade from two of today’s hardest working cigar makers: Jonathan Drew of Drew Estate and Rocky Patel.

Name: Java Latte
Brand: Drew Estates
Size: Corona (5x44)
Strength: Mild/Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut Ecuador
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Java is an exceptionally unique handmade from two of today’s hardest working cigar makers: Jonathan Drew of Drew Estate and Rocky Patel.

Name: Signature Series
Brand: Jose Domingues
Size: Lonsdale (6x44)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut Shade
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 03/10
good consistent burn, finish was a little sour? 
Name: Jose Gener
Brand: Hoyo de Monterey
Size: ?
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: José Girbés
Brand: Thompson
Size: ?
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 6.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
After (6) months aging still had a strong Ammonia taste

Name: Antano
Brand: Joya De Nicaragua by Drew Estates
Size: Consul (4.5x52)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habana Criollo
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Strong, would smoke after a good filling meal. burned good, consistent flavor

Name: Antano Dark Corojo
Brand: Joya De Nicaragua by Drew Estates
Size: Consul (4.5x52)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Corojo
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 86
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Doble Fuerte = Double Strong

Name: Classico
Brand: Joya De Nicaragua by Drew Estates
Size: Toro
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habana Criollo
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Drew Estate Event Freebie

Name: Classico
Brand: Joya De Nicaragua by Drew Estates
Size: Consul (4.5x52)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habana Criollo
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 01/10

Name: King B
Brand: Arturo Fuente
Size: Torpedo
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Rosado Sungrown
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 88
~RecommendedBy: Louis
Purchased: Yes

Name: Kuba
Brand: Acid by Drew Estates
Size: 5x54
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
PersonalRank: 8.5
ProfessionalRank: N/A
RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Freebie from Drew Estate Event

Name: La Aroma de Cuba
Brand: Ashton
Size: Robusto (5x54)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: Alan
Purchased: Yes
Original Rank 8.5 (01.25.09)
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 04/10

Name: Edicion Especial
Brand: La Aroma de Cuba
Size: No. 3 (5 1/2x52)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Ecuador
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: Cigar Aficionado
Purchased: No
Produced by Ashton

Name: Edicion Especial
Brand: La Aroma de Cuba
Size: Belicoso (5 1/2x52)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Ecuador
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: Alan
Purchased: Yes
Produced by Ashton

Name: 1495
Brand: La Aurora
Size: Robusto (5x50)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Ecuadorian
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 12/09

Name: Barrel Aged
Brand: La Aurora
Size: No. 4 (5.75x43)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Dominican Corojo
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 05/10

Strong at beginning then mellows out, good flavor, some minor burn issues
Name: Preferidos 1903 Edition Gold
Brand: La Aurora
Size: Perfecto 5x54
Strength: Mild / Medium
Wrapper: Corojo
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Recommended by Specs in Beaumont, TX

Name: La Campina
Brand: Famous Smoke
Size: Robusto
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 7
~ProfessionalRank: 92
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: La Caya Limited Reserve
Brand: La Caya Limited Reserve
Size: Robusto
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Cameroon
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 7.5
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Freebie from [[Don Carlos Cigars]]

Name: Habano Bin No.85
Brand: La Cuna
Size: Salomon (7.1x58)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Habano
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 04/10

Great smoke, good burn and finish (a solid 2 hours)
Name: La Flor de Cano
Brand: Selectos
Size: 5x54
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Sumatra Maduro
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 09/09
smooth, not bitter

Name: Premium (Bundle)
Brand: La Floridita
Size: Robusto
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
09.23.09 Very mild, uneven burn, need to age longer and rate again

<<reminder year:2009 month:10 day:31 title:"Rate La Floridita Premium (Bundle)" >>
<<reminder year:2009 month:11 day:31 title:"Rate La Floridita Premium (Bundle)" >>!!!Review:
Name: Premium (Limited Edition)
Brand: La Floridita
Size: Robusto (5x60)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Brazilian Mata Fina (Maduro)
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 80
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Best if aged a minimum of one month (Famous Smoke Exclusive)

Name: La Gloria Cubana
Brand: La Gloria Cubana
Size: Wavell (5x50)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: La Gloria Cubana
Brand: La Gloria Cubana
Size: Panetela (7x37)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: English
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 92
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Cubana Reserva
Brand: La Gloria Cubana
Size: Felicias (4.6" x 49) 
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Dominican Repbulic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 92
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Great Flavor !!

Name: La Gloria Cubana
Brand: La Gloria Cubana
Size: Wavell (5x50)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Dominican Republic	
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 92
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Oscuro Fuerte
Brand: La Herencia Cubana
Size: Salomon (7.1x58)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Pennsylvania broadleaf maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 01/10

Name: La Paloma
Brand: Thompson
Size: Lionsdale (6x46)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Corojo
Country: Dominican Republic 
~PersonalRank: 7.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: La Perla Habana
Brand: La Perla Habana
Size: Robusto (5 1/4x52)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: Kim
Purchased: No

Name: Legend "Master Blend"
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Churchill
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Leon Jimenes
Brand: La Aurora
Size: Robusto (5.5x50)
Strength: Mild / Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut Shade
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 06/09

Name: Cafe Dominicano
Brand: Leon Jimenes
Size: Petite Corona (4.0x38) 
Strength: Mild/Medium
Wrapper: ?
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
imbued with infusions of java and creme

Name: Leon Jimenes
Brand: La Aurora
Size: No. 1 (7.5x50)
Strength: Mild / Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut Shade
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 85
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Good cigar, just a little bit to long for my taste - plan on 1.5 hour +

|Description|Intelligently limit the number of backup files you create|
|Version|3.0 ($Rev: 2320 $)|
|Date|$Date: 2007-06-18 22:37:46 +1000 (Mon, 18 Jun 2007) $|
|Author|Simon Baird|
You end up with just backup one per year, per month, per weekday, per hour, minute, and second.  So total number won't exceed about 200 or so. Can be reduced by commenting out the seconds/minutes/hours line from modes array

Works in IE and Firefox only.  Algorithm by Daniel Baird. IE code by by Saq Imtiaz.
window.getSpecialBackupPath = function(backupPath) {

	var MINS  = 60 * 1000;
	var HOURS = 60 * MINS;
	var DAYS  = 24 * HOURS;

	// comment out the ones you don't want
	var modes = [
		["YYYY",  365*DAYS], // one per year for ever
		["MMM",   31*DAYS],  // one per month
		["ddd",   7*DAYS],   // one per weekday
		//["d0DD",  1*DAYS],   // one per day of month
		//["h0hh",  24*HOURS], // one per hour
		//["m0mm",  1*HOURS],  // one per minute
		//["s0ss",  1*MINS],   // one per second
		["latest",0]         // always keep last version. (leave this).

	var now = new Date();

	for (var i=0;i<modes.length;i++) {

		// the filename we will try
		var specialBackupPath = backupPath.replace(/(\.)([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)(\.html)$/,

		// open the file

		try {
			if (config.browser.isIE) {
				var fsobject = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
				var fileExists  = fsobject.FileExists(specialBackupPath);
				if (fileExists) {
					var fileObject = fsobject.GetFile(specialBackupPath);
					var modDate = new Date(fileObject.DateLastModified).valueOf();
			else {
				var file = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
				var fileExists = file.exists();
				if (fileExists) {
					var modDate = file.lastModifiedTime;
		catch(e) {
			// give up
			return backupPath;

		// expiry is used to tell if it's an 'old' one. Eg, if the month is June and there is a
		// June file on disk that's more than an month old then it must be stale so overwrite
		// note that "latest" should be always because the expiration period is zero (see above)
		var expiry = new Date(modDate + modes[i][1]);
		if (!fileExists || now > expiry)
			return specialBackupPath;

// hijack the core function
window.getBackupPath_orig = window.getBackupPath;
window.getBackupPath = function(localPath) {
	return getSpecialBackupPath(getBackupPath_orig(localPath));

Name: Limited Edition
Brand: Perdomo^^2^^
Size: 5.5x54
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 05/09

Name: Macanudo
Brand: Macanudo
Size: Robusto Portofino
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 6
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: 1968
Brand: Macanudo
Size: Toro 6x54
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Honduran San Agustin Havana Seed
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Duke of Devon
Brand: Macanudo
Size: Duke of Devon (5.5x42)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Connecticut Corona
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Gold
Brand: Macanudo
Size: Tudor (6x52)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Connecticut Shade
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

<<tiddler CigarSections##SummaryCount>>
+++[Cigar Ratings]{{small{<<tiddler [[Cigar Ratings]]>>}}}===

[[Cigars Not Rated|CigarNR]]
[[Recommended Cigars|CigarRec]]
[[Cigar of the Month|CigarMonth]]
<<newTiddler label:'New Cigar' title:'New Cigar' text:{{store.getTiddlerText('CigarTemplate','')}} tag:'Cigar'>>
Last Update:

[img[RSS Feed|images/rss_b.png][cigars.xml]]
Name: Ruination
Brand: Man O' War Ruination
Size: Belicoso (5.75x56)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Ecuadorain Ligero
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 02/10
Started out really strong, then mellowed out

Name: Special Edition
Brand: Man O' War
Size: Figurado (7.1x58)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Habano Equador
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 07/09

Name: Manolete
Brand: Thompson
Size: ?
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 5.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Master Select
Brand: Gurkha
Size: Churchill
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Havana 2000
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Louis Ranked 8.5 after 6 months of aging
Considerably better after 3 months of aging
Original Rating of 7 with no aging

|Author|Eric Shulman - ELS Design Studios|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Description|'tag matching' with full boolean expressions (AND, OR, NOT, and nested parentheses)|
> see [[MatchTagsPluginInfo]]
2008.09.04 [2.0.0] added "report" and "panel" options to generate formatted results and store in a tiddler.  Also, added config.macros.matchTags.formatList(place,fmt,sep) API to return formatted output for use with other plugins/scripts
| please see [[MatchTagsPluginInfo]] for additional revision details |
2008.02.28 [1.0.0] initial release
version.extensions.MatchTagsPlugin= {major: 2, minor: 0, revision: 0, date: new Date(2008,9,4)};

// store.getMatchingTiddlers() processes boolean expressions for tag matching
//    sortfield (optional) sets sort order for tiddlers - default=title
//    tiddlers (optional) use alternative set of tiddlers (instead of current store)
TiddlyWiki.prototype.getMatchingTiddlers = function(tagexpr,sortfield,tiddlers) {

	var debug=config.options.chkDebug; // abbreviation
	var cmm=config.macros.matchTags; // abbreviation
	var r=[]; // results are an array of tiddlers
	var tids=tiddlers||store.getTiddlers(sortfield||"title");
	if (tiddlers && sortfield) store.sortTiddlers(tids,sortfield);
	if (debug) displayMessage(cmm.msg1.format([tids.length]));

	// try simple lookup to quickly find single tags or tags that
	// contain boolean operators as literals, e.g. "foo and bar"
	for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++)
		if (tids[t].isTagged(tagexpr)) r.pushUnique(tids[t]);
	if (r.length) {
		if (debug) displayMessage(cmm.msg4.format([r.length,tagexpr]));
		return r;
	// convert expression into javascript code with regexp tests,
	// so that "tag1 AND ( tag2 OR NOT tag3 )" becomes
	// "/\~tag1\~/.test(...) && ( /\~tag2\~/.test(...) || ! /\~tag3\~/.test(...) )"

	// normalize whitespace, tokenize operators, delimit with "~"
	var c=tagexpr.trim(); // remove leading/trailing spaces
	c = c.replace(/\s+/ig," "); // reduce multiple spaces to single spaces
	c = c.replace(/\(\s?/ig,"~(~"); // open parens
	c = c.replace(/\s?\)/ig,"~)~"); // close parens
	c = c.replace(/(\s|~)?&&(\s|~)?/ig,"~&&~"); // &&
	c = c.replace(/(\s|~)AND(\s|~)/ig,"~&&~"); // AND
	c = c.replace(/(\s|~)?\|\|(\s|~)?/ig,"~||~"); // ||
	c = c.replace(/(\s|~)OR(\s|~)/ig,"~||~"); // OR
	c = c.replace(/(\s|~)?!(\s|~)?/ig,"~!~"); // !
	c = c.replace(/(^|~|\s)NOT(\s|~)/ig,"~!~"); // NOT
	c = c.replace(/(^|~|\s)NOT~\(/ig,"~!~("); // NOT(
	// change tag terms to regexp tests
	var terms=c.split("~"); for (var i=0; i<terms.length; i++) { var t=terms[i];
		if (/(&&)|(\|\|)|[!\(\)]/.test(t) || t=="") continue; // skip operators/parens/spaces
		if (t==config.macros.matchTags.untaggedKeyword)
			terms[i]="tiddlertags=='~~'"; // 'untagged' tiddlers
	c=terms.join(" ");
	if (debug) { displayMessage(cmm.msg2.format([tagexpr])); displayMessage(cmm.msg3.format([c])); }

	// scan tiddlers for matches
	for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
	 	// assemble tags from tiddler into string "~tag1~tag2~tag3~"
		var tiddlertags = "~"+tids[t].tags.join("~")+"~";
		try { if(eval(c)) r.push(tids[t]); } // test tags
		catch(e) { // error in test
			break; // skip remaining tiddlers
	if (debug) displayMessage(cmm.msg4.format([r.length,tagexpr]));
	return r;
config.macros.matchTags = {
	msg1: "scanning %0 input tiddlers",
	msg2: "looking for '%0'",
	msg3: "using expression: '%0'",
	msg4: "found %0 tiddlers matching '%1'",
	noMatch: "no matching tiddlers",
	untaggedKeyword: "-",

	untaggedLabel: "no tags",
	untaggedPrompt: "show tiddlers with no tags",
	defTiddler: "MatchingTiddlers",
	defFormat: "%0",
	defSeparator: "\n",
	reportHeading: "Found %0 tiddlers tagged with: '{{{%1}}}'\n----\n",
	handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		var mode=params[0]?params[0].toLowerCase():'';
		if (mode=="inline")
		if (mode=="report" || mode=="panel") {
			var target=params.shift()||this.defTiddler;
		if (mode=="popup") {
			if (params[0]&&params[0].substr(0,6)=="label:") var label=params.shift().substr(6);
			if (params[0]&&params[0].substr(0,7)=="prompt:") var prompt=params.shift().substr(7);
		} else {
			var fmt=(params.shift()||this.defFormat).unescapeLineBreaks();
			var sep=(params.shift()||this.defSeparator).unescapeLineBreaks();
		var sortBy="+title";
		if (params[0]&&params[0].substr(0,5)=="sort:") sortBy=params.shift().substr(5);
		var expr = params.join(" ");
		if (mode!="panel" && (!expr||!expr.trim().length)) return;
		if (expr==this.untaggedKeyword)
			{ var label=this.untaggedLabel; var prompt=this.untaggedPrompt };
		switch (mode) {
			case "popup": this.createPopup(place,label,expr,prompt,sortBy); break;
			case "panel": this.createPanel(place,expr,fmt,sep,sortBy,target); break;
			case "report": this.createReport(target,expr,fmt,sep,sortBy); break;
			case "inline": default: this.createInline(place,expr,fmt,sep,sortBy); break;
	formatList: function(tids,fmt,sep) {
		var out=[];
		for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
			var title="[["+tids[t].title+"]]";
			var who=tids[t].modifier;
			var when=tids[t].modified.toLocaleString();
			var text=tids[t].text;
			var first=tids[t].text.split("\n")[0];
			var desc=store.getTiddlerSlice(tids[t].title,"description");
		return out.join(sep);
	createInline: function(place,expr,fmt,sep,sortBy) {
	createPopup: function(place,label,expr,prompt,sortBy) {
		var btn=createTiddlyButton(place,
			function(ev){ return config.macros.matchTags.showPopup(this,ev||window.event); });
	showPopup: function(here,ev) {
		var p=Popup.create(here); if (!p) return false;
		var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers(here.getAttribute("expr"));
		var list=[]; for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) list.push(tids[t].title);
		if (!list.length) createTiddlyText(p,this.noMatch);
		else {
			var b=createTiddlyButton(createTiddlyElement(p,"li"),
				function() {
					var list=this.getAttribute("list").readBracketedList();
			b.setAttribute("list","[["+list.join("]] [[")+"]]");
		var out=this.formatList(tids," &nbsp;%0&nbsp; ","\n"); wikify(out,p);
		if(ev.stopPropagation) ev.stopPropagation();
		return false;
	createReport: function(target,expr,fmt,sep,sortBy) {
		var tids=store.sortTiddlers(store.getMatchingTiddlers(expr),sortBy);
		if (!tids.length) { displayMessage('no matches for: '+expr); return false; }
		var msg=config.messages.overwriteWarning.format([target]);
		if (store.tiddlerExists(target) && !confirm(msg)) return false;
		var out=this.reportHeading.format([tids.length,expr])
		store.saveTiddler(target,target,out,config.options.txtUserName,new Date(),[],{});
		story.closeTiddler(target); story.displayTiddler(null,target);
	createPanel: function(place,expr,fmt,sep,sortBy,tid) {
		var html="<form style='display:inline'><!-- \
			--><input type='text'    name='expr' style='width:55%' title='tag expression'><!-- \
			--><input type='text'    name='fmt'  style='width:10%' title='list item format'><!-- \
			--><input type='text'    name='sep'  style='width:5%'  title='list item separator'><!-- \
			--><input type='text'    name='tid'  style='width:20%' title='target tiddler title'><!-- \
			--><input type='button'  name='go'   style='width:8%'  value='go' onclick=\" \
				var expr=this.form.expr.value; \
				if (!expr.length) { alert('Enter a boolean tag expression'); return false; } \
				var fmt=this.form.fmt.value; \
				if (!fmt.length) { alert('Enter the list item output format'); return false; } \
				var sep=this.form.sep.value.unescapeLineBreaks(); \
				var tid=this.form.tid.value; \
				if (!tid.length) { alert('Enter a target tiddler title'); return false; } \
				config.macros.matchTags.createReport(tid,expr,fmt,sep,'title'); \
				return false;\"> \
		var s=createTiddlyElement(place,"span"); s.innerHTML=html;
		var f=s.getElementsByTagName("form")[0];
		f.expr.value=expr; f.fmt.value=fmt; f.sep.value=sep.escapeLineBreaks(); f.tid.value=tid;
// SHADOW TIDDLER for displaying default panel input form
config.shadowTiddlers.MatchTags="{{smallform{<<matchTags panel>>}}}";
// TWEAK core filterTiddlers() for enhanced boolean matching in [tag[...]] syntax:
// use getMatchingTiddlers instead getTaggedTiddlers
var fn=TiddlyWiki.prototype.filterTiddlers;
// REDEFINE core handler for enhanced boolean matching in tag:"..." paramifier
// use filterTiddlers() instead of getTaggedTiddlers() to get list of tiddlers.
config.paramifiers.tag = {
	onstart: function(v) {
		var tagged = store.filterTiddlers("[tag["+v+"]]");

Name: Miraflor
Brand: Thompson
Size: ?
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Montecristo
Brand: Montecristo
Size: #4
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Connecticut Shade
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: Louis
Purchased: No

Name: Montecristo
Brand: Montecristo
Size: Robusto
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Cuba
~PersonalRank: 7
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Purchased from boat deck hand (offshore), aged 6 months, very likely a counterfeit :(

Name: Ambrosia - Mother Earth
Brand: Drew Estates
Size: Toro
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Good, would need to try again (strange finish) - made Kara very light headed

/*Basic Style Definitions*/
/*Center Table Style*/
.viewer div.centeredTable {
	text-align: center;
.viewer div.centeredTable table {
	margin: 0 auto;
	text-align: left;

/*Experimental Style*/
/* auto tiddler expansion expand tiddler to fit contents if needed */
.tiddler {overflow: auto; padding: .75em;}
/* more subtle subtitle */
.subtitle {font-size:0.8em;}
/*Color & Layout Tweaks*/
body {background: [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];}
.tiddler {background: [[ColorPalette::Background]]; border: 1px [[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]] solid;}
#mainMenu, #sidebar{
	background: [[ColorPalette::Background]];
	-moz-border-radius: 1em;
	margin-left: .5em;
	margin-right: .5em;
	margin-top: 1em;
	border: 1px [[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]] solid;
/* thumbnail images (fixed-sized scaled images) */
.random img {width:400px !important;}
/* Javascript Button Style */
.toolbar a:hover{
	border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];
        -moz-border-radius: 1em;
.toolbar a:active {
	border:1px solid [[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];
/* Search width in MainMenu */
.mychar input  { width:95%; }

/*Encryption Password Box Style*/
#passwordPromptBox {background-color: [[ColorPalette::Background]];}

/* NestedSlidersPlugin popup */
.floatingPanel {background-color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; border: 1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; }

/*Tiddler Spacing*/
.tiddler {
	margin-bottom: 1em;

/*Header & Footer Div Style*/
/* Modify Tiddler margin/padding to fit TiddlersBar better */
.hD, .fD {
	-moz-border-radius: 1em;
	background: [[ColorPalette::Background]];
	border: 1px [[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]] solid;
	color: [[ColorPalette::Foreground]];
	margin-bottom: 1em;

/*Title & Menu Shadows ~FF3.5*/
.siteTitle {text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]], -1px 1px 2px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; font-size: 350%;}
.siteSubtitle {text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]], -1px 1px 2px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; font-size: 175%;}

/*Rounded Corners Style ~FF3.0*/
.tiddler, .viewer {
	-moz-border-radius: 1em;
.toolbar .button, .toolbar a, #messageArea, .tagging, .tagged, .tabContents, #sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {
	-moz-border-radius: 1em;
#sidebarTabs .tab, .tabSelected, .tabUnselected {

/*Align Header*/
.header, .headerNow, .hD, .fD {
/*	text-align: center;*/
/*	text-align: left;*/
/*	text-align: right;*/
	padding-left: .75em;
	padding-right: .75em;
.header, .headerNow {
	color: [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];
//	font-family: times, serif;
	font-family: ariel, serif;

/* prefer monospace for editing */
.editor textarea {
	font-family: 'Consolas' monospace;

/* editor background & text color */
.editor textarea, .editor input {
//	background-color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];
//	color: [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];
	background-color: #222;
	color: white;

/* sexy tiddler titles */
.title {
	font-size: 175%;
	color: [[ColorPalette::PrimaryLight]];
	font-family: ariel, serif;

/* make 2.2 act like 2.1 with the invisible buttons */
.toolbar {
.selected .toolbar {

/* for Index Pop Up*/
.popup li a {
Name: Natural
Brand: Drew Estates
Size: 4x34 +/-
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 87
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Very sweet wrapper, almost a sugary vanilla taste on lips

Name: Natural Dirt
Brand: Drew Estates
Size: Torpedo (5x52)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 87
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Very sweet wrapper, almost a sugary vanilla taste on lips

Name: Natural Root
Brand: Drew Estates
Size: 5x55
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
PersonalRank: 8
ProfessionalRank: 87
RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Ambrosia - Nectar
Brand: Drew Estates
Size: 4x40 +/-
Strength: Mild / Medium
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
good finish, good burn - sweet on palette

|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Description|show content in nest-able sliding/floating panels, without creating separate tiddlers for each panel's content|
>see [[NestedSlidersPluginInfo]]
<<option chkFloatingSlidersAnimate>> allow floating sliders to animate when opening/closing
>Note: This setting can cause 'clipping' problems in some versions of InternetExplorer.
>In addition, for floating slider animation to occur you must also allow animation in general (see [[AdvancedOptions]]).
2008.11.15 - 2.4.9 in adjustNestedSlider(), don't make adjustments if panel is marked as 'undocked' (CSS class).  In onClickNestedSlider(), SHIFT-CLICK docks panel (see [[MoveablePanelPlugin]])
|please see [[NestedSlidersPluginInfo]] for additional revision details|
2005.11.03 - 1.0.0 initial public release.  Thanks to RodneyGomes, GeoffSlocock, and PaulPetterson for suggestions and experiments.
version.extensions.NestedSlidersPlugin= {major: 2, minor: 4, revision: 9, date: new Date(2008,11,15)};

// options for deferred rendering of sliders that are not initially displayed
if (config.options.chkFloatingSlidersAnimate===undefined)
	config.options.chkFloatingSlidersAnimate=false; // avoid clipping problems in IE

// default styles for 'floating' class
setStylesheet(".floatingPanel { position:absolute; z-index:10; padding:0.5em; margin:0em; \
	background-color:#eee; color:#000; border:1px solid #000; text-align:left; }","floatingPanelStylesheet");

// if removeCookie() function is not defined by TW core, define it here.
if (window.removeCookie===undefined) {
	window.removeCookie=function(name) {
		document.cookie = name+'=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 UTC; path=/;'; 

config.formatters.push( {
	name: "nestedSliders",
	match: "\\n?\\+{3}",
	terminator: "\\s*\\={3}\\n?",
	lookahead: "\\n?\\+{3}(\\+)?(\\([^\\)]*\\))?(\\!*)?(\\^(?:[^\\^\\*\\@\\[\\>]*\\^)?)?(\\*)?(\\@)?(?:\\{\\{([\\w]+[\\s\\w]*)\\{)?(\\[[^\\]]*\\])?(\\[[^\\]]*\\])?(?:\\}{3})?(\\#[^:]*\\:)?(\\>)?(\\.\\.\\.)?\\s*",
	handler: function(w)
			lookaheadRegExp = new RegExp(this.lookahead,"mg");
			lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
			var lookaheadMatch = lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source)
			if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart)
				var defopen=lookaheadMatch[1];
				var cookiename=lookaheadMatch[2];
				var header=lookaheadMatch[3];
				var panelwidth=lookaheadMatch[4];
				var transient=lookaheadMatch[5];
				var hover=lookaheadMatch[6];
				var buttonClass=lookaheadMatch[7];
				var label=lookaheadMatch[8];
				var openlabel=lookaheadMatch[9];
				var panelID=lookaheadMatch[10];
				var blockquote=lookaheadMatch[11];
				var deferred=lookaheadMatch[12];

				// location for rendering button and panel
				var place=w.output;

				// default to closed, no cookie, no accesskey, no alternate text/tip
				var show="none"; var cookie=""; var key="";
				var closedtext=">"; var closedtip="";
				var openedtext="<"; var openedtip="";

				// extra "+", default to open
				if (defopen) show="block";

				// cookie, use saved open/closed state
				if (cookiename) {
					if (config.options[cookie]==undefined)
						{ config.options[cookie] = (show=="block") }

				// parse label/tooltip/accesskey: [label=X|tooltip]
				if (label) {
					var parts=label.trim().slice(1,-1).split("|");
					if (closedtext.substr(closedtext.length-2,1)=="=")	
						{ key=closedtext.substr(closedtext.length-1,1); closedtext=closedtext.slice(0,-2); }
					if (parts.length) closedtip=openedtip=parts.join("|");
					else { closedtip="show "+closedtext; openedtip="hide "+closedtext; }

				// parse alternate label/tooltip: [label|tooltip]
				if (openlabel) {
					var parts=openlabel.trim().slice(1,-1).split("|");
					if (parts.length) openedtip=parts.join("|");
					else openedtip="hide "+openedtext;

				var title=show=='block'?openedtext:closedtext;
				var tooltip=show=='block'?openedtip:closedtip;

				// create the button
				if (header) { // use "Hn" header format instead of button/link
					var lvl=(header.length>5)?5:header.length;
					var btn = createTiddlyElement(createTiddlyElement(place,"h"+lvl,null,null,null),"a",null,buttonClass,title);
					var btn = createTiddlyButton(place,title,tooltip,onClickNestedSlider,buttonClass);
				btn.innerHTML=title; // enables use of HTML entities in label

				// set extra button attributes
				btn.sliderCookie = cookie; // save the cookiename (if any) in the button object
				btn.defOpen=defopen!=null; // save default open/closed state (boolean)
				btn.keyparam=key; // save the access key letter ("" if none)
				if (key.length) {
					btn.setAttribute("accessKey",key); // init access key
					btn.onfocus=function(){this.setAttribute("accessKey",this.keyparam);}; // **reclaim** access key on focus
				btn.onmouseover=function(ev) {
					// optional 'open on hover' handling
					if (this.getAttribute("hover")=="true" && this.sliderPanel.style.display=='none') {
						document.onclick.call(document,ev); // close transients
						onClickNestedSlider(ev); // open this slider
					// mouseover on button aligns floater position with button
					if (window.adjustSliderPos) window.adjustSliderPos(this.parentNode,this,this.sliderPanel);

				// create slider panel
				var panelClass=panelwidth?"floatingPanel":"sliderPanel";
				if (panelID) panelID=panelID.slice(1,-1); // trim off delimiters
				var panel=createTiddlyElement(place,"div",panelID,panelClass,null);
				panel.button = btn; // so the slider panel know which button it belongs to
				btn.sliderPanel=panel; // so the button knows which slider panel it belongs to
				panel.defaultPanelWidth=(panelwidth && panelwidth.length>2)?panelwidth.slice(1,-1):"";
				panel.style.display = show;
				panel.onmouseover=function(event) // mouseover on panel aligns floater position with button
					{ if (window.adjustSliderPos) window.adjustSliderPos(this.parentNode,this.button,this); }

				// render slider (or defer until shown) 
				w.nextMatch = lookaheadMatch.index + lookaheadMatch[0].length;
				if ((show=="block")||!deferred) {
					// render now if panel is supposed to be shown or NOT deferred rendering
					// align floater position with button
					if (window.adjustSliderPos) window.adjustSliderPos(place,btn,panel);
				else {
					var src = w.source.substr(w.nextMatch);
					var endpos=findMatchingDelimiter(src,"+++","===");
					w.nextMatch += endpos+3;
					if (w.source.substr(w.nextMatch,1)=="\n") w.nextMatch++;

function findMatchingDelimiter(src,starttext,endtext) {
	var startpos = 0;
	var endpos = src.indexOf(endtext);
	// check for nested delimiters
	while (src.substring(startpos,endpos-1).indexOf(starttext)!=-1) {
		// count number of nested 'starts'
		var startcount=0;
		var temp = src.substring(startpos,endpos-1);
		var pos=temp.indexOf(starttext);
		while (pos!=-1)  { startcount++; pos=temp.indexOf(starttext,pos+starttext.length); }
		// set up to check for additional 'starts' after adjusting endpos
		// find endpos for corresponding number of matching 'ends'
		while (startcount && endpos!=-1) {
			endpos = src.indexOf(endtext,endpos+endtext.length);
	return (endpos==-1)?src.length:endpos;
	if (!e) var e = window.event;
	var theTarget = resolveTarget(e);
	while (theTarget && theTarget.sliderPanel==undefined) theTarget=theTarget.parentNode;
	if (!theTarget) return false;
	var theSlider = theTarget.sliderPanel;
	var isOpen = theSlider.style.display!="none";

	// if SHIFT-CLICK, dock panel first (see [[MoveablePanelPlugin]])
	if (e.shiftKey && config.macros.moveablePanel) config.macros.moveablePanel.dock(theSlider,e);

	// toggle label
	// toggle tooltip

	// deferred rendering (if needed)
	if (theSlider.getAttribute("rendered")=="false") {
		var place=theSlider;
		if (theSlider.getAttribute("blockquote")=="true")

	// show/hide the slider
	if(config.options.chkAnimate && (!hasClass(theSlider,'floatingPanel') || config.options.chkFloatingSlidersAnimate))
		anim.startAnimating(new Slider(theSlider,!isOpen,e.shiftKey || e.altKey,"none"));
		theSlider.style.display = isOpen ? "none" : "block";

	// reset to default width (might have been changed via plugin code)

	// align floater panel position with target button
	if (!isOpen && window.adjustSliderPos) window.adjustSliderPos(theSlider.parentNode,theTarget,theSlider);

	// if showing panel, set focus to first 'focus-able' element in panel
	if (theSlider.style.display!="none") {
		var ctrls=theSlider.getElementsByTagName("*");
		for (var c=0; c<ctrls.length; c++) {
			var t=ctrls[c].tagName.toLowerCase();
			if ((t=="input" && ctrls[c].type!="hidden") || t=="textarea" || t=="select")
				{ try{ ctrls[c].focus(); } catch(err){;} break; }
	var cookie=theTarget.sliderCookie;
	if (cookie && cookie.length) {
		if (config.options[cookie]!=theTarget.defOpen) window.saveOptionCookie(cookie);
		else window.removeCookie(cookie); // remove cookie if slider is in default display state

	// prevent SHIFT-CLICK from being processed by browser (opens blank window... yuck!)
	// prevent clicks *within* a slider button from being processed by browser
	// but allow plain click to bubble up to page background (to close transients, if any)
	if (e.shiftKey || theTarget!=resolveTarget(e))
		{ e.cancelBubble=true; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); }
	Popup.remove(); // close open popup (if any)
	return false;
// click in document background closes transient panels 
document.onclick=function(ev) { if (!ev) var ev=window.event; var target=resolveTarget(ev);

	if (document.nestedSliders_savedOnClick)
		var retval=document.nestedSliders_savedOnClick.apply(this,arguments);
	// if click was inside a popup... leave transient panels alone
	var p=target; while (p) if (hasClass(p,"popup")) break; else p=p.parentNode;
	if (p) return retval;
	// if click was inside transient panel (or something contained by a transient panel), leave it alone
	var p=target; while (p) {
		if ((hasClass(p,"floatingPanel")||hasClass(p,"sliderPanel"))&&p.getAttribute("transient")=="true") break;
	if (p) return retval;
	// otherwise, find and close all transient panels...
	var all=document.all?document.all:document.getElementsByTagName("DIV");
	for (var i=0; i<all.length; i++) {
		 // if it is not a transient panel, or the click was on the button that opened this panel, don't close it.
		if (all[i].getAttribute("transient")!="true" || all[i].button==target) continue;
		// otherwise, if the panel is currently visible, close it by clicking it's button
		if (all[i].style.display!="none") window.onClickNestedSlider({target:all[i].button})
		if (!hasClass(all[i],"floatingPanel")&&!hasClass(all[i],"sliderPanel")) all[i].style.display="none";
	return retval;
// adjust floating panel position based on button position
if (window.adjustSliderPos==undefined) window.adjustSliderPos=function(place,btn,panel) {
	if (hasClass(panel,"floatingPanel") && !hasClass(panel,"undocked")) {
		// see [[MoveablePanelPlugin]] for use of 'undocked'
		var rightEdge=document.body.offsetWidth-1;
		var panelWidth=panel.offsetWidth;
		var left=0;
		var top=btn.offsetHeight; 
		if (place.style.position=="relative" && findPosX(btn)+panelWidth>rightEdge) {
			left-=findPosX(btn)+panelWidth-rightEdge; // shift panel relative to button
			if (findPosX(btn)+left<0) left=-findPosX(btn); // stay within left edge
		if (place.style.position!="relative") {
			var left=findPosX(btn);
			var top=findPosY(btn)+btn.offsetHeight;
			var p=place; while (p && !hasClass(p,'floatingPanel')) p=p.parentNode;
			if (p) { left-=findPosX(p); top-=findPosY(p); }
			if (left+panelWidth>rightEdge) left=rightEdge-panelWidth;
			if (left<0) left=0;
		panel.style.left=left+"px"; panel.style.top=top+"px";
// TW2.1 and earlier:
// hijack Slider stop handler so overflow is visible after animation has completed
Slider.prototype.coreStop = Slider.prototype.stop;
Slider.prototype.stop = function()
	{ this.coreStop.apply(this,arguments); this.element.style.overflow = "visible"; }

// TW2.2+
// hijack Morpher stop handler so sliderPanel/floatingPanel overflow is visible after animation has completed
if (version.major+.1*version.minor+.01*version.revision>=2.2) {
	Morpher.prototype.coreStop = Morpher.prototype.stop;
	Morpher.prototype.stop = function() {
		var e=this.element;
		if (hasClass(e,"sliderPanel")||hasClass(e,"floatingPanel")) {
			// adjust panel overflow and position after animation
			e.style.overflow = "visible";
			if (window.adjustSliderPos) window.adjustSliderPos(e.parentNode,e.button,e);
|''Description''|Custom Theme Spawned from MPTW by MTP 11.08.08|
|''Last Revision''|MTP 11.20.08|

!Author Mode

<div class='header' macro='gradient vert  [[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryLight]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]] '>
	<div class='headerNow'>
		<span class='siteTitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteTitle'></span>&nbsp;
		<span class='siteSubtitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteSubtitle'></span>
<div id='mainMenu' refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></div>
<div id='sidebar'>
<div id='sidebarOptions' refresh='content' tiddler='SideBarOptions'></div>
<div id='sidebarTabs' refresh='content' force='true' tiddler='SideBarTabs'></div>

<div id='displayArea'>
	<div class='hD' id='hD' refresh='content' tiddler='contentHeader'></div> 
	<div id='messageArea'></div>
<div id='tiddlersBar' refresh='none' ondblclick='config.macros.tiddlersBar.onTiddlersBarAction(event)'></div>
	<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>
	<div class='fD' id='fD' refresh='content' tiddler='contentFooter'></div>

<!-- Last Revision 01.01.10 -->
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::ViewToolbar]]'></div>
<div class="tagglyTagged" macro="tags"></div>

<span class='titleContainer'>
	<span class='title' macro='view title'></span>
	<span macro="miniTag"></span>

<div class='subtitle'>
	modified <span macro='view modified date "DDD MMM 0DD, YYYY"'></span>
	(<span macro='message views.wikified.createdPrompt'></span>
	<span macro='view created date "0MM.0DD.YY"'></span>)

<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>

<div class="tagglyTagging" macro="tagglyTagging"></div>
<span macro="highlight"></span>

<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::EditToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit title'></div>
<div macro='tiddler QuickEditToolbar'></div>
<div macro='annotations'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser excludeLists'></span></div>
|Description:|If 'New Tiddler' already exists then create 'New Tiddler (1)' and so on|
|Version:|1.1.1 ($Rev: 2263 $)|
|Date:|$Date: 2007-06-13 04:22:32 +1000 (Wed, 13 Jun 2007) $|
|Author:|Simon Baird <simon.baird@gmail.com>|
!!Note: I think this should be in the core

// change this or set config.newMeansNewForJournalsToo it in MptwUuserConfigPlugin
if (config.newMeansNewForJournalsToo == undefined) config.newMeansNewForJournalsToo = true;

String.prototype.getNextFreeName = function() {
       var numberRegExp = / \(([0-9]+)\)$/;
       var match = numberRegExp.exec(this);
       if (match) {
               var num = parseInt(match[1]) + 1;
               return this.replace(numberRegExp," ("+num+")");
       else {
               return this + " (1)";

config.macros.newTiddler.checkForUnsaved = function(newName) {
	var r = false;
	story.forEachTiddler(function(title,element) {
		if (title == newName)
			r = true;
	return r;

config.macros.newTiddler.getName = function(newName) {
       while (store.getTiddler(newName) || config.macros.newTiddler.checkForUnsaved(newName))
               newName = newName.getNextFreeName();
       return newName;

config.macros.newTiddler.onClickNewTiddler = function()
	var title = this.getAttribute("newTitle");
	if(this.getAttribute("isJournal") == "true") {
		title = new Date().formatString(title.trim());

	// ---- these three lines should be the only difference between this and the core onClickNewTiddler
	if (config.newMeansNewForJournalsToo || this.getAttribute("isJournal") != "true")
		title = config.macros.newTiddler.getName(title);

	var params = this.getAttribute("params");
	var tags = params ? params.split("|") : [];
	var focus = this.getAttribute("newFocus");
	var template = this.getAttribute("newTemplate");
	var customFields = this.getAttribute("customFields");
	if(!customFields && !store.isShadowTiddler(title))
		customFields = String.encodeHashMap(config.defaultCustomFields);
	var tiddlerElem = story.getTiddler(title);
	var text = this.getAttribute("newText");
	if(typeof text == "string")
		story.getTiddlerField(title,"text").value = text.format([title]);
	for(var t=0;t<tags.length;t++)
	return false;

Name: Nica Libre
Brand: Nica Libre
Size: Torpedo (6x52)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: San Andreas Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 08/09
Good burn, Good flavor

  var out=[];
  var tids=store.getTiddlers('title','excludeLists');
  for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++)
     if (tids[t].tags.length==0) out.push('[['+tids[t].title+']]');
  return out.join('\n');
~~Requires: InlineJavascriptPlugin~~
Name: Nub
Brand: Olivia
Size: 454 (4x54)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Connecticut
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Gift from LJJ (05.20.09)
Very smooth, great flavor & finish, a good candidate as a stock cigar

Name: Nub
Brand: Olivia
Size: 460 (4x60)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Connecticut
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Very smooth, great flavor & finish, not as good as the [[Nub 454 Connecticut]]

Name: Nub
Brand: Olivia
Size: 464 (4x64)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Cameroon
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Nub
Brand: Olivia
Size: 464T (4x64 Torpedo)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf Brazilian Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Gift from LJJ 2010

Name: Serie O
Brand: Olivia
Size: Robusto (5x50)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Serie O
Brand: Olivia
Size: Perfecto (5x55)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 03/09

Name: Olor
Brand: Famous Smoke
Size: Lonsdale (6.5 x 44)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Freebie from Famous Smoke 05/09 Aged in bottom of my work humidor until 04/10 - had a very nice bloom, burned evenly and had a good finish

!!!~TiddlyWiki Interface Options
User: <<tiddler config.options.txt with: UserName>>
Backup Folder: <<tiddler config.options.txt with: BackupFolder>>
<<tiddler SetPopupsHeight>>
<<tiddler ToggleTiddlersBar##show
	with: {{config.options.chkDisableTabsBar?'Toggle TiddlersBar (on)':'Toggle TiddlersBar (off)'}} "ToggleTiddlersBar">>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> ~SaveBackups
<<option chkAutoSave>> ~AutoSave
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> ~RegExpSearch
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> ~CaseSensitiveSearch
<<option chkAnimate>> ~EnableAnimations
Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
Name: Opus X Fuente Fuente
Brand: Arturo Fuente
Size: Grand Corona
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Natural 
Country: Natural 
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 89
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar located in LJJ's private stash for 6 month seasoning

<<reminder year:2009 month:4 day:15 title:"~OpusX 6 month Seasoning Complete" >>
<<reminder year:2009 month:4 day:21 title:"Smoke ~OpusX with Louis and Kim @ LJJ's" >>!!!Review:
Name: Padilla
Brand: Achilles
Size: Salomon (7.1x58)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Habano
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Edicion Especial 2006
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 10/09

Name: Miami
Brand: Padilla
Size: Salomon (7.25x57)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Corojo
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 94
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 03/10

Long cigar, wouldn't mind trying a robusto, good flavor, good burn - started off strong and mellowed out.
Name: Signature 1932
Brand: Padilla
Size: Robusto
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 04/09

Name: 1926
Brand: Padron
Size: Serie #? (7+x56)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 97
~RecommendedBy: Hugo
Purchased: Yes
Gift from Hugo 2009

Name: 1926
Brand: Padron
Size: Serie #6 (4 3/4x50)
Strength: Medium / Full 
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: Louis
Purchased: No

Name: Padron
Brand: Padron
Size: Delicias (4.875x46)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 7
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: Kim
Purchased: Yes

Name: 1964
Brand: Padron
Size: Imperial (6x54)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: Kim
Purchased: Yes

Name: Family Reserve
Brand: Padron
Size: No. 45 (6.5x52)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: 95
~RecommendedBy: Cigar Aficionado
Purchased: No
 #1 Cigar of the Year in 2009 by Cigar Aficionado
Made to commemorate Padron's 45 years of success (and unofficially nicknamed "The Hammer")

Name: 1845
Brand: Partagas
Size: Torpedo
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Natural
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: 87
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: No
Might need to try again and let age for 3 months minimum (Original Rank 7)

Name: Black Label
Brand: Partagas
Size: Clasico (5.25x54)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Sun Grown
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 04/09

Name: 10th Anniversary Champagne
Brand: Perdomo
Size: Robusto (5x54)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 7.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Fresco
Brand: Perdomo
Size: Robusto
Strength: Mild / Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut shade
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: Louis & Kim
Purchased: Yes
Gift from Kim 03.12.10

Name: Reserve La Tradicion Ltd. Golf
Brand: Perdomo
Size: Double Eagle Tubo (7x54)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 07/09

Name: Habano Connecticut
Brand: Perdomo
Size: Robusto (5x52)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Connecticut
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 04/10

Name: Lot 23
Brand: Perdomo
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Por Larranaga
Brand: Por Larranaga
Size: Pantela (No. 1)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Ecuadoran-grown Connecticut
Country: Cuba
~PersonalRank: 9.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: Tafdom (Stogie Chat)
Purchased: Yes
Gift from "cigar smoker" at Drew Estate event
Good flavor, draw, strength - very consistent all the way to the nub

Name: Primo Del Rey
Brand: Altadis
Size: Cazadores Maduro (6x44)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Mexican Morron
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Punch
Brand: Punch
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Natural
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 7.5
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

This package provides a toolbar of interactive 'power tools' that you can use while editing a tiddler to quickly insert TiddlyWiki tiddler links, images, macros, etc. or common formatting sequences directly into tiddler content, as well as perform other functions (such as find/replace, sort, split, convert, etc.) that can be used to modify the current tiddler's source content in a variety of ways.

<<tiddler QuickEditToolbar with: show>>
Individual ~QuickEdit buttons are defined in separate tiddlers (e.g., [[QuickEdit_replace]]) that have also been //transcluded// into a single toolbar definition named [[QuickEditToolbar]].  You can edit this definition to add, remove, or rearrange the toolbar buttons to best suit your needs, and then embed the [[QuickEditToolbar]] tiddler into your document's [[EditTemplate]], like this:
<div macro='tiddler QuickEditToolbar'></div>
Next, in order to support some of the formatting 'shortcuts' provided by the toolbar, add a reference to the shortcuts CSS class definitions in your [[StyleSheet]]:
By default, the QuickEdit toolbar is hidden until you enable it by using the ''toggleQuickEdit'' command, which you can add to the ~EditToolbar definition in [[ToolbarCommands]]:
|EditToolbar|... toggleQuickEdit ...|
You can also toggle the ~QuickEdit toolbar display via a single checkbox option that can be added to [[SideBarOptions]] (or any other desired location):
<<option chkShowQuickEdit>> show QuickEdit toolbar
Note: You can 'hard-code' the ''chkShowQuickEdit'' setting, so that the toolbar will be //initially// displayed, by creating a tiddler (e.g., ConfigTweaks), tagged with <<tag systemConfig>>, containing:
Alternatively, if you want the toolbar to //always// be displayed, regardless of the option setting, you can add a special keyword, ''show'', to the [[EditTemplate]] syntax, like this:
<div macro='tiddler QuickEditToolbar with: show'></div>
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]]|
|Description|Support functions for ~QuickEdit package: styles, utility functions, and 'toggleQuickEdit' command|
2009.06.11 [2.4.3] added keyup() function to abbreviate listbox handling for CR and ESC
2009.05.07 [2.4.2] added processed() function to abbreviate event handler code
2008.09.07 [2.4.1] added removeCookie() function for compatibility with [[CookieManagerPlugin]]
2008.05.17 [2.4.0] copied code from StickyPopupPlugin to remove dependency
2008.05.12 [2.3.0] added "toggleQuickEdit" command handler (replaces inline script command)
2008.01.11 [2.2.0] converted from inline script
2007.03.29 [1.0.0] initial release (as inline script)
version.extensions.QuickEditPlugin= {major: 2, minor: 4, revision: 3, date: new Date(2009,6,11)};

.quickEdit a { border:2px outset ButtonFace; padding:0px 3px !important; \
	-moz-border-radius:.5em; -webkit-border-radius:.5em; \
	-moz-appearance:button !important; -webkit-appearance:push-button !important; \
	background-color:ButtonFace; color:ButtonText !important;  \
	line-height:200%; font-weight:normal; } \
.quickEdit a:hover { border: 2px inset ButtonFace; background-color:ButtonFace; }\
", "quickEditStyles");

if (window.removeCookie===undefined) {
	window.removeCookie=function(name) {
		document.cookie = name+'=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 UTC; path=/;'; 

config.quickEdit = {
	processed: function(ev) { ev=ev||window.event;
		if(ev.stopPropagation) ev.stopPropagation();
		return false;
	keyup: function(ev){ var k=(ev||window.event).keyCode;
		if (k==13) this.onclick();
		if (k==27) Popup.remove();
	getField: function(where) {
		var here=story.findContainingTiddler(where); if (!here) return null;
		var e=story.getTiddlerField(here.getAttribute("tiddler"),"text");
		if (e&&e.getAttribute("edit")=="text") return e;
		return null;
	setSelection: function(where,newtext) {
		var e=this.getField(where); if (!e) return false;
		e.focus(); replaceSelection(e,newtext);
		return false;
	wrapSelection: function(where,before,after) {
		var e=this.getField(where); if (!e) return false;
		e.focus(); replaceSelection(e,before+config.quickEdit.getSelection(e)+after);
		return false;
	getSelection: function(e) {
		var seltext="";
		if (e&&e.setSelectionRange)
		else if (document.selection) {
			var range = document.selection.createRange();
			if (range.parentElement()==e) seltext=range.text
		return seltext;
	promptForFilename: function(msg,path,file) {
		if(window.Components) { // moz
			try {
				var nsIFilePicker = window.Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
				var picker = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/filepicker;1'].createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
				picker.init(window, msg, nsIFilePicker.modeOpen);
				var thispath = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/file/local;1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
				if (picker.show()!=nsIFilePicker.returnCancel)
					var result="file:///"+picker.file.persistentDescriptor.replace(/\\/g,'/');
			catch(e) { alert('error during local file access: '+e.toString()) }
		else { // IE
			try { // XP only
				var s = new ActiveXObject('UserAccounts.CommonDialog');
				s.Filter='All files|*.*|JPG files|*.jpg|GIF files|*.gif|PNG files|*.png|';
				s.FilterIndex=1; // default to JPG
				if (s.showOpen()) var result=s.FileName;
			catch(e) { var result=prompt(msg,path+file); } // fallback for non-XP IE
		return result;

if (config.options.chkShowQuickEdit===undefined) config.options.chkShowQuickEdit=false;
config.commands.toggleQuickEdit = {
	hideReadOnly: true,
	getText: function() { return config.options.chkShowQuickEdit?'\u221Aquickedit':'quickedit'; },

	tooltip: 'show QuickEdit toolbar buttons',
	handler: function(event,src,title) {
		config.macros.option.propagateOption("chkShowQuickEdit","checked", config.options.chkShowQuickEdit,"input");
		if (config.options.chkShowQuickEdit) saveOptionCookie("chkShowQuickEdit");
		else removeCookie("chkShowQuickEdit");
		story.forEachTiddler(function(t,e){if (story.isDirty(t)) refreshElements(e);});
		return false;

if (config.options.chkStickyPopups==undefined) config.options.chkStickyPopups=false;
Popup.stickyPopup_onDocumentClick = function(ev)
	// if click is in a sticky popup, ignore it so popup will remain visible
	var e = ev ? ev : window.event; var target = resolveTarget(e);
	var p=target; while (p) {
		if (hasClass(p,"popup") && (hasClass(p,"sticky")||config.options.chkStickyPopups)) break;
		else p=p.parentNode;
	if (!p) // not in sticky popup (or sticky popups disabled)... use normal click handling
	return true;
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Description|format/insert TiddlyWiki content using toolbar buttons|

* install [[QuickEditPlugin]] (runtime support functions)

* add the toolbar to [[EditTemplate]]:
	<div macro='tiddler QuickEditToolbar with: show'></div>

* 'show' (optional) forces the toolbar to always be displayed or,
  omit keyword and use <<option chkShowQuickEdit>> setting

* selected QuickEdit buttons can also be added individually to the
  regular tiddler toolbar by adding references directly in [[EditTemplate]]:
	<span class='toolbar' macro='tiddler QuickEdit_...'></span>

* see [[QuickEditPackage]] for additional installation options

%/<<tiddler HideTiddlerTags>>/%
%/{{hidden fine center quickEdit{
<<tiddler {{ // show/hide toolbar
	var here=story.findContainingTiddler(place); if (here) var tid=here.getAttribute('tiddler');
	var show='$1'!='$'+'1'||config.options.chkShowQuickEdit||tid=='QuickEditToolbar'; 

TOOLBAR DEFINITION - add, remove, or re-order items as desired:
= = = = = = = = = =
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_replace>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_split>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_sort>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_convert>>/%
%/ &nbsp;/% (SPACER)
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_link>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_insert>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_macro>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_image>>/%
%/ &nbsp;/% (SPACER)
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_format>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_align>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_color>>/%
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_font>>/%
%/ &nbsp;/% (SPACER)
%/<<tiddler QuickEdit_custom>>/%
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|see http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditPlugin|
|Description|quickedit - text alignment|

Usage: see  http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditToolbar

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="align text"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select text alignment...','');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('left','left');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('center','center');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('right','right');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('justify','justify');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('float left','floatleft');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('float right','floatright');
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return;
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|see http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditPlugin|
|Description|quickedit - text/background color|

Usage: see  http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditToolbar

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="text/background color - @@color:#RGB;background-color:#RGB;...@@"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this,null,'popup sticky smallform'); if (!p) return false;
	function hex(d) { return '0123456789ABCDEF'.substr(d,1); }
	var fg=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); fg.button=this;
	fg.options[0]=new Option('text color...','');
	fg.options[1]=new Option('\xa0 or enter a value','_ask');
	fg.options[2]=new Option('\xa0 or use default color','');
	for (var r=0;r<16;r+=3) for (var g=0;g<16;g+=3) for (var b=0;b<16;b+=3) {
		var label=hex(r)+hex(g)+hex(b);
		fg.options[fg.length]=new Option(label,'#'+label);
	fg.onchange=function(){ var val=this.value;
		if (val=='_ask') { val=prompt('Enter a CSS color value');
		if (!val||!val.length) return false; }
		this.options[0].value=val; this.options[0].text=val.length?'text: '+val:'text color...';
		var bg=this.nextSibling;
		for (var i=3;i<bg.options.length;i++) bg.options[i].style.color=val;
		var preview=this.nextSibling.nextSibling.nextSibling;
		var t=config.quickEdit.getSelection(config.quickEdit.getField(this.button));
		if (!t.length) t='~AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj 1234567890';
		var fg=this.value; if (fg.length) fg='color:'+fg+';';
		var bg=this.nextSibling.value; if (bg.length) bg='background-color:'+bg+';';
		if (fg.length||bg.length) t='@@'+fg+bg+t+'@@';
		removeChildren(preview); wikify(t,preview);
		this.selectedIndex=0; return false;
	var bg=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); bg.button=this;
	bg.options[0]=new Option('background color...','');
	bg.options[1]=new Option('\xa0 or enter a value','_ask');
	bg.options[2]=new Option('\xa0 or use default color','');
	for (var r=0;r<16;r+=3) for (var g=0;g<16;g+=3) for (var b=0;b<16;b+=3) {
		var label=hex(15-r)+hex(15-g)+hex(15-b);
		bg.options[bg.length]=new Option(label,'#'+label);
	bg.onchange=function(){ var val=this.value;
		if (val=='_ask') { val=prompt('Enter a CSS color value');
		if (!val||!val.length) return false; }
		this.options[0].text=val.length?'background: '+val:'background color...';
		var fg=this.previousSibling;
		for (var i=3;i<fg.options.length;i++) fg.options[i].style.backgroundColor=val;
		var preview=this.nextSibling.nextSibling;
		var t=config.quickEdit.getSelection(config.quickEdit.getField(this.button));
		if (!t.length) t='~AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj 1234567890';
		var fg=this.previousSibling.value; if (fg.length) fg='color:'+fg+';';
		var bg=this.value; if (bg.length) bg='background-color:'+bg+';';
		if (fg.length||bg.length) t='@@'+fg+bg+t+'@@';
		removeChildren(preview); wikify(t,preview);
		this.selectedIndex=0; return false;
	var b=createTiddlyElement(p,'input',null,null,null,{type:'button'}); b.button=this;
	b.value='ok'; b.style.width='4em';
	b.onclick=function() {
		var fg=this.previousSibling.previousSibling.value; if (fg.length) fg='color:'+fg+';';
		var bg=this.previousSibling.value; if (bg.length) bg='background-color:'+bg+';';
		var t=config.quickEdit.getSelection(config.quickEdit.getField(this.button));
		if (fg.length||bg.length) config.quickEdit.setSelection(this.button,'@@'+fg+bg+t+'@@');
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	var preview=createTiddlyElement(p,'div',null,'viewer'); var s=preview.style;
	s.border='1px solid'; s.margin='2px'; s.width='24em'; s.padding='3px'; s.MozBorderRadius='3px';
	s.overflow='hidden'; s.textAlign='center'; s.whiteSpace='normal';
	var t=config.quickEdit.getSelection(config.quickEdit.getField(this));
	wikify(t.length?t:'~AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj 1234567890',preview);
	event.cancelBubble=true;if(event.stopPropagation)event.stopPropagation();return false;"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|see http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditPlugin|
|Description|quickedit - convert between comma/tab-separated and TW table format|

Usage: see  http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditToolbar

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="convert between comma/tab-separated and TW table format"
onclick="var e=config.quickEdit.getField(this);
	if (e) e.focus(); var txt=config.quickEdit.getSelection(e);
	if (txt.indexOf(',')+txt.indexOf('\t')+txt.indexOf('|')==-3) {
		alert('Please select text containing tabs, commas, or TiddlyWiki table syntax.');
		return false;
	var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select a converter...','');
	if (txt.indexOf(',')!=-1) {
		s.options[s.length]=new Option('commas -> table','commasToTable');
		s.options[s.length]=new Option('commas -> tabs','commasToTabs');
	if (txt.indexOf('\t')!=-1) {
		s.options[s.length]=new Option('tabs -> table','tabsToTable');
		s.options[s.length]=new Option('tabs -> commas','tabsToCommas');
	if (txt.indexOf('|')!=-1) {
		s.options[s.length]=new Option('table -> tabs','tableToTabs');
		s.options[s.length]=new Option('table -> commas','tableToCommas');
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return;
	        var e=config.quickEdit.getField(this.button); if (!e) return false;
		e.focus(); var txt=config.quickEdit.getSelection(e);
		switch(this.value) {
			case 'tabsToTable':
			case 'tableToTabs':
				txt=txt.replace(/\t/g,' ').replace(/\|/g,'\t');
			case 'commasToTable':
			case 'tableToCommas':
				txt=txt.replace(/,/g,' ').replace(/\|/g,',');
			case 'tabsToCommas':
			case 'commasToTabs':
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|see http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditPlugin|
|Description|quickedit - custom defined formats|

Usage: see  http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditToolbar


Custom formats are stored as an "HR-separated list" in [[QuickEdit_customList]], where the first line of each list item is the text 'label' to show in the droplist, followed by one or more lines of wiki content to be inserted into the tiddler source.

Substitution markers can be used to dynamically insert values into the formatted output: $1 inserts the tiddler editor's current selected text. $[[message|default value]] interactively prompts for a value to be inserted. $[[message|$1]] uses the selected text as the default value. $[[message|{{javascript}}]] calculates the default value using javascript code.
!end help

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" title="custom defined formats"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select a custom format...','');
	var items=store.getTiddlerText('QuickEdit_customList','').split('\n----\n');
	for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
		if (!items[i].length) continue; var lines=items[i].split('\n');
		var label=lines.shift(); var val=lines.join('\n');
		s.options[s.length]=new Option(label,val); s.options[s.length-1].title=val;
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('[Edit custom formats...]','_edit');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='add/change custom format definitions...';
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return;
		if (this.value=='_edit') {
		} else {
		        var e=config.quickEdit.getField(this.button); if (!e) return false;
			e.focus(); var txt=config.quickEdit.getSelection(e);
			replaceSelection(e, this.value.replace(/\$\x31/g,txt)
				.replace(/\$\[\[[^\]]+\]\]/g, function(t){
					var msg=x[0]; var def=x[1]||'';
					if (def.startsWith('{{')) {
						try{def=eval(def.substr(2,def.length-4))} catch(ex){showException(ex)}
					return prompt(msg,def)||'';
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
$[[enter a date|{{new Date().formatString('DDD, MMM DDth, YYYY hh12:0mm:0ssam')}}]]
@@display:block;height:10em;overflow:auto;$[[enter scrolling content|$1]]@@@@display:block;text-align:right;^^scroll for more...^^@@
nested slider
+++[$1]<<tiddler $1>>===
big red
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|see http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditPlugin|
|Description|quickedit - select font family|

Usage: see  http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditToolbar

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="set font-family CSS attribute - @@font-family:facename;...@@"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select a font family...','');
	var fonts=store.getTiddlerText('QuickEdit_fontList','').split('\n');
	for (var i=0; i<fonts.length; i++) {
		if (!fonts[i].length) continue;
		s.options[s.length]=new Option(fonts[i],fonts[i]);
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('[Edit font list...]','_edit');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='enter fonts, one per line...';
		if (this.value=='_edit')
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
Times New Roman,times,serif
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|see http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditPlugin|
|Description|quickedit - basic text formats, headings, blockquotes, etc.|

Usage: see  http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditToolbar

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="plain text (remove ALL formatting)" accesskey="P" 
onclick="var e=config.quickEdit.getField(this); if (e) e.focus(); var txt=config.quickEdit.getSelection(e);
	config.quickEdit.setSelection(e,wikifyPlainText(txt)); return false;"

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="''bold''" accesskey="B"
onclick="config.quickEdit.wrapSelection(this,'\x27\x27','\x27\x27'); return false;"

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="//italics//" accesskey="I" 
onclick="config.quickEdit.wrapSelection(this,'//','//'); return false;"

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="__underline__" accesskey="U" 
onclick="config.quickEdit.wrapSelection(this,'__','__'); return false;"

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="--strikethrough--" accesskey="S" 
onclick="config.quickEdit.wrapSelection(this,'--','--'); return false;"

%/ &nbsp;/%  SPACER

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="format text"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select text format...','');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('CSS class wrapper','{{$1{,}}},Enter a CSS classname');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='CSS class wrapper - {{classname classname etc{...}}}';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('inline CSS styles','@@$1,@@,Enter CSS (attribute:value;attribute:value;...;)');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='inline CSS styles - @@attr:value;attr:value;...@@';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('heading 1','\n!,\n');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='H1 heading - !';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('heading 2','\n!!,\n');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='H2 heading - !!';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('heading 3','\n!!!,\n');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='H3 heading - !!!';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('heading 4','\n!!!!,\n');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='H4 heading - !!!!';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('heading 5','\n!!!!!,\n');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='H5 heading - !!!!!';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('blockquote','\n\<\<\<\n,\n\<\<\<\n');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='indented blockquote - \<\<\<';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('monospaced','{{{,}}}');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='inline monospaced text - {{{...}}}';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('plain text','\n{{{\n,\n}}}\n');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='multi-line monospaced text box - {{{...}}}';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('superscript','^^,^^');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('subscript','~~,~~');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('HTML','<html>,<\x2fhtml>');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='HTML syntax - <html>...<\x2fhtml>';
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('comment','/%,%/');
	s.options[s.length-1].title='comment (hidden content) - /%...%/';
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return;
		var parts=this.value.split(',');
		var prefix=parts[0]; var suffix=parts[1]; var ask=parts[2];
		if (ask) {
			var val=prompt(ask); if (!val) { Popup.remove(); return false; }
			prefix=prefix.replace(/\$1/g,val); suffix=suffix.replace(/\$1/g,val);
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|see http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditPlugin|
|Description|quickedit - embed an image|

Usage: see  http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditToolbar

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
	title="embed an image (jpg/gif/png) - [img[tooltip|URL]] or [img[tooltip|path/to/file.ext]]"
	onclick="var fn=config.quickEdit.promptForFilename('Enter/select an image file',getLocalPath(document.location.href),'');
	if (!fn) return false;  /* cancelled by user */
	var tip=prompt('Enter a tooltip for this image',''); if (!tip) tip=''; else tip+='|';
	return config.quickEdit.setSelection(this,'[img['+tip+fn+']]');"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|see http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditPlugin|
|Description|quickedit - insert content from another tiddler or external file|

Usage: see  http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditToolbar

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="insert content from another tiddler or external file"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';

	var s2=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s2.title='filter by tag';
	s2.options[0]=new Option('filter by tag...','');
	s2.options[s2.length]=new Option('[all tiddlers]','');
	var tags=store.getTags();
	for (var t=0; t<tags.length; t++) s2.options[s2.length]=new Option(tags[t][0],tags[t][0]);
		var tag=this.value;
		var tids=tag.length?store.reverseLookup('tags',tag,true):store.reverseLookup('tags','excludeLists');
		var list=this.nextSibling.nextSibling;
		while (list.length) list.options[0]=null;
		var prompt='select a tiddler or file...';
		if (tag.length) prompt='select a tagged tiddler ['+tids.length+' matches]...';
		list.options[0]=new Option(prompt,'');
		if (!tag.length) list.options[list.length]=new Option('[browse for file...]','_file');
		for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
			list.options[list.length]=new Option(tids[t].title,tids[t].title);
		list.selectedIndex=0; list.focus();
		if (!tag.length) this.selectedIndex=0;

	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.title='select a tiddler or file';
	s.options[0]=new Option('select a tiddler or file...','');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('[browse for file...]','_file');
	var tids=store.reverseLookup('tags','excludeLists');
	for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
		s.options[s.length]=new Option(tids[t].title,tids[t].title);
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return false;
		if (this.value=='_file') {
			var fn=config.quickEdit.promptForFilename(
				'Enter/select a text file',getLocalPath(document.location.href),'');
			if (!fn) return false; /* cancelled by user */
			var txt=loadFile(getLocalPath(fn));
			if (!txt) { alert('Error: unable to read contents from \0027'+fn+'\0027'); return; }
		else var txt=store.getTiddlerText(this.value);
		if (!txt) {
			displayMessage(this.value+' not found');
			this.selectedIndex=0; this.focus();
			return false;
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|see http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditPlugin|
|Description|quickedit - link to tiddler or external file|

Usage: see  http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditToolbar

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="add a link to a tiddler or external file - [[link text|TiddlerName]]"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';

	var s2=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s2.title='filter by tag';
	s2.options[0]=new Option('filter by tag...','');
	s2.options[s2.length]=new Option('[all tiddlers]','');
	var tags=store.getTags();
	for (var t=0; t<tags.length; t++) s2.options[s2.length]=new Option(tags[t][0],tags[t][0]);
		var tag=this.value;
		var tids=tag.length?store.reverseLookup('tags',tag,true):store.reverseLookup('tags','excludeLists');
		var list=this.nextSibling.nextSibling;
		while (list.length) list.options[0]=null;
		var prompt='select a tiddler or file...';
		if (tag.length) prompt='select a tagged tiddler ['+tids.length+' matches]...';
		list.options[0]=new Option(prompt,'');
		if (!tag.length) list.options[list.length]=new Option('[browse for file...]','_file');
		for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
			list.options[list.length]=new Option(tids[t].title,tids[t].title);
		list.selectedIndex=0; list.focus();
		if (!tag.length) this.selectedIndex=0;

	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.title='select a tiddler or file';
	s.options[0]=new Option('select a tiddler or file...','');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('[browse for file...]','_file');
	var tids=store.reverseLookup('tags','excludeLists');
	for (var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
		s.options[s.length]=new Option(tids[t].title,tids[t].title);
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return false;
		var title=this.value; var txt=title;
		if (title=='_file') {
			title=config.quickEdit.promptForFilename('Select a file',
			if (!title) { this.selectedIndex=0; this.focus(); return false; }
			var txt=title.substr(title.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
		var txt=prompt('Enter the text to display for this link',txt);
		if (!txt) { this.selectedIndex=0; this.focus(); return false; }
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|see http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditPlugin|
|Description|quickedit - embed a macro with 'guide text'|

Usage: see  http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditToolbar

Optional 'guideText' can be used to add suggested defaults/placeholders for specific macro parameters.
Add guideText to your own plugin-defined macros using:
	config.macros.macroName.guideText='guide text goes here';

%/<<tiddler {{
	/* define guide text for a few common TW core macros */
	config.macros.edit.guideText='fieldname #rows';
	config.macros.view.guideText='fieldname (link,wikified,date) format';
	config.macros.slider.guideText='cookie TiddlerName label tooltip';
	config.macros.tiddler.guideText='TiddlerName with: params...';
	''; /* must return blank to suppress output */ }}>>/%

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href='javascript:;' class='tiddlyLink' tabindex='-1' 
title='add a macro - \<\<macroName ...\>\>'
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select a macro...','');
	var macros=[]; for (var m in config.macros) if (config.macros[m].handler) macros.push(m); macros.sort();
	for (var i=0; i<macros.length; i++) { var m=macros[i];
		var help=config.macros[m].guideText; if (!help) help=''; else help=' '+help;
		s.options[s.length]=new Option(m,m+help);
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return;
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|see http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditPlugin|
|Description|quickedit - find/replace selected text with replacement text|

Usage: see  http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditToolbar

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="find/replace selected text with replacement text"
onclick="var here=story.findContainingTiddler(this); if (!here) return false;
	var e=config.quickEdit.getField(here);
	var s=config.quickEdit.getSelection(e); 
	var p=Popup.create(this,null,'popup sticky smallform'); if (!p) return false;
	var t=createTiddlyElement(p,'input'); t.onfocus=function(){this.select()};
	t.value=s.length?s:'enter target text';
	var r=createTiddlyElement(p,'input'); r.onfocus=function(){this.select()};
	r.value='enter replacement text';
	var tid=here.getAttribute('tiddler');
	var b=createTiddlyElement(p,'button',null,null,'?',{tid:tid});
	b.title='FIND/FIND NEXT target text';
	b.onclick=function(ev) { /* FIND */
		var e=story.getTiddlerField(this.getAttribute('tid'),'text');
		if (!e||e.getAttribute('edit')!='text') return;
		var t=this.previousSibling.previousSibling;
		if (e.setSelectionRange) { /* MOZ */
			var newstart=e.value.indexOf(t.value,e.selectionStart+1);
			if (newstart==-1) newstart=e.value.indexOf(t.value); /* wrap around */
			if (newstart==-1) { alert('\u0022'+t.value+'\u0022 not found'); t.focus(); return; }
			var linecount=e.value.split('\n').length;
			var thisline=e.value.substr(0,e.selectionStart).split('\n').length;
		} else if (document.selection) { /* IE */
			var range=document.selection.createRange();
			if(range.parentElement()==e) {
				var found=false; try{found=range.findText(t.value,e.value.length,4)}catch(e){}
				if (found) range.select();
				else { alert('\u0022'+t.value+'\u0022 not found'); t.focus(); }
	b.title='REPLACE selected text';
	b.onclick=function(ev) { /* REPLACE */
		var e=story.getTiddlerField(this.getAttribute('tid'),'text');
		if (!e||e.getAttribute('edit')!='text') return;
		var t=this.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling;
		var r=this.previousSibling.previousSibling;
		if (   (e.selectionStart!==undefined && e.selectionEnd==e.selectionStart)
		    || (document.selection && document.selection.createRange().text==''))
			this.previousSibling.click(); /* no selection... do FIND first */
		if (   (e.selectionStart!==undefined && e.selectionEnd==e.selectionStart)
		    || (document.selection && document.selection.createRange().text==''))
			{ t.focus(); return; } /* still no selection... goto target input */
		e.focus(); replaceSelection(e,r.value);
	b.title='REPLACE selected text AND FIND NEXT target text';
	b.onclick=function(ev) { /* REPLACE and FIND NEXT */
	b.title='REPLACE ALL occurrences of target text';
	b.onclick=function(ev) { /* REPLACE ALL */
		var e=story.getTiddlerField(this.getAttribute('tid'),'text');
		if (!e||e.getAttribute('edit')!='text') return;
		var t=this.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling;
		var r=this.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling;
		if (!t.value.length) { alert('Please enter the target text'); t.focus(); return; }
		var m='This will replace all occurences of:\n\n';
		m+='\''+t.value+'\'\n\nwith:\n\n\''+r.value+'\'\n\nAre you sure?';
		if (!confirm(m)) { r.focus(); r.select(); return; }
		e.value=e.value.replace(new RegExp(t.value.escapeRegExp(),'gm'),r.value);
		e.focus(); e.select(); Popup.remove();
	if (!s.length) {t.focus();t.select()} else {r.focus();r.select()}
	event.cancelBubble=true;if(event.stopPropagation)event.stopPropagation();return false;"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|see http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditPlugin|
|Description|quickedit - sort lines of text|

Usage: see  http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditToolbar

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="sort lines of text"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select sort order...','');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('ascending','A');
	s.options[s.length]=new Option('descending','D');
	s.onclick=function(){ if (!this.value.length) return;
		var e=config.quickEdit.getField(this.button); if (!e) return false;
		var lines=config.quickEdit.getSelection(e).split('\n').sort();
		if (this.value=='D') lines=lines.reverse();
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	return config.quickEdit.processed(event);"
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|see http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditPlugin|
|Description|quickedit - move selection to new tiddler and insert link, embedded tiddler, or slider|

Usage: see  http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#QuickEditToolbar

Based on ideas originally developed by YannPerrin

%/<html><hide linebreaks><a href="javascript:;" class="tiddlyLink" tabindex="-1" 
title="move selection to new tiddler and insert link, embedded tiddler, or slider"
onclick="var p=Popup.create(this); if (!p) return false; p.className+=' sticky smallform';
	var i=createTiddlyElement(p,'input');
	i.defaultValue='Enter a new tiddler title';
	var s=createTiddlyElement(p,'select'); s.button=this;
	s.options[0]=new Option('select type...','');
	s.options[0].title='select split type';
	s.options[1]=new Option('link','link');
	s.options[1].title='replace with [[TiddlerName]]';
	s.options[2]=new Option('embed','embed');
	s.options[2].title='replace with \<\<tiddler TiddlerName\>\>';
	s.options[3]=new Option('slider','slider');
	s.options[3].title='replace with \<\<slider \u0022\u0022 [[TiddlerName]] [[label]] [[tooltip]]\>\>';
		if (s.previousSibling.value==s.previousSibling.defaultValue)
			{ alert('A tiddler title is required'); s.selectedIndex=0; s.previousSibling.focus(); return false; }
		var tid=s.previousSibling.value;
		if (store.tiddlerExists(tid) && !confirm(config.messages.overwriteWarning.format([tid])))
			{ s.previousSibling.focus(); return false; }
		switch(s.value) {
			case 'link':
				var newtxt='[['+tid+']]';
			case 'embed':
				var newtxt='\<\<tiddler [['+tid+']]\>\>';
			case 'slider':
				var label=prompt('Enter a slider label',tid);
				if (!label) { Popup.remove(); return false; }
				var tip=prompt('Enter a slider tooltip',label);
				if (!tip) { Popup.remove(); return false; }
				var newtxt='\<\<slider \u0022\u0022 [['+tid+']] [['+label+']] [['+tip+']]\>\>';
		var txt=config.quickEdit.getSelection(config.quickEdit.getField(this.button));
		store.saveTiddler(tid,tid,txt,config.options.txtUserName,new Date(),[],{});
		Popup.remove(); return false;
	event.cancelBubble=true;if(event.stopPropagation)event.stopPropagation();return false;"
|Description:|Changes tag links to make it easier to open tags as tiddlers|
|Version:|3.0.1 ($Rev: 3861 $)|
|Date:|$Date: 2008-03-08 10:53:09 +1000 (Sat, 08 Mar 2008) $|
|Author:|Simon Baird <simon.baird@gmail.com>|
config.quickOpenTag = {

	dropdownChar: (document.all ? "\u25bc" : "\u25be"), // the little one doesn't work in IE?

	createTagButton: function(place,tag,excludeTiddler) {
		// little hack so we can do this: <<tag PrettyTagName|RealTagName>>
		var splitTag = tag.split("|");
		var pretty = tag;
		if (splitTag.length == 2) {
			tag = splitTag[1];
			pretty = splitTag[0];
		var sp = createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,"quickopentag");
		var theTag = createTiddlyButton(sp,config.quickOpenTag.dropdownChar,
		if (excludeTiddler)

	miniTagHandler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		var tagged = store.getTaggedTiddlers(tiddler.title);
		if (tagged.length > 0) {
			var theTag = createTiddlyButton(place,config.quickOpenTag.dropdownChar,
			theTag.className = "miniTag";

	allTagsHandler: function(place,macroName,params) {
		var tags = store.getTags(params[0]);
		var filter = params[1]; // new feature
		var ul = createTiddlyElement(place,"ul");
		if(tags.length == 0)
		for(var t=0; t<tags.length; t++) {
			var title = tags[t][0];
			if (!filter || (title.match(new RegExp('^'+filter)))) {
				var info = getTiddlyLinkInfo(title);
				var theListItem =createTiddlyElement(ul,"li");
				var theLink = createTiddlyLink(theListItem,tags[t][0],true);
				var theCount = " (" + tags[t][1] + ")";
				var theDropDownBtn = createTiddlyButton(theListItem," " +

	// todo fix these up a bit
	styles: [
"/* created by QuickOpenTagPlugin */",
".tagglyTagged .quickopentag, .tagged .quickopentag ",
"	{ margin-right:1.2em; border:1px solid #eee; padding:2px; padding-right:0px; padding-left:1px; }",
".quickopentag .tiddlyLink { padding:2px; padding-left:3px; }",
".quickopentag a.button { padding:1px; padding-left:2px; padding-right:2px;}",
"/* extra specificity to make it work right */",
"#displayArea .viewer .quickopentag a.button, ",
"#displayArea .viewer .quickopentag a.tiddyLink, ",
"#mainMenu .quickopentag a.tiddyLink, ",
"#mainMenu .quickopentag a.tiddyLink ",
"	{ border:0px solid black; }",
"#displayArea .viewer .quickopentag a.button, ",
"#mainMenu .quickopentag a.button ",
"	{ margin-left:0px; padding-left:2px; }",
"#displayArea .viewer .quickopentag a.tiddlyLink, ",
"#mainMenu .quickopentag a.tiddlyLink ",
"	{ margin-right:0px; padding-right:0px; padding-left:0px; margin-left:0px; }",
"a.miniTag {font-size:150%;} ",
"#mainMenu .quickopentag a.button ",
"	/* looks better in right justified main menus */",
"	{ margin-left:0px; padding-left:2px; margin-right:0px; padding-right:0px; }", 
"#topMenu .quickopentag { padding:0px; margin:0px; border:0px; }",
"#topMenu .quickopentag .tiddlyLink { padding-right:1px; margin-right:0px; }",
"#topMenu .quickopentag .button { padding-left:1px; margin-left:0px; border:0px; }",

	init: function() {
		// we fully replace these builtins. can't hijack them easily
		window.createTagButton = this.createTagButton;
		config.macros.allTags.handler = this.allTagsHandler;
		config.macros.miniTag = { handler: this.miniTagHandler };
		config.shadowTiddlers["QuickOpenTagStyles"] = this.styles;


Name: Rafael Gonzales
Brand: Rafael Gonzales
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 80
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

|''Version:''|2.3.11 (Apr 10, 2010)|
|''Author:''|Jeremy Sheeley(pop1280 [at] excite [dot] com) Maintainer: simon.baird@gmail.com|
|''Licence:''|[[BSD open source license]]|
|''Macros:''|reminder, showreminders, displayTiddlersWithReminders, newReminder|
|''Browser:''|Firefox 1.0.4+; InternetExplorer 6.0|
|Description|plugin provides macros for tagging a date with a reminder|

This plugin provides macros for tagging a date with a reminder.  Use the {{{reminder}}} macro to do this.  The {{{showReminders}}} and {{{displayTiddlersWithReminder}}} macros automatically search through all available tiddlers looking for upcoming reminders.

* Create a new tiddler in your tiddlywiki titled ReminderPlugin and give it the {{{systemConfig}}} tag.  The tag is important because it tells TW that this is executable code.
* Double click this tiddler, and copy all the text from the tiddler's body.
* Paste the text into the body of the new tiddler in your TW.
* Save and reload your TW.
* You can copy some examples into your TW as well.  See [[ReminderExamples]], [[Holidays]], [[showReminders]] and [[Personal Reminders]]

|>|See [[ReminderSyntax]] and [[showRemindersSyntax]]|

!Revision history
* v2.3.11 (Apr 10, 2010)
** Added: form.parentNode.parentNode.previousSibling.onclick(); //tbGTD: close form when done processing
* v2.3.10 (Jun 28, 2007)
** Removed window.story = window backwards compatibility hacks since they were breaking TW 2.2
* v2.3.9 (Apr 26, 2007)
** allow bracketed list format in tags param lets you use tags with spaces
* v2.3.8 (Mar 9, 2006)
**Bug fix: A global variable had snuck in, which was killing FF
**Feature: You can now use TIDDLER and TIDDLERNAME in a regular reminder format
* v2.3.6 (Mar 1, 2006)
**Bug fix: Reminders for today weren't being matched sometimes.
**Feature:  Solidified integration with DatePlugin and CalendarPlugin
**Feature:  Recurring reminders will now return multiple hits in showReminders and the calendar.
**Feature:  Added TIDDLERNAME to the replacements for showReminders format, for plugins that need the title without brackets.
* v2.3.5 (Feb 8, 2006)
**Bug fix: Sped up reminders lots.  Added a caching mechanism for reminders that have already been matched.
* v2.3.4 (Feb 7, 2006)
**Bug fix: Cleaned up code to hopefully prevent the Firefox crash that was causing lots of plugins 
to crash Firefox.  Thanks to http://www.jslint.com
* v2.3.3 (Feb 2, 2006)
**Feature: newReminder now has drop down lists instead of text boxes.
**Bug fix:  A trailing space in a title would trigger an infinite loop.
**Bug fix:  using tag:"birthday !reminder" would filter differently than tag:"!reminder birthday"
* v2.3.2 (Jan 21, 2006)
**Feature: newReminder macro, which will let you easily add a reminder to a tiddler. Thanks to Eric Shulman (http://www.elsdesign.com) for the code to do this.
** Bug fix: offsetday was not working sometimes
** Bug fix: when upgrading to 2.0, I included a bit to exclude tiddlers tagged with excludeSearch.  I've reverted back to searching through all tiddlers
* v2.3.1 (Jan 7, 2006)
**Feature: 2.0 compatibility
**Feature AlanH sent some code to make sure that showReminders prints a message if no reminders are found.
* v2.3.0 (Jan 3, 2006)
** Bug Fix:  Using "Last Sunday (-0)" as a offsetdayofweek wasn't working.
** Bug Fix:  Daylight Savings time broke offset based reminders (for example year:2005 month:8 day:23 recurdays:7 would match Monday instead of Tuesday during DST.


//           ReminderPlugin

version.extensions.ReminderPlugin = {major: 2, minor: 3, revision: 8, date: new Date(2006,3,9), source: "http://remindermacros.tiddlyspot.com/"};

// Configuration
// Modify this section to change the defaults for 
// leadtime and display strings

config.macros.reminders = {};
config.macros["reminder"] = {};
config.macros["newReminder"] = {};
config.macros["showReminders"] = {};
config.macros["displayTiddlersWithReminders"] = {};

config.macros.reminders["defaultLeadTime"] = [0,6000];
config.macros.reminders["defaultReminderMessage"] = "DIFF: TITLE on DATE ANNIVERSARY";
config.macros.reminders["defaultShowReminderMessage"] = "DIFF: TITLE on DATE ANNIVERSARY -- TIDDLER";
config.macros.reminders["defaultAnniversaryMessage"] = "(DIFF)";
config.macros.reminders["untitledReminder"] = "Untitled Reminder";
config.macros.reminders["noReminderFound"] = "Couldn't find a match for TITLE in the next LEADTIMEUPPER days."
config.macros.reminders["todayString"] = "Today";
config.macros.reminders["tomorrowString"] = "Tomorrow";
config.macros.reminders["ndaysString"] = "DIFF days";
config.macros.reminders["emtpyShowRemindersString"] = "There are no upcoming events";

//  Code
// You should not need to edit anything 
// below this.  Make sure to edit this tiddler and copy 
// the code from the text box, to make sure that 
// tiddler rendering doesn't interfere with the copy 
// and paste.

//this object will hold the cache of reminders, so that we don't
//recompute the same reminder over again.
var reminderCache = {};

config.macros.showReminders.handler = function showReminders(place,macroName,params)
   var now = new Date().getMidnight();
   var paramHash = {};
   var leadtime = [0,14];
   paramHash = getParamsForReminder(params);
   var bProvidedDate = (paramHash["year"] != null) || 
			(paramHash["month"] != null) || 
			(paramHash["day"] != null) || 
			(paramHash["dayofweek"] != null);
   if (paramHash["leadtime"] != null)
      leadtime = paramHash["leadtime"];
      if (bProvidedDate)
         //If they've entered a day, we need to make 
         //sure to find it.  We'll reset the 
         //leadtime a few lines down.
         paramHash["leadtime"] = [-10000, 10000];
   var matchedDate = now;
   if (bProvidedDate)
      var leadTimeLowerBound = new Date().getMidnight().addDays(paramHash["leadtime"][0]);
      var leadTimeUpperBound = new Date().getMidnight().addDays(paramHash["leadtime"][1]);
      matchedDate = findDateForReminder(paramHash, new Date().getMidnight(), leadTimeLowerBound, leadTimeUpperBound); 

   var arr = findTiddlersWithReminders(matchedDate, leadtime, paramHash["tag"], paramHash["limit"]);
   var elem = createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,null, null);
   var mess = "";
   if (arr.length == 0)
      mess += config.macros.reminders.emtpyShowRemindersString; 
   for (var j = 0; j < arr.length; j++)
      if (paramHash["format"] != null)
         arr[j]["params"]["format"] = paramHash["format"];
         arr[j]["params"]["format"] = config.macros.reminders["defaultShowReminderMessage"];
      mess += getReminderMessageForDisplay(arr[j]["diff"], arr[j]["params"], arr[j]["matchedDate"], arr[j]["tiddler"]);
      mess += "\n";
   wikify(mess, elem, null, null);

config.macros.displayTiddlersWithReminders.handler = function displayTiddlersWithReminders(place,macroName,params)
   var now = new Date().getMidnight();
   var paramHash = {};
   var leadtime = [0,14];
   paramHash = getParamsForReminder(params);
   var bProvidedDate = (paramHash["year"] != null) || 
			(paramHash["month"] != null) || 
			(paramHash["day"] != null) || 
			(paramHash["dayofweek"] != null);
   if (paramHash["leadtime"] != null)
      leadtime = paramHash["leadtime"];
      if (bProvidedDate)
         //If they've entered a day, we need to make 
         //sure to find it.  We'll reset the leadtime 
         //a few lines down.
         paramHash["leadtime"] = [-10000,10000];
   var matchedDate = now;
   if (bProvidedDate)
      var leadTimeLowerBound = new Date().getMidnight().addDays(paramHash["leadtime"][0]);
      var leadTimeUpperBound = new Date().getMidnight().addDays(paramHash["leadtime"][1]);
      matchedDate = findDateForReminder(paramHash, new Date().getMidnight(), leadTimeLowerBound, leadTimeUpperBound); 
   var arr = findTiddlersWithReminders(matchedDate, leadtime, paramHash["tag"], paramHash["limit"]);
   for (var j = 0; j < arr.length; j++)
      displayTiddler(null, arr[j]["tiddler"], 0, null, false, false, false);

config.macros.reminder.handler = function reminder(place,macroName,params)
   var dateHash = getParamsForReminder(params);
   if (dateHash["hidden"] != null)
   var leadTime = dateHash["leadtime"];
   if (leadTime == null)
      leadTime = config.macros.reminders["defaultLeadTime"]; 
   var leadTimeLowerBound = new Date().getMidnight().addDays(leadTime[0]);
   var leadTimeUpperBound = new Date().getMidnight().addDays(leadTime[1]);
   var matchedDate = findDateForReminder(dateHash, new Date().getMidnight(), leadTimeLowerBound, leadTimeUpperBound);
   if (!store.getTiddler) 
      store.getTiddler=function(title) {return this.tiddlers[title];};
   var title = window.story.findContainingTiddler(place).id.substr(7);
   if (matchedDate != null)
      var diff = matchedDate.getDifferenceInDays(new Date().getMidnight());
      var elem = createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,null, null);
      var mess = getReminderMessageForDisplay(diff, dateHash, matchedDate, title);
      wikify(mess, elem, null, null);
      createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,null, config.macros.reminders["noReminderFound"].replace("TITLE", dateHash["title"]).replace("LEADTIMEUPPER", leadTime[1]).replace("LEADTIMELOWER", leadTime[0]).replace("TIDDLERNAME", title).replace("TIDDLER", "[[" + title + "]]") );

config.macros.newReminder.handler = function newReminder(place,macroName,params)
  var today=new Date().getMidnight();
  var formstring = '<html><form>Year: <select name="year"><option value="">Every year</option>';
  for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    formstring += '<option' + ((i == 0) ? ' selected' : '') + ' value="' + (today.getFullYear() +i) + '">' + (today.getFullYear() + i) + '</option>';
  formstring += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;Month:<select name="month"><option value="">Every month</option>';
  for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
    formstring += '<option' + ((i == today.getMonth()) ? ' selected' : '') + ' value="' + (i+1) + '">' + config.messages.dates.months[i] + '</option>';
  formstring += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;Day:<select name="day"><option value="">Every day</option>';
  for (i = 1; i < 32; i++)
    formstring += '<option' + ((i == (today.getDate() )) ? ' selected' : '') + ' value="' + i + '">' + i + '</option>';

formstring += '</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;Reminder Title:<input type="text" size="40" name="title" value="please enter a title" onfocus="this.select();"><input type="button" value="ok" onclick="addReminderToTiddler(this.form)"></form></html>';

  var panel = config.macros.slider.createSlider(place,null,"New Reminder","Open a form to add a new reminder to this tiddler");
  wikify(formstring ,panel,null,store.getTiddler(params[1]));

// onclick: process input and insert reminder at 'marker'
window.addReminderToTiddler = function(form) {
   if (!store.getTiddler) 
      store.getTiddler=function(title) {return this.tiddlers[title];};
   var title = window.story.findContainingTiddler(form).id.substr(7);
   var tiddler=store.getTiddler(title);
  var txt='\n<<reminder ';
  if (form.year.value != "")
    txt += 'year:'+form.year.value + ' ';
  if (form.month.value != "")
    txt += 'month:'+form.month.value + ' ';
  if (form.day.value != "")
    txt += 'day:'+form.day.value + ' ';
  txt += 'title:"'+form.title.value+'" ';
  txt +='>>';
   tiddler.set(null,tiddler.text + txt);
	form.parentNode.parentNode.previousSibling.onclick(); //tbGTD: close form when done processing

function hasTag(tiddlerTags, tagFilters)
  //Make sure we respond well to empty tiddlerTaglists or tagFilterlists
  if (tagFilters.length==0 || tiddlerTags.length==0)
    return true;

  var bHasTag = false;
  /*bNoPos says: "'till now there has been no check using a positive filter"
     Imagine a filterlist consisting of 1 negative filter:
         If the filter isn't matched, we want hasTag to be true.
         Yet bHasTag is still false ('cause only positive filters cause bHasTag to change)
     If no positive filters are present bNoPos is true, and no negative filters are matched so we have not returned false
         Thus: hasTag returns true.
      If at any time a positive filter is encountered, we want at least one of the tags to match it, so we turn bNoPos to false, which
      means bHasTag must be true for hasTag to return true*/
  var bNoPos=true;
for (var t3 = 0; t3 < tagFilters.length; t3++)
      for(var t2=0; t2<tiddlerTags.length; t2++)
           if (tagFilters[t3].length > 1 && tagFilters[t3].charAt(0) == '!') 
              if (tiddlerTags[t2] == tagFilters[t3].substring(1))
                 //If at any time a negative filter is matched, we return false
                  return false;
              if (bNoPos)
                 //We encountered the first positive filter
              if (tiddlerTags[t2] == tagFilters[t3])
                  //A positive filter is matched. As long as no negative filter is matched, hasTag will return true
    return (bNoPos || bHasTag);

//This function searches all tiddlers for the reminder  //macro.  It is intended that other plugins (like //calendar) will use this function to query for 
//upcoming reminders.
//The arguments to this function filter out reminders //based on when they will fire.
//baseDate is the date that is used as "now".  
//leadtime is a two element int array, with leadtime[0] 
//         as the lower bound and leadtime[1] as the
//         upper bound.  A reasonable default is [0,14]
//tags is a space-separated list of tags to use to filter 
//         tiddlers.  If a tag name begins with an !, then 
//         only tiddlers which do not have that tag will 
//         be considered.  For example "examples holidays"  
//         will search for reminders in any tiddlers that  
//         are tagged with examples or holidays and 
//         "!examples !holidays" will search for reminders 
//         in any tiddlers that are not tagged with 
//         examples or holidays.  Pass in null to search 
//         all tiddlers.
//limit.  If limit is null, individual reminders can 
//        override the leadtime specified earlier.  
//        Pass in 1 in order to override that behavior.

window.findTiddlersWithReminders = function findTiddlersWithReminders(baseDate, leadtime, tags, limit)
//   var macroPattern = "<<([^>\\]+)(?:\\*)([^>]*)>>";
   var macroPattern = "<<(reminder)(.*)>>";
   var macroRegExp = new RegExp(macroPattern,"mg");
   var matches = store.search(macroRegExp,"title","");
   var arr = [];
   var tagsArray = null;
   if (tags != null)
      // tagsArray = tags.split(" ");
      tagsArray = tags.readBracketedList(); // allows tags with spaces. thanks Robin Summerhill, 4-Oct-06.
   for(var t=matches.length-1; t>=0; t--)
      if (tagsArray != null)
         //If they specified tags to filter on, and this tiddler doesn't 
	 //match, skip it entirely.
         if ( ! hasTag(matches[t].tags, tagsArray))

      var targetText = matches[t].text;
      do {
         // Get the next formatting match
         var formatMatch = macroRegExp.exec(targetText);
         if(formatMatch && formatMatch[1] != null && formatMatch[1].toLowerCase() == "reminder")
            //Find the matching date.
            var params = formatMatch[2] != null ? formatMatch[2].readMacroParams() : {};
            var dateHash = getParamsForReminder(params);
            if (limit != null || dateHash["leadtime"] == null)
               if (leadtime == null)
                   dateHash["leadtime"] = leadtime;
                  dateHash["leadtime"] = [];
                  dateHash["leadtime"][0] = leadtime[0];
                  dateHash["leadtime"][1] = leadtime[1];
	    if (dateHash["leadtime"] == null)
               dateHash["leadtime"] = config.macros.reminders["defaultLeadTime"]; 
            var leadTimeLowerBound = baseDate.addDays(dateHash["leadtime"][0]);
            var leadTimeUpperBound = baseDate.addDays(dateHash["leadtime"][1]);
            var matchedDate = findDateForReminder(dateHash, baseDate, leadTimeLowerBound, leadTimeUpperBound);
            while (matchedDate != null)
               var hash = {};
               hash["diff"] = matchedDate.getDifferenceInDays(baseDate);
               hash["matchedDate"] = new Date(matchedDate.getFullYear(), matchedDate.getMonth(), matchedDate.getDate(), 0, 0);
               hash["params"] = cloneParams(dateHash);
               hash["tiddler"] = matches[t].title;
               hash["tags"] = matches[t].tags;
	       if (dateHash["recurdays"] != null || (dateHash["year"] == null))
	         leadTimeLowerBound = leadTimeLowerBound.addDays(matchedDate.getDifferenceInDays(leadTimeLowerBound)+ 1);
                 matchedDate = findDateForReminder(dateHash, baseDate, leadTimeLowerBound, leadTimeUpperBound);
	       else matchedDate = null;
   if(arr.length > 1)  //Sort the array by number of days remaining.
      arr.sort(function (a,b) {if(a["diff"] == b["diff"]) {return(0);} else {return (a["diff"] < b["diff"]) ? -1 : +1; } });
   return arr;

//This function takes the reminder macro parameters and
//generates the string that is used for display.
//This function is not intended to be called by 
//other plugins.
 window.getReminderMessageForDisplay= function getReminderMessageForDisplay(diff, params, matchedDate, tiddlerTitle)
   var anniversaryString = "";
   var reminderTitle = params["title"];
   if (reminderTitle == null)
      reminderTitle = config.macros.reminders["untitledReminder"];
   if (params["firstyear"] != null)
      anniversaryString = config.macros.reminders["defaultAnniversaryMessage"].replace("DIFF", (matchedDate.getFullYear() - params["firstyear"]));
   var mess = "";
   var diffString = "";
   if (diff == 0)
      diffString = config.macros.reminders["todayString"];
   else if (diff == 1)
      diffString = config.macros.reminders["tomorrowString"];
      diffString = config.macros.reminders["ndaysString"].replace("DIFF", diff);
   var format = config.macros.reminders["defaultReminderMessage"];
   if (params["format"] != null)
      format = params["format"];
   mess = format;
//HACK!  -- Avoid replacing DD in TIDDLER with the date
   mess = mess.replace(/TIDDLER/g, "TIDELER");
   mess = matchedDate.formatStringDateOnly(mess);
   mess = mess.replace(/TIDELER/g, "TIDDLER");
   if (tiddlerTitle != null)
      mess = mess.replace(/TIDDLERNAME/g, tiddlerTitle);
      mess = mess.replace(/TIDDLER/g, "[[" + tiddlerTitle + "]]");
   mess = mess.replace("DIFF", diffString).replace("TITLE", reminderTitle).replace("DATE", matchedDate.formatString("DDD MMM DD, YYYY")).replace("ANNIVERSARY", anniversaryString);
   return mess;

// Parse out the macro parameters into a hashtable.  This
// handles the arguments for reminder, showReminders and 
// displayTiddlersWithReminders.
window.getParamsForReminder = function getParamsForReminder(params)
   var dateHash = {};
   var type = "";
   var num = 0;
   var title = "";
   for(var t=0; t<params.length; t++)
      var split = params[t].split(":");
      type = split[0].toLowerCase();
      var value = split[1];
      for (var i=2; i < split.length; i++)
         value += ":" + split[i];
      if (type == "nolinks" || type == "limit" || type == "hidden")
         num = 1;
      else if (type == "leadtime")
         var leads = value.split("...");
         if (leads.length == 1)
            leads[1]= leads[0];
            leads[0] = 0;
         leads[0] = parseInt(leads[0], 10);
         leads[1] = parseInt(leads[1], 10);
         num = leads;
      else if (type == "offsetdayofweek")
          if (value.substr(0,1) == "-")
             dateHash["negativeOffsetDayOfWeek"] = 1;
	     value = value.substr(1);
          num = parseInt(value, 10);
      else if (type != "title" && type != "tag" && type != "format")
         num = parseInt(value, 10);
         title = value;
         while (title.substr(0,1) == '"' && title.substr(title.length - 1,1) != '"' && params[t] != undefined)
            title += " " + params[t++];
         //Trim off the leading and trailing quotes
         if (title.substr(0,1) == "\"" && title.substr(title.length - 1,1)== "\"")
            title = title.substr(1, title.length - 2);
         num = title;
      dateHash[type] = num;
   //date is synonymous with day
   if (dateHash["day"] == null)
      dateHash["day"] = dateHash["date"];
   return dateHash;

//This function finds the date specified in the reminder 
//parameters.  It will return null if no match can be
//found.  This function is not intended to be used by
//other plugins.
window.findDateForReminder= function findDateForReminder( dateHash, baseDate, leadTimeLowerBound, leadTimeUpperBound)
   if (baseDate == null)
     baseDate = new Date().getMidnight();
   var hashKey = baseDate.convertToYYYYMMDDHHMM();
   for (var k in dateHash)
      hashKey += "," + k + "|" + dateHash[k];
   hashKey += "," + leadTimeLowerBound.convertToYYYYMMDDHHMM();
   hashKey += "," + leadTimeUpperBound.convertToYYYYMMDDHHMM();
   if (reminderCache[hashKey] == null)
      //If we don't find a match in this run, then we will
      //cache that the reminder can't be matched.
      reminderCache[hashKey] = false;
   else if (reminderCache[hashKey] == false)
      //We've already tried this date and failed
      return null;
      return reminderCache[hashKey];
   var bOffsetSpecified = dateHash["offsetyear"] != null || 
				dateHash["offsetmonth"] != null || 
				dateHash["offsetday"] != null || 
				dateHash["offsetdayofweek"] != null || 
				dateHash["recurdays"] != null;
   // If we are matching the base date for a dayofweek offset, look for the base date a 
   //little further back.
   var tmp1leadTimeLowerBound = leadTimeLowerBound;  
   if ( dateHash["offsetdayofweek"] != null)
      tmp1leadTimeLowerBound = leadTimeLowerBound.addDays(-6);  
   var matchedDate = baseDate.findMatch(dateHash, tmp1leadTimeLowerBound, leadTimeUpperBound);
   if (matchedDate != null)
      var newMatchedDate = matchedDate;
      if (dateHash["recurdays"] != null)
         while (newMatchedDate.getTime() < leadTimeLowerBound.getTime())
            newMatchedDate = newMatchedDate.addDays(dateHash["recurdays"]);
      else if (dateHash["offsetyear"] != null || 
		dateHash["offsetmonth"] != null || 
		dateHash["offsetday"] != null || 
		dateHash["offsetdayofweek"] != null)
         var tmpdateHash = cloneParams(dateHash);
         tmpdateHash["year"] = dateHash["offsetyear"];
         tmpdateHash["month"] = dateHash["offsetmonth"];
         tmpdateHash["day"] = dateHash["offsetday"];
         tmpdateHash["dayofweek"] = dateHash["offsetdayofweek"];
	 var tmpleadTimeLowerBound = leadTimeLowerBound;
	 var tmpleadTimeUpperBound = leadTimeUpperBound;
	 if (tmpdateHash["offsetdayofweek"] != null)
	 	if (tmpdateHash["negativeOffsetDayOfWeek"] == 1)
		   tmpleadTimeLowerBound = matchedDate.addDays(-6);
		   tmpleadTimeUpperBound = matchedDate;

		   tmpleadTimeLowerBound = matchedDate;
		   tmpleadTimeUpperBound = matchedDate.addDays(6);

	 newMatchedDate = matchedDate.findMatch(tmpdateHash, tmpleadTimeLowerBound, tmpleadTimeUpperBound);
         //The offset couldn't be matched.  return null.
         if (newMatchedDate == null)
            return null;
      if (newMatchedDate.isBetween(leadTimeLowerBound, leadTimeUpperBound))
         reminderCache[hashKey] = newMatchedDate;
         return newMatchedDate;
   return null;

//This does much the same job as findDateForReminder, but
//this one doesn't deal with offsets or recurring 
Date.prototype.findMatch = function findMatch(dateHash, leadTimeLowerBound, leadTimeUpperBound)

   var bSpecifiedYear =     (dateHash["year"] != null);
   var bSpecifiedMonth =     (dateHash["month"] != null);
   var bSpecifiedDay =     (dateHash["day"] != null);
   var bSpecifiedDayOfWeek =     (dateHash["dayofweek"] != null);
   if (bSpecifiedYear && bSpecifiedMonth && bSpecifiedDay)
      return new Date(dateHash["year"], dateHash["month"]-1, dateHash["day"], 0, 0);
   var bMatchedYear = !bSpecifiedYear;
   var bMatchedMonth = !bSpecifiedMonth;
   var bMatchedDay = !bSpecifiedDay;
   var bMatchedDayOfWeek = !bSpecifiedDayOfWeek;
   if (bSpecifiedDay && bSpecifiedMonth && !bSpecifiedYear && !bSpecifiedDayOfWeek)

      //Shortcut -- First try this year.  If it's too small, try next year.
      var tmpMidnight = this.getMidnight();
      var tmpDate = new Date(this.getFullYear(), dateHash["month"]-1, dateHash["day"], 0,0);
      if (tmpDate.getTime() < leadTimeLowerBound.getTime())
         tmpDate = new Date((this.getFullYear() + 1), dateHash["month"]-1, dateHash["day"], 0,0);
      if ( tmpDate.isBetween(leadTimeLowerBound, leadTimeUpperBound))
         return tmpDate;
         return null;

   var newDate = leadTimeLowerBound; 
   while (newDate.isBetween(leadTimeLowerBound, leadTimeUpperBound))
      var tmp = testDate(newDate, dateHash, bSpecifiedYear, bSpecifiedMonth, bSpecifiedDay, bSpecifiedDayOfWeek);
      if (tmp != null)
        return tmp;
      newDate = newDate.addDays(1);

function testDate(testMe, dateHash, bSpecifiedYear, bSpecifiedMonth, bSpecifiedDay, bSpecifiedDayOfWeek)
   var bMatchedYear = !bSpecifiedYear;
   var bMatchedMonth = !bSpecifiedMonth;
   var bMatchedDay = !bSpecifiedDay;
   var bMatchedDayOfWeek = !bSpecifiedDayOfWeek;
   if (bSpecifiedYear)
      bMatchedYear = (dateHash["year"] == testMe.getFullYear());
   if (bSpecifiedMonth)
      bMatchedMonth = ((dateHash["month"] - 1)  == testMe.getMonth() );
   if (bSpecifiedDay)
      bMatchedDay = (dateHash["day"] == testMe.getDate());
   if (bSpecifiedDayOfWeek)
      bMatchedDayOfWeek = (dateHash["dayofweek"] == testMe.getDay());

   if (bMatchedYear && bMatchedMonth && bMatchedDay && bMatchedDayOfWeek)
      return testMe;

//Returns true if the date is in between two given dates
Date.prototype.isBetween = function isBetween(lowerBound, upperBound)
  return (this.getTime() >= lowerBound.getTime() && this.getTime() <= upperBound.getTime());
//Return a new date, with the time set to midnight (0000)
Date.prototype.getMidnight = function getMidnight()
   return new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate(), 0, 0);
// Add the specified number of days to a date.
Date.prototype.addDays = function addDays(numberOfDays)
   return new Date(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth(), this.getDate() + numberOfDays, 0, 0);
//Return the number of days between two dates.
Date.prototype.getDifferenceInDays = function getDifferenceInDays(otherDate)
//I have to do it this way, because this way ignores daylight savings
   var tmpDate = this.addDays(0);
   if (this.getTime() > otherDate.getTime())
      var i = 0;
      for (i = 0; tmpDate.getTime() > otherDate.getTime(); i++)
         tmpDate = tmpDate.addDays(-1);
      return i;
      var i = 0;
      for (i = 0; tmpDate.getTime() < otherDate.getTime(); i++)
         tmpDate = tmpDate.addDays(1);
      return i * -1;
   return 0;
function cloneParams(what) {
    var tmp = {};
    for (var i in what) {
        tmp[i] = what[i];
    return tmp;
// Substitute date components into a string
Date.prototype.formatStringDateOnly = function formatStringDateOnly(template)
	template = template.replace("YYYY",this.getFullYear());
	template = template.replace("YY",String.zeroPad(this.getFullYear()-2000,2));
	template = template.replace("MMM",config.messages.dates.months[this.getMonth()]);
	template = template.replace("0MM",String.zeroPad(this.getMonth()+1,2));
	template = template.replace("MM",this.getMonth()+1);
	template = template.replace("DDD",config.messages.dates.days[this.getDay()]);
	template = template.replace("0DD",String.zeroPad(this.getDate(),2));
	template = template.replace("DD",this.getDate());
	return template;

!!Reminders (next 45 days)
<<showReminders leadtime:45 format:"| DIFF | DATE | ANNIVERSARY | TITLE | TIDDLER |" tag:"!Completed !Trash">>
+++[Reminders -45 Days]
<<showReminders leadtime:-45...-1 tag:"!Completed !Trash">>
+++[All Reminders] <<showReminders>>=== }}}
Name: Rey Miguel
Brand: Pepin Garcia
Size: Toro
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 86
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Classic
Brand: Reyes Family Cigars
Size: Torpedo
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Ecuadoran Sumatra
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 89
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Family Premier
Brand: Reyes
Size: Toro (6x53)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Samutra
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 7.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 03/09
Bad finish - slight ammonia flavor after (2) months aging

Name: 1961
Brand: Rocky Patel
Size: Toro (6.5x52)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: 90
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 05/10

Name: Decade
Brand: Rocky Patel
Size: Torpedo (6.5x52)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sun Grown
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 95
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 06/09
Tight Draw

Name: ~I-Press
Brand: Rocky Patel
Size: Toro (6.0" x 52) 
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 92
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 02/09

Name: Olde World
Brand: Rocky Patel
Size: Toro (6.5x52)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Corojo
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 7
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 11/09

Strong, bitter finish
Name: Sun Grown
Brand: Rocky Patel
Size: Torpedo (6.1x52)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Ecuadorian sun grown
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 02/10

Bet Rocky Patel to date, became bitter towards the end, very good cigar (no funny finish. . .)

Name: Romantico
Brand: Thompson
Size: ?
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 7.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Maduro
Brand: Romeo y Julieta
Size: Robusto
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Viejo
Brand: Romeo y Julieta
Size: 'E' (epicure) (6.0" x 54)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 7.5
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 02/09
Very Mild, some draw problems, strange finish (that lasted all day)
Name: San Cristobal
Brand: Ashton
Size: Maestro (6x60)
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Corojo
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: Bry
Purchased: Yes

Name: San Cristobal
Brand: Guajiro
Size: 6.6x46
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Corojo
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 09/09
Good Strength to flavor Ratio, smooth, very enjoyable

Name: Sancho Panza
Brand: Sancho Panza
Size: Valiente (5.2x50)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Honduran Connecticut
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 7
~ProfessionalRank: 84
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Overrides|Story.prototype.search, TiddlyWiki.prototype.search, config.macros.search.onKeyPress|
|Description|extend core search function with additional user-configurable options|
Adds extra options to core search function including selecting which data items to search, enabling/disabling incremental key-by-key searches, and generating a ''list of matching tiddlers'' instead of immediately displaying all matches.  This plugin also adds syntax for rendering 'search links' within tiddler content to embed one-click searches using pre-defined 'hard-coded' search terms.
>see [[SearchOptionsPluginInfo]]
Search in:
<<option chkSearchTitles>> titles <<option chkSearchText>> text <<option chkSearchTags>> tags <<option chkSearchFields>> fields <<option chkSearchShadows>> shadows
<<option chkSearchHighlight>> Highlight matching text in displayed tiddlers
<<option chkSearchList>> Show list of matches
<<option chkSearchListTiddler>> Write list to [[SearchResults]] tiddler
<<option chkSearchTitlesFirst>> Show title matches first
<<option chkSearchByDate>> Sort matching tiddlers by modification date (most recent first)
<<option chkIncrementalSearch>> Incremental key-by-key search: {{twochar{<<option txtIncrementalSearchMin>>}}} or more characters,  {{threechar{<<option txtIncrementalSearchDelay>>}}} msec delay
<<option chkSearchOpenTiddlers>> Search only in tiddlers that are currently displayed
<<option chkSearchExcludeTags>> Exclude tiddlers tagged with: <<option txtSearchExcludeTags>>
2009.01.16 [3.0.5] added chkSearchOpenTiddlers option to limit searches to displayed tiddlers only
|please see [[SearchOptionsPluginInfo]] for additional revision details|
2005.10.18 [1.0.0] Initial Release
version.extensions.SearchOptionsPlugin= {major: 3, minor: 0, revision: 5, date: new Date(2009,1,16)};

var co=config.options; // abbrev
if (co.chkSearchTitles===undefined) co.chkSearchTitles=true;
if (co.chkSearchText===undefined) co.chkSearchText=true;
if (co.chkSearchTags===undefined) co.chkSearchTags=true;
if (co.chkSearchFields===undefined) co.chkSearchFields=true;
if (co.chkSearchTitlesFirst===undefined) co.chkSearchTitlesFirst=true;
if (co.chkSearchList===undefined) co.chkSearchList=true;
if (co.chkSearchHighlight===undefined) co.chkSearchHighlight=true;
if (co.chkSearchListTiddler===undefined) co.chkSearchListTiddler=false;
if (co.chkSearchByDate===undefined) co.chkSearchByDate=false;
if (co.chkIncrementalSearch===undefined) co.chkIncrementalSearch=true;
if (co.chkSearchShadows===undefined) co.chkSearchShadows=true;
if (co.txtIncrementalSearchDelay===undefined) co.txtIncrementalSearchDelay=500;
if (co.txtIncrementalSearchMin===undefined) co.txtIncrementalSearchMin=3;
if (co.chkSearchOpenTiddlers===undefined) co.chkSearchOpenTiddlers=false;
if (co.chkSearchExcludeTags===undefined) co.chkSearchExcludeTags=true;
if (co.txtSearchExcludeTags===undefined) co.txtSearchExcludeTags="excludeSearch";
if (config.macros.search.reportTitle==undefined)
	config.macros.search.reportTitle="SearchResults"; // note: not a cookie!
config.macros.search.label+="\xa0"; // a little bit of space just because it looks better
// // searchLink: {{{[search[text to find]] OR [search[text to display|text to find]]}}}
config.formatters.push( {
	name: "searchLink",
	match: "\\[search\\[",
	lookaheadRegExp: /\[search\[(.*?)(?:\|(.*?))?\]\]/mg,
	prompt: "search for: '%0'",
	handler: function(w)
		this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
		var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
		if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
			var label=lookaheadMatch[1];
			var text=lookaheadMatch[2]||label;
			var prompt=this.prompt.format([text]);
			var btn=createTiddlyButton(w.output,label,prompt,
			w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;
// // incremental search uses option settings instead of hard-coded delay and minimum input values
var fn=config.macros.search.onKeyPress;
fn=fn.toString().replace(/500/g, "config.options.txtIncrementalSearchDelay||500");
fn=fn.toString().replace(/> 2/g, ">=(config.options.txtIncrementalSearchMin||3)");
// // REPLACE story.search() for option to "show search results in a list"
Story.prototype.search = function(text,useCaseSensitive,useRegExp)
	var co=config.options; // abbrev
	var re=new RegExp(useRegExp ? text : text.escapeRegExp(),useCaseSensitive ? "mg" : "img");
	if (config.options.chkSearchHighlight) highlightHack=re;
	var matches = store.search(re,co.chkSearchByDate?"modified":"title","");
	if (co.chkSearchByDate) matches=matches.reverse(); // most recent first
	var q = useRegExp ? "/" : "'";
	if (!matches.length) {
		if (co.chkSearchListTiddler) discardSearchResults();
	} else {
		if (co.chkSearchList||co.chkSearchListTiddler) 
		else {
			var titles = []; for(var t=0; t<matches.length; t++) titles.push(matches[t].title);
			this.closeAllTiddlers(); story.displayTiddlers(null,titles);
			displayMessage(config.macros.search.successMsg.format([matches.length, q+text+q]));
	highlightHack = null;
// // REPLACE store.search() for enhanced searching/sorting options
TiddlyWiki.prototype.search = function(searchRegExp,sortField,excludeTag)
	var co=config.options; // abbrev
	var tids = this.reverseLookup("tags",excludeTag,false,sortField);
	var opened=[]; story.forEachTiddler(function(tid,elem){opened.push(tid);});

	// eliminate tiddlers tagged with excluded tags
	if (co.chkSearchExcludeTags&&co.txtSearchExcludeTags.length) {
		var ex=co.txtSearchExcludeTags.readBracketedList();
		var temp=[]; for(var t=tids.length-1; t>=0; t--)
			if (!tids[t].tags.containsAny(ex)) temp.push(tids[t]);

	// scan for matching titles first...
	var results = [];
	if (co.chkSearchTitles) {
		for(var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
			if (co.chkSearchOpenTiddlers && !opened.contains(tids[t].title)) continue; 
			if(tids[t].title.search(searchRegExp)!=-1) results.push(tids[t]);
		if (co.chkSearchShadows)
			for (var t in config.shadowTiddlers) {
				if (co.chkSearchOpenTiddlers && !opened.contains(t)) continue; 
				if ((t.search(searchRegExp)!=-1) && !store.tiddlerExists(t))
					results.push((new Tiddler()).assign(t,config.shadowTiddlers[t]));
	// then scan for matching text, tags, or field data
	for(var t=0; t<tids.length; t++) {
		if (co.chkSearchOpenTiddlers && !opened.contains(tids[t].title)) continue; 
		if (co.chkSearchText && tids[t].text.search(searchRegExp)!=-1)
		if (co.chkSearchTags && tids[t].tags.join(" ").search(searchRegExp)!=-1)
		if (co.chkSearchFields && store.forEachField!=undefined)
				function(tid,field,val) {
					if (val.search(searchRegExp)!=-1) results.pushUnique(tids[t]);
				true); // extended fields only
	// then check for matching text in shadows
	if (co.chkSearchShadows)
		for (var t in config.shadowTiddlers) {
			if (co.chkSearchOpenTiddlers && !opened.contains(t)) continue; 
			if ((config.shadowTiddlers[t].search(searchRegExp)!=-1) && !store.tiddlerExists(t))
				results.pushUnique((new Tiddler()).assign(t,config.shadowTiddlers[t]));

	// if not 'titles first', or sorting by modification date,
	// re-sort results to so titles, text, tag and field matches are mixed together
	if(!sortField) sortField = "title";
	var bySortField=function(a,b){
		if(a[sortField]==b[sortField])return(0);else return(a[sortField]<b[sortField])?-1:+1;
	if (!co.chkSearchTitlesFirst || co.chkSearchByDate) results.sort(bySortField);

	return results;
// // HIJACK core {{{<<search>>}}} macro to add "report" and "simple inline" output
config.macros.search.handler = function(place,macroName,params)
	// if "report", use SearchOptionsPlugin report generator for inline output
	if (params[1]&&params[1].substr(0,6)=="report") {
		var keyword=params[0];
		var options=params[1].split("=")[1]; // split "report=option+option+..."
		var heading=params[2]?params[2].unescapeLineBreaks():"";
		var matches=store.search(new RegExp(keyword.escapeRegExp(),"img"),"title","excludeSearch");
		if (matches.length) wikify(heading+window.formatSearchResults(keyword,matches,options),place);
	} else if (params[1]) {
		var keyword=params[0];
		var heading=params[1]?params[1].unescapeLineBreaks():"";
		var seperator=params[2]?params[2].unescapeLineBreaks():", ";
		var matches=store.search(new RegExp(keyword.escapeRegExp(),"img"),"title","excludeSearch");
		if (matches.length) {
			var out=[];
			for (var m=0; m<matches.length; m++) out.push("[["+matches[m].title+"]]");
	} else
// // SearchResults panel handling
setStylesheet(".searchResults { padding:1em 1em 0 1em; }","searchResults"); // matches std tiddler padding

config.macros.search.createPanel=function(text,matches,body) {

	function getByClass(e,c) { var d=e.getElementsByTagName("div");
		for (var i=0;i<d.length;i++) if (hasClass(d[i],c)) return d[i]; }
	var panel=createTiddlyElement(null,"div","searchPanel","searchPanel");
	var oldpanel=document.getElementById("searchPanel");
	if (!oldpanel) { // insert new panel just above tiddlers
		var da=document.getElementById("displayArea");
	} else { // if panel exists
		var oldwrap=getByClass(oldpanel,"searchResults");
		var newwrap=getByClass(panel,"searchResults");
		// if no prior content, just insert new content
		if (!oldwrap) oldpanel.insertBefore(newwrap,null);
		else {	// swap search results content but leave containing panel intact
			oldwrap.style.display='block'; // unfold wrapper if needed
			var i=oldwrap.getElementsByTagName("input")[0]; // get input field
			if (i) { var pos=this.getCursorPos(i); i.onblur=null; } // get cursor pos, ignore blur
			panel=oldpanel; // use existing panel
	return panel;

config.macros.search.renderPanel=function(panel,text,matches,body) {

	var wrap=createTiddlyElement(panel,"div",null,"searchResults");
	wrap.onmouseover = function(e){ addClass(this,"selected"); }
	wrap.onmouseout = function(e){ removeClass(this,"selected"); }
	// create toolbar: "open all", "fold/unfold", "close"
	var tb=createTiddlyElement(wrap,"div",null,"toolbar");
	var b=createTiddlyButton(tb, "open all", "open all matching tiddlers", function() {
		story.displayTiddlers(null,this.getAttribute("list").readBracketedList()); return false; },"button");
	var list=""; for(var t=0;t<matches.length;t++) list+='[['+matches[t].title+']] ';
	var b=createTiddlyButton(tb, "fold", "toggle display of search results", function() {
		config.macros.search.foldPanel(this); return false; },"button");
	var b=createTiddlyButton(tb, "close", "dismiss search results",	function() {
		config.macros.search.showPanel(false); return false; },"button");
	createTiddlyText(createTiddlyElement(wrap,"div",null,"title"),"Search for: "+text); // title
	wikify(body,createTiddlyElement(wrap,"div",null,"viewer")); // report
	return panel;

config.macros.search.showPanel=function(show,pos) {
	var panel=document.getElementById("searchPanel");
	var i=panel.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
	if (show && panel.style.display=="block") { // if shown, grab focus, restore cursor
		if (i&&this.stayFocused()) { i.focus(); this.setCursorPos(i,pos); }
	if(!config.options.chkAnimate) {
		if (!show) { removeChildren(panel); config.macros.search.stayFocused(false); }
	} else {
		var s=new Slider(panel,show,false,show?"none":"children");
	return panel;

config.macros.search.foldPanel=function(button) {
	var d=document.getElementById("searchPanel").getElementsByTagName("div");
	for (var i=0;i<d.length;i++) if (hasClass(d[i],"viewer")) var v=d[i]; if (!v) return;
	var show=v.style.display=="none";
	else {
		var s=new Slider(v,show,false,"none");
	return false;

config.macros.search.stayFocused=function(keep) { // TRUE/FALSE=set value, no args=get value
	if (keep===undefined) return this.keepReportInFocus;
	return keep

config.macros.search.getCursorPos=function(i) {
	var s=0; var e=0; if (!i) return { start:s, end:e };
	try {
		if (i.setSelectionRange) // FF
			{ s=i.selectionStart; e=i.selectionEnd; }
		if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { // IE
			var r=document.selection.createRange().duplicate();
			var len=r.text.length; s=0-r.moveStart('character',-100000); e=s+len;
	return { start:s, end:e };
config.macros.search.setCursorPos=function(i,pos) {
	if (!i||!pos) return; var s=pos.start; var e=pos.end;
	if (i.setSelectionRange) //FF
	if (i.createTextRange) // IE
		{ var r=i.createTextRange(); r.collapse(true); r.moveStart("character",s); r.select(); }
// // SearchResults report generation
// note: these functions are defined globally, so they can be more easily redefined to customize report formats//
if (!window.reportSearchResults) window.reportSearchResults=function(text,matches)
	var cms=config.macros.search; // abbrev
	var body=window.formatSearchResults(text,matches);
	if (!config.options.chkSearchListTiddler) // show #searchResults panel
	else { // write [[SearchResults]] tiddler
		var title=cms.reportTitle;
		var who=config.options.txtUserName;
		var when=new Date();
		var tags="excludeLists excludeSearch temporary";
		var tid=store.getTiddler(title); if (!tid) tid=new Tiddler();

if (!window.formatSearchResults) window.formatSearchResults=function(text,matches,opt)
	var body='';
	var title=config.macros.search.reportTitle
	var q = config.options.chkRegExpSearch ? "/" : "'";
	if (!opt) var opt="all";
	var parts=opt.split("+");
	for (var i=0; i<parts.length; i++) { var p=parts[i].toLowerCase();
		if (p=="again"||p=="all")   body+=window.formatSearchResults_again(text,matches);
		if (p=="summary"||p=="all") body+=window.formatSearchResults_summary(text,matches);
		if (p=="list"||p=="all")    body+=window.formatSearchResults_list(text,matches);
		if (p=="buttons"||p=="all") body+=window.formatSearchResults_buttons(text,matches);
	return body;

if (!window.formatSearchResults_again) window.formatSearchResults_again=function(text,matches)
	var title=config.macros.search.reportTitle
	var body='';
	// search again
	body+='{{span{<<search "'+text.replace(/"/g,'&#x22;')+'">> /%\n';
	body+='%/<html><input type="button" value="search again"';
	body+=' onclick="var t=this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'input\')[0];';
	body+=' config.macros.search.doSearch(t); return false;">';
	body+=' <a href="javascript:;" onclick="';
	body+=' var e=this.parentNode.nextSibling;';
	body+=' var show=e.style.display!=\'block\';';
	body+=' if(!config.options.chkAnimate) e.style.display=show?\'block\':\'none\';';
	body+=' else anim.startAnimating(new Slider(e,show,false,\'none\'));';
	body+=' return false;">options...</a>';
	body+='</html>@@display:none;border-left:1px dotted;margin-left:1em;padding:0;padding-left:.5em;font-size:90%;/%\n';
	body+='	%/<<option chkSearchTitles>>titles /%\n';
	body+='	%/<<option chkSearchText>>text /%\n';
	body+='	%/<<option chkSearchTags>>tags /%\n';
	body+='	%/<<option chkSearchFields>>fields /%\n';
	body+='	%/<<option chkSearchShadows>>shadows\n';
	body+='	<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>>case-sensitive /%\n';
	body+='	%/<<option chkRegExpSearch>>text patterns /%\n';
	body+='	%/<<option chkSearchByDate>>sorted by date\n';
	body+='	<<option chkSearchHighlight>> highlight matching text in displayed tiddlers\n';
	body+='	<<option chkIncrementalSearch>>incremental key-by-key search: /%\n';
	body+='	%/{{twochar{<<option txtIncrementalSearchMin>>}}} or more characters, /%\n';
	body+='	%/{{threechar{<<option txtIncrementalSearchDelay>>}}} msec delay\n';
	body+='	<<option chkSearchOpenTiddlers>> search only in tiddlers that are currently displayed\n';
	body+='	<<option chkSearchExcludeTags>>exclude tiddlers tagged with:\n';
	body+='	{{editor{<<option txtSearchExcludeTags>>}}}/%\n';
	return body;

if (!window.formatSearchResults_summary) window.formatSearchResults_summary=function(text,matches)
	// summary: nn tiddlers found matching '...', options used
	var body='';
	var co=config.options; // abbrev
	var title=config.macros.search.reportTitle
	var q = co.chkRegExpSearch ? "/" : "'";
	var opts=[];
	if (co.chkSearchTitles) opts.push("titles");
	if (co.chkSearchText) opts.push("text");
	if (co.chkSearchTags) opts.push("tags");
	if (co.chkSearchFields) opts.push("fields");
	if (co.chkSearchShadows) opts.push("shadows");
	if (co.chkSearchOpenTiddlers) body+="^^//search limited to displayed tiddlers only//^^\n";
	body+="~~&nbsp; searched in "+opts.join(" + ")+"~~\n";
	body+=(co.chkCaseSensitiveSearch||co.chkRegExpSearch?"^^&nbsp; using ":"")
		+(co.chkCaseSensitiveSearch?"case-sensitive ":"")
		+(co.chkRegExpSearch?"pattern ":"")
	return body;

if (!window.formatSearchResults_list) window.formatSearchResults_list=function(text,matches)
	// bullet list of links to matching tiddlers
	var body='';
	var pattern=co.chkRegExpSearch?text:text.escapeRegExp();
	var sensitive=co.chkCaseSensitiveSearch?"mg":"img";
	var link='{{tiddlyLinkExisting{<html><nowiki><a href="javascript:;" onclick="'
		+'	highlightHack=new RegExp(\x27'+pattern+'\x27.escapeRegExp(),\x27'+sensitive+'\x27);'
		+'highlightHack = null; return false;'
		+'" title="%2">%1</a></html>}}}';
	for(var t=0;t<matches.length;t++) {
		body+="* ";
		if (config.options.chkSearchByDate)
			body+=matches[t].modified.formatString('YYYY.0MM.0DD 0hh:0mm')+" ";
		var title=matches[t].title;
		var fixup=title.replace(/'/g,"\\x27").replace(/"/g,"\\x22");
		var tid=store.getTiddler(title);
		var tip=tid?tid.getSubtitle():''; tip=tip.replace(/"/g,"&quot;");
	return body;

if (!window.formatSearchResults_buttons) window.formatSearchResults_buttons=function(text,matches)
	// embed buttons only if writing SearchResults to tiddler
	if (!config.options.chkSearchListTiddler) return "";
	// "open all" button
	var title=config.macros.search.reportTitle;
	var body="";
	body+="@@diplay:block;<html><input type=\"button\" href=\"javascript:;\" "
	for(var t=0;t<matches.length;t++)
		body+="'"+matches[t].title.replace(/\'/mg,"\\'")+"'"+((t<matches.length-1)?", ":"");
	body+="],1);\" accesskey=\"O\" value=\"open all matching tiddlers\"></html> ";
	// "discard SearchResults" button
	body+="<html><input type=\"button\" href=\"javascript:;\" "
		+"onclick=\"discardSearchResults()\" value=\"discard "+title+"\"></html>";
	return body;

if (!window.discardSearchResults) window.discardSearchResults=function()
	// remove the tiddler
<<tiddler CigarSections##6Count>>
<<tiddler CigarSections##Cigar6>>
<<tiddler CigarSections##7Count>>
<<tiddler CigarSections##Cigar7>>
<<tiddler CigarSections##8Count>>
<<tiddler CigarSections##Cigar8>>
<<tiddler CigarSections##9Count>>
<<tiddler CigarSections##Cigar9>>
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|use CSS to set a scrolling, fixed or percentage height for popups (e.g. tags display)|
<<tiddler SetPopupsHeight>>
Try it:
<<tiddler SetPopupsHeight##show>>

<<tiddler {{
	if (config.options.txtPopupsHeight===undefined)
'';}}>>popup height: {{smallform{<<option txtPopupsHeight>><<tiddler {{
	var t=place.lastChild;
	t.style.width='4em'; t.style.textAlign='center';
	t.title='enter height using px, em, in, cm, %, or auto';
	t.onblur=function(){this.onchange();}; /* for IE */
	t.coreOnChange=t.onchange; t.onchange=function() { // hijack: update CSS when field changes
		if (this.coreOnChange) this.coreOnChange();
	window.setPopupsHeight=function() {
		var opt='txtPopupsHeight';
		var h=config.options[opt]; if (!h.length) h='auto';
		if (!h.replace(/[0-9]*/,'').length) h+='px';
		if (config.options[opt]=='auto') removeCookie(opt);
		var top=findPosY(document.getElementById('tiddlerDisplay'));
		if (h.indexOf('%')!=-1)
		var heightParam=(config.browser.isIE?'height':'max-height')+':'+h;
		var overflowParam='overflow:'+(h!='auto'?'auto':'visible')+' !important'; 
		var css='.popup { '+heightParam+'; '+overflowParam+'; }';
	if (window.addEventListener) // so % height can auto-adjust if window is resized
	if (window.removeCookie===undefined) { // if not already defined by TW core...
		window.removeCookie=function(name) {
			document.cookie = name+'=; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 UTC; path=/;'; 

%/<<tiddler {{var src='SetPopupsHeight'; src+(tiddler&&tiddler.title==src?'##info':'##show');}}>>
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|display tiddler content in a TiddlyWiki popup panel|
<<tiddler ShowPopup with: TiddlerName label tooltip buttonClass width popupClass>>
*''~TiddlerName''<br>title of the tiddler to be displayed
*''label''<br>text for the command link
*''tooltip''<br>mouseover help text for the link
*''buttonClass''<br>CSS classname applied to the command text (default=button)
*''width''<br>width of the popup (using CSS measurements, default=auto)
*''popupClass''<br>CSS classname applied to the popup panel (default=none).<br>Use 'sticky' for persistent popups (see StickyPopupPlugin)
<<tiddler ShowPopup with: ShowPopup [[Try this]] [[show this tiddler in a popup]]>>
<<tiddler ShowPopup with: ShowPopup [[Try this]] [[show this tiddler in a popup]]>>

<html><hide linebreaks>
<a href="javascript:;" class="$4" title="$3" onclick="
	var p=Popup.create(this); if(!p)return;
	p.className+='$6'!='$'+'6'?' $6':'';
	var d=createTiddlyElement(p,'div');
	var s=d.style;

%/<<tiddler {{'ShowPopup##'+('$1'=='$'+'1'?'info':'show')}} with: [[$1]] [[$2]] [[$3]] [[$4]] [[$5]] [[$6]]>>
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Type|transclusion |
|Description|display document summary / tiddler stats (newest, oldest, largest, smallest, etc.)|
<<tiddler ShowTiddlerStatistics>>
{{fine{There are ''%0 tiddlers'', including:''<<tag systemConfig [[%1 plugins]]>>''+''<<tag transclusion [[%2 transclusions]]>>''(%3 total bytes)}}}
| last change:&nbsp;|[[%0]] {{fine{(updated %1)}}}|
| newest:&nbsp;|[[%2]] {{fine{(created %3)}}}|
| oldest:&nbsp;|[[%4]] {{fine{(created %5)}}}|
| smallest:&nbsp;|[[%6]] {{fine{(%7 bytes)}}}|
| largest:&nbsp;|[[%8]] {{fine{(%9 bytes)}}}|
%/<<tiddler ShowTiddlerStatistics##show with: {{
	var tiddlers=store.getTiddlers("modified","excludeLists");
	var last=tiddlers[tiddlers.length-1];
	var total=oldest=newest=smallest=largest=0;
	for (var i=0; i<tiddlers.length; i++) {
		if (!oldest || tiddlers[i].created<oldest)
			{ var oldest=tiddlers[i].created; var oldtid=tiddlers[i]; }
		if (!newest || tiddlers[i].created>newest)
			{ var newest=tiddlers[i].created; var newtid=tiddlers[i]; }
		if (!smallest || tiddlers[i].text.length<smallest)
			{ var smallest=tiddlers[i].text.length; var smalltid=tiddlers[i]; }
		if (!largest || tiddlers[i].text.length>largest)
			 { var largest=tiddlers[i].text.length; var largetid=tiddlers[i]; }
	var out=store.getTiddlerText("ShowTiddlerStatistics##summary").format([
		last.title, last.modified.formatString("MMM DDth YYYY, 0hh:0mm"),
		newtid.title, newtid.created.formatString("MMM DDth YYYY, 0hh:0mm"),
		oldtid.title, oldtid.created.formatString("MMM DDth YYYY, 0hh:0mm"),
		smalltid.title, smalltid.text.length,
		largetid.title, largetid.text.length]);
<<tabs txtMainTab "Tags" "All tags" TabTags "Timeline" "Timeline" TabTimeline   "More" "More lists" TabMore>>
Name: Silver Exodus 1959
Brand: Carlos Torano
Size: ?
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 91
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Cuban Cabinet
Brand: Sol Cubano
Size: Curchil (7x47)
Strength: Medium /Full
Wrapper: Ecuador Habano
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 02/10

|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Description|allow mouse interactions inside popups without automatically closing them|
Usually, when a TW popup is displayed, it is automatically closed whenever a click occurs //anywhere// in the document, either //inside// or //outside// the popup itself.  This plugin makes popups persistent (a.k.a, "sticky"), allowing you to perform multiple mouse interactions on content //inside// the popup (e.g., entering form fields, opening links, selecting text, etc.), remaining visible until you click //outside// the popup or perform an action that opens another popup (only one popup can be displayed at any given time).
You can cause popups to behave in a persistent ("sticky") manner simply by selecting the option checkbox below.  The selected popup display behavior will be applied to ALL popups in the document automatically.
><<option chkStickyPopups>> make all popups "sticky"
>{{{usage: <<option chkStickyPopups>>}}}
If you are developing your own plugins or inline scripts that create popups programmatically using the core function:
you can provide additional parameters that specify the desired CSS classname(s) to assign to the popup DOM element.  The default class when none is specified is simply "popup".  To create a //sticky// popup, simply enter a custom class combination like this:
Popup.create(this,null,"sticky popup")
2008.05.16 [1.0.1] added try..catch around addEvent/removeEvent calls to avoid error in Opera
2007.11.25 [1.0.0] initial release - moved from [[CoreTweaks]]
version.extensions.StickyPopupPlugin= {major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 1, date: new Date(2008,5,16)};

if (config.options.chkStickyPopups==undefined) config.options.chkStickyPopups=false;

Popup.stickyPopup_onDocumentClick = function(ev)
	// if click is in a sticky popup, ignore it so popup will remain visible
	var e = ev ? ev : window.event; var target = resolveTarget(e);
	var p=target; while (p) {
		if (hasClass(p,"popup") && (hasClass(p,"sticky")||config.options.chkStickyPopups)) break;
		else p=p.parentNode;
	if (!p) // not in sticky popup (or sticky popups disabled)... use normal click handling
	return true;
|Version|09/30/08 MTP|
|Description|adjustments for printing|

@media print {
/* Remove from Print Display */
#mainMenu, #sidebar, #messageArea, #toolbar, #hoverMenu, .toolbar, .tagged, .tagging, #tiddlersBar .tab, .subtitle, .header, #backstageArea, #backstageButton, #topMenu, .siteTitle, .siteSubtitle, .tiddler .subtitle, .tiddler .tagging, .tiddler .tagged, .tiddler .toolbar, .hoverMenu, .hD, .tagglyTagged, #breadCrumbs, #siteMenu, #storyMenu, .tagglyTagging .button, .tagglyTagging .hidebutton, .quickopentag a.button, .miniTag, noscript {
	display: none ! important;

/* Tiddler Formatting */
.tiddler {
	border-style: none ! important;
	margin:0px ! important;
	padding:0px ! important;
	padding-bottom:2em ! important;
	page-break-after: auto;
	page-break-before: auto;

/* Text Color */
.tiddler, .title, .hD, .fD, a {
	color:black ! important;

/* Border Color */
.viewer table, table.twtable, .viewer th, .viewer thead td, .twtable th, .twtable thead td, .viewer td, .viewer tr, .twtable td, .twtable tr, .button {
	border-color:black ! important;

/* Tweaks */
#displayArea {	margin: 1em !important;}
.headerShadow {	visibility: hidden ! important;}
.tagglyTagged .quickopentag, .tagged .quickopentag, .hD, .fD {	border-style: none ! important;}

|Author|Eric Shulman|
|License|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#LegalStatements <br>and [[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/]]|
|Description|'convenience' classes for common formatting, alignment, boxes, tables, etc.|

These 'style tweaks' can be easily included in other stylesheet tiddler so they can share a baseline look-and-feel that can then be customized to create a wide variety of 'flavors'.

/* text alignments */
	{ display:block;text-align:left; }
	{ display:block;text-align:center; }
.center table
	{ margin:auto !important; }
	{ display:block;text-align:right; }
	{ display:block;text-align:justify; }
	{ display:block;margin:0;padding:0;border:0;margin-left:2em; }
	{ float:left; }
	{ float:right; }
.valignTop, .valignTop table, .valignTop tbody, .valignTop th, .valignTop tr, .valignTop td
	{ vertical-align:top; }
.valignBottom, .valignBottom table, .valignBottom tbody, .valignBottom th, .valignBottom tr, .valignBottom td
	{ vertical-align:bottom; }
.valignMiddle, .valignMiddle table, .valignMiddle tbody, .valignMiddle th, .valignMiddle tr, .valignMiddle td
	{ vertical-align:middle; }
	{ clear:both; }
	{ white-space:normal; }
	{ white-space:nowrap; }
	{ display:none; }
	{ display:inline !important; }
	{ display:span; }
	{ display:block; }
	{ position:relative; }
	{ position:absolute; }

/* font sizes */
	{ font-size:14pt;line-height:120% }
	{ font-size:12pt;line-height:120% }
	{ font-size:9pt;line-height:120% }
	{ font-size:8pt;line-height:120% }
	{ font-size:7pt;line-height:120% }
	{ font-size:6pt;line-height:120% }
	{ font-size:120%; }
	{ font-size:80%; }

/* font styles */
	{ font-weight:bold; }
	{ font-style:italic; }
	{ text-decoration:underline; }

/* plain list items (no bullets or indent) */
.nobullets li { list-style-type: none; margin-left:-2em; }

/* multi-column tiddler content (not supported in Internet Explorer) */
.twocolumns { display:block;
	-moz-column-count:2; -moz-column-gap:1em; -moz-column-width:50%; /* FireFox */
	-webkit-column-count:2; -webkit-column-gap:1em; -webkit-column-width:50%; /* Safari */
	column-count:2; column-gap:1em; column-width:50%; /* Opera */
.threecolumns { display:block;
	-moz-column-count:3; -moz-column-gap:1em; -moz-column-width:33%; /* FireFox */
	-webkit-column-count:3; -webkit-column-gap:1em; -webkit-column-width:33%; /* Safari */
	column-count:3; column-gap:1em; column-width:33%; /* Opera */
.fourcolumns { display:block;
	-moz-column-count:4; -moz-column-gap:1em; -moz-column-width:25%; /* FireFox */
	-webkit-column-count:4; -webkit-column-gap:1em; -webkit-column-width:25%; /* Safari */
	column-count:4; column-gap:1em; column-width:25%; /* Opera */

/* show/hide browser-specific content for InternetExplorer vs. non-IE ("moz") browsers */
	{ display:none; } /* hide in moz (uses CSS selector) */
* html .mozOnly, *:first-child+html .mozOnly
	{ display: none; } /* hide in IE (uses IE6/IE7 CSS hacks) */

/* borderless tables */
.borderless, .borderless table, .borderless td, .borderless tr, .borderless th, .borderless tbody
	{ border:0 !important; margin:0 !important; padding:0 !important; }
.widetable, .widetable table
	{ width:100%; }

/* thumbnail images (fixed-sized scaled images) */
.thumbnail img { height:5em !important; }

/* stretchable images (auto-size to fit tiddler) */
.stretch img { width:95%; }

/* grouped content */
	{ display:block; padding:1em; -moz-border-radius:1em;-webkit-border-radius:1em; border:1px solid; }
	{ display:block; padding:1em; -moz-border-radius:1em;-webkit-border-radius:1em; border:1px solid; background:#fff; color:#000; }
.menubox .button, .menubox .tiddlyLinkExisting, .menubox .tiddlyLinkNonExisting
	{ color:#009 !important; }
	{ display:block; padding:1em; -moz-border-radius:1em;-webkit-border-radius:1em; border:1px solid; background:#ffe; color:#000; }
.groupbox a, .groupbox .button, .groupbox .tiddlyLinkExisting, .groupbox .tiddlyLinkNonExisting
	{ color:#009 !important; }
.groupbox code
	{ color:#333 !important; }
	{ margin:0;padding:0;border:0;margin-left:1em; border-left:1px dotted; padding-left:.5em; }
	{ margin:0;padding:0;border:0;margin-right:1em; border-right:1px dotted; padding-right:.5em; }
	{ margin:0;padding:1px 0;border:0;border-bottom:1px dotted; margin-bottom:1px; padding-bottom:1px; }
	{ margin:0;padding:0;border:0;border-top:1px dotted; margin-top:1px; padding-top:1px; }

/* scrolled content */
.scrollbars { overflow:auto; }
.height10em { height:10em; }
.height15em { height:15em; }
.height20em { height:20em; }
.height25em { height:25em; }
.height30em { height:30em; }
.height35em { height:35em; }
.height40em { height:40em; }

/* compact form */
	{ white-space:nowrap; }
.smallform input, .smallform textarea, .smallform button, .smallform checkbox, .smallform radio, .smallform select
	{ font-size:8pt; }

/* stretchable edit fields and textareas (auto-size to fit tiddler) */
.stretch input { width:99%; }
.stretch textarea { width:99%; }

/* compact input fields (limited to a few characters for entering percentages and other small values) */
.onechar input   { width:1em; }
.twochar input   { width:2em; }
.threechar input { width:3em; }
.fourchar input  { width:4em; }
.fivechar input  { width:5em; }

/* text colors */
.white { color:#fff !important }
.gray  { color:#999 !important }
.black { color:#000 !important }
.red   { color:#f66 !important }
.green { color:#0c0 !important }
.blue  { color:#99f !important }

/* rollover highlighting */
	{color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]] !important;}
.mouseover a
	{color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]] !important;}
.selected .mouseover
	{color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]] !important;}
.selected .mouseover .button, .selected .mouseover a
	{color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]] !important;}

/* rollover zoom text */
	{ font-size:80% !important; }
.selected .zoomover
	{ font-size:100% !important; }

/* [[ColorPalette]] text colors */
.Background	{ color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];	 }
.Foreground	{ color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];	 }
.PrimaryPale	{ color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]];	 }
.PrimaryLight	{ color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryLight]];	 }
.PrimaryMid	{ color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];	 }
.PrimaryDark	{ color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]];	 }
.SecondaryPale	{ color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]]; }
.SecondaryLight	{ color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]];}
.SecondaryMid	{ color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];	 }
.SecondaryDark	{ color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]]; }
.TertiaryPale	{ color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]];	 }
.TertiaryLight	{ color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]]; }
.TertiaryMid	{ color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];	 }
.TertiaryDark	{ color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];	 }
.Error		{ color:[[ColorPalette::Error]];	 }

/* [[ColorPalette]] background colors */
.BGBackground	  { background-color:[[ColorPalette::Background]];	}
.BGForeground	  { background-color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];	}
.BGPrimaryPale	  { background-color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryPale]];	}
.BGPrimaryLight	  { background-color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryLight]];	}
.BGPrimaryMid	  { background-color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]];	}
.BGPrimaryDark	  { background-color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]];	}
.BGSecondaryPale  { background-color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]]; 	}
.BGSecondaryLight { background-color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryLight]];	}
.BGSecondaryMid	  { background-color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryMid]];	}
.BGSecondaryDark  { background-color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]]; 	}
.BGTertiaryPale	  { background-color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]];	}
.BGTertiaryLight  { background-color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]]; 	}
.BGTertiaryMid	  { background-color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];	}
.BGTertiaryDark	  { background-color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];	}
.BGError	  { background-color:[[ColorPalette::Error]];	 	}
#tiddlersBar .button {border:0}
#tiddlersBar .tab {white-space:nowrap}
#tiddlersBar {padding : 0em 0.5em 2px 0.5em}
.tabUnselected .tabButton, .tabSelected .tabButton {padding : 0 2px 0 2px; margin: 0 0 0 4px;}

<<tabs txtMoreTab "No Tag" "All tiddlers without a tag" NoTag "All" "All tiddlers" TabAll "Shadowed" "Shadowed tiddlers" TabMoreShadowed>>
Name: Dolce
Brand: Tabak Especial by Drew Estate
Size: Robusto
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 87
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Dolce
Brand: Tabak Especial by Drew Estate
Size: 4x38 Colada
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 87
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Dolce
Brand: Tabak Especial by Drew Estate
Size: Corona
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Connecticut Broadleaf
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 87
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Dolce
Brand: Tabak Especial by Drew Estate
Size: 4x38 Colada
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: 87
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Dolce Negra
Brand: Tabak Especial by Drew Estate
Size: Corona
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 87
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Short Shot Dulce
Brand: Tabak Especial by Drew Estate
Size: Segundo (4x32)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Natural
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Famous Smoke box of 50 freebie with a Tabak Especial box purchase

|''Description:''|Dynamically sort tables by clicking on column headers|
|''Author:''|Saq Imtiaz ( lewcid@gmail.com )|
|''Code Repository:''|http://tw.lewcid.org/svn/plugins|
|''License:''|[[Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/]]|
* Make sure your table has a header row
** {{{|Name|Phone Number|Address|h}}}<br> Note the /h/ that denote a header row 
* Give the table a class of 'sortable'
** {{{
|Name|Phone Number|Address|h
}}}<br>Note the /k/ that denotes a class name being assigned to the table.
* To disallow sorting by a column, place {{{<<nosort>>}}} in it's header
* To automatically sort a table by a column, place {{{<<autosort>>}}} in the header for that column
** Or to sort automatically but in reverse order, use {{{<<autosort reverse>>}}}

|Name |Salary |Extension |Performance |File Size |Start date |h
|ZBloggs, Fred |$12000.00 |1353 |+1.2 |74.2Kb |Aug 19, 2003 21:34:00 |
|ABloggs, Fred |$12000.00 |1353 |1.2 |3350b |09/18/2003 |
|CBloggs, Fred |$12000 |1353 |1.200 |55.2Kb |August 18, 2003 |
|DBloggs, Fred |$12000.00 |1353 |1.2 |2100b |07/18/2003 |
|Bloggs, Fred |$12000.00 |1353 |01.20 |6.156Mb |08/17/2003 05:43 |
|Turvey, Kevin |$191200.00 |2342 |-33 |1b |02/05/1979 |
|Mbogo, Arnold |$32010.12 |2755 |-21.673 |1.2Gb |09/08/1998 |
|Shakespeare, Bill |£122000.00|3211 |6 |33.22Gb |12/11/1961 |
|Shakespeare, Hamlet |£9000 |9005 |-8 |3Gb |01/01/2002 |
|Fitz, Marvin |€3300.30 |5554 |+5 |4Kb |05/22/1995 |

// /%
config.tableSorting = {
	darrow: "\u2193",
	uarrow: "\u2191",
	getText : function (o) {
		var p = o.cells[SORT_INDEX];
		return p.innerText || p.textContent || '';
	sortTable : function (o,rev) {
		SORT_INDEX = o.getAttribute("index");
		var c = config.tableSorting;
		var T = findRelated(o.parentNode,"TABLE");
		var itm = "";
		var i = 0;
		while (itm == "" && i < T.tBodies[0].rows.length) {
			itm = c.getText(T.tBodies[0].rows[i]).trim();
		if (itm == "") 
		var r = [];
		var S = o.getElementsByTagName("span")[0];		
		c.fn = c.sortAlpha; 
			c.fn = c.sortDate; 
		else if(itm.match(/^[$|£|€|\+|\-]{0,1}\d*\.{0,1}\d+$/)) 
			c.fn = c.sortNumber; 
		else if(itm.match(/^\d*\.{0,1}\d+[K|M|G]{0,1}b$/)) 
			c.fn = c.sortFile; 
		for(i=0; i<T.tBodies[0].rows.length; i++) {
		if(S.firstChild.nodeValue==c.darrow || rev) {
		var thead = T.getElementsByTagName('thead')[0]; 
		var headers = thead.rows[thead.rows.length-1].cells;
		for(var k=0; k<headers.length; k++) {
		for(i=0; i<r.length; i++) { 
			for(var j=0; j<r[i].cells.length;j++){
	stripe : function (e,i){
		var cl = ["oddRow","evenRow"];
		i&1? cl.reverse() : cl;
	sortNumber : function(v) {
		var x = parseFloat(this.getText(v).replace(/[^0-9.-]/g,''));
		return isNaN(x)? 0: x;
	sortDate : function(v) {
		return Date.parse(this.getText(v));

	sortAlpha : function(v) {
		return this.getText(v).toLowerCase();
	sortFile : function(v) { 		
		var j, q = config.messages.sizeTemplates, s = this.getText(v);
		for (var i=0; i<q.length; i++) {
			if ((j = s.toLowerCase().indexOf(q[i].template.replace("%0\u00a0","").toLowerCase())) != -1)
				return q[i].unit * s.substr(0,j);
		return parseFloat(s);
	reSort : function(a,b){
		var c = config.tableSorting;
		var aa = c.fn(a);
		var bb = c.fn(b);
		return ((aa==bb)? 0 : ((aa<bb)? -1:1));

Story.prototype.tSort_refreshTiddler = Story.prototype.refreshTiddler;
Story.prototype.refreshTiddler = function(title,template,force,customFields,defaultText){
	var elem = this.tSort_refreshTiddler.apply(this,arguments);
		var tables = elem.getElementsByTagName("TABLE");
		var c = config.tableSorting;
		for(var i=0; i<tables.length; i++){
				var x = null, rev, table = tables[i], thead = table.getElementsByTagName('thead')[0], headers = thead.rows[thead.rows.length-1].cells;
				for (var j=0; j<headers.length; j++){
					var h = headers[j];
					if (hasClass(h,"nosort"))
					h.onclick = function(){c.sortTable(this); return false;};
					h.ondblclick = stopEvent;
					if(h.getElementsByTagName("span").length == 0)
					if(!x && hasClass(h,"autosort")) {
						x = j;
						rev = hasClass(h,"reverse");
	return elem; 

setStylesheet("table.sortable span.hidden {visibility:hidden;}\n"+
	"table.sortable thead {cursor:pointer;}\n"+
	"table.sortable .nosort {cursor:default;}\n"+
	"table.sortable td.sortedCol {background:#ffc;}","TableSortingPluginStyles");

function stopEvent(e){
	var ev = e? e : window.event;
	ev.cancelBubble = true;
	if (ev.stopPropagation) ev.stopPropagation();
	return false;	

	handler : function(place){

	handler : function(place,m,p,w,pS){
		addClass(place,"autosort"+" "+pS);		
// %/
|Description:|tagglyTagging macro is a replacement for the builtin tagging macro in your ViewTemplate|
|Version:|3.3.1 ($Rev: 6100 $)|
|Date:|$Date: 2008-07-27 01:42:07 +1000 (Sun, 27 Jul 2008) $|
|Author:|Simon Baird <simon.baird@gmail.com>|
See http://mptw.tiddlyspot.com/#TagglyTagging
06.20.09 Modified Default {{{listMode:   ["normal","group","sitemap","commas"],}}} to make sitemap first


	parseTagExpr: function(debug) {

		if (this.trim() == "")
			return "(true)";

		var anyLogicOp = /(!|&&|\|\||\(|\))/g;
		var singleLogicOp = /^(!|&&|\|\||\(|\))$/;

		var spaced = this.
			// because square brackets in templates are no good
			// this means you can use [(With Spaces)] instead of [[With Spaces]]
			replace(/\[\(/g," [[").
			replace(/\)\]/g,"]] "). 
			// space things out so we can use readBracketedList. tricky eh?
			replace(anyLogicOp," $1 ");

		var expr = "";

		var tokens = spaced.readBracketedList(false); // false means don't uniq the list. nice one JR!

		for (var i=0;i<tokens.length;i++)
			if (tokens[i].match(singleLogicOp))
				expr += tokens[i];
				expr += "tiddler.tags.contains('%0')".format([tokens[i].replace(/'/,"\\'")]); // fix single quote bug. still have round bracket bug i think

		if (debug)

		return '('+expr+')';


	getTiddlersByTagExpr: function(tagExpr,sortField) {

		var result = [];

		var expr = tagExpr.parseTagExpr();

		store.forEachTiddler(function(title,tiddler) {
			if (eval(expr))

			sortField = "title";

		result.sort(function(a,b) {return a[sortField] < b[sortField] ? -1 : (a[sortField] == b[sortField] ? 0 : +1);});
		return result;

config.taggly = {

	// for translations
	lingo: {
		labels: {
			asc:        "\u2191", // down arrow
			desc:       "\u2193", // up arrow
			title:      "title",
			modified:   "modified",
			created:    "created",
			show:       "+",
			hide:       "-",
			normal:     "normal",
			group:      "group",
			commas:     "commas",
			sitemap:    "sitemap",
			numCols:    "cols\u00b1", // plus minus sign
			label:      "Tagged as '%0':",
			exprLabel:  "Matching tag expression '%0':",
			excerpts:   "excerpts",
			descr:      "descr",
			slices:     "slices",
			contents:   "contents",
			sliders:    "sliders",
			noexcerpts: "title only",
			noneFound:  "(none)"

		tooltips: {
			title:      "Click to sort by title",
			modified:   "Click to sort by modified date",
			created:    "Click to sort by created date",
			show:       "Click to show tagging list",
			hide:       "Click to hide tagging list",
			normal:     "Click to show a normal ungrouped list",
			group:      "Click to show list grouped by tag",
			sitemap:    "Click to show a sitemap style list",
			commas:     "Click to show a comma separated list",
			numCols:    "Click to change number of columns",
			excerpts:   "Click to show excerpts",
			descr:      "Click to show the description slice",
			slices:     "Click to show all slices",
			contents:   "Click to show entire tiddler contents",
			sliders:    "Click to show tiddler contents in sliders",
			noexcerpts: "Click to show entire title only"

		tooDeepMessage: "* //sitemap too deep...//"

	config: {
		showTaggingCounts: true,
		listOpts: {
			// the first one will be the default
			sortBy:     ["title","modified","created"],
			sortOrder:  ["asc","desc"],
			hideState:  ["show","hide"],
			listMode:   ["sitemap","normal","group","commas"],
			numCols:    ["1","2","3","4","5","6"],
			excerpts:   ["noexcerpts","excerpts","descr","slices","contents","sliders"]
		valuePrefix: "taggly.",
		excludeTags: ["excludeLists","excludeTagging"],
		excerptSize: 50,
		excerptMarker: "/%"+"%/",
		siteMapDepthLimit: 25

	getTagglyOpt: function(title,opt) {
		var val = store.getValue(title,this.config.valuePrefix+opt);
		return val ? val : this.config.listOpts[opt][0];

	setTagglyOpt: function(title,opt,value) {
		if (!store.tiddlerExists(title))
			// create it silently
			store.saveTiddler(title,title,config.views.editor.defaultText.format([title]),config.options.txtUserName,new Date(),"");
		// if value is default then remove it to save space
		return store.setValue(title,
			value == this.config.listOpts[opt][0] ? null : value);

	getNextValue: function(title,opt) {
		var current = this.getTagglyOpt(title,opt);
		var pos = this.config.listOpts[opt].indexOf(current);
		// a little usability enhancement. actually it doesn't work right for grouped or sitemap
		var limit = (opt == "numCols" ? store.getTiddlersByTagExpr(title).length : this.config.listOpts[opt].length);
		var newPos = (pos + 1) % limit;
		return this.config.listOpts[opt][newPos];

	toggleTagglyOpt: function(title,opt) {
		var newVal = this.getNextValue(title,opt);

	createListControl: function(place,title,type) {
		var lingo = config.taggly.lingo;
		var label;
		var tooltip;
		var onclick;

		if ((type == "title" || type == "modified" || type == "created")) {
			// "special" controls. a little tricky. derived from sortOrder and sortBy
			label = lingo.labels[type];
			tooltip = lingo.tooltips[type];

			if (this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortBy") == type) {
				label += lingo.labels[this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortOrder")];
				onclick = function() {
					return false;
			else {
				onclick = function() {
					return false;
		else {
			// "regular" controls, nice and simple
			label = lingo.labels[type == "numCols" ? type : this.getNextValue(title,type)];
			tooltip = lingo.tooltips[type == "numCols" ? type : this.getNextValue(title,type)];
			onclick = function() {
				return false;

		// hide button because commas don't have columns
		if (!(this.getTagglyOpt(title,"listMode") == "commas" && type == "numCols"))
			createTiddlyButton(place,label,tooltip,onclick,type == "hideState" ? "hidebutton" : "button");

	makeColumns: function(orig,numCols) {
		var listSize = orig.length;
		var colSize = listSize/numCols;
		var remainder = listSize % numCols;

		var upperColsize = colSize;
		var lowerColsize = colSize;

		if (colSize != Math.floor(colSize)) {
			// it's not an exact fit so..
			upperColsize = Math.floor(colSize) + 1;
			lowerColsize = Math.floor(colSize);

		var output = [];
		var c = 0;
		for (var j=0;j<numCols;j++) {
			var singleCol = [];
			var thisSize = j < remainder ? upperColsize : lowerColsize;
			for (var i=0;i<thisSize;i++) 

		return output;

	drawTable: function(place,columns,theClass) {
		var newTable = createTiddlyElement(place,"table",null,theClass);
		var newTbody = createTiddlyElement(newTable,"tbody");
		var newTr = createTiddlyElement(newTbody,"tr");
		for (var j=0;j<columns.length;j++) {
			var colOutput = "";
			for (var i=0;i<columns[j].length;i++) 
				colOutput += columns[j][i];
			var newTd = createTiddlyElement(newTr,"td",null,"tagglyTagging"); // todo should not need this class
		return newTable;

	createTagglyList: function(place,title,isTagExpr) {
		switch(this.getTagglyOpt(title,"listMode")) {
			case "group":  return this.createTagglyListGrouped(place,title,isTagExpr); break;
			case "normal": return this.createTagglyListNormal(place,title,false,isTagExpr); break;
			case "commas": return this.createTagglyListNormal(place,title,true,isTagExpr); break;
			case "sitemap":return this.createTagglyListSiteMap(place,title,isTagExpr); break;

	getTaggingCount: function(title,isTagExpr) {
		// thanks to Doug Edmunds
		if (this.config.showTaggingCounts) {
			var tagCount = config.taggly.getTiddlers(title,'title',isTagExpr).length;
			if (tagCount > 0)
				return " ("+tagCount+")";
		return "";

	getTiddlers: function(titleOrExpr,sortBy,isTagExpr) {
		return isTagExpr ? store.getTiddlersByTagExpr(titleOrExpr,sortBy) : store.getTaggedTiddlers(titleOrExpr,sortBy);

	getExcerpt: function(inTiddlerTitle,title,indent) {
		if (!indent)
			indent = 1;

		var displayMode = this.getTagglyOpt(inTiddlerTitle,"excerpts");
		var t = store.getTiddler(title);

		if (t && displayMode == "excerpts") {
			var text = t.text.replace(/\n/," ");
			var marker = text.indexOf(this.config.excerptMarker);
			if (marker != -1) {
				return " {{excerpt{<nowiki>" + text.substr(0,marker) + "</nowiki>}}}";
			else if (text.length < this.config.excerptSize) {
				return " {{excerpt{<nowiki>" + t.text + "</nowiki>}}}";
			else {
				return " {{excerpt{<nowiki>" + t.text.substr(0,this.config.excerptSize) + "..." + "</nowiki>}}}";
		else if (t && displayMode == "contents") {
			return "\n{{contents indent"+indent+"{\n" + t.text + "\n}}}";
		else if (t && displayMode == "sliders") {
			return "<slider slide>\n{{contents{\n" + t.text + "\n}}}\n</slider>";
		else if (t && displayMode == "descr") {
			var descr = store.getTiddlerSlice(title,'Description');
			return descr ? " {{excerpt{" + descr  + "}}}" : "";
		else if (t && displayMode == "slices") {
			var result = "";
			var slices = store.calcAllSlices(title);
			for (var s in slices)
				result += "|%0|<nowiki>%1</nowiki>|\n".format([s,slices[s]]);
			return result ? "\n{{excerpt excerptIndent{\n" + result  + "}}}" : "";
		return "";

	notHidden: function(t,inTiddler) {
		if (typeof t == "string") 
			t = store.getTiddler(t);
		return (!t || !t.tags.containsAny(this.config.excludeTags) ||
				(inTiddler && this.config.excludeTags.contains(inTiddler)));

	// this is for normal and commas mode
	createTagglyListNormal: function(place,title,useCommas,isTagExpr) {

		var list = config.taggly.getTiddlers(title,this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortBy"),isTagExpr);

		if (this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortOrder") == "desc")
			list = list.reverse();

		var output = [];
		var first = true;
		for (var i=0;i<list.length;i++) {
			if (this.notHidden(list[i],title)) {
				var countString = this.getTaggingCount(list[i].title);
				var excerpt = this.getExcerpt(title,list[i].title);
				if (useCommas)
					output.push((first ? "" : ", ") + "[[" + list[i].title + "]]" + countString + excerpt);
					output.push("*[[" + list[i].title + "]]" + countString + excerpt + "\n");

				first = false;

		return this.drawTable(place,
			this.makeColumns(output,useCommas ? 1 : parseInt(this.getTagglyOpt(title,"numCols"))),
			useCommas ? "commas" : "normal");

	// this is for the "grouped" mode
	createTagglyListGrouped: function(place,title,isTagExpr) {
		var sortBy = this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortBy");
		var sortOrder = this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortOrder");

		var list = config.taggly.getTiddlers(title,sortBy,isTagExpr);

		if (sortOrder == "desc")
			list = list.reverse();

		var leftOvers = []
		for (var i=0;i<list.length;i++)

		var allTagsHolder = {};
		for (var i=0;i<list.length;i++) {
			for (var j=0;j<list[i].tags.length;j++) {

				if (list[i].tags[j] != title) { // not this tiddler

					if (this.notHidden(list[i].tags[j],title)) {

						if (!allTagsHolder[list[i].tags[j]])
							allTagsHolder[list[i].tags[j]] = "";

						if (this.notHidden(list[i],title)) {
							allTagsHolder[list[i].tags[j]] += "**[["+list[i].title+"]]"
										+ this.getTaggingCount(list[i].title) + this.getExcerpt(title,list[i].title) + "\n";

							leftOvers.setItem(list[i].title,-1); // remove from leftovers. at the end it will contain the leftovers


		var allTags = [];
		for (var t in allTagsHolder)

		var sortHelper = function(a,b) {
			if (a == b) return 0;
			if (a < b) return -1;
			return 1;

		allTags.sort(function(a,b) {
			var tidA = store.getTiddler(a);
			var tidB = store.getTiddler(b);
			if (sortBy == "title") return sortHelper(a,b);
			else if (!tidA && !tidB) return 0;
			else if (!tidA) return -1;
			else if (!tidB) return +1;
			else return sortHelper(tidA[sortBy],tidB[sortBy]);

		var leftOverOutput = "";
		for (var i=0;i<leftOvers.length;i++)
			if (this.notHidden(leftOvers[i],title))
				leftOverOutput += "*[["+leftOvers[i]+"]]" + this.getTaggingCount(leftOvers[i]) + this.getExcerpt(title,leftOvers[i]) + "\n";

		var output = [];

		if (sortOrder == "desc")
		else if (leftOverOutput != "")
			// leftovers first...

		for (var i=0;i<allTags.length;i++)
			if (allTagsHolder[allTags[i]] != "")
				output.push("*[["+allTags[i]+"]]" + this.getTaggingCount(allTags[i]) + this.getExcerpt(title,allTags[i]) + "\n" + allTagsHolder[allTags[i]]);

		if (sortOrder == "desc" && leftOverOutput != "")
			// leftovers last...

		return this.drawTable(place,


	// used to build site map
	treeTraverse: function(title,depth,sortBy,sortOrder,isTagExpr) {

		var list = config.taggly.getTiddlers(title,sortBy,isTagExpr);

		if (sortOrder == "desc")

		var indent = "";
		for (var j=0;j<depth;j++)
			indent += "*"

		var childOutput = "";

		if (depth > this.config.siteMapDepthLimit)
			childOutput += indent + this.lingo.tooDeepMessage;
			for (var i=0;i<list.length;i++)
				if (list[i].title != title)
					if (this.notHidden(list[i].title,this.config.inTiddler))
						childOutput += this.treeTraverse(list[i].title,depth+1,sortBy,sortOrder,false);

		if (depth == 0)
			return childOutput;
			return indent + "[["+title+"]]" + this.getTaggingCount(title) + this.getExcerpt(this.config.inTiddler,title,depth) + "\n" + childOutput;

	// this if for the site map mode
	createTagglyListSiteMap: function(place,title,isTagExpr) {
		this.config.inTiddler = title; // nasty. should pass it in to traverse probably
		var output = this.treeTraverse(title,0,this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortBy"),this.getTagglyOpt(title,"sortOrder"),isTagExpr);
		return this.drawTable(place,
				this.makeColumns(output.split(/(?=^\*\[)/m),parseInt(this.getTagglyOpt(title,"numCols"))), // regexp magic

	macros: {
		tagglyTagging: {
			handler: function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
				var parsedParams = paramString.parseParams("tag",null,true);
				var refreshContainer = createTiddlyElement(place,"div");

				// do some refresh magic to make it keep the list fresh - thanks Saq

				var tag = getParam(parsedParams,"tag");
				var expr = getParam(parsedParams,"expr");

				if (expr) {
				else {
					if (tag) {
					else {

			refresh: function(place) {
				var title = place.getAttribute("title");
				var isTagExpr = place.getAttribute("isTagExpr") == "true";
				var showEmpty = place.getAttribute("showEmpty") == "true";
				var countFound = config.taggly.getTiddlers(title,'title',isTagExpr).length
				if (countFound > 0 || showEmpty) {
					var lingo = config.taggly.lingo;
					if (config.taggly.getTagglyOpt(title,"hideState") == "show") {
								isTagExpr ? lingo.labels.exprLabel.format([title]) : lingo.labels.label.format([title]));
						if (countFound == 0 && showEmpty)

	// todo fix these up a bit
	styles: [
"/* created by TagglyTaggingPlugin */",
".tagglyTagging { padding-top:0.5em; }",
".tagglyTagging li.listTitle { display:none; }",
".tagglyTagging ul {",
"	margin-top:0px; padding-top:0.5em; padding-left:2em;",
"	margin-bottom:0px; padding-bottom:0px;",
".tagglyTagging { vertical-align: top; margin:0px; padding:0px; }",
".tagglyTagging table { margin:0px; padding:0px; }",
".tagglyTagging .button { visibility:hidden; margin-left:3px; margin-right:3px; }",
".tagglyTagging .button, .tagglyTagging .hidebutton {",
"	color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]]; font-size:90%;",
"	border:0px; padding-left:0.3em;padding-right:0.3em;",
".tagglyTagging .button:hover, .hidebutton:hover, ",
".tagglyTagging .button:active, .hidebutton:active  {",
"	border:0px; background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];",
".selected .tagglyTagging .button { visibility:visible; }",
".tagglyTagging .hidebutton { color:[[ColorPalette::Background]]; }",
".selected .tagglyTagging .hidebutton { color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryLight]] }",
".tagglyLabel { color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; font-size:90%; }",
".tagglyTagging ul {padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0.5em; margin-left:1em; }",
".tagglyTagging ul ul {list-style-type:disc; margin-left:-1em;}",
".tagglyTagging ul ul li {margin-left:0.5em; }",
".editLabel { font-size:90%; padding-top:0.5em; }",
".tagglyTagging .commas { padding-left:1.8em; }",
"/* not technically tagglytagging but will put them here anyway */",
".tagglyTagged li.listTitle { display:none; }",
".tagglyTagged li { display: inline; font-size:90%; }",
".tagglyTagged ul { margin:0px; padding:0px; }",
".excerpt { color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; }",
".excerptIndent { margin-left:4em; }",
"div.tagglyTagging table,",
"div.tagglyTagging table tr,",
" {border-style:none!important; }",
".tagglyTagging .contents { border-bottom:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; padding:0 1em 1em 0.5em;",
"  margin-bottom:0.5em; }",
".tagglyTagging .indent1  { margin-left:3em;  }",
".tagglyTagging .indent2  { margin-left:4em;  }",
".tagglyTagging .indent3  { margin-left:5em;  }",
".tagglyTagging .indent4  { margin-left:6em;  }",
".tagglyTagging .indent5  { margin-left:7em;  }",
".tagglyTagging .indent6  { margin-left:8em;  }",
".tagglyTagging .indent7  { margin-left:9em;  }",
".tagglyTagging .indent8  { margin-left:10em; }",
".tagglyTagging .indent9  { margin-left:11em; }",
".tagglyTagging .indent10 { margin-left:12em; }",
".tagglyNoneFound { margin-left:2em; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; font-size:90%; font-style:italic; }",

	init: function() {
		config.shadowTiddlers["TagglyTaggingStyles"] = this.styles;



By Saq Imtiaz

// syntax adjusted to not clash with NestedSlidersPlugin
// added + syntax to start open instead of closed

config.formatters.unshift( {
	name: "inlinesliders",
	// match: "\\+\\+\\+\\+|\\<slider",
	match: "\\<slider",
	// lookaheadRegExp: /(?:\+\+\+\+|<slider) (.*?)(?:>?)\n((?:.|\n)*?)\n(?:====|<\/slider>)/mg,
	lookaheadRegExp: /(?:<slider)(\+?) (.*?)(?:>)\n((?:.|\n)*?)\n(?:<\/slider>)/mg,
	handler: function(w) {
		this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
		var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source)
		if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart ) {
			var btn = createTiddlyButton(w.output,lookaheadMatch[2] + " "+"\u00BB",lookaheadMatch[2],this.onClickSlider,"button sliderButton");
			var panel = createTiddlyElement(w.output,"div",null,"sliderPanel");
			panel.style.display = (lookaheadMatch[1] == '+' ? "block" : "none");
			w.nextMatch = lookaheadMatch.index + lookaheadMatch[0].length;
   onClickSlider : function(e) {
		if(!e) var e = window.event;
		var n = this.nextSibling;
		n.style.display = (n.style.display=="none") ? "block" : "none";
		return false;

Name: Cherry
Brand: Tatiana
Size: Corona (6x44)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Colorado Maduro
Country: Dominican Republic
PersonalRank: 7
ProfessionalRank: N/A
RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Chocolate
Brand: Tatiana
Size: Corona (6x44)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Indonesian
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: Tafdom (Stogie Chat)
Purchased: Yes
Gift from "cigar smoker" at Drew Estate event
Good draw, very sweet (almost like a desert)

Name: Cinnamon
Brand: Tatiana
Size: Corona (6x44)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Colorado Maduro
Country: Dominican Republic
PersonalRank: 7.5
ProfessionalRank: N/A
RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Groovy Blue
Brand: Tatiana
Size: Corona (6x44)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Colorado Maduro
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: Tafdom (Stogie Chat)
Purchased: Yes

Name: Honey
Brand: Tatiana
Size: Corona (6x44)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Colorado Maduro
Country: Dominican Republic
PersonalRank: 8
ProfessionalRank: N/A
RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Mocha
Brand: Tatiana
Size: 5x38
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Maduro
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 7.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Mocha
Brand: Tatiana
Size: Stabona 5x58
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Sumatra
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 09/09

Name: Night Cap
Brand: Tatiana
Size: Corona (6x44)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Colorado Maduro
Country: Dominican Republic
PersonalRank: 8
ProfessionalRank: N/A
RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Rum
Brand: Tatiana
Size: Corona (6x44)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Colorado Maduro
Country: Dominican Republic
PersonalRank: 7
ProfessionalRank: N/A
RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Vanilla
Brand: Tatiana
Size: Corona (6x44)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Colorado Maduro
Country: Dominican Republic
PersonalRank: 7.5
ProfessionalRank: N/A
RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Waking Dream
Brand: Tatiana
Size: Corona (6x44)
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: Colorado Maduro
Country: Dominican Republic
PersonalRank: 8.5
ProfessionalRank: N/A
RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Tempus
Brand: Alec Bradley
Size: Quadrum (5.5x55)
Strength: Medium/Full
Wrapper: Habano
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: 94
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 03/10

<<newJournal "0MM.0DD.YYYY" Journal>>
''<html><a href="javascript:;" onclick="story.closeAllTiddlers();restart();">Restart</a></html>''
''<html><a href="javascript:;"onclick="saveChanges();window.location.reload( false );">Save & Reload</a></html>''
<<newTiddler label:'New Cigar' title:'New Cigar' text:{{store.getTiddlerText('CigarTemplate','')}} tag:'Cigar'>>
<<newTiddler label:'New Cigar of the Month' title:'New Cigar of the Month' text:{{store.getTiddlerText('CigarTemplate','')}} tag:'Cigar]] [[Cigar of the Month'>>
|''Description:''|A bar to switch between tiddlers through tabs (like browser tabs bar).|
|''Date:''|Jan 18,2008|
|''Author:''|Pascal Collin|
|''License:''|[[BSD open source license|License]]|
|''Browser:''|Firefox 2.0; InternetExplorer 6.0, others|
On [[homepage|http://visualtw.ouvaton.org/VisualTW.html]], open several tiddlers to use the tabs bar.
#import this tiddler from [[homepage|http://visualtw.ouvaton.org/VisualTW.html]] (tagged as systemConfig)
#save and reload
#''if you're using a custom [[PageTemplate]]'', add {{{<div id='tiddlersBar' refresh='none' ondblclick='config.macros.tiddlersBar.onTiddlersBarAction(event)'></div>}}} before {{{<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>}}}
#optionally, adjust StyleSheetTiddlersBar
*Doubleclick on the tiddlers bar (where there is no tab) create a new tiddler.
*Tabs include a button to close {{{x}}} or save {{{!}}} their tiddler.
*By default, click on the current tab close all others tiddlers.
!Configuration options 
<<option chkDisableTabsBar>> Disable the tabs bar (to print, by example).
<<option chkHideTabsBarWhenSingleTab >> Automatically hide the tabs bar when only one tiddler is displayed. 
<<option txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton>> ''selected'' tab command button.
<<option txtPreviousTabKey>> previous tab access key.
<<option txtNextTabKey>> next tab access key.

config.options.chkDisableTabsBar = config.options.chkDisableTabsBar ? config.options.chkDisableTabsBar : false;
config.options.chkHideTabsBarWhenSingleTab  = config.options.chkHideTabsBarWhenSingleTab  ? config.options.chkHideTabsBarWhenSingleTab  : false;
config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton = config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton ? config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton : "closeOthers";
config.options.txtPreviousTabKey = config.options.txtPreviousTabKey ? config.options.txtPreviousTabKey : "";
config.options.txtNextTabKey = config.options.txtNextTabKey ? config.options.txtNextTabKey : "";
config.macros.tiddlersBar = {
	tooltip : "see ",
	tooltipClose : "click here to close this tab",
	tooltipSave : "click here to save this tab",
	promptRename : "Enter tiddler new name",
	currentTiddler : "",
	previousState : false,
	previousKey : config.options.txtPreviousTabKey,
	nextKey : config.options.txtNextTabKey,	
	tabsAnimationSource : null, //use document.getElementById("tiddlerDisplay") if you need animation on tab switching.
	handler: function(place,macroName,params) {
		var previous = null;
		if (config.macros.tiddlersBar.isShown())
				if (title==config.macros.tiddlersBar.currentTiddler){
					var d = createTiddlyElement(null,"span",null,"tab tabSelected");
					if (previous && config.macros.tiddlersBar.previousKey) previous.setAttribute("accessKey",config.macros.tiddlersBar.nextKey);
					previous = "active";
				else {
					var d = createTiddlyElement(place,"span",null,"tab tabUnselected");
					var btn = createTiddlyButton(d,title,config.macros.tiddlersBar.tooltip + title,config.macros.tiddlersBar.onSelectTab);
					btn.setAttribute("tiddler", title);
					if (previous=="active" && config.macros.tiddlersBar.nextKey) btn.setAttribute("accessKey",config.macros.tiddlersBar.previousKey);
				var isDirty =story.isDirty(title);
				var c = createTiddlyButton(d,isDirty ?"!":"x",isDirty?config.macros.tiddlersBar.tooltipSave:config.macros.tiddlersBar.tooltipClose, isDirty ? config.macros.tiddlersBar.onTabSave : config.macros.tiddlersBar.onTabClose,"tabButton");
				c.setAttribute("tiddler", title);
				if (place.childNodes) {
					place.insertBefore(document.createTextNode(" "),place.firstChild); // to allow break line here when many tiddlers are open
				else place.appendChild(d);
	refresh: function(place,params){
		if (config.macros.tiddlersBar.previousState!=config.macros.tiddlersBar.isShown()) {
			if (config.macros.tiddlersBar.previousState) story.forEachTiddler(function(t,e){e.style.display="";});
			config.macros.tiddlersBar.previousState = !config.macros.tiddlersBar.previousState;
	isShown : function(){
		if (config.options.chkDisableTabsBar) return false;
		if (!config.options.chkHideTabsBarWhenSingleTab) return true;
		var cpt=0;
		return (cpt>1);
	selectNextTab : function(){  //used when the current tab is closed (to select another tab)
		var previous="";
			if (!config.macros.tiddlersBar.currentTiddler) {
			if (title==config.macros.tiddlersBar.currentTiddler) {
				if (previous) {
				else config.macros.tiddlersBar.currentTiddler=""; 	// so next tab will be selected
			else previous=title;
	onSelectTab : function(e){
		var t = this.getAttribute("tiddler");
		if (t) story.displayTiddler(null,t);
		return false;
	onTabClose : function(e){
		var t = this.getAttribute("tiddler");
		if (t) {
			if(story.hasChanges(t) && !readOnly) {
				return false;
		return false;
	onTabSave : function(e) {
		var t = this.getAttribute("tiddler");
		if (!e) e=window.event;
		if (t) config.commands.saveTiddler.handler(e,null,t);
		return false;
	onSelectedTabButtonClick : function(event,src,title) {
		var t = this.getAttribute("tiddler");
		if (!event) event=window.event;
		if (t && config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton && config.commands[config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton])
			config.commands[config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton].handler(event, src, t);
		return false;
	onTiddlersBarAction: function(event) {
		var source = event.target ? event.target.id : event.srcElement.id; // FF uses target and IE uses srcElement;
		if (source=="tiddlersBar") story.displayTiddler(null,'New Tiddler',DEFAULT_EDIT_TEMPLATE,false,null,null);
	createActiveTabButton : function(place,title) {
		if (config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton && config.commands[config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton]) {
			var btn = createTiddlyButton(place, title, config.commands[config.options.txtSelectedTiddlerTabButton].tooltip ,config.macros.tiddlersBar.onSelectedTabButtonClick);
			btn.setAttribute("tiddler", title);

story.coreCloseTiddler = story.coreCloseTiddler? story.coreCloseTiddler : story.closeTiddler;
story.coreDisplayTiddler = story.coreDisplayTiddler ? story.coreDisplayTiddler : story.displayTiddler;

story.closeTiddler = function(title,animate,unused) {
	if (title==config.macros.tiddlersBar.currentTiddler)
	story.coreCloseTiddler(title,false,unused); //disable animation to get it closed before calling tiddlersBar.refresh
	var e=document.getElementById("tiddlersBar");
	if (e) config.macros.tiddlersBar.refresh(e,null);

story.displayTiddler = function(srcElement,tiddler,template,animate,unused,customFields,toggle){
	var title = (tiddler instanceof Tiddler)? tiddler.title : tiddler;  
	if (config.macros.tiddlersBar.isShown()) {
			if (t!=title) e.style.display="none";
			else e.style.display="";
	var e=document.getElementById("tiddlersBar");
	if (e) config.macros.tiddlersBar.refresh(e,null);

var coreRefreshPageTemplate = coreRefreshPageTemplate ? coreRefreshPageTemplate : refreshPageTemplate;
refreshPageTemplate = function(title) {
	if (config.macros.tiddlersBar) config.macros.tiddlersBar.refresh(document.getElementById("tiddlersBar"));

ensureVisible=function (e) {return 0} //disable bottom scrolling (not useful now)

config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetTiddlersBar = "/*{{{*/\n";
config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetTiddlersBar += "#tiddlersBar .button {border:0}\n";
config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetTiddlersBar += "#tiddlersBar .tab {white-space:nowrap}\n";
config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetTiddlersBar += "#tiddlersBar {padding : 1em 0.5em 2px 0.5em}\n";
config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetTiddlersBar += ".tabUnselected .tabButton, .tabSelected .tabButton {padding : 0 2px 0 2px; margin: 0 0 0 4px;}\n";
config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetTiddlersBar += ".tiddler, .tabContents {border:1px [[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]] solid;}\n";
config.shadowTiddlers.StyleSheetTiddlersBar +="/*}}}*/";
store.addNotification("StyleSheetTiddlersBar", refreshStyles);

config.refreshers.none = function(){return true;}
config.shadowTiddlers.PageTemplate=config.shadowTiddlers.PageTemplate.replace(/<div id='tiddlerDisplay'><\/div>/m,"<div id='tiddlersBar' refresh='none' ondblclick='config.macros.tiddlersBar.onTiddlersBarAction(event)'></div>\n<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>");

|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|show/hide left sidebar (MainMenu)|
<<tiddler ToggleLeftSidebar>>
<<tiddler ToggleLeftSidebar with: label tooltip>>
Try it: <<tiddler ToggleLeftSidebar##show
	with: {{config.options.chkShowLeftSidebar?'◄':'►'}}>>
config.options.chkShowLeftSidebar (true)
config.options.txtToggleLeftSideBarLabelShow (►)
config.options.txtToggleLeftSideBarLabelHide (◄)
<<tiddler {{
	var co=config.options;
	if (co.chkShowLeftSidebar===undefined) co.chkShowLeftSidebar=true;
	var mm=document.getElementById('mainMenu');
	var da=document.getElementById('displayArea');
	if (mm) {
'';}}>><html><nowiki><a href='javascript:;' title="$2"
	var co=config.options;
	var opt='chkShowLeftSidebar';
	var show=co[opt]=!co[opt];
	var mm=document.getElementById('mainMenu');
	var da=document.getElementById('displayArea');
	if (mm) {
	var labelShow=co.txtToggleLeftSideBarLabelShow||'&#x25BA;';
	var labelHide=co.txtToggleLeftSideBarLabelHide||'&#x25C4;';
	if (this.innerHTML==labelShow||this.innerHTML==labelHide) 
	this.title=(show?'hide':'show')+' left sidebar';
	var sm=document.getElementById('storyMenu');
	if (sm) config.refreshers.content(sm);
	return false;
%/<<tiddler {{
	var src='ToggleLeftSidebar';
}} with: {{
	var co=config.options;
	var labelShow=co.txtToggleLeftSideBarLabelShow||'&#x25BA;';
	var labelHide=co.txtToggleLeftSideBarLabelHide||'&#x25C4;';
}} {{
	var tip=(config.options.chkShowLeftSidebar?'hide':'show')+' left sidebar';
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|show/hide right sidebar (SideBarOptions)|
<<tiddler ToggleRightSidebar>>
<<tiddler ToggleRightSidebar with: label tooltip>>
Try it: <<tiddler ToggleRightSidebar##show
	with: {{config.options.chkShowRightSidebar?'►':'◄'}}>>
config.options.chkShowRightSidebar (true)
config.options.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelShow (◄)
config.options.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelHide (►)
<<tiddler {{
	var co=config.options;
	if (co.chkShowRightSidebar===undefined) co.chkShowRightSidebar=true;
	var sb=document.getElementById('sidebar');
	var da=document.getElementById('displayArea');
	if (sb) {
'';}}>><html><nowiki><a href='javascript:;' title="$2"
	var co=config.options;
	var opt='chkShowRightSidebar';
	var show=co[opt]=!co[opt];
	var sb=document.getElementById('sidebar');
	var da=document.getElementById('displayArea');
	if (sb) {
	var labelShow=co.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelShow||'&#x25C4;';
	var labelHide=co.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelHide||'&#x25BA;';
	if (this.innerHTML==labelShow||this.innerHTML==labelHide) 
	this.title=(show?'hide':'show')+' right sidebar';
	var sm=document.getElementById('storyMenu');
	if (sm) config.refreshers.content(sm);
	return false;
%/<<tiddler {{
	var src='ToggleRightSidebar';
}} with: {{
	var co=config.options;
	var labelShow=co.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelShow||'&#x25C4;';
	var labelHide=co.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelHide||'&#x25BA;';
}} {{
	var tip=(config.options.chkShowRightSidebar?'hide':'show')+' right sidebar';
|Version|0.9.0 beta|
|Author|Mario Pietsch|
|Description|show/hide ~TiddlersBar|

Derived from: ToggleRightSidebar see [[here|http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#ToggleRightSidebar]]

<<tiddler ToggleTiddlersBar>>
<<tiddler ToggleTiddlersBar with: label tooltip>>
Try this: <<tiddler ToggleTiddlersBar##show
	with: {{config.options.chkDisableTabsBar?'show TiddlersBar':'hide TiddlersBar'}} "ToggleTiddlersBar">>
config.options.chkDisableTabsBar (false)
config.options.txtToggleTiddlersBarLabelShow ('▼') 
config.options.txtToggleTiddlersBarLabelHide ('▲') 
<<tiddler {{
	var co=config.options;
	if (co.chkDisableTabsBar===undefined) co.chkDisableTabsBar=false;
'';}}>><html><nowiki><a href='javascript:;' title="$2"
	var co=config.options;
	var opt='chkDisableTabsBar';
	var show=co[opt]=!co[opt];

	var labelShow=co.txtToggleTiddlersBarLabelShow||'▼';
	var labelHide=co.txtToggleTiddlersBarLabelHide||'▲';
	if (this.innerHTML==labelShow||this.innerHTML==labelHide) 
	this.title=(show?'show':'hide')+' tiddlers bar';	
	return false;
%/<<tiddler {{
	var src='ToggleTiddlersBar';
}} with: {{
	var co=config.options;
	var labelShow=co.txtToggleTiddlersBarLabelShow||'▼';
	var labelHide=co.txtToggleTiddlersBarLabelHide||'▲';
}} {{
	var tip=(config.options.chkDisableTabsBar?'show':'hide')+' tiddlers bar';
!!!!!Toolbar definitions for templates:
ViewTemplate, EditTemplate & CollapsedTemplate Example:
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::ViewToolbar]]'></div>
!!!!!Removed following toolbar commands: syncing permalink
!!!!!Special Symbols
Symbol 	Purpose
+ 	marks the default action (invoked when double-clicking a tiddler)
- 	marks the cancel action (invoked when the ESC key is pressed)
> 	creates the More button; any items following this definition will only show up after clicking on the More button in the toolbar 
Uses CoreTweaks (#609/#610) for extended "!" and 'toolbar include' syntax
|~ViewToolbar|~ToolbarCommands##spacer +decryptThis ~ToolbarCommands##systemConfigJS closeTiddler closeOthers editTiddler ~ToolbarCommands##newHere ~ToolbarCommands##reminder * ~ToolbarCommands##search ~ToolbarCommands##refreshTiddler ~ToolbarCommands##Sidebar ~ToolbarCommands##Options ~ToolbarCommands##Commands  > ! ~ToolbarCommands##Toggle fields references jump ~ToolbarCommands##deleteAll deleteTiddler ! < |
|~ViewToolbarReadOnly|~ToolbarCommands##spacer +decryptThis ~ToolbarCommands##refreshTiddler collapseTiddler closeTiddler closeOthers * >  ~ToolbarCommands##search fullscreen collapseOthers references jump < |
|~EditToolbar|~ToolbarCommands##spacer +saveTiddler saveCloseTiddler closeOthers -cancelTiddler cancelCloseTiddler deleteTiddler fields toggleQuickEdit autosizeEditor|
|~EditToolbarReadOnly|~ToolbarCommands##spacer ~ToolbarCommands##cancelTiddler ! references jump|
|~CollapsedToolbar|~ToolbarCommands##spacer +expandTiddler collapseOthers closeTiddler closeOthers editTiddler references jump|
!!!!!wiki-syntax toolbar commands
/% force whitespace separation and baseline alignment of toolbar with tiddler title %/@@font-size:12pt;&nbsp;&nbsp;@@
 <script label="refresh" title="redisplay the contents of this tiddler">
<span macro='tagger source:TagDB'></span>
<span style="padding:1.5em;"></span>
<span macro="showWhenTagged palette">
<span macro="setPalette"></span></span>
<span style="padding:.5em;"></span>
<span macro="showWhenTagged systemConfig">
<span macro="checkbox systemConfigDisable"></span><span class=subtitle>Disable</span>
</span><span style="padding:1.5em;"></span>
<<deleteAllTagged "delete all" delete>>
	place.firstChild.firstChild.data ="reminder"; //Rename Macro
	place.firstChild.title="New Reminder"; //Modify Macro Hover
	place.lastChild.style.fontSize="0%"; //Remove Form Label Text
<<newTiddler label:"new here" tag:{{story.findContainingTiddler(place).getAttribute('tiddler')}}>><<tiddler {{place.lastChild.title='new tiddler with current title as a tag';''}}>>
<span macro='newHere label:"new here"'></span>
<span macro='newJournalHere label:"new Journal Here"'></span>
+++^*[search|find tiddlers that match search text]...
	+++{{fine{[options|set search options]}}}#sidebarSearchOptions:
	Search in:
	<<option chkSearchTitles>> titles <<option chkSearchText>> text <<option chkSearchTags>> tags
	<<option chkSearchFields>> fields <<option chkSearchShadows>> shadows
	<<option chkSearchHighlight>> highlight matches
	<<option chkSearchList>> show results in a list
	<<option chkSearchListTiddler>> show results in a tiddler
	<<option chkSearchTitlesFirst>> show title matches first
	<<option chkSearchByDate>> sort by modification date
	<<option chkRegExpSearch>> use text patterns (regexp)
	<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> case sensitive matches
	<<option chkIncrementalSearch>> key-by-key search:
	{{threechar input {<<option txtIncrementalSearchMin>>}}} or more characters	
	{{threechar input {<<option txtIncrementalSearchDelay>>}}} msec delay
	<<option chkSearchOpenTiddlers>> search open tiddlers only
	<<option chkSearchExcludeTags>> exclude tiddlers tagged with:
	<<option txtSearchExcludeTags>>
<<tiddler ToolOptions>>
&nbsp;<<tiddler ToggleLeftSidebar>> <<tiddler ToggleRightSidebar>>
<<tiddler ShowPopup with: SideBarTabs "index" "Index" "" "">>
<<tiddler ShowPopup with: OptionsPanel "options" "TiddlyWiki Options">>
<<tiddler ShowPopup with: TiddlerCommands "commands" "Tiddler Commands">>&nbsp;
<<tiddler ShowPopup with: CustomCommands "create" "Create New Content">>
if (tiddler && tiddler.isTagged('systemConfig'))
   return "[x(systemConfigDisable)][[disable|systemConfigDisable]]";
!!!!!end of extra commands
Name: Signature Collection
Brand: Carlos Torano
Size: Robusto (5x50)
Strength: Medium / Full
Wrapper: Brazilian Sun Grown Maduro
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: 89
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 07/09

Name: Tusker
Brand: Thompson
Size: ?
Strength: Mild
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 7
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: VSG
Brand: Ashton
Size: Belicoso
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: Ambrosia - Vann Reef
Brand: Drew Estates
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: Not Rated
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: Alan
Purchased: No

Name: Organic
Brand: Verdadero
Size: Torpedo (6x52)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 04/09

Name: Vintage 1990
Brand: Rocky Patel
Size: Churchill
Strength: ?
Wrapper: ?
Country: ?
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: 93
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes

Name: XL Double Maduro
Brand: Oliveros
Size: 6x55
Strength: Full
Wrapper: Brazilian Maduro
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 8
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 05/09

Name: HC 
Brand: Xikar
Size: Robusto (5x50)
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Criollo
Country: Nicaragua
~PersonalRank: 8.0
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Strange finish, burned well

Name: Select Don Julio Eiroa
Brand: Camacho
Size: Robusto
Strength: Medium
Wrapper: Cameroon
Country: Honduras
~PersonalRank: 8.5
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Gift from Bry

<script label="$1">
	var who=prompt("Please set your $1",config.options.txt$1);
	if (!who||!who.trim().length) return false;
	var tid=story.findContainingTiddler(place);
	if (tid) story.refreshTiddler(tid.getAttribute("tiddler"),null,true); // sync containing tiddler
	var nodes = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
	for(var t=0; t<nodes.length; t++) // sync any input fields that show $1
		if(nodes[t].getAttribute("option")=="txt$1") nodes[t].value=who;
	return false;
	place.lastChild.title="click to change your $1";
var tids=store.getMatchingTiddlers("Cigar && ! excludeLists && ! Trash","modified").reverse();
var rr=tids.length
//wikify('<br>' + rr + ' raw array items' + '<br>', place); /%check Raw Array%/

var fmt='[[%0|%0]]'; /%Needed for clickable results%/
var filter=[];
	for (var i=0; i<rr; i++) {
		var val1=tids[i].title;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") < 9) continue;
		if (store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"PersonalRank") == "Not Rated") continue;
		if (!["Yes","yes","Y","y"].contains(store.getTiddlerSlice(val1,"Purchased"))) continue; /%expanded conditions%/
var ra=filter.length;
//wikify(ra + ' filtered array items' + '<br>', place); /%check filtered array%/

var out=[];
	if (!filter.length) {return "No Cigars found";}
	else {
var ry=Math.floor(Math.random()*filter.length);
wikify(filter[ry] + ' {{small{(random cigar rated 9 or above) ' +ry+'/'+ra+'}}}', place);} /%Final Results%/
</script><script>setTimeout("config.refreshers.content(document.getElementById('fD'))",60000);</script> {{floatright{[[۩|About]]}}}
{{floatleft{+++^50em^*{{small{[Cigar Ratings System]}}}&nbsp;{{small{<<tiddler [[Cigar Ratings System]]>>}}}&nbsp;===}}}{{floatright{+++^15em^*{{small{[✔|Wiki Commands]}}}<<tiddler TiddlerCommands>>=== +++^15em^*{{small{[₪|Index]}}}<<tiddler SideBarTabs>>=== +++^15em^*{{small{[✆|Reminders]}}}<<tiddler Reminders>>===}}}
Name: Geneva
Brand: de Grisogono
Size: Torpedo (6x52)
Strength: ?
Wrapper: Connecticut Shade
Country: Dominican Republic
~PersonalRank: 9
~ProfessionalRank: N/A
~RecommendedBy: N/A
Purchased: Yes
Cigar International Cigar of the Month Club 04/09
One of the few torpedoes that smoke well with very little manipulation.

|Author:|Mike Praeuner|
|OriginalAuthor:|Ido Magal (mailto:ido@idomagal.com)|
|Description|**Experimental** Delete Tiddler(s) tagged with Tiddler title + source tiddler |

*06.08.09 MTP v1.8
** change Refresh from story.refreshTiddler(story.findContainingTiddler(place).getAttribute("tiddler"),null,true); to refreshDisplay();
*05.21.09 MTP v1.7
**Clean up formatting, add TrashPluginCompatibility, disable autosave during operation, remove refresh until code fixed
*03.26.09 MTP v1.6
**Added tiddler refresh at end to remove deleted items from display
*01.29.09 MTP v1.5
**Does not match Source website, maintaining as a variant with delete source function
Original Concept (DeleteDoneTasks) by Simon Baird (mailto:simon.baird@gmail.com)
To use this insert {{{<<deleteAllTagged>>}}} into the desired tiddler.

Example usage:
Example + Delete Source Tiddler
{{{<<deleteAllTagged "delete these actions" delete>>}}}
<<deleteAllTagged "delete these actions" delete>>
config.macros.deleteAllTagged = {
	handler: function ( place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler ) {
		var buttonTitle = params[0] ? params[0] : "Delete Tagged w/ '"+tiddler.title+"'"; // simon's tweak
		var alsoDeleteThisTiddler = params[1] ? params[1] : "";
		createTiddlyButton( place, buttonTitle, "Delete every tiddler tagged with '"+tiddler.title+"'", this.deleteAllTagged( tiddler.title, alsoDeleteThisTiddler == "delete" ));
	}, //end handler

	deleteAllTagged: function(tag,deleteMe) {
		return function() {
			var collected = [];
			store.forEachTiddler( function ( title,tiddler ) {
				if ( tiddler.tags.contains( tag )){
 					collected.push( title );
				} //end if
 			}); //end forEach

		if ( collected.length == 0 ){
			alert( "No tiddlers found tagged with '"+tag+"'." );
			} else {
			if ( confirm( "These tiddlers are tagged with '"+tag+"'\n'"
			+ collected.join( "', '" ) + "'\n\n\n"
			+ "Are you sure you want to delete these?" )){
				for ( var i=0;i<collected.length;i++ ){
					if (config.commands.deleteTiddler.sendToTrash){
						} else {
						displayMessage( "Deleted '"+collected[i]+"'" );
					} //end if else
				story.closeTiddler( collected[i], true );
				} //end for loop
			} //??
		} //end if collected

		if (deleteMe) {
			if ( confirm( "Also delete this tiddler ('"+tag+"')?" ) ) {
				if (config.commands.deleteTiddler.sendToTrash){
					config.commands.deleteTiddler.sendToTrash( tag );
					} else {
					store.deleteTiddler( tag );
					displayMessage( "Deleted '"+tag+"'" );
				} //end if else
				story.closeTiddler( collected[i], true );
				story.closeTiddler( tag, true );
			} //end if confirm
		} //end if deleteMe
		} //end anonymous return function
	} //end deleteAllTagged function
}; //end deleteAllTagged macro

|Created by|Mike Praeuner|

<<tiddler About>>

version.extensions.highlightMacro = { major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 0
// highlight macro
config.macros.highlight = {};
config.macros.highlight.handler = function (place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
	jQuery('table.sortable tbody tr').mouseover(function(){
jQuery('table.sortable tbody tr').mouseout(function(){
jQuery('table.twtable tbody tr').mouseover(function(){
jQuery('table.twtable tbody tr').mouseout(function(){

// Tab onClick Hijack fixes TableHighlightPlugin & TableSortingPlugin transcluded through the tabs macro
config.macros.tabs.onClickTab = function(e)
return false;

// Plugin Styles
".highlight, .marked {background:"+store.getTiddlerSlice('ColorPalette','SecondaryPale')+" !important;}\n"+
".oddRow {background-color:"+store.getTiddlerSlice('ColorPalette','TertiaryLight')+";}\n"+
".evenRow {background-color: "+store.getTiddlerSlice('ColorPalette','TertiaryMid')+";}\n"+
"table.sortable td.sortedCol {background:"+store.getTiddlerSlice('ColorPalette','SecondaryLight')+";}\n"+
".viewer th, .viewer thead td, .twtable th, .twtable thead td {background:"+store.getTiddlerSlice('ColorPalette','SecondaryMid')+";}\n"


|Author:|Mike Praeuner|
|Description|Hard code cookies & modify shadow tiddlers|
// Hard Code Core
config.options.txtUserName="Mike P.";
config.options.txtTheme = "NewLayoutTheme";
readOnly = false; // Always editable
config.options.chkHttpReadOnly = false; // means web visitors can experiment with your site by clicking edit
config.options.chkInsertTabs = true;    // tab inserts a tab when editing a tiddler
config.views.wikified.defaultText = ""; // don't need message when creating a new tiddler
config.views.editor.defaultText = "";   // don't need message when a tiddler doesn't exist
config.options.chkGenerateAnRssFeed   = true;         // default false
// Hard Code Plugin
config.options.chkShowQuickEdit=true;  //QuickEditPlugin - show edit bar

config.options.chkHideTabsBarWhenSingleTab =true;

// Modify Shadow Tiddler Site Information
	SiteTitle: "<script>return config.options.txtUserName</script>'s Cigar Database",
	SiteSubtitle: "~TiddlyWiki v<<version>>",
	SiteUrl: "",
	DefaultTiddlers: "GettingStarted",
	WindowTitle: "<script>return config.options.txtUserName</script>'s Cigar Database v<<version>> - Last Modified: <script>return(document.lastModified);</script>"